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  • Report:  #313256



  • Reported By:
    Houston Texas
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 29, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 29, 2008
    P. O. 10368,
    Des Moines, Idaho
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Our loan originated in 1987, with Atlantic Financial, years later it was transfered to Fleet Mortgage, after that Washington Mutual had our home mortgage loan, and in December or February 2006, Wells Fargo aquired our Home Mortgage. Our original agreement was for the mortgage company to escrow for Property Taxes, School Taxes, Mud Taxes, and Homeowners Association Fees, Homeowners Insurance.

For several years now, we have received delinquent notices from all taxing offices, and the homeowners association. Our homeowners association fee went from 300.00 per year to approximately 1,400.00 in one year for non-payment. Another year it went from 300.00 to 3,300.00. We currently have a Homeowners Association Judgement/lien on our house.

In December 2006, we made arrangements with Wells Fargo for a forbearance agreement. Our mortgage (which had escalated from 780.00 to about 930.00 and still climbing) was approximately 930.00 per month. We were to pay 1,240.00, which we did on December 28, 2006. The following month, I called Wells Fargo on January 29, 2007 to pay our second payment agreement. I was told that they would not accept anything, and to let the plan fall out of the system, and call back in about 5 days. We called back in 5 days, and informed Wells Fargo that we were filing Bankruptcy Chapter 13, and that they would be paid by our trustee, who we would be paying. I thought everything was fine. Our bankruptcy was filed March 3, 2007.

Thereafter, our trustee paid approximately 8500.00-10,000.00 or more to Wells Fargo. Still our balance never went down. Our loan has been at about 34,600.00 for about the last 6 years. I have no ideal where our payments are going. I see suspense funds, corporate advance, legal fees. They were also suppose to escrow, and pay our Farmers Insurance, however, several years ago our Farmers Insurance was cancelled for non-payment, thus Wells Fargo has a forced insurance on our account for almost 2 times the amount of Farmers Insurance.

On December 12, 2007, our bankruptcy was dismissed, as we were 1 1/2 payments behind, but this was okay, as we needed to take these delinquent taxes, homeowners association fees, etc. that we had been paying out of the plan, and once again contact Wells Fargo so they could pay the delinquent taxes, delinquent HOA, etc... Our lawyer said that we would re-file on February 1, 2008, which never happened as they had other clients with foreclosure proceedings, and this took presidence over our case. They checked, and no lawsuits, no foreclosures, existed at that time, we were told, we were okay, and not to worry.

On February 13, 2008, we came home and found a hand written note on our door, which said: all occupants are to vacate these premises within (3) days, and if we did not vacate, a law suit for eviction would be filed to evict us. I thought maybe this was a mistake. We called the phone number on the note, and found out that on February 5, 2008, our home was auctioned off in foreclosure on the court house steps. We had no ideal of the sale. We received nothing. We received no mailings for proposals to buy our property in advance, we received no mailings from attorneys to file bankruptcy for protection as we had before in December 2006.

About 2 days after the note was found, we came home to our back window had been busted out, and the dead bolt lock on our back door had been drilled out. Someone had entered our home, and turned on some lights, and when they left, they used the main braker to turn off the power to the entire house. I am very scared to stay at our house now. We have an attorney who is working for us with no money from us. He has been negotiating with Wells Fargo attorneys, Brice, Vander Linden, and Wernick. The buyer just wants his money back, and I want our home back.

I have pulled every statement, every pay off statement, and requested tax bills, pymt amounts from the tax bills, and the HOA. I will leave no stone unturned. I will not give up on our home of 21 years. When I look at the numbers on the balance, escrow amounts, everything is different, to their favor. They are saying that we are 17 payments behind, and there is no way. If the negotiations does not go properly, we are going to file a law suit against the appropriate companies.

May I suggest that anyone that is thinking of taking a mortgage with Wells Fargo, think again. And if you do, pay your own taxes, insurance, do not allow them to escrow, for this is where the money is stolen from you, and the payments disappear. There were 3,200 homes foreclosed on February 5, 2008 on the front steps of the Harris County court house in Harris County only. Does anyone realize how many families are homeless each month all over the US. How can we pass by someone sleeping under a bridge now, and not wonder how their lives used to be. How can you have a mortgage, and laws to protect you, and you still lose your home, with 3 days notice only? This is a serious problem. I will fight until the bitter end, however, what about all of the other families who can not fight for health reasons, deaths in the family.

We all have problems from time to time. How can a company who gains so much money from us little people treat us so bad. It did not matter what we paid on our mortgage, it would disappear, and never be applied to our account.

Houston, Texas

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