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  • Report:  #130153

Complaint Review: WFG

WFG Scam Hand Out A Job ripoff scam my money try to ruin my marriage Edmonton Alberta

  • Reported By:
    calgary Alberta
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 04, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 06, 2016

So i got a phone call from a man who wanted to talk to me about a job, he took mine and my husbands resumes off the net. He wouldn't answer any of my questions about the company or about the job or anything just told me it would be an opportunity. we went to the ocultic meeting where everyone was dressed well and had fake smiles just like the fake money they BRAGGED about. I had no idea what was going on but my husband did so he went after and talked with two of the marketing directors.

When he was there they gave him the shpeel about how you could make so much money and how advancement was so prominent in this business.

Ohh yeah the one guy was an "ex-engineer" a famous trade I hear for these type of liers.

They wanted me to pay $125 for a background check, I mean what multi billion dollar company has to get there prospective employees to pay for a back ground check, and can't you get those from the police for free.

Then it was $275 for LLPQ or something like that which they never did tell me the meaning of it could have been "little loser pays quick" for all I know.

then it was $10 bucks for the training guide which the marketing director said was probably going to go up in price before I had a chance to buy it.

They did everything perfectly, too perfectly. it was with no doubt a cult where everyone beleives that they are making $250,000 and nobody can wipe the smile off their faces long enough to find out different.

WFG is a joke don't deal with them and don't become an ocult practiser yourself it won't get you anywhere, except greedy and without money which when combined don't make happy.

Happy is with my wife which I am thankful to say we recognized this scam and still have some of our money left. (another scam is flowers on valentines day, that's where the other money is going)

calgary, Alberta

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15 Updates & Rebuttals



Spelling and grammar lol

#16General Comment

Sun, March 06, 2016

 This guy thinks he is a English Teacher lmao, buddy have you heard of auto correct? You know auto correct? It happens in life, so since you said you researched it yourself but didn't say anything about that, lol because you didn't. Why try to make someone look small based on a few auto correct issues? Once again you have no facts what's so ever, also you know nothing about WFG, so why pretend you know how any of there systems work. I always get a kick out of people like you that change the topic, and have no facts what's so ever other that what they googled. The last thing I want to say is, anyone that is an Executive Marketing Directer or higher makes more money than you will make in four years, and they also travel to more places in 2-4 years than you will in your lifetime. You will never increase your money that you make in year over year 100% like some of them do, stick to your invested that steers you away and retire in your late sixties while they retire in there forties-fifties.




#16General Comment

Sun, March 06, 2016

 I just have to say you worked for the company but yet have 0 facts, where did you pull the 3% out? Of your a*? Lol I can see why you didn't make it far, you don't listen to any of the meetings you went to, it's your own business which means you have to put time in, and if they made $100.00 which its $125.00 not $100.00 by the way your not going to have a trillion dollar company based on that lol some people just are not the brightest around.



So you tried out and failed

#16General Comment

Sun, March 06, 2016

 First off everything you said are all lies, so I take it you went to a meeting and you talked to someone that you didn't like, so then you make up a bunch of lies based on a meeting that went sour lol. So how would you know anything about a company based on one meeting? How would anyone know anything about a company based on one meeting? You can have your opinion but please don't call anything you said a fact, because I know personally that everything you said is a lie. I find people like you that feel cheated your whole life amusing and always feel that someone is trying to rip you off or cheat you in some way. If WFG was some kind of scam they wouldn't be a trillion dollar company, for your future post do some research before you post lies with no facts other than you had your mind made up before you went to a meeting where you felt inferior to the people there.


Las Vegas,

WFG has been all over the place

#16General Comment

Wed, June 25, 2014

I just want to say that I have noticed the dates on a lot of the rebuttals and they are recent, in fact this year 2014.


I know for a fact that the FTC is currently doing an investigation in Utah at one agency.  It will be interesting to see what the outcome is



No, that is not right....

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2014

People will do anything they can to make a commission.....ok but this is not new news.  The jewelry salesperson, the shoe salesperson....they work on commission and it is the same with them......they really want their commission also.  And so?  

But the real distinction is that WFG agents are working in a highly regulated industry unlike the jewelry and shoe business.  First off, you have to be licensed to sell whatever type of insurance, etc. that you are selling.  There is code that tells you for example how you can advertise, what you can and cannot use in your "sales pitches", what information has to be disclosed, etc.  In addition, there is a code of ethics that must be followed.  It is not about we can't fire them because we never hired them.  It is about the State yanking their license temporarily or perhaps permanently and sanctions possibly being imposed ....fines, jail or prison time or both.  And should the consumer feel taken or ripped off or robbed or dupped....whatever you want to call it....the path for recourse is laid out and people will listen. 

All these comments about WFG make no sense to me.  What happen to everyone's common sense and ability to read between the lines.  Essentially if you want to sell insurance, etc. with WFG, get licensed, know the products inside and out, care about what you are doing and care about your clients....the rest will fall into place.  Everyone seems to be worrying and analyzing (or over analyzing) the wrong stuff.




The truth is..VERY BAD TO WORK FOR!

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 26, 2014

I am also an ex employee and if I were told all the facts about this company before I joined I would NEVER have joined.  The truth is, you get so far in debt and already screwed so many people that the ones that stay don't want to cut their losses.  It's true you can make money if you don't mind deceiving people, twisting the truth and hold back important information.  If you don't mind just having the WFG family as your family and friends then maybe it will work.

The success rate tells it all, they have about a 3% success rate, so 97% of the people fail.  Meeting after meeting twice a week for 4 months, about 300 people there and it was the same 5 people always being reconized for their sales.  Do the math, if all these people quit and they get $100 for the 97% that fail, the turn over of employees in unreal.  Those of you that been in the company for years, look at your life, do you really have a life or friends outside of the company? 

Any job or career that has to lie, twist the truth, withhold information about the company and how it operates is not a company to work for.


san digo,
United States of America

wfg is deceiving!!!

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, February 20, 2013

they will make endless $100 from everyone they've deceived. the system they use is shady and the puppets that they call "Marketing directors" are brained washed by the book "the system builder". if they try to recruit you just run..... run Quick! they are trained to be heartless. Good day everyone. unfortunately, we all have to stick with our 9-5 jobs.  

the lil wfg agent


WFG is not a scam


Wed, August 19, 2009

the reason a lot of companies using multi level marketing get a lot of bad comments on the internet is because once you get into this stuff...most of the're on your own...because people are greedy.

The reason why a lot of people accuse these companies and the people that are under these companies of scamming people, is because some people will do what ever it takes to earn their commissions.

 Since making money in multi level marketing depends on how motivated and how hard YOU work...some people do unethical things just so they can get their commissions...and technically...the company can't "fire" these people...since they were never "hired" in the first place.

WFG is in an industry that is highly once people start doing unethical things in this business I'm in....yeah they will get their quick profit and
give the company a bad reputation....but they will also get their license taken away so they can't do it again.

my dad was introduced to this business by his partner in his architectural firm...then my dad introduced me to it...the guy who recruited my dad makes dad makes money...i make money as you really can make money here...but people mistake this as a get rich quick scheme...what we do here is not easy...and like any other way of dealing with takes time and hard work to become successful in this business.



Your accusations are a lie.

#16UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 06, 2009

Let's start with an introduction. I am an assosiate with WFG as well as my wife.

Let's start then with the many errors of your post, from the top and work down. First, there are some ex-engeneers in this buisness (as well as ex-just about everything), I happen to know one myself. Next, backround reports on people are not free. (also, it is only $100 not $125). There is no $275 fee to get started after that, once you pay the $100 for backround, you are in. Period. WFG takes nothing else.

They are very clear however that you will need to get licenced (just like every other finantial buisness in the world) to get payed your commitions. It is illegal to get payed for selling any kind of insurence without a licence. Another note, all the money for the licences is going to the state (again, just like all other finantial industries in the world) to the state or governing body in charge of it.

Last point of interest, WFG is owned by AEGON, a huge worldwide company with assets of over 280 billion dollars. You really think that one of the largest companies in the world would buy up a company that scams people out of $100? These reports are all hogwash and should be removed from this site.

For more REAL info, please refer to;; or for on AEGON go to

Do some real reaserch instead of these blogs.


Mountain Vie,

You were CON ed but not by legit WFG people

#16UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 25, 2008

I've joined and I have family in it.

1) it is a $100. for your background check
2) in WFG you are self employed, NOT a employee
3) anyone who's actually made it to marketing director doesn't need such low tactics to get to you. Becoming a Marketing director requires a lot of leadership and more concern for others. The many marketing directors I met so far are all very good people.

conclusion: you were con ed but not by legit WFG goers


New York,

Look at the caliber of WFG employees

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, March 22, 2007

"Evann" in San Diego, California. In regards to your post, let's first address the grammar. To quote you "Thats just being mature". I believe you mean "That's", as in "That is". "Thats" called an apostrophe. How about "with REAL intention is to help all of us." This sentence makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

"And after some careful thought and review and even after reading the discouraging things many people say about them; I said I'll check it out for myself and I did." - This represents an ambitious attempt at a semicolon, however, there is zero justification for using it in this sentence...there is not even a smidgen of logic as to why you would employ this punctuation here. I, for one, am entranced by your linguistic shortcomings.

"Which you can take those license and get a really good paying JOB :( elsewhere if that's what you really want A JOB." Again, you're incomprehensible. What kind of company hires a marginal retard like you for any position outside the mail room?

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of the second grade level grammar mistakes. Let's get on to spelling. Spelling is fun!

"Introducesd" should be "introduced". "What about the companies we respesent" - just who exactly do you "respesent"? Should I contact my congressional respesentative to find the answer to this question? "Independant" should be spelled "independent". For Christ's sake, my name is Evan - did you spell your own name wrong, "Evann"? That's like minus 200 on your SAT scores.

I was approached by a "respesentative" of WFG while on shift at my current job. Of course I was skeptical of a stranger approaching me with a "job offer" after having spoken to me for approximately five minutes. Happy to report, I never attended the "interview" (cattle call).

This is not, technically speaking, a scam. It is a multi-level marketing business. It is legal. As long as your fork out your initial investment, and are able to convince a couple hundred other people to fork out that same investment, you will make money. That said, your only function is to recruit. You can fool yourself that you are selling financial vehicles, but you are not going to survive on commissions alone. Your recruit. And when the recruits vanish, so does your cut of the kitty. Furthermore, if your mission is to help people, then why are you selling the poor and struggling a useless instrument like a VUL? As a casual investor, my advisor always steers me away from insurance based investments. My previous advisor did the same. You must admit that your primary interest is in selling and earning commissions without any real knowledge of your product.

Lay off the Koolaid and get a real job.



WFG is bad

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, March 06, 2007

I couldn't agreed more with everyone who has something negative about WFG. They don't tell you upfront what they do or how they make money. Everyone gets the same ole speil..."you need an open mind".....WHAT???!!!!

The employees who rebuttal on this board arent' defending your company well in my opinion. You're just giving everyone "newspeak".

My boyfriend just happens to be in the same line of business but his business is legit and rated well with the BBB. Unfortunatley, I have a friend who is part of WFG, and not a day goes by where she doesn't try to recruit. It's been almost 3 years! At least she's persistence right? Well my boyfriend do know about WFG and he mentioned to me that this company IS a bad company and that most financial institutions look down on WFG.



WFG is bad

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, March 06, 2007

I couldn't agreed more with everyone who has something negative about WFG. They don't tell you upfront what they do or how they make money. Everyone gets the same ole speil..."you need an open mind".....WHAT???!!!!

The employees who rebuttal on this board arent' defending your company well in my opinion. You're just giving everyone "newspeak".

My boyfriend just happens to be in the same line of business but his business is legit and rated well with the BBB. Unfortunatley, I have a friend who is part of WFG, and not a day goes by where she doesn't try to recruit. It's been almost 3 years! At least she's persistence right? Well my boyfriend do know about WFG and he mentioned to me that this company IS a bad company and that most financial institutions look down on WFG.



WFG reps hanging out here....

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, May 24, 2006

Ya know, for making a million bucks a year, you reps sure spend alot of time out here on, as if you KNOW people are figuring you out and letting the world know how lame you are. Instead of thinking of "good", "clever", "quality" responses, how about ignoring what other people say and start working. I work in an office building and every office on our floor (except for us) are world financial workers. I've never had any problems with them. They are very respectful of the other businesses in the building and they work very hard for their dough (I hear them on the phone constantly). I doubt they spend all their time on and spend hours thinking of "clever" rebuttals.


San Diego,

World Financial Group IS THE GREATEST!!!

#16UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 22, 2005

You know people, I have always been taught if you cant say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. Thats just being mature. So I want to make this long and lengthy so that people will stop bad mouthing WFG which is an outstanding and growing company with REAL intention is to help all of us.
World Financial Group is a perfectly legitimate business. I'll admit I was a bit skeptical at first, after all IT IS too good to be true. But I'm here to tell now that it is true. Anyway about 6 months ago, I was introducesd to WFG. And after some careful thought and review and even after reading the discouraging things many people say about them; I said I'll check it out for myself and I did. It was a bit overwelming at first until I saw the big picture of what this company is trying to do for America, through the financial services. At WFG you are or would be an Independant Agent, but not only that you are in business to build your own business, within the business. Key words INDEPENDANT-BUSINESS. This is not for everyone. But where else can you go and open a business with an initial investment of about $1000. Because that's about how much it really cost for all the licenses you'll need in the financial service industry. Which you can take those license and get a really good paying JOB :( elsewhere if that's what you really want A JOB. Where else can you go and get free advertisement. Where else can you go and have your own sponsored NASCAR and truck. And if that's to much for you. What about the companies we respesent. You know I was watching tennis the other day, the Pacific Life Inventational (you know the one with the whale). And twice since I have been with WFG, Pacific Life has sent officials to talk to us WFG agents about promoting the products in our business. But I guess the number 2 insurance company in all of the world is a scam too. Just as real estate agents are independent, so are we. And everything real estate agents do you could do for yourselves, i.e. for sale by owner, (FSBO) but people are willing to pay them anywhere from 3-7% commission on their hundreds of thousand dollar homes. Now that's a lot of money! Oh and how do real estate brokers get paid? They get a commissions off their real estate agents. Hum, a little MLM is it, but there a scam too. And every office is different, so you can't quote that, but in many places it is true. Just like you have good real estate agents and offices and bad ones. Just like I know of some McDonalds that are better than others. Look at Denny's who had a multi-million dollar lawsuit dealing with Racial Discrimination about 10 yrs ago. I don't see them on this webpage. Just because you have had a bad experience or maybe you just don't understand WFG doesn't mean the company as a whole is bad.

A lot of the individuals of WFG, especially if they are new, may not and do not have the knowledge neccessary to go out and set individuals finances in order. Hell, over half of America don't have that knowledge either. These new individuals are trying to get the company name out there. They have good intentions. They don't know much but they do know this is an awesome opportunity to learn a new business.

I bet everyone out there was an expert at there careers when they first got started, right? Wrong!!! WFG is made up of the average individuals. Many are just learning the business, so the people they do meet, they bring down to the company meeting to introduce them to the company to share the opportunity. When I started playing football as a youngster I din't even know how to play, but I knew it was exciting and I told everyone I knew. I even got friends involved. Recruited them to play. Every company recruits. Do some real research! The U.S. Armed Forces recruiting effort is the largest in the world.

Do you think they say join us and die in combat. Hell no! Do those recruiters tell their recruits everything, heck no, America wouldn't have an Armed Forces.

But we do have many, many low AND middle class people in debt and financial ruins. Now most new associate may not have the knowledge to suggest a financial plan and may have little knowledge of our company.

That's why the leadership of our company is there, and, or should be, making sure these individuals know what to say and not to say when introducing WFG to possibly our new Associates and or clients. Most of the upper echelon agents in the company do have knowledge of the industry and are training there new agents. They are employing the system WFG has in place to make sure new associate are getting the knowledge to do good things for others and themselves. However many people may be getting wrapped up in how profitable the industry of financial services is and sell things and products just to get a commission, which is wrong.

Finances as we all know are very simple. So why are so many of us in debt? And when we get there what do we do. Hum?! Well this is where WFG comes in. You come into contact with a licensed agent who will do a Financial Analysis on your income and expenses. He or she will show your financial strengths, your financial weakness and should give you a plan to correct this.

You make a decision based off their suggestions. It may be in your best interest not to buy any Financial Product. Maybe with a few changes to the way you view money and budget your money that agent could save you money and you can choose a financial vehicle that suits you needs.

Either way your best interest is in mind at all times. And if we can't help you, do you know someone we can help? That's only Smart Business to ask and try to generate referrals.

And to all those agents that are pushing VUL!!! VUL!!! I know they are out there. Stop it!!! You are giving our good company a bad name. A VUL is an outstanding product and I do have one myself, but it may not be the financial tool for budget. They should be, but may not.

And for all you who were making all these rediculous claims about how a VUL works do some studying. And it is the best of both worlds, insurance with a variable investment subaccount and just about every insurance company has one, but It Is permanent life insurance not a investment and people should understand that. Just note I do think it is worderful, but not for everyone. Term life and individual investments.

Oh my God, who ever said that please, do some studying, some reading. Term life is just that Term-means temporary, 5, 10, 15, 20 years. So what am I to do when I am 50 and I brought a 20 yr Term policy listening to you and I don't have any investments and now I can't afford any insurance.

And I know about convertable term I not here to give a life insurance class just to stand up for WFG. Anyway, to wrap this up because I know I said alot. Not every WFG agent is bad and not everyone knows everything. And not every company is bad, however WFG is great and I wish I could talk maturely with all who disagree so I could show them the light. You can take a horse water but you can't make them drink.

So don't drink, be happy and stop bad mouthing our entire company because a few agents or maybe offices didn't impress you with our business, they were doing there best, stop being so critical. By the way everyone knows super sized combos are full of fats and are unhealthy for us, but I don't see that all these hate pages.

Best Wishes to ALL,

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