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  • Report:  #445416

Complaint Review: Werner Enterprises

Werner Enterprises OH Well, What can you do? Omaha, Nebraska

  • Reported By:
    Falls Creek Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 21, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 10, 2009

Well, Smoke here, with not good news!
I've been working diligently on the subject of Werner's hiring practices. I've contacted many agencies about this issue and each day search this website about things happening to others of you employed by Werner.
I just got off the phone with the Nebraska State Dept of Labor and was told "I'm beating a dead horse", so to speak.
They have tried many, many times to pin something on this company and all with negative results. The agent I talked to has also read all the reports that we have filed and does it twice per week. I was told that the family has GOOD lawyers within the family that are very good at staying JUST legal in their recruiting and labor tactics. They run in the GRAY area and know how to get around any claims made.
I started in this site because of a workman's comp claim that was denied. When told, by their rep. Doug Sheldren, that it was a pre-existing condition, that prompted the denial. I further asked my orthopaedic doctor about this and was told that it would be VERY HARD TO PROVE IT WAS NOT PRE-EXISTING. Therefore, I did not persue the claim.
I turned to the posible unfair recruiting and labor end....yes, I hate this company and YES, I HAD a grudge. Notice HAD? I've thrown in the towel. Unfortunately, they will continue to get away with this and I do sympathize with all who have submitted claims to this site. But then again, someone may experience something different, submit it on this site and maybe, just maybe find an avenue to stop this company. (Dead Horse Again, I'm Sure) So, I'll continue to monitor this site and, believe me, will read what other drivers are saying.
By the way, the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, was the Nebraska State Department of Labor Practices. They are very well aware of WE and just cannot find any illegal practices going forth.
I feel sorry for these young guys, being promised the pie in the sky, that work for a peons wage and not get these promises. That's where my concern lies. I'm retired from a 30 year career and just wanted to start a new career. I don't need the money, but wouldn't mind having a bit more to enjoy retirement more, haha, so this is not my reasoning. I've mentioned the real reason above.
So, if anyone else has any suggestions, which I don't think anyone has that I have not exhausted, let me know. I'll continue monitoring this site.

Falls Creek, Pennsylvania

4 Updates & Rebuttals




#5Consumer Comment

Wed, June 10, 2009

Smoke I'm not sticking up for werner but i have over 20yrs driveing experience and you should really not be putting companies down when you really have no idea how this industry works. I'm not much for words being i'm just a stupid truck driver and it's my opinion that you have no idea what your talking about. you should have stuck to teaching because obviously you were not cut out to drive a truck for a living. Also you don't have enough time doing this to be telling other people what to be staying away from. Again I also have my problems with werner and am by no means speaking up for them,because it makes no difference what company you work for they all make promises that they are unable to keep. further more as far as your workmans comp claim I've been sitting in this seat for more than 20yrs and the type of injuries you have could not have possibly been aquired in 2weeks of driving. Maybe you should face the fact that old age is catching up to you. Good luck to all your future endevours.




#5Consumer Comment

Wed, June 10, 2009

Smoke I'm not sticking up for werner but i have over 20yrs driveing experience and you should really not be putting companies down when you really have no idea how this industry works. I'm not much for words being i'm just a stupid truck driver and it's my opinion that you have no idea what your talking about. you should have stuck to teaching because obviously you were not cut out to drive a truck for a living. Also you don't have enough time doing this to be telling other people what to be staying away from. Again I also have my problems with werner and am by no means speaking up for them,because it makes no difference what company you work for they all make promises that they are unable to keep. further more as far as your workmans comp claim I've been sitting in this seat for more than 20yrs and the type of injuries you have could not have possibly been aquired in 2weeks of driving. Maybe you should face the fact that old age is catching up to you. Good luck to all your future endevours.




#5Consumer Comment

Wed, June 10, 2009

Smoke I'm not sticking up for werner but i have over 20yrs driveing experience and you should really not be putting companies down when you really have no idea how this industry works. I'm not much for words being i'm just a stupid truck driver and it's my opinion that you have no idea what your talking about. you should have stuck to teaching because obviously you were not cut out to drive a truck for a living. Also you don't have enough time doing this to be telling other people what to be staying away from. Again I also have my problems with werner and am by no means speaking up for them,because it makes no difference what company you work for they all make promises that they are unable to keep. further more as far as your workmans comp claim I've been sitting in this seat for more than 20yrs and the type of injuries you have could not have possibly been aquired in 2weeks of driving. Maybe you should face the fact that old age is catching up to you. Good luck to all your future endevours.


Harrison Township,


#5Consumer Comment

Sun, May 17, 2009

The author left out some information, but the point apparently made (?) is Wxx makes promises that they cannot keep and that is common in the trucking industry.

Many tactics used date back to the days when the moving companies were offering what amounted to 'buying a job' where people could lease/buy their own truck to haul furniture. The newbie 'bed bug haulers' initially got all of the heavy loads, burned out their shaker COE's before their time, and ended up broke. This is the same goal today. Trucking companies would rather a driver lease/own a truck themselves to pull the loads they receive from their freight brokers. This way the lessee/o/o has the liability.

Sound familiar? It appears not very much has changed in the trucking business. It is best to start out as a company driver first (with a small company) before leasing or buying a truck.

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