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  • Report:  #930173

Complaint Review: Westwood College

Westwood College SEXUAL HARASSMENT BY THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ADONIS EXOM & my wrongful termination Calumet City, Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Nicole McGill — Calumet City Illinois United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 21, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 21, 2014
  • Westwood College
    Calumet City, Illinois
    Calumet City, Illinois
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Adinis Exom my Assistant Director repeatedly sexual harassed me at my home during an unauthorized home office check as well as at, home phone, and at several of the campuses. Several weeks after reporting the incidents to a third party incident website. Human resources call and wrongly terminated my employment. They retaliated because I requested to change teams because I was afraid for my life because he knew where I lived. I could like someone to contact me so to expose this company for this federal crime. Presently Exin is still working there but was transferred to a different team after they lied and claimed that they could not accommodate me while working in the hostile environment. I am going to inform the world of the abuse!

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Ms. J


Mrs. J-This Case was Dismissed 9/10/2013

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 21, 2014

 I was speaking from an HR perspective (hint), and you're still grasping at straws trying to figure it out.  Actually, at first I thought he should respond or at least read what you're writing about him, but he had an interesting perspective. And I quote, he said, " this has had no effect on me financially, professionally, emotionally, or spiritually, why read something and disrupt his peace when blessings keep coming his way everyday. This situation has and always will be her issue that she can deal with, she pretended to be a friend and that's ok too. I could post some bad personal stuff about her, but why? I already won, but there really are no winners in situations like this. The situation and the website is probably added to a long list of unsuccessful things that she's attempted her in life, but I pray that she finds whatever she's looking for and wish her much success. Everyone deserves to be as happy as I am at this moment in my life." Now leave her alone and let her post whatever she likes, I appreciate you defending me, but God has always had my back from day one. No weapon formed against me shall prosper."  quoted

With that being said, Mrs. J is done. Have a nice life.






#10Author of original report

Mon, January 13, 2014

Again it's obvious that you do not care for me and that's okay.  You have contradicted yourself several times, which should prove to all readers that you are untrustworthy. Isee that you are full of ASSUMPTIONS about my reasons for complaining.  Well I complained to several people at Westwood before I made the decision to make a formal report.  An Director & her Assistant were go lead me to the third party private report system!  HA!  

They witnessed his unprofessionalism as well... I also confided in another Advisor who was also a Pastor, who assisted me with suggestions.  In fact, he protected me by offering to train me in place of Adonis.  I went out several times with him, and we remain good friends today.  I do not know how you are speaking of seeing that I was only employed for six months. Now of them made these claims to HR, it's not in the reports I subpeanaed...  You are just speaking out of the side of your month... Provide PROOF!!!!!!  

Obviously you are the type of person to bash other women online, seeing that this is what you are doing... You have made ALL assumptions, you have provided NOT one fact or premise! Your intention is questionable. It sounds like it's to discredit me well you can't... I speak the truth. If I were worried about employers, I wouldnt have added my name. It has and will never hurt me, in fact I am gainfully employed..... We all have a purpose in life, we can chose to stand for something or die for nothing.

I am strong enough to stand up for my belief system no matter what the cost...  This conversation is for the sole purpose of encouraging others to stand for their rights and confront or dismiss Naysayers/Haters determined to bring shame upon the victims. Silence is the Abusers best Ally!!!! You will not silence my voice! In fact, I will response to each and every one of your rebuttals! Understanding that the more information I provide the more foolish you will appear taking up for a man who disrespects women... Even his own wife and child's mother.  

He better be happy that I just posted the Truth on here versus informing his wife..... He provided me with personal information that I should not be privy too... I am a beautiful,educated woman, there is not a person that can dispute that fact! You sound like you are envious.  I know my worth.  Adonis  is unattractive and he was in a place of authority over me and he attempted to use his power for evil not good. Point Blank! 

During training sessions in the field I learned so many interesting personal facts about our so called innocent Assistant Director; Let's see; Adonis Exom lives in Matteson with his wife and two grade school children. His mother watches the kids to save money on daycare.  He has a daughter he had out of wedlock by a woman he had a fling with that he mistreats. He hates the woman because she sued him for child support. He claims she still wants him and is jealous of his wife.  So she agitates him, he has called the police on her various times.  

He claimed that there's some type of order of protection, keeping her at bay.  He's unsatistifed with his wife because of her low sex drive. Plushis wife does not like o perform oral sex on him. In fact, she refuses. If she is reading this I'm sure she will agree. He also says that she doesn't even like him performing it on her, she likes regular military style sex. He's afraid of telling her that he is bored and unsatisfied in fear that he will hurt her feelings.  He works out early in the morning before work to get his body right, so that he can attract other women.

Which is extremely easy seeing the flexible hours he worked. His life with his wife is boring, it's basically all about the kids.  At the time, he had the freedom to cheat during his breaks throughout the day.  Seeing that he worked in the field, he told me all I had to do to cover my behind was to schedule an interview in the Outlook schedule.  That way it would appear that I was working.  Seeing that you are an ex employee, I'm sure this was your thing as well...  :-)  Thats seasoned employees business practice. ;-)

During training sessions he told me about everyone's personal business.  If you are who I am think you are I, then I knew you wouldn't be keeping your job long as well.  I'm sure you are not employed at Westwood either, it was just a manner of time for you... I heard that they only kept you because you had been there for so long and would do anything for an enrollment.  Westwood was a pitstop for me not a permanent career move.... I was tired on a 60 day probationary period... During the 60 day probationary period I discovered that we were deceiving uninformed prospective students by selling them unaccreditted programs that they couldn't utilize anywhere.  Leaving them in depth and unemployed, and at a worst disadvantage. My spirit would not allow me to sell not even one program.  

In fact, I would warn people shortly after selling them the illusion, and encourage them to go the Junior College route...  I didn't earn a Graduate Degree to destroy lives.  We expected them not to read the disclosure, we expected them not to know that there are various accrediting governoring bodies and that the school and programs must be Regionally accredited, not NATIONALLY ACCREDITED... I was employed by Galas & Adonis because I was highly qualified. In saying that, low production was intentional.  Adonis assumed it was unintentional and utilized Quid Prid Quo as a tactic to get into my panties.

I NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF REMAINING EMPLOYED THERE.... You stressed out over your job, while I floated around stressfree... Karma is what you need to worry about! Because you will get what you put out there in ten-fold in this lifetime not the next. Again, you can assume what you like, but I was not that desperate to keep a job... I do not sell my soul to the Devil, for the green dollar bill!!!! I have documentation as proof, where higher ups tried to make employees sign those privacy disclosures about students suing them for ruining their lives... I never signed them!  Not one!  I will never keep the secrets of a giant Devil! HA!!!!  

I was at one time, one of those students you deceived. Why would I do that to myself and to my people?  And you claim that I am a major disappointment to woman all around the world.  Well I bed to differ, I am a character builder, not a soul crusher.... You destroyed lives and you know it?  You are the one guilty!  You are the weaker spirit, not I.... So while you point the finger at me, focus on yourself... It's crazy how people love to judge others, and deem people guilty of their own crimes... You assume that I would lie, because it is your experience... You spent a lifetime lying!  You are the liar!  I am the Truth! Feel free to contact me whenever you like, I am not difficult to find.... PEACE BE STILL!!!! 

Mrs. J


Filing sexual harassment to avoid/delay termination

#10UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, January 13, 2014

Darling we don't have to do this online, I can give you my contact information and we can talk.  Did you seriously think you were the 1st woman to file sexual harrassment right before being terminated? HR had seen it before and it looks like you retaliated for being placed on a Final Written Warning of Termination. If you were sexually harrassed, why did you wait until you were about to be fired? You thought filing sexual harrassment would save your job or win a lawsuit. It's okay everyone knows you took some bad advice, and your planned failed miserably. That's what you can't let go. 

I remember the claim was so pathetic he didn't even receive a slap on the wrist, it was like nothing happened.  As far as a liability, you were fired and he resigned and took a new position almost 2 years later, call it what you want. lol  As you say the professional Mr. Galas, is also the one who terminated you, he regretted not firing you sooner. As a woman, I wanted to believe you, but all the lies just didn't add up. People at the company used these words to describe you trifling, scandalous, lazy, and airhead, no lie. 

I'm smart enough to not post my name, you probably don't realize posting your name to this is probably going to hurt you more than it hurts him. With his connections he can make a phone call and get a new position. Just think if you were a hiring manager and you saw this post would you hire you? Nope. By the way, I have a career I was just looking at a reference for another opportunity. Unless you want to talk woman to woman this is my last response to the lies and nonsense. Bashing other sisters online is not my thing. I've had no contact with him because he turned in his work phone so this would be between me and you. Once, again get it together girlfriend you make us all look bad. 






#10Author of original report

Sat, January 11, 2014

This message is in response to Mrs. J... I will never apologize for being strong enough to testify on this forum. I expected the blacklash. It does not negatively affect me as you intended Mrs. J... In fact, its confirmation that it was the right decision to expose the abuser. This is what my book "Dumb Blonde Black" is about. It is about the abused fighing against negative labels utilized to destroy a person's self worth and character. It is about a woman'a struggle to reinvent herself despite her past choices. I am not my past. I am my prezent and future. Like Adonis you assume you can discredit me with your false perception of my past. I encourage everyone to read my biography and judge for themselves seeing that perceptions are subjective. I stand unashamed!!!! In fact, I am proud of my growth. I utilize my story to assist abused woman on a quest for personal mastery! Anyway I forgive Adonis... I send nothing but blessings his way at this point. No one will  silence me,  I speak the Truth!!!!! 




#10Author of original report

Sat, January 11, 2014

WOW it's obvious whose side you're on Mrs. J, if that is your real name... What is Adonis sitting ride by your side? :-) What qualifies you to claim that I am a lie? I believe that if you show Adon** this bias response, he will certainly give you that reference you are seeking.... Obviously, you're unemployed in need of someone to speak on your behalf. If this is your only option, then so be it.  If he is your best reference, I feel sorry for you. You mean you had to Google his name in search of him versus just calling him, even I am in possession of his number. You should have his number... If he's still gainfully employed at Westwood then there would be no need to Google his name. Obviously he is not still employed at Westwood College. He is a liability. No matter what you think of me, I  speak the truth! Everyone has a past. I am proud of how God delivered me from my past. I am even prouder of the place I am presently.  I went from being a Highschool dropout to a gainfully employed Professional with several graduate degrees, loving family, and strong support system.  If I could overcome sexual harassment, I can certainly overcome the abuse coming from your mouth.... I believe that what you put out into the universe comes back to you in ten fold. Your intention is malicious. That's an obvious fact. You attempt to punish me for courageous speaking my truth? This is why most victims remain quiet... Fear of being labelled a liar for various reasons...

You have no idea what you are speaking of, I became gainfully employed a short time after leaving Westwood College. That job didnt make or break me...  In fact, you speak lies.. You are guilty of what you accuse me off... Adonis is guilty! Point blank! I put my hand on the Bible! I have worked too hard in life to subject myself to that type of abuse... I love men! In fact, I requested to work with the Director Galas because he was an upright man, a true professional... God will deal with you accordingly!!!!! I would love to have a one on one converstion with you. I sense that I am respinsing to Adonis, if I am... Then I want you to know that I forgive you... In fact, I wish that I could delete this report. So you dont have to be reminded of your mistake, but this is permanent... They do not give you an option to erase the report. I pray that you learn from your mistake and move on with your life as I have.The Truth is the Truth! 

Mrs. J


Nicole is an Embarrassment to black women everywhere

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 10, 2014

Wow, I was searching his name so I could use him as a reference and this came up. Adonis was one of the best managers I've ever had hands down and he would give you the shirt off his back. Seriously ask anybody that knows him it's nothing, but positive.  This is just a shame that she would post something like this.  I remember this situation, basically what happen is you were close to being fired because you were unprofessional, unproductive, always late, missing meetings, and appointments with teachers.

You wore jeans with the crack of your butt showing. Nicole, you flirted with everbody teachers included, you couldn't do your job so you tried to flirt your way out of work. I remember on many occassions you refused to work with anybody, except Adonis. When you realized flirting couldn't replace production you filed sexual harrassment because you were about to be fired. 

You told me on several occassions you only wanted to work with him in the field. I remember you wouldn't answer your bosses calls. Your boss would have to call Adonis to get in contact with you, because you would only answer his calls. And you wonder why you got fired. lol 

Also, everyone including HR knew about your book dumb blonde black girl check amazon. Ironically this book talks about using men for money, and other things etc. This book is horrible, how can an educated woman write like a 3rd grader. Check the reviews on amazon they're hilarious.  If you put half as much effort into working, as you did into trying to scheme you'd probably still have a job. 

I'm wondering if he saw this, but he has so much class he probably wouldn't even respond. He should file a law suit against you for slander I believe everyone would support him 110%. I didn't plan for it to be this long, but somebody had to say something this is slander in the worst way. Goodness

Nicole M



#10Author of original report

Tue, April 23, 2013

If anyone is interested in joining in my lawsuit that I am presently pursuing please contact me ASAP!!!!!  I am not going to allow Westwood College to dismiss this dubious act!!!! 



This is Sad and Funny At The Same Time

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, October 14, 2012

I am so sorry for the both of you in regards to being screwed by Westwood but as a former student and Graduate who was also screwed along with hundreds if not thousands of other students, seeing employees of Westwood College (past,present and future) take it on the chin, especially harassment is another dropin my bucket of satisfaction.

Try posting your complaints on glassdoor as well, let the Internet community know what Westwood College is really about.


United States of America

I am too an Ex-Employee and I agree with you

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 29, 2012

I too was an employee of Westwood College as well. I was harassed daily by two different Directors there. I was constantly harassed everyday just about with my dress-code in which I had always dressed the same since the first day I started there. Also, no one else was spoken to about dress-codes except for me. There were many other people there that clearly needed to be addressed again with the dress-code as I always wore suits to work with suit jacket etc. I had to eventually tell my last director that picked up where the other director left off on with the dress-code harassment, that if he continued I was going to HR about it. He eventually kinda stopped as he addressed it to the entire team after my threat. 

Since we all are granted sick and vacation time working there....of course there are times when you are sick and cannot come in. Well I had the H1N1 a few years ago and was out of work for 4 days (having two doctors notes to hand in). In the Employee handbook it clearly states: If you are gone 2 or more days of work a doctors note is needed and can count as one sick day. HUH interesting as they never gave that to me and counted me gone for 4 days. I then was presented a Final Written Letter the next day I came in which also included the 4 days I was sick with 2 doctors notes excusing me from work. Hmmm interesting since I had never been written up before ever working there....never been verbally talked to and never received a first notice. I was clearly a threat to the DA there since I was the most Tenure with Westwood out of everyone that worked at my campus! I even went to HR about the Final Letter and asked why my 4 days of sick time was in there...therefore leading me to getting fired etc. She batted an eye and said that the Final Letter stands as is....What a bunch of crap! I was with Westwood for a LONG time...worked my A** off for them and I get treated like crap. Since that DA never came to me to talk to me on my progress or had any time frames...he didn't care and didn't want me there.

I was never given a raise with that DA that ended up firing me. Funny how the Comp Plan is a crock of crap. I had well over the points I needed to move to Master Rep level only to come find out in my review that my DA held back 2 points so I couldn't move up the nice right when he told me he would make sure I would when it came time. He was nothing but a HUGE fake and liar! Oh but they had no problems demoting you on the comp plan that's for sure! 

The last time I called in sick I had the flu and the next day I came to work that DA fired me that Friday. Really? I mean I worked my butt off there and I had the highest show rate and closing rate and they let me go for taking time off that I earned. I even had vacation time left when I was fired and received a check along with my last paycheck from them. My last DA couldn't wait to fire me and tried finding everything he could to go to HR about. Unfortunately, HR is never on the employees side...they are always and will always be on the managers side for everything. What's the point of having an HR person? 

So yea....I too was wrongfully terminated. After I was fired...he was still there until 6 months later...he was told to leave or he would get fired. Now he's a DA for another college. How the heck can he leave one and get another job that fast as I have been unemployed and cannot get another job since being fired from there in 2010? I think Westwood is giving me a bad rap every time I apply to jobs and that's why I cannot get one.

Oh and not to mention...that DA is a cheater and screwed with many people who enrolled at that campus...therefore they were never able to get refunds back if they canceled because the DA would tell the front desk not to enter those enrollments as he didn't see them to start. How nice right? He screwed with my enrollments and maybe some other reps as well from getting the class starts and raises. Supposedly they were investigating on that matter but not sure if that led to his dismissal or not. 

Anyone out there thinking of attending or working for better think twice! 

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