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  • Report:  #580877

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo Bank Scam & Fees Aurora, Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Jlt — Aurora Colorado U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 14, 2010
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 17, 2010
  • Wells Fargo Bank
    1450 South Havana Street,
    Aurora, Colorado
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Web:
  • Category:

Just over four years ago, I opened a checking account with World Savings. At that time, this bank informed me that their name would soon change to Wachovia. My relationship with this bank had gone very smoothly with no problems for those first four years.

Almost one year ago (April 2009), a Wachovia teller asked if I would like to open a special savings account that offered a generous interest rate. The only way funds could be deposited into this special savings account is whenever I used my bank debit card.

My first question was whether I could reserve this new savings account as an overdraft protection buffer by transferring funds at any time this may become necessary. The response was that the bank would automatically transfer whatever amount was needed for adequate coverage. When I asked whether there would be any fee attached if the bank made an automatic transfer (rather than me personally conducting my own transfer), the response was "no." The teller emphasized more than once that the bank would make such a transfer at no charge. I casually agreed to their offer and set up this new savings account.

Once in August of 2009, my checking account had dwindled low enough that an automatic overdraft protection transfer became necessary, and Wachovia had made good on their word by not charging me any fees at all for merely accessing my own money.

Sadly, in October of 2009, the honest and ethical Wachovia was cannibalized by Wells Fargo.

At the end of December 2009, I had a small reserve of only about $100 in that special savings account. At this time, two small grocery store purchases had made it necessary for my checking account to dip into that savings account a little bit. I consciously made those two small purchases, knowing that they would be easily covered with plenty of additional savings cushion left intact.

Wells Fargo responded by charging my savings account...not once; but "protection" fees of $10 for each purchase for a total penalty of $20. Although those two purchases were within an hour of each other, Wells Fargo charged a fee for each separately. How is this a form of "protection" if a customer is slapped with a fee anyway? This is just a ridiculous scam, and it is unacceptable.

I immediately transferred the rest of the savings account funds to my checking acount online. (Of course, I could have easily done this to begin with.) Since I have had good experience with a local company called 1stBank in the past, I immediately changed banks at the beginning of 2010. I am now very happy to once again work with a bank that I can trust.

Do not allow yourself to become a victim. Consumers can exercise power to contribute to new rules. I have been embarrassed and reluctant to share my story with the rest of you because it involves such small potatoes. But the more of us who speak up; the better.

Do not do business with Wells Fargo. They are nothing but thieving parasites who cannot be trusted.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Ronny g

North hollywood,

Yes, lets review this...

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, March 17, 2010

Edgeman stated...

"See? All one has to do is type whacked out and Ronny comes running like on of Pavlovs dogs. Everybody reading this thread should take a moment and look at the vitriol in his post. Rational people simply do not post like this."

Actually, everyone reading this thread should notice Edgemans initial response, which was in typical bank defender fashion, provocative and insulting. Now I do not really need to explain the context in which Edgeman left that comment, which by the way was not help or rebuttal in any way shape or form, but it insinuates those that comment here are "whacked out"..unless of course they agree with Edgmans point of view. He is clearly narcissistic.

"However, I do believe that it is beneficial to keep Ronny posting here at ROR. The more time Ronny spends responding to posts significantly reduces the odds of some poor stranger encountering him on the streets. As a public service to the people of his community, Ill engage Ronny here."

This last comment is ludicrous. It is simply more of his unfounded insinuations and insults.

"First things first. How are you, Ronny? Have you done any littering lately? Have you pursued your whacked out idea of there being only one advocate of responsibility who is posting under multiple screen names? How did that work out for you?"

I am fine. Get over the littering issue, as stated I agree it was disrespectful to throw the McDonalds Cheeseburger out of the window..but it was stinking up the car and not edible. I was stuck in traffic. I threw no paper, only 100% biodegradable organic get over it.

As far as the multiple screen names..more unfounded nonsense. This is the only screen name I have here and have ever used. YOU on the other hand..admitted openly on this  forum..that this is some kind of school work and the posters here are your "subjects...again this person is a narcissist and a phony and should not be taken seriously. However, I enjoy debunking so I am willing to waste my time with it.

On to your post

"No, only the whacked out users fall under the whacked out" label.

And you are in the position to determine who is whacked out and who is not? Your comment clearly implies that the people who read this and disagree with YOUR side, must be whacked out. The funny thing is, I would not..and did not respond to this poster. I responded directly to you regarding the comment, and defended those that have had issue with Wachovia. Just because someone lodges a complaint you disagree with, does not condem them as whacked out.

"See, this is yet another example of your inability to differentiate what happens inside of your head from the real world. The Op simply wrote that Wachovia was ethical and I had a feeling that the whacked out users would have a problem with that. Under no circumstances does this thread imply that anyone who has filed a complaint against Wachovia is whacked out. (To be honest, only a whacked out person would interpret my post in that fashion.)"

What you posted, is clearly an example of your arrogance and love of provoking and insulting posters here. The insults and lies you say about me personally mean nothing, because I know the TRUTH about you..but others may not..and do not deserve your insinuations, belittling and insults. That simple.

"I simply advised to wait and see what happens when the whacked out users see the line about Wachovia being ethical. Furthermore, you have already proven that your mind is feeble with your lack of understanding a variety of topics such as the First Amendment, Communism, etc..."

Well so far nothing has happened due to the line about Wachovia. It happened because of your provocation. Unless you are seeing other responses no one else is? What this has to do with my understanding of the first amendment and communism, etc. is beyond to explain? I guess you feel you are the only expert on EVERYTHING..and judge others as a whack job and a "subject" of yours. Narcissist.

"Do you even understand the behavioral clues about yourself that you leave when you write things like this? You should take courses in profiling. Interesting stuff."

Glad you find the truth about yourself "interesting" Use it in your thesis you big phony.

"Incidentally, I'm on the side that advocates paying the banks no unnecessary fees. That's not taking joy in the loss of others, that is trying to keep peoples' money where it belongs - in their accounts."

I will never believe you genuinely care, or even care a little about other peoples loss. Narcissist.

"I don't expect the OP's post to change anybody's attitude about Wachovia. I simply expect the whacked out people to take exception to somebody referring to wachovia as ethical."

Why? Could it be that because YOU feel someone may take exception to another referring to Wachovia as ethical, that they are hereby declared "whacked out" ? I personally have no problem with someone stating Wachovia or any bank did something ethical. It is actually refreshing to hear. What is annoying, was your insulting and provocative comment that served no useful purpose to the bank, this site..or the OP. Now on the other hand..was it "whacked out" of me to decide to be the one to put you in your place?,or even notice you? I am sure you think so, and I couldn't care less.

"Out of curiosity, how many of those people caused their problems by negligent management of their accounts? How many of those people agreed that Wachovia could process transactions in any order and to pay and all overdraft fees generated by the consumer?"

Most likely according to you...everyone. And this last statement shows the true colors of this narcissist . What is he gaining by placing all the blame on the consumers? And using buzz words like "negligent" when it may have been an honest mistake or a swindle. It's a personal thing for Edgemen to belittle the victims of unfair and unethical policies..for no reason. That seems a little whacked out. Would there be so many complaints, lawsuits, negative press and pressure from congress just to help some whacked out negligent people?

"Once again you are confusing the world that you created inside of your head with the real world. All I did was comment that the whacked out people wouldn't like the statement of Wachovia being ethical. that's all. Fin.

Fin indeed. You sure had a  lot to say to me though.

"You take that comment and create motivations for me inside of your head. That would be fine if you kept it to yourself but you are trying to apply these motivations to somebody who actually exists in the real world. It would be in your best interests if you learned to separate the world inside of your head with the real world. You simply will not be successful here in the real world if you keep retreating to the world inside of your head."

There is no need for YOU to create a world inside my head. I state the obvious as I can comprehend and I have been through this enough with you to have a pretty good idea what your motives are. YOU create what others think of you..nothing is made up. Phony narcissist, and that is being very nice.



Right on cue...

#6General Comment

Tue, March 16, 2010

See? All one has to do is type whacked out and Ronny comes running like on of Pavlovs dogs. Everybody reading this thread should take a moment and look at the vitriol in his post. Rational people simply do not post like this.

However, I do believe that it is beneficial to keep Ronny posting here at ROR. The more time Ronny spends responding to posts significantly reduces the odds of some poor stranger encountering him on the streets. As a public service to the people of his community, Ill engage Ronny here.

First things first. How are you, Ronny? Have you done any littering lately? Have you pursued your whacked out idea of there being only one advocate of responsibility who is posting under multiple screen names? How did that work out for you?

On to your post

"So..anyone who feels Wachovia/Wells Fargo has been dishonest or unethical is "whacked out"?

No, only the whacked out users fall under the whacked out" label.

"Of the thousands and THOUSANDS of reports lodged here alone (not including the millions of customers who have lodged complaints and filed lawsuits elsewhere) finally ONE...yes ONE single person reports here that Wachovia did the right thing..and suddenly that in your feeble mind justifies everything unethical they have ever done before..and classifies every one who has lodged a complaint against them as "whacked out"?

See, this is yet another example of your inability to differentiate what happens inside of your head from the real world. The Op simply wrote that Wachovia was ethical and I had a feeling that the whacked out users would have a problem with that. Under no circumstances does this thread imply that anyone who has filed a complaint against Wachovia is whacked out. (To be honest, only a whacked out person would interpret my post in that fashion.)

I simply advised to wait and see what happens when the whacked out users see the line about Wachovia being ethical. Furthermore, you have already proven that your mind is feeble with your lack of understanding a variety of topics such as the First Amendment, Communism, etc...

"You have probably been dreaming of this day being the lifeless, trolling, deceptive and manipulative bank defender you are...and for no personal gain other then the joy you receive from the loss of others"

Do you even understand the behavioral clues about yourself that you leave when you write things like this? You should take courses in profiling. Interesting stuff.

Incidentally, I'm on the side that advocates paying the banks no unnecessary fees. That's not taking joy in the loss of others, that is trying to keep peoples' money where it belongs - in their accounts.

"but unfortunately for does not cut it, not by a long shot. Those victimized by Wachovia/Wells Fargo will not feel this report excuses the consistent unethical practices which have landed Wachovia/Wells Fargo as major defendants in past and current  lawsuits"

I don't expect the OP's post to change anybody's attitude about Wachovia. I simply expect the whacked out people to take exception to somebody referring to wachovia as ethical.

"and the financial pillaging they have thrust upon honest, loyal customers during an economic crisis."

Out of curiosity, how many of those people caused their problems by negligent management of their accounts? How many of those people agreed that Wachovia could process transactions in any order and to pay and all overdraft fees generated by the consumer?

"What is truly "whacked out" someone like yourself anxiously awaiting for the day when someone actually says something good about a bank so you can state those who feel different are whacked out....and for no apparent reason..or perhaps you have a reason you wish to share with us?"

Once again you are confusing the world that you created inside of your head with the real world. All I did was comment that the whacked out people wouldn't like the statement of Wachovia being ethical. that's all. Fin.

You take that comment and create motivations for me inside of your head. That would be fine if you kept it to yourself but you are trying to apply these motivations to somebody who actually exists in the real world. It would be in your best interests if you learned to separate the world inside of your head with the real world. You simply will not be successful here in the real world if you keep retreating to the world inside of your head.

Ronny g

North hollywood,

allow me to be more precise..

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 15, 2010

Wachovia..reports filed here to date...846

Wells Fargo...reports filed here to date...1446

Those are just who reported here. Most have not reported here but are still victims of Wachovias tactics. If this customer remains with Wachovia long enough...little difference will be noted between the way they conduct business whether called Wachovia..or Wells Fargo.  I have noticed little difference between the two, however this customer was quite fortunate to be on the "customer" side of the pillaging policy. It could have easily gone the other way.

This customer will surely learn in time..that terms the bank use such as "protection" and "courtesy" and "available" are all a sham.

Ronny g

North hollywood,

Edgeman callling the kettle black?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 15, 2010

So..anyone who feels Wachovia/Wells Fargo has been dishonest or unethical is "whacked out"?

Of the thousands and THOUSANDS of reports lodged here alone (not including the millions of customers who have lodged complaints and filed lawsuits elsewhere) finally ONE...yes ONE single person reports here that Wachovia did the right thing..and suddenly that in your feeble mind justifies everything unethical they have ever done before..and classifies every one who has lodged a complaint against them as "whacked out"?

You have probably been dreaming of this day being the lifeless, trolling, deceptive and manipulative bank defender you are...and for no personal gain other then the joy you receive from the loss of others, but unfortunately for does not cut it, not by a long shot. Those victimized by Wachovia/Wells Fargo will not feel this report excuses the consistent unethical practices which have landed Wachovia/Wells Fargo as major defendants in past and current  lawsuits..and the financial pillaging they have thrust upon honest, loyal customers during an economic crisis.

What is truly "whacked out" someone like yourself anxiously awaiting for the day when someone actually says something good about a bank so you can state those who feel different are whacked out....and for no apparent reason..or perhaps you have a reason you wish to share with us?



Wachovia was honest and ethical?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 15, 2010

Wow, wait until some of the more whacked out people here read that.

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