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  • Report:  #637315

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage the depts in order below: Main(Payments), Correspondence and Borrowe Counseling Services Wells Fargo breeches contract after our loan was reinstated, now home in foreclosure! Des Moines, Iowa

  • Reported By:
    Marylander — Montgomery County Maryland U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 03, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 09, 2010

Our home loan with Well Fargo was reinstated Jan. 2009.  We were able to reinstate it by hiring an attorney, paying $11,000 to our attorney and a total of $179,250.56 to Wells Fargo. Once it was reinstated we realized we overpaid them because our monthly payments are a total of $7,606.72(including taxes and escrows). We were 15 payments behind at the time, so that makes the monthly payments appx. $11,950.00!!!  That means we paid over $63,000 in late fees and their attorney fees?!?  That is consumer injustice. 

 Now I know what you are thinking, why didn't we say anything then?  Well we had an attorney to handle everything, we were days away from foreclosure and weren't sure of the exact number of missing payments.  In past complaints some people questioned others when they said Wells Fargo told them not to pay..."you said to pay anyway"...I did just that and they sent my money back.

Now the real problem.  We didn't receive our monthly statement in Feb. but I went ahead and started making monthly payments, actually I set them up on auto. pay.,plus I called them every month. Then in June 2009 all my payments were sent back and they said our home was in foreclosure! 

We went into foreclosure 3 separate times and were able to stop it,(this took hors upon hour of phone calls and and I spent my nights crying unable to sleep with worry) however the publication of it in the paper is humiliating, plus the president of our HOA gets notified. After countless phone calls, calls from our attorney as well, Wells Fargo told us that we qualified for a loan modification in March 2010.

We were unsure at first, however after reading the paperwork we felt it was a blessing to us and it was their way helping us out for their mistake.  So we did everything we were told, exactly, however they claim they did not receive the first cashiers check!  They did receive the first contract I sent with that check, all in the same envelope, by overnight mail and it was signed for. 

 Needless to say again foreclosure.  We had to get our attorney involved again, already racking up a big bill in order to save our home.  We lost most of our savings the first time in order to keep our home.  We can't let them foreclose because we have a 2nd morg. and in MD we are still responsible. 

Now since all this has happened my marriage has suffered, my children have suffered because they see me crying all the time. Most of all my health has has some problems over the last 2 years because I am the one who makes all the calls.  I have had to see a psychiatrist to get on medication. I have become a recluse wanting to stay at home all the time and sleep.  Several months ago I suffered a seizure and the only thing they could attribute it to was stress.  Even my skin is completely broken out on my face and back.

Our credit is a terrible mess!  Even if we get this fixed I don't know how we will get Wells Fargo to fix our credit for their mistake.  All our credit cards have had the credit lines lowered to basically nothing.  I would like to get a job but can't because they will check my credit!

We are on the brink of suing them if this doesn't get resolved fast.  My health and family can't take the suffering from them anymore  You must realize when you call them you have to explain the WHOLE story EVERYTIME, and you are on the phone at least 45 minutes.  It is completely draining.  Sometimes you get people that give you hope that never happens, and sometimes you get very rude people who act like they are so above you and everyone else in this world.

If you comment please don't be harsh as to why went into foreclosure the first time.  It is a very long story and the fact is we accept we were responsible and we paid our dept...all of it and then some.

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

so what do you want

#11General Comment

Thu, September 09, 2010

If you spent as much time figuring out how to pay for you house, as you do apparently sitting in front of a computer responding to reports, you probably wouldn't be in this mess.

What exactly do you want us to do? I think you just came here hoping to see a bunch of us slamming Wells Fargo and telling you to sue, well that has not happened. 

What did you pay for an attorney for? Have him/her help you. You have vented-- so  now you should feel better.


Sandy Spring,

Payments were sent

#11Author of original report

Wed, September 08, 2010

We did make payments over and over again but they sent the money back. We even sent money when they told us to "stop making payments" to show our commitment.

The attornry did get a hefty amount because it took him so long to deal with Wells Fargo and wait for their responses. That was back in 2008 and 09.  Currently we can't possibly pay that again.  He did at no charge send a letter showing that 09 reinstatement.

Do you still want to go get an attorney for me:)?


Sandy Spring,

Yes, this is their fault

#11Author of original report

Wed, September 08, 2010

To clarify "I don't get it, how is this the mortgage companies fault".  Maybe you didn't read the entire report, it was quite long as has been this whole process dealing with Wells Fargo.

The biggest fault on their part was the fact our loan was reinstated and paid in full in Jan. 09, then we began making full payments, on time every month starting that Feb of 09 in Feb.09, however months later I get all the money back and a notice stating our home was in yet again foreclosure!  "Someone" over at WF didn't update our account after the reinstatement!

We really didn't have the funds just sitting around then fell behind on our payments.  We fell behind soon after the closing, and you can read why in my earlier post. We were very diligent to put that monthly payment aside each month.  

This process took so long on their part and the months of missed payments kept building up more and more late fees. We went through so meant departments and programs only to be denied again and again that the process took over a year. (another fault...they "approved" us for a modification after our reinstatement based on the information we submitted, yet we were never approved before with that same information.)  Those late fees and attorney fees were well over what our payments would have been so we needed my husbands company to release some of his his retirement fund. That is how we paid the entire amount due.


This City,


#11Consumer Comment

Mon, September 06, 2010

You said "We were able to reinstate it by hiring an attorney, paying $11,000 to our attorney and a total of $179,250.56 to Wells Fargo."

Really? You had that much money, $179,261.56 sitting around and got in trouble by not making your monthly mortgage payments? 

I don't get it, how is this the mortgage companies fault?

Ronny g

North hollywood,

Just to clear this up...

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, September 06, 2010

What I think is happening, is that while you were waiting for the loan modification approvals you were not making payments?

Or you were making payments and they sent them back?

Either way, I agree that too many people are not getting the assistance they need to keep their homes..yes the banks were bailed out by the taxpayers, but why the homeowners are not getting any assistance is beyond me. The entire industry is greed driven for sure. It really is not fair we should all agree.

It seems you payed your attorney quite a hefty sum to handle this. What does your attorney say he/she is doing to help? Why should you be on the phone dealing with this and suffering all this anguish..that is what you paid the attorney for.


Sandy Spring,

Update to new post

#11Author of original report

Mon, September 06, 2010

We can make the payments. Wells Fargo is the problem.  We started making all the payments in Feb 09 right after our reinstatement. Within a few months the money was sent back with no explanation. Soon after we receive notice they were going to set a foreclosure date.  At the time I couldn't even believe what I was reading.  I honestly believed a phone call would clear things up.  I thought maybe their computer system didn't document our reinstatement from the court etc.  That one call turned out to be so many calls I can't even count.  All the Wells Fargo employees did say they could see where we paid the amount due but they didn't know why the status of the loan didn't change. No one could give me any type of answer.

To answer your question on "mistake".  I can't even begin to tell you how many "mistakes" Wells Fargo has made with our loan.  The "mistake" in my post I believe you are asking about was their mistake in not documenting our Jan. 09 reinstatement.  At the time I still had hope in Wells Fargo and was actually naive enough to think someone finally got "some" supervisor to approve us for a loan modification. ( Before our reinstatement we were always put through process for loan modifications but never approved). This time they put us right in so I thought they were trying to make good on what they did bad, their "mistake" by actually approving us for the loan modification program.  As you know we got to go through the program only to be denied again.  I really do wonder if the government gives the banks money each time they try to do a loan modification.

Now try to put yourself in my shoes...Now going back before our reinstatement actually took place we were in the process of working out a plan with Wells Fargo, sending paperwork etc. for the 5th time when they actually foreclosed on our home.  We knew then we needed to get an attorney.  Our attorney did get a reinstatement quote from Wells Fargo and their attorney. We agreed to the reinstatement and paid the entire amount.  We aren't, and didn't question the late fees and attorney fees because we weren't in a position to at the time. We just wanted our home back.  I just feel charging these excessive fees on homeowners in crisis is wrong when the government is giving these banks extra money during this time.  The least they could do would be to defer these fees. We were able to pay them however there are millions of others who simply can't.

Currently we do have a reinstement quote from Wells Fargo but it has late fees, attorney fees, and even shows a payment increase after 4 months because of our arm loan.  We and our attorney looked at our original loan paperwork and our arm doesn't come due until 2015! More mistakes.

We REFUSE to pay these fees this time around. WE DID NOTHING WRONG. I really feel  we have a case, after all, we can confirm all the paperwork show all the checks, even the health issues I have gone through, however Wells Fargo still has control even with this proof.  We have been sent to supervisors all over Wells Fargo to look at our case, they confirm it is messed up and wrong, but then we hear nothing.  I fear they are going to foreclose again.

To make the reinstatement possible we had to take money out of our retirement fund with special approval and with a big penalty. Plus it was a one time deal to do this. Just because we have a large house payment doesn't mean we are or weren't affected by the economy.  I realize you can't imagine the higher house payment, but try to imagine this situation we are going through happening to you or someone you love.  We have very  little "padding" in the bank now...remember we needed an unexpected last minute $20,000 more than what we were org. told to close on the house, plus the 63,000 in fees that had to be paid in the reinstatement, then add 11,000+  in our attorney fees and there you have close to 100,000 we would have in our savings account.  This is a lot of hard earned money.  This is money that would given us stability for an unexpected crisis, future college funds for my children etc. It is money we no longer have and are no longer able to give.

As for the poem entry I didn't read or go to the web sites he told me to go.  It sounds like I shouldn't.  If he thinks I sound, act or write like a sad poem it is because I am  sad...very sad. 

These are the facts, I can't post the documents for privacy reasons to prove all this but trust me, this is true and this is happening. I would welcome any and all help.

Ronny g

North hollywood,

Google poetry???

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2010

I apologize for our friend Karl for suggesting that poetry will solve your dilemma.

I realize you do not want to file bankruptcy. You also state you do not need to.

So if you can make the monthly payments, why is there a problem? All you need to do is post some evidence..ANY documention you can provide to prove you have been making the payments, and they are being sent back un approved.

If this is the case..I will personally get an attorney to handle your case. It may prove more effective then googling poetry. I have nothing against poetry, but if this issue is causing seizures and your skin to break requires serious investigation. need to post the specific "mistake" Wells Fargo made...and then we can advise the appropriate recourse.

As far as the late fees and attorney fees....did you think these were free? My attorney charges me 100 bucks each time I call him. As far as late fees I do not know your arrangement as I have never had a payment more then a few hundred a month..I could not begin to imagine what fees can be applied to a $7,000+ monthly I could never afford to even put myself into that situation.


Highlands Ranch,


#11Consumer Comment

Sat, September 04, 2010

and maybe you'll find one like Michael Turko.

You can 'Google' this- TURKO POEM, and that should take you to Ripoff Report #542849. Scroll down to 'Consumer Suggestion #4', and click on the 3 video links and watch how Michael Turko helped those people.

Good luck & keep us posted.


Sandy Spring,

PLEASE!!! Urgent! We Need NOW!!!

#11Author of original report

Sat, September 04, 2010

We really need help with our situation and our attorney has done what he can.  We hired him based on a reference from a friend.  He is really good at what he does however, this crisis we are in is not his specialty.  He handles businesses and took us on as a favor as I mentioned earlier. 

So please if you think we have a case please get in touch with me!  We have children and are settled here in our home.  We have made many many home improvements over this last year to our home feeling confident this would be fixed.  Isn't the law on our side?  Do we go to the police?  We can't move as we have no credit now, plus we have that 2nd mortgage!  I don't know where we would go, we will be homeless.  We haven't ant family here! I am getting really scared!

We really don't want to file bankruptcy because we don't need too.  We have the money, we can make the monthly payments now, and we tried to make those payments since our loan was reinstated.  HELP HELP!!! Our days are numbered!!!!


Sandy Spring,

Information for those interested

#11Author of original report

Fri, September 03, 2010

I just wanted to note that I have kept all paperwork and most importantly the Jan. 2009 Motion to Vacate Final Order of Ratification of Sale. Then oddly I have another Vacated Final order of Sale on Sept 18, 2009 for the ordered Jan 9 date filed by Wells Fargo attorneys!  I also have copies of all cashiers checks from the loan modification.  I can get a list of all the phone call I have made as well.

I did get told by one of the associates that our home was never reinstated and that is where the problem was.  Their attorneys assured us they notifed them.  They also said we didn't pay enough? yet we paid the total that was on the paperwork for the reinstatement from Wells Fargo.  I think they are just looking for excuses.

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