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  • Report:  #353245

Complaint Review: Building a new website? is a ripoff!!! Mi Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Madison Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 19, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 26, 2011 said they would build my website. I paid them good money (thousands) for all the bells and whistles on a website. They sold me a sofware package and said do it yourself. And that was after 5 months of their promises of a complete website. Oh, boy, hang on to your money if you want them to create the website for you. If you do it yourself, you had better have a really fast conection because they don't. It takes forever to try to load up a text change. I can't even imagin trying a picture. is a software package and they are a ripoff with high monthly hosting charges as well. Shane Merem is the owner and you won't get far with him either he lies and takes your money. He is out for the money...yours!!! I did try to get him to make it right, and he refused to refund any money. Oh, Boy, is a ripoff !!!

New business guy
Madison, Pennsylvania

21 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Whereabouts of "New Business Guy" a.k.a. "Jeri Mead" of Highlite Advertising, PA

#22Consumer Comment

Mon, September 26, 2011

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Jeri Mead (a.k.a. "New Business Guy" herein) please forward her current address so that our firm may serve her a summons to appear in court for the defamation, disparagement and slander of InCredia Corporation, PPM Express and it's Officers. Please forward all correspondence to Any information will be held strictly confidential.

Her last known addresses are:

3191 Quicktown Road
Madison, PA 18444
(570) 848-1574 (Disconnected)

P.O. Box 552
Moscow, PA 18444

Pittston, PA
(877) 326-4077 (Disconnected)


Ginger Rushing


Web Site Forge Customer-My Experience

#22Consumer Comment

Sun, June 07, 2009

After finding Web Site Forge involved here, I felt I must comment.

I have been a Web Site Forge customer for almost 2 years and I couldn't be happier. They are in the process of building my 2ND Web Site at present. I am not from Michigan and did not know Shane Merem personally before becoming a customer. Being a novice to the e-commerce business, I did a lot of research to find a company that would be a good fit for me. I have gone from having absolutely no experience with running a web site to operating a profitable Internet business. Without the great staff at Web Site Forge and the great features they offer I would have never been able to accomplish what I have so far and a price I could afford. I really don't know how anyone could provide what they do for less!

This is a great Company to do business with and I am proud and pleased to be a Web Site Forge customer. Just visit our forum and see how Web Site customers interact with each other, Shane and other members of Shane's staff. There is nothing to hide here. We discuss our issues right out in the open for everyone to see.

I just wanted to share my experience with anyone else who comes across this report. Web Site Forge is a great Company with very reasonable prices and great support and their system is very user friendly, even for a beginner.

Respectfully sibmitted
Ginger Rushing, Owner
Your Light &
YLS Consultants
Covington, Louisiana



My experience with WebsiteForge!!!!!!!!!

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, March 27, 2009

I accidentally stumbled across this today and have gotten exhausted reading it.
I have a website that I purchased through Websiteforge ( and am extremely happy.
One thing that suprises me is that there is a constant blurt of not being able to contact anyone. We go to the top of the home page and press "Live Help".
Guess works. Someone always pops up and talks to us.
Our site is live, works great, shot to the first page on some of our keywords and is profitable. Our next site is already in the works with Websiteforge and we are excited to be working with them again.

Sincerely, David (



I was a third-party and discovered that I did not have all the facts. Website Forge and the customer are working out a solution.

#22Consumer Comment

Mon, March 23, 2009

I was a third-party and discovered that I did not have all the facts. Website Forge and the customer are working out a solution.

Shane Merem


I HAVE NEVER MET THIS LADY! -- This is unbelievable slander

#22REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 23, 2009

Listen here are the facts of this supposed flash developer with this supposed client:

- This April lady IS and NEVER WAS our customer.

- I have NEVER MET or talked to this April until she begged me and her "client" to forgive her actions.

- I DID NOT and COULD NOT have known she is "disabled" and poorly paid. Because I DO NOT KNOW HER. I have never looked at or done business with April Pruitt at EVER.

- I just got off the phone with her supposed "Client" and they told me that they think she is "nuts" (their quote, not mine).

- She tried to do business with her supposed "Client" and while I was on the phone with MY ACTUAL client, she was on our Live Chat support trying to gain access to their account information.

- She claims she is reporting "HER EXPERIENCE" with our company. She HAS NO EXPERIENCE with our company. She was unable to illegally access MY CLIENT's records and she says we have "bad support"? WOULD YOU WANT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION given out to anybody that calls us? OF COURSE NOT!

I am so frustrated with entire web site and the ability for total nutcases to post anything they wish.

Here is the entire story.

This company's new IT guy knows this April lady somehow. While he was on the phone with ME we worked out some confusion on the project. He was NEW to the project and I had informed him that the "Last guy" didn't get us certain pieces of information we asked for for months. Once I clarified he was fine. He was "considering" using this April lady for some flash work or whatever.

Apparently before we clarified, April had some bad information and contacted my Live Chat and attempted to access MY CLIENT's account. I have the chat transcript as proof.

I'm trying to be kind to the Client because though she did this on his behalf -- he is appalled by her conduct. He said she must of been desperate for some work and was attempting to twist our arm for a refund....

So as soon as I got off the phone with the Client I hear about what she attempted to do.

I called the Client back to see what was going on and he was shocked.
Not long after she posted this ridiculous report.

So after the Client called her and told her they will get their lawyers involved -- she emails me saying "Post whatever you want"..

I WOULD NEVER DO THAT. So I suggested what she could post that was based on what I knew (REMEMBER I DON'T KNOW April). I had to go from what the Client and I discussed. I made that suggestion. And YES I was frustrated that this absolute stranger pulled this stunt.

I DID NOT yell at her. I just called to see if she was going to rectify her UNTRUTHFUL post (remember she offered in her email and sent me her phone number). She keeps claiming "That was my experience". REMEMBER -- April IS NOT and WAS NEVER a client of mine -- so her claims are plainly false.

Shane Merem



Response to Simular Difficulties

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

Well I said above that I would post the response I received from Website Forge. Aside from the email conversation below, Mr. Merem was kind enough to call me at my residence with my husband and children present and demand that I post the response he had written for me or he was going to post his own and drag my own business into it (I don't know what else he said cause I hung up, I don't do well when someone yells at me). So I will drag my business into it for myself, I am disabled and unable to work from home, I live a life of physical pain. My husband and I have a little antique booth in Lewisville Texas under the name of Just Junk. I make an average of $30 a month from it after paying rent. I make an average of $150 a month doing a variety of website stuff for different people who hear about me from other people. I'm not much of a threat. If anyone wants any documentation, I am happy to provide it. I don't care if you do business with Website Forge or not but I will not be accused of fraud or being a liar. I posted my experience you make your own decision.

These start with the most recent response, start at the bottom to start at the beginning:

From: Shane Merem
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:15 PM
To: April
Subject: re:

Tell the truth. Something like..

Subject "I retract the report labeled SIMILAR DIFFICULTIES - My report was not truthful".

The truth is my customer was at best confused and I took advantage of the situation. I posted this message in an attempt to coerce Website Forge into providing a refund so this prospective client would be able to hire me instead. This obviously did not work and it was not the right thing to do.

The customer spoke with Website Forge today and WAS NOT mislead by Website Forge. This client is just as unhappy as Website Forge that I posted this report regarding both companies.

Website Forge has written communications proving that what I said is inaccurate.

I am sorry for writing this misleading report and dragging two good companies through the mud.

Shane Merem - Magnus Software, Inc.
(800) 700-0918 Ext 205

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------

From: "April"
To: "'Shane Merem'"
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:12:20 -0500
Subject: RE:

I would if I could but RipOff report won't let me. If you know how please tell me and I will do so, the best I can do add a comment below my own. If you would like you can log into my account and do whatever you deem necessary.

Username: (((Redacted)))

Password: ripoff

April Pruitt

Flash Developer

Antiques Dealer


From: Shane Merem
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 1:59 PM
To: April
Subject: re:

April. I need to know what you intend to do to remove the post.

Shane Merem - Magnus Software, Inc.
(800) 700-0918 Ext 205

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------

From: "April"

To: removed

Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:20:07 -0500


Dear Mr. Merem,

I would like you to know that I am person who posted a comment under a report of your company under RipOff report. I want you to know that I am a small business owner myself in antiques, at the moment I do website work on the side. Joe contacted me through a recommendation from another person I had done some work for. He said he needed help getting Website Forge the information they needed to get an up and running site. When I met with him we called several different numbers he had for Website Forge and could not get a hold of anyone. He was frustrated and I was frustrated for him as I wanted to help him. When he explained to me what he wanted to see on the web I told him I felt under qualified and recommended someone else I had done work for before. He said he might like to get a refund and try something else because it was all too confusing for him.

All of the above was my personal experience, how I had hoped my comment would play out is that someone from your company would see it, apologize that there had been some miscommunication, and straighten a few things out. Then I would be able to post my shining experience with Website Forge as a third party and once again gain some trust. If someone has a problem with my business I find out the facts, apologize, and see if I can do better by them. Maybe it's because I am in the antiques business but I still go by the old adage that the customer is always right. I was really disappointed that instead of kindly dealing with the comment other company I recommended Joe to, received a call on it with mention of legal action. That wasn't their experience or post, it was mine and I had really hoped it would be an opportunity for your company to shine through.

Joe is an average non-tech business owner that needed help, someone to guide him through things but instead of getting that he got confused. I do not want anyone to suffer repercussions from my own comment. I will be happy to sign any legal document stating that I agree not to post any further derogatory comments about your company if you agree not to pursue any legal action against any parties involved. I'm sorry it came to this but I did not file any report against you I simply added my own experience with your company. I would like to add another comment that says you saw the comment and acted on it, if you will reply to me telling me anything at all I can put in there from my personal experience it would be great. I will be happy to show you my comment before I post it.

Please contact me should you have any further concerns.

April Pruitt

Flash Developer

Antiques Dealer

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Simular Difficulties

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, March 13, 2009

I don't know any of the people involved in this dispute though it is obvious that many of these rebuttals are from friends of Shane as he was a firefighter for the Howell Area Fired Dept. per his profile information on LinkedIn. I am an independent contractor who was contacted by a customer of WebsiteForge because he was told he would need to send them his website and he didn't know what to do. My client paid $3000 and has nothing to show for it. When I call anyone at Website Forge I only get voice mail in any department and never a call back. At one point the "chat" function was used and stated that if my client wanted an actual website he would have to pay extra, when asked how much we were told to call and back to that same cycle again. My client opened this account and paid his money in September. He desires cancellation and a refund but of course we can not get a hold of anyone to ask for one. I still can't figure out what the $3000 was for, I don't even have any server information to upload to or use and I can't call and ask because no one answers. If WebsiteForge is as decent as some of these rebuttals say they are I challenge you to contact me by replying here at Ripoff Report and setting up a phone call to get my client his money back. Those here will tell how reputable you are by your reply and I will be happy to leave good or bad feedback here upon the outcome.

Doug Marks


WebsiteForge Has One Of The Best Reputations Since 1991

#22UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 04, 2009

My name is Doug Marks and I handle all of the sales here at WebsiteForge and have been employed for over 5 years.

Out of the 4000 existing clients and more than 6000 clients since 1991, only one person has ever complained on the ripoffreport. The person in question could only be the one person who tried to Blackmail our company.

We have only had one person complain with the Better Business Bureau since 1991 which was resolved. It was a church who we had built a website for and then 6 months later wanted their money back because they found a church member who offered to build it and host it for free. We resolved the issue and actually gave their money back which we did not have to do according to the Better Business Bureau. But Shane is a big hearted man and did so out of the kindness of his heart.

As far as the complaint... we build a custom designed sites and we require you to enter your products into the "ecommerce software" unless you pay us to do so. This is standard in the industry.

Your Connection speed to the internet depends on your ISP, on our end we have OC-12 Backbone connections and the sites are in slot 1. Which means, you're site is found extremely fast.

Making edits are quick and easy... takes usually seconds to republish the site unless you are on dial-up, then it takes a little longer... No idea what that person said about upload text and an image would be worse... You make your text changes via the online Content Management Tool in real time and you don't upload text.. so that comment doesnt even make sense.

When they refer to software, they must be talking about our WebsiteForge System which we have invested over 2 Million Dollars in and make over $200,000 in upgrades and updates to it every year. It's website development tools we use to build the site in and then train you to be able to update your own site. Very easy to use. For those who don't want to use it, you can pay us $50 per hour to make changes for you. Just like any other site you have made, but most web guys want to charge ove $100 per hour.

When he/she mentions a high hosting charge, they are talking about our Managed Services Fee which includes hosting, SEO, Training, Support, Tech Support, Emails, $200,000 in upgrades, Security, SSL Cert.. etc... it's not just a hosting fee.

Shane Merem is the owner of the company and we do offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and do not typically offer a refund beyond the 30 days unless we tell you we can do something and don't. Typically your site is done in 3-6 weeks and you can see how the ecommerce software works even before purchase. All ecommerce sites use software. Shane does tens of thousands of dollars in charity sites and doesnt need to keep someones money.

I have had over 20 sites myself in the past, I know the integrity WebsiteForge has and that is why I work for WebsiteForge.


Douglas A. Marks
Website Marketing Consultant

E-mail -
Business - (888) 558.2446 Ext. 208

Business Hours: (Monday - Friday) 10 AM - 6 PM Eastern Standard Time

Visit For More Information & Pricing!

Doug Marks


WebsiteForge Has One Of The Best Reputations Since 1991

#22UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 04, 2009

My name is Doug Marks and I handle all of the sales here at WebsiteForge and have been employed for over 5 years.

Out of the 4000 existing clients and more than 6000 clients since 1991, only one person has ever complained on the ripoffreport. The person in question could only be the one person who tried to Blackmail our company.

We have only had one person complain with the Better Business Bureau since 1991 which was resolved. It was a church who we had built a website for and then 6 months later wanted their money back because they found a church member who offered to build it and host it for free. We resolved the issue and actually gave their money back which we did not have to do according to the Better Business Bureau. But Shane is a big hearted man and did so out of the kindness of his heart.

As far as the complaint... we build a custom designed sites and we require you to enter your products into the "ecommerce software" unless you pay us to do so. This is standard in the industry.

Your Connection speed to the internet depends on your ISP, on our end we have OC-12 Backbone connections and the sites are in slot 1. Which means, you're site is found extremely fast.

Making edits are quick and easy... takes usually seconds to republish the site unless you are on dial-up, then it takes a little longer... No idea what that person said about upload text and an image would be worse... You make your text changes via the online Content Management Tool in real time and you don't upload text.. so that comment doesnt even make sense.

When they refer to software, they must be talking about our WebsiteForge System which we have invested over 2 Million Dollars in and make over $200,000 in upgrades and updates to it every year. It's website development tools we use to build the site in and then train you to be able to update your own site. Very easy to use. For those who don't want to use it, you can pay us $50 per hour to make changes for you. Just like any other site you have made, but most web guys want to charge ove $100 per hour.

When he/she mentions a high hosting charge, they are talking about our Managed Services Fee which includes hosting, SEO, Training, Support, Tech Support, Emails, $200,000 in upgrades, Security, SSL Cert.. etc... it's not just a hosting fee.

Shane Merem is the owner of the company and we do offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and do not typically offer a refund beyond the 30 days unless we tell you we can do something and don't. Typically your site is done in 3-6 weeks and you can see how the ecommerce software works even before purchase. All ecommerce sites use software. Shane does tens of thousands of dollars in charity sites and doesnt need to keep someones money.

I have had over 20 sites myself in the past, I know the integrity WebsiteForge has and that is why I work for WebsiteForge.


Douglas A. Marks
Website Marketing Consultant

E-mail -
Business - (888) 558.2446 Ext. 208

Business Hours: (Monday - Friday) 10 AM - 6 PM Eastern Standard Time

Visit For More Information & Pricing!

Doug Marks


WebsiteForge Has One Of The Best Reputations Since 1991

#22UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 04, 2009

My name is Doug Marks and I handle all of the sales here at WebsiteForge and have been employed for over 5 years.

Out of the 4000 existing clients and more than 6000 clients since 1991, only one person has ever complained on the ripoffreport. The person in question could only be the one person who tried to Blackmail our company.

We have only had one person complain with the Better Business Bureau since 1991 which was resolved. It was a church who we had built a website for and then 6 months later wanted their money back because they found a church member who offered to build it and host it for free. We resolved the issue and actually gave their money back which we did not have to do according to the Better Business Bureau. But Shane is a big hearted man and did so out of the kindness of his heart.

As far as the complaint... we build a custom designed sites and we require you to enter your products into the "ecommerce software" unless you pay us to do so. This is standard in the industry.

Your Connection speed to the internet depends on your ISP, on our end we have OC-12 Backbone connections and the sites are in slot 1. Which means, you're site is found extremely fast.

Making edits are quick and easy... takes usually seconds to republish the site unless you are on dial-up, then it takes a little longer... No idea what that person said about upload text and an image would be worse... You make your text changes via the online Content Management Tool in real time and you don't upload text.. so that comment doesnt even make sense.

When they refer to software, they must be talking about our WebsiteForge System which we have invested over 2 Million Dollars in and make over $200,000 in upgrades and updates to it every year. It's website development tools we use to build the site in and then train you to be able to update your own site. Very easy to use. For those who don't want to use it, you can pay us $50 per hour to make changes for you. Just like any other site you have made, but most web guys want to charge ove $100 per hour.

When he/she mentions a high hosting charge, they are talking about our Managed Services Fee which includes hosting, SEO, Training, Support, Tech Support, Emails, $200,000 in upgrades, Security, SSL Cert.. etc... it's not just a hosting fee.

Shane Merem is the owner of the company and we do offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and do not typically offer a refund beyond the 30 days unless we tell you we can do something and don't. Typically your site is done in 3-6 weeks and you can see how the ecommerce software works even before purchase. All ecommerce sites use software. Shane does tens of thousands of dollars in charity sites and doesnt need to keep someones money.

I have had over 20 sites myself in the past, I know the integrity WebsiteForge has and that is why I work for WebsiteForge.


Douglas A. Marks
Website Marketing Consultant

E-mail -
Business - (888) 558.2446 Ext. 208

Business Hours: (Monday - Friday) 10 AM - 6 PM Eastern Standard Time

Visit For More Information & Pricing!

Doug Marks


WebsiteForge Has One Of The Best Reputations Since 1991

#22UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 04, 2009

My name is Doug Marks and I handle all of the sales here at WebsiteForge and have been employed for over 5 years.

Out of the 4000 existing clients and more than 6000 clients since 1991, only one person has ever complained on the ripoffreport. The person in question could only be the one person who tried to Blackmail our company.

We have only had one person complain with the Better Business Bureau since 1991 which was resolved. It was a church who we had built a website for and then 6 months later wanted their money back because they found a church member who offered to build it and host it for free. We resolved the issue and actually gave their money back which we did not have to do according to the Better Business Bureau. But Shane is a big hearted man and did so out of the kindness of his heart.

As far as the complaint... we build a custom designed sites and we require you to enter your products into the "ecommerce software" unless you pay us to do so. This is standard in the industry.

Your Connection speed to the internet depends on your ISP, on our end we have OC-12 Backbone connections and the sites are in slot 1. Which means, you're site is found extremely fast.

Making edits are quick and easy... takes usually seconds to republish the site unless you are on dial-up, then it takes a little longer... No idea what that person said about upload text and an image would be worse... You make your text changes via the online Content Management Tool in real time and you don't upload text.. so that comment doesnt even make sense.

When they refer to software, they must be talking about our WebsiteForge System which we have invested over 2 Million Dollars in and make over $200,000 in upgrades and updates to it every year. It's website development tools we use to build the site in and then train you to be able to update your own site. Very easy to use. For those who don't want to use it, you can pay us $50 per hour to make changes for you. Just like any other site you have made, but most web guys want to charge ove $100 per hour.

When he/she mentions a high hosting charge, they are talking about our Managed Services Fee which includes hosting, SEO, Training, Support, Tech Support, Emails, $200,000 in upgrades, Security, SSL Cert.. etc... it's not just a hosting fee.

Shane Merem is the owner of the company and we do offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and do not typically offer a refund beyond the 30 days unless we tell you we can do something and don't. Typically your site is done in 3-6 weeks and you can see how the ecommerce software works even before purchase. All ecommerce sites use software. Shane does tens of thousands of dollars in charity sites and doesnt need to keep someones money.

I have had over 20 sites myself in the past, I know the integrity WebsiteForge has and that is why I work for WebsiteForge.


Douglas A. Marks
Website Marketing Consultant

E-mail -
Business - (888) 558.2446 Ext. 208

Business Hours: (Monday - Friday) 10 AM - 6 PM Eastern Standard Time

Visit For More Information & Pricing!



This report is Unwarranted and Untrue

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, February 04, 2009

I have done personal and professional business with Shane Merem and his company Website Forge for many years. Shane and his business always deliver what is asked, their customer support is excellent and I would recommend them to anyone searching for a company that really cares about the customer and the safety of their website. I would be willing to speak to anyone about our experience with this awesome company.

Andrew Pless
Fire Chief
Howell Area Fire Department
Howell MI



Website Forge is a professional Co.

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, February 04, 2009

I was very surprised to see this report. I have dealt with this company for 4 years now and have 4 web site with them. It is exactly what I wanted in a web-based company. Uploading text,video, and pictures are a snap. You should not have a web site if you are still using dial up. Their support team is on call and extreamly helpful. I am very satisfied with this company.

Furnace Bob


Website Forge.

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, February 04, 2009

I just ran across this report regarding Website Forge and I am more than a little surprised to find it here. I have had at least four webmasters in the ten years I have owned a website and I would like to say that Website Forge is perhaps the best, most user friendly site/webmaster I have had.

The complainant says that he has been building his site in excess of five months and has nothing to show for it, well it also took me in excess of five months to complete my site, and let me tell you who's fault it is. It was mine, I was the one that dragged my feet, I was the one that ignored emails from the six different employees that were assigned to my project, so yes it can take an immeasurable amount of time, but in my opinion it is the customers fault, not that of Website forge or it's employees. During the interim while I was reconstructing my site, Shane was hosting my old site for free, how's that for customer service?

I recieved nothing less than stellar customer service from Shane Merem and his staff, Shane actually took it upon himself to repair my site for no charge when it was I that made an idiotic error that damaged a template, again, how's that for customer service?

Now after having my site up for almost eight months and running smoothly on the Website Forge servers I have found them to be extremely reliable as well as easy to make changes when needed. There is a vast technical service network behind the scenes so that if and when you do need technical service it is literally minutes away, not hours or days. I actually had a technical issue last week, and I recieved not one, but two emails from different members of his technical service staff.

I find the original posters comments to be vitrolic and unprofessional, he is an unhappy customer because he put himself in that position, not Website Forge, if he had issues uploading changes to his site it's his fault, he either did not follow directions or ask for technical service.

As a business owner for over 25 years I have learned this about people and customers, a great majority of unsatisfied customers will come to you and complain, it's up to you the business owner to do something about it, obviously this person complained, talked to Shane Merem and he was unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion to his issue.

After doing business with Website Forge and Shane Merem my conclusion is this: This guy is the typical customer that no one will ever make happy, will complain about the most minute detail and most likely should have been fired as a customer before his money was ever taken, YES, it's OK to fire a customer.

Furnace Bob!



The Websiteforge promise

#22Consumer Comment

Tue, February 03, 2009

I am in the process of building a website with I am nearly complete and will be turning it on in the next couple of weeks. I have found the process to be very professional and the services to be a great value. I don't usally respond to such things as this but when I see something that I feel is an injustice I have to respond. I have talked with Shane Merem many times in the course of the process and he has been extermely helpful. If anythng the service they have provided is worth far more than I am paying. It is easy for someone who is disatisfied for any reason to jump on a website and try to do damage to a company that is trying to provide jobs and a future for their employees. I'm sure there are two sides to every story and if Shane decides to respond you will hear his side. If I were him I would let my work speak for me. If you want the real story go to his website and contact him. He's always been helpfull and pleasant to me. Judge for yourself.

Brian Shockley


Websiteforge is a very Good business

#22Consumer Comment

Tue, February 03, 2009

I have no idea what New business guy
Madison, Pennsylvania is talking about but let me give you some hard cold facts what Websiteforge has done for my company.

My company has been with websiteforge for over 3 years. Our company became a Multi Million dollar company with websiteforges help. With Websiteforges cutting edge technology that Websiteforge has deployed we are well positioned to see continued extreme future growth.

Please do this for me to see Websiteforges e-commerce solution in action.

Go to Google and type in the search term "Cake Decorating supplies" what do you see?

You will see my companies site s****.> I feel that New business guy Madison, Pennsylvania is a person who does not understand how websites really work and they became frustrated and left Websiteforge and became a disgruntled x customer. Because he/she had to do some work to build the business.

Were else are you going to get a total e-commerce solution for only $1,499 with a hosting fee of about $40.00 a month and at least over $200,000 a year in software upgrades all for no extra charge? They also offer a 30 day all of your money back guarantee who else does that?

Let me tell you about the tech support at Websiteforge.

I had a support person over at Websiteforge named Terry and he held our hand every day for about 2 months for at least 8 hours a day to help us get our website up and running.

A note about Shane.

I have been lucky to get to know Shane from a personal and business perspective over these 3 years. Let me tell you something about his character.

He is a good person and a honest person he has bent over backwards to help me and my company succeed. He has came to my store several times to see how we do things in order to improve his e-commerce solution for our business. What other e-commerce solution providers will do that?

I can tell you that he is a great family man and treats his wife and children with great respect. Those traits in my book is a mark of a good and honest man.

He is involved in many charities and really gives money back to the community he lives in.

It breaks my heart to see somebody who hides behind a screen name and spews this garbage about a good father and a good person.

In this day and age the true mark of a person IS his/her character and Websiteforges Character is a reflection of the Man himself. Good, honest and hardworking.

In closing I will tell you my name unlike New business guy
Madison, Pennsylvania has opted to hide behind a screen name and offer no contact information.

My Name is:
Brian Shockley
I am the CEO of s****.> You can call and ask to speak to me at anytime 734.429.1320. I will tell you more about the great product e-commerce solution that websiteforge has. Please feel free to e-mail me at brian@s****.> Please note that I did not hide behind any screen names here and I have full public disclosure of who and what I am. :)

Brian Shockley


Websiteforge is a very Good business

#22Consumer Comment

Tue, February 03, 2009

I have no idea what New business guy
Madison, Pennsylvania is talking about but let me give you some hard cold facts what Websiteforge has done for my company.

My company has been with websiteforge for over 3 years. Our company became a Multi Million dollar company with websiteforges help. With Websiteforges cutting edge technology that Websiteforge has deployed we are well positioned to see continued extreme future growth.

Please do this for me to see Websiteforges e-commerce solution in action.

Go to Google and type in the search term "Cake Decorating supplies" what do you see?

You will see my companies site s****.> I feel that New business guy Madison, Pennsylvania is a person who does not understand how websites really work and they became frustrated and left Websiteforge and became a disgruntled x customer. Because he/she had to do some work to build the business.

Were else are you going to get a total e-commerce solution for only $1,499 with a hosting fee of about $40.00 a month and at least over $200,000 a year in software upgrades all for no extra charge? They also offer a 30 day all of your money back guarantee who else does that?

Let me tell you about the tech support at Websiteforge.

I had a support person over at Websiteforge named Terry and he held our hand every day for about 2 months for at least 8 hours a day to help us get our website up and running.

A note about Shane.

I have been lucky to get to know Shane from a personal and business perspective over these 3 years. Let me tell you something about his character.

He is a good person and a honest person he has bent over backwards to help me and my company succeed. He has came to my store several times to see how we do things in order to improve his e-commerce solution for our business. What other e-commerce solution providers will do that?

I can tell you that he is a great family man and treats his wife and children with great respect. Those traits in my book is a mark of a good and honest man.

He is involved in many charities and really gives money back to the community he lives in.

It breaks my heart to see somebody who hides behind a screen name and spews this garbage about a good father and a good person.

In this day and age the true mark of a person IS his/her character and Websiteforges Character is a reflection of the Man himself. Good, honest and hardworking.

In closing I will tell you my name unlike New business guy
Madison, Pennsylvania has opted to hide behind a screen name and offer no contact information.

My Name is:
Brian Shockley
I am the CEO of s****.> You can call and ask to speak to me at anytime 734.429.1320. I will tell you more about the great product e-commerce solution that websiteforge has. Please feel free to e-mail me at brian@s****.> Please note that I did not hide behind any screen names here and I have full public disclosure of who and what I am. :)

Brian Shockley


Websiteforge is a very Good business

#22Consumer Comment

Tue, February 03, 2009

I have no idea what New business guy
Madison, Pennsylvania is talking about but let me give you some hard cold facts what Websiteforge has done for my company.

My company has been with websiteforge for over 3 years. Our company became a Multi Million dollar company with websiteforges help. With Websiteforges cutting edge technology that Websiteforge has deployed we are well positioned to see continued extreme future growth.

Please do this for me to see Websiteforges e-commerce solution in action.

Go to Google and type in the search term "Cake Decorating supplies" what do you see?

You will see my companies site s****.> I feel that New business guy Madison, Pennsylvania is a person who does not understand how websites really work and they became frustrated and left Websiteforge and became a disgruntled x customer. Because he/she had to do some work to build the business.

Were else are you going to get a total e-commerce solution for only $1,499 with a hosting fee of about $40.00 a month and at least over $200,000 a year in software upgrades all for no extra charge? They also offer a 30 day all of your money back guarantee who else does that?

Let me tell you about the tech support at Websiteforge.

I had a support person over at Websiteforge named Terry and he held our hand every day for about 2 months for at least 8 hours a day to help us get our website up and running.

A note about Shane.

I have been lucky to get to know Shane from a personal and business perspective over these 3 years. Let me tell you something about his character.

He is a good person and a honest person he has bent over backwards to help me and my company succeed. He has came to my store several times to see how we do things in order to improve his e-commerce solution for our business. What other e-commerce solution providers will do that?

I can tell you that he is a great family man and treats his wife and children with great respect. Those traits in my book is a mark of a good and honest man.

He is involved in many charities and really gives money back to the community he lives in.

It breaks my heart to see somebody who hides behind a screen name and spews this garbage about a good father and a good person.

In this day and age the true mark of a person IS his/her character and Websiteforges Character is a reflection of the Man himself. Good, honest and hardworking.

In closing I will tell you my name unlike New business guy
Madison, Pennsylvania has opted to hide behind a screen name and offer no contact information.

My Name is:
Brian Shockley
I am the CEO of s****.> You can call and ask to speak to me at anytime 734.429.1320. I will tell you more about the great product e-commerce solution that websiteforge has. Please feel free to e-mail me at brian@s****.> Please note that I did not hide behind any screen names here and I have full public disclosure of who and what I am. :)

Shane Merem

U.S.A. customer satisfaction speaks for itself!

#22REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 03, 2009

Listen. We know who this customer is. And it's not a "guy" it's a "gal" -- Jeri Mead - Highlight Advertising, LLC.

She has done this to other companies. Look at this link:

It's the exact same scam. She convinces a company to change their payment terms. Then pays a little. Then tries to get more for free. Bounces checks. Goes to the next company.

She played the EXACT SAME game with us. We tried everything to resolve our relationship in a professional manner. But as you see -- she has a habit of ripping off web designe comanies and then bad mouthing them to this site.

Look at the facts:

- Read our testimonials at
- Look at our forum at (How many web design companies put their customers together to communicate with each other?)
- We have designed and built thousands of web sites in the last 15 years -- and our reputation is excellent.
- Read our blog at and look at comments
- We are the ONLY web design company to give a REAL 30 day money back guarantee. Means for ANY reason in the first 30 days you can get your money back. I defy you to find another web design company that does that (one that actually does a custom design)

Shane Merem
Website Forge LLC

New business guy


Software Package

#22Author of original report

Thu, October 02, 2008

This a software package. It is not a created website just software.



Any intelligent person can see this is a malicious act

#22REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 21, 2008

First this person did not identify him or herself. I have provided web applications for 15 years -- if this was real they would identify themselves.

I'm guessing they already know we have a well documented trail of communications and I could show anyone reading his post what actually happened. he/she obviously does not want the truth to be known.

I have no other response. I can be contacted anytime where I can provide statitics from third parties that will show our customer satisfaction more than excellent.

If you are reading this and have any doubt about our company -- Just give us a call and I can provide dozens of references (as many as you can handle). PLUS you can contact ANY customer of ours and see for yourself.

Every couple of years there is some "nut" that comes out of left field. I guess it was due.

I will contact and ask them to remove this since the person did not have enough integrity to identify himself.

I can be contact at 888-558-2446 Ext 205 anytime.


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