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  • Report:  #455850

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage/Loss Mitigiation/Loss Modification What to do, what to do about Wells Fargo - San Francisco, California Port Mill South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Anticoh California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 27, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 16, 2009
  • Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
    3476 Stateview Blvd
    Port Mill, South Carolina
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My home is underwater and my spouse has lost 2 jobs since we purchased the home in Dec '03. Imagine my happiness when appeared as if Wells Fargo in March of this year was going to offer assistance to someone in my predicament. I applied over the phone for the Fed program as well as WF loan modification, was told to fax over 2 check stubs and a hardship letter, wait for an affidavit to sign and return and call back in a few days. Just as many others have reported, when I called back about 6 days later, no fax had been receieved. Faxed again, told to wait a few days as it takes time for the docs to be imaged to my file.

Called back and was told that those docs actually had been received previously (the dae of my first follow up). I start to get nervous as I smell a rat that wants to delay/make difficult this process so maybe i'll give up? Naw not me, so I call again to follow up, yes they received my affidavit, but are still waiting on my check stubs and hardship letter. WTH????? How is that missing AGAIN?! Anyway after ranting to the rep about why isnt someone contacting me re: "missing" docs and faxing for the 3rd time, I wait a couple of days and I realize a couple of things - there is never going to be a time when someone calls me in an effort to further things along, I have to make this my 2nd job and call every other day, i have to send all supporting docs certified mail, I have to try and keep my blood pressure down and be prepared for whatever obstacle that is thrown my way next. And even after I have climbed the last WF mountain they may still deny my request

I keep a log of all my contact/correspondence along this journey, so I can keep it straight with all the new developments. So 26 days later on 3/30/09 finally all docs had been made part of my file, home had been appraised and a negotiator had been assigned to my request. File under review - called back on the 31st, April 1, April 6, - file still under review. Ok, sounds like things are ready to start rolling, right? No! Rep on April 9th, 2009 that my file was still outstanding - my 2 check stubs and hardship letter still outstanding!!!!

I lost it, explained to rep that i needed to speak to a manager, that this was getting crazy, and becoming obvious that someone was playing games, I was getting the run around. Spoke with a manager that confirmed the incomplete status of my file. I requested that he take some ownership of my file, atleast until it is assured that the docs that I was getting ready to fax AGAIN (I carry them around with me everyday) were imaged correctly to my file. He agreed, gave me his direct line and a fax number. I faxed the info again, and followed up the the supervisor that the docs had been recieved and walked over to Loss Mitigation and imaged to my file. Dorothy, the original rep I spoke with) called me the following weekto inform me that the info had been made part of my file.

On April 30, 2009 talked to rep who stated that request was still under review - negotiator had up to 15 days to respond. May 7th, spoke with Dannie, a rep who stated that my modifcation had been approved on the 6th and that docs were being sent via UPS. Called back on on the 12 and 13th of May responding to messages that had been left for me at work. Ont he 13th I actually spoke to a young lady to follow up wherer the docs were - I had yet to receive them and wanted a tracking number. She couldnt provide me with that but summarized the terms of the new modification - rate was the same, ap ortion of my principal had been set aside and my interest only was now a 30 year fixed. I inquired about why interest hadnt been reduced as well, was sent to a senior level rep. who told me the principal deferrment was offered to me because my financial statement showed that i made a little over 9000 a month and have a surplus of 3200 after all my bills are paid. I informed him that this was incorrect, I am in the negative every month, hence the reason for me trying to take advantage of this program. The rep corrected my finacial info as he could not see from the file(info I submitted) where they could have gotten that info - not my fault - their error. He sent an email to the negotiator to see if he would be willing to re-review my modification based on the correct information to see if I would be eligible for a rate reduction as well as the modification as it stands only reduces my mortgage by 200 a month.

I am not ungrateful and the other terms are what i requested. But I was looking for a little more relief. Rep didnt guarantee anything but submitted info on my behalf and asked me to follow up in a few days. I did on the 15th - no answer as of yet and advised to hold on to the loan modification docs which I receieved on the 14th of May (dont sign or return until I received an answer re: revieiwing of current modification). On the 18th called back to follow up and was told that loss mitigation was trying to phone me. Advised rep to update my file with work and cell #s for contact as I dont get home until after 7pm and they have long been closed so I cant return the call. I think that is by design, so they can prolong the process and give the impression that I am unresponsive and they cant get a hold of me . On the 19th I spoke with another rep. Charles who was going to send an email to a sup re: request for review. By now my legs but not my spirit is tired of the run around. On my way put the door from work I get a call from Ronald on my cell phone, who gives me a direct contact and fax number and the assurance he was goign to aide me in getting an answer in the next 24hrs and to call him if I had any additional information to provide or if I hd not heard from him. I did not so I phoned him the following day almost exactly 24hrs later.

Well I had to reintroduce myself to Ronald , who put me on hold several times under the guise of "reviewing my file" before he put Paul, I presume the 'bad cop' of the duo. This is 5/20/09. Paul went over my file and told me to interject at anytime duing his summary if I had any questions or problems with his description of the scenario. This was one of the most infuriating, stressful, upsetting conversations I have had to date with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Paul was rude and very condescending and he informed me that he was actually the one who reviewed my file and put together my loan modification. In his opinion it was the best deal he could give me, he has no idea what i was speaking of in regards to the incorrect information that I was basing the review of the modification on, they only deal with getting me in between 31 and 38% of my gross nothing else. Taking or leave it, see if another bank would do better for me, not WF fault that my invest lost value, and on and on and on. I was livid, told Paul I didnt appreciate his tone, he wasnt talking to some loser who was trying to get WF to absolve me of my financial obligations. Me asking a question about an interest rate reduction did not warrant him speaking to me that way and I wanted to speak to his sup. His toned changed but overall for the rest of the converstation his position was that I should take the deal, doesnt preclude me from persuing other options (claimed they only do loan mods every 5 yrs!) told me about the HAMP program, that WF would never offer me below the prime rate (they would have to! I am above it now!)

At this point I feel very much like I have been lied to, given the run around, at the whim of whomever answers the phone, no recourse or accountability for who says what - over all I feel as if I have unethically treated. Yes there had been success in that fact that I have gotten this far with Wells, an actual approval which i am grateful for. But if it still doesnt put me in a position where i can afford to pay my mortgage and I have to go through this crap all over again, due to there own 'mistake' and now denial there of, well, its crystal clear that the whole process is to discourage you and after all the drama, if you do get a loan mod that maybe is not as aggressive as lets say the Fed plan (which I have never heard about where that application went) they are counting on the fact that you will take it without question or negotiation, even a call to see if those terms actually do aide you in any significant way. I

I called the President's office, spoke with an executive team rep the following day to complain and he basically put me back in the 1 800 # pipeline, where i was told I could accept the terms or deny it and try again. Or accept it and try in 5 months ask for another modification, specifically of my interest. I have until the 31st to do so.

What frustrates the hell out me more than anything is that I hear similar stories over and over and wonder where is the oversight for this? What recourse do consumers have? You are literally at the whim of whomever picks up your call. What to do, what to do - that is where I am as of 5/27/09. I really feel for those whom situation is more dire than my own and have been at this a lot longer - really ridiculous process.

Anticoh, California

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Dess Moines,

To Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Borrowers refused Modification and all other barrowers out there who feel victimized?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 16, 2009

First and for most I would like to thank you for including not only the first name of a WF employee. But there last name as well. While not including your name, which is making the statement. WF employee's have no control over what the government comes out with and what guidelines must be followed.
I work in the department that handles calls all day long about modifications and I can tell you 1st hand. What barrowers need to know is, just because the president made an announcement saying a certain modification would be effective on this date. Then all of a sudden bam the banks and investors know the guidelines and where you have to be in order to qualify? In a perfect world this would work. But it's not. WF is a great Co. not only to work for but to bank with as well. Barrowers 1st need to have respect for the people on the other line that are telling you what needs to be done so that we can help you. I was unemployed for 13 months. Going days without eating so I could get my bills paid. I get it; I understand what you are going through. I've lost the love one and had no money. If it was me and someone was telling me that your info is out dated and you need to update those docs. Regardless if you have already sent them in several times, just do it. It's your responsibility to keep your info up to date. When you 1st started the modification process you were told it will take some time. WF has over 100,000 modifications being run at any given time. We are running the loans, updating documents, post ponning foreclosure sale dates and getting with the investors to try and help you. This takes time. I know it is frustrating. Calling a rep up and yelling and cussing will not make your modification go faster. You are just hurting the rep that could very well be in the same situation youre in.
If you are on the phone w/ a rep asking about your mod and the rep gives you additional info as to other options take it. Why not get all your info together, take every option available out there. I mean there are constant changes going on constantly. As soon as we (as reps) get this info we let you know. I have been yelled, cussed, hung up on and several other not nice things. I know what it's like. If there wasn't the issue that we have right now with our economy I wouldn't be in the position I am in. I work as hard as I possibly can. I feel the frustration and I empathize with you. I'm working 6 days a week 60-70 hours a week so that I can help ease your frustration. I'm honest and tell you all the info I have or know. Some people don't want to hear what I have to say and fight me about sending info in. But if I am on the phone with you, looking through your mod info and see something that may be needed in the fucture. I will tell you and expect that you follow my instructions, so you aren't waiting 90 days for a mod. But in reality I can only help you so much. You have to want to help your self too. I can honestly say that there are serious people out there that need serious help. I take the time to guid them in the right direction. When I look at the loan a few days later, 99% of the time I see progress. Remember I may only be on the phone with you for a few min. But you are with me all the time. I want to help and take great pleasure in helping people out. I'm going to help in every way possible, but if you yell at me and not listen to what I am saying. So I can help you. I would have to release the call.
How is that possible? Barrowers call in and yell while asking for our help? If you haven't made a payment in months and then we ask for a contribution towards your mortgage. Why get upset. Where are the payments that you haven't been paying on your home the last 5 months? I don't mean to be bitter, but you have to think of the whole picture. WF had a loss mit dept that consist of about 100 people. Then bam Obama makes and announcement and we are expected to have 100000 people hired and at your beckon call? Don't forget the investors. Are they expected the same thing? It's great that there are mods out there to help so many. But just like your job. There are guidelines that MUST be fallowed.
I agree that there should be 1 person that you talk to thru the whole process. But that is just not feasible. We have over 100,000 modifications on the table at this time. Do you know what that is? That is allot of people that need help. We want to help and we ask for patient.
When I lost my job I had no idea what we were going to do. We did what we had to. We don't have family to help us out. It's just us, my husband and I. So you know what we did? We donated plasma to put food on the table. Wore and continue to wear the same cloths. If a shoe broke you go to the store and buy some super glue in hopes that it will work. Because my job requires me to dress up and you have nothing to wear. We have the bare minimum that we need to survive. If we can do it, I know more people can. I mean instead of paying 50 for internet. Cancel it and go to the library if you have to print something. Why spend 300 a week on a cell phone. I mean serious. Find what priorities are.
Here is my question to WF barrowers. Once the market goes back up and your home has been mod or refi and the value of the home has shot back up. Does that give WF a chance to get the funds back that you as a barrow was upset and mouthy about. Get those funds back? Probably not. Let's say we modified your loan to the current market value. Then in 5 years everything is back to where it was before. What happens to the banks and to the home owners?
I take an average of 80-100 calls a day. I work long hours sleep very little and have to spend time away from my family. I do this not only because I have to work. But because of the 80-100 people a day that need help and guidance. If I can help the people I talk to and put their minds to rest so that they can go home and kiss their families and be thankful for what they have. Also realize that we are here to help and we are not putting people off. Well than my job is done and I am satisfied!
Good Luck to everyone! Please just be patient. Thank you!


St Paul,


#5Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 20, 2009

Your experience sounds so familiar that I could almost predict the end. Send your letters of complaint to your representatives in the U.S. Congress and the President and Treasury Sec. Ask for an investigation and subpoenas to find out what Wells Fargo is really doing with its bailout money. I'm betting you're right, that they're trying to wear needy people down. Let's fight back! I faxed my letters yesterday. Also, complaints made to John Stumpf, Pres. and CEO of Wells get at least a reply (if not help). Email him at



WF can do these to you, did them to me too.

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, May 30, 2009

Why are we so helpless? I've been dealing with them in a similar situation, now I'm losing the house despite I have a good job. The guys answering the phone are clueless. People who are in charge of them already made it clear they don't care by not creating a process to help people. What an evil company. I hope they choke.


Highlands Ranch,


#5Consumer Comment

Thu, May 28, 2009

is available by simply 'Googling' this- RIP OFF REPORT TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION USA MANIPULATION, and it appears as an 'Update' to Charlene's Rip off Report.

Please spread Leslie's Rip Off Report all over the WORLDWIDE WEB!

Thank you.


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