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  • Report:  #1273163



  • Reported By:
    WildCard Investigations, Inc. — Miami Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 09, 2015
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 09, 2016


MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015


JP Merlano (Tenant C507/Father/Complainant)!
Odlanier Gonzalez (Owner of FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT, INC.)!


Ms. Sherry Lehman SIU Intake Ref: Zurich Worker’s Compensation WC969820001
Lt. Gina Narcisse from Florida Department of Finance Criminal Investigations Unit
Investigator Scarlett Aldana from the Florida Department of Finance Compliance Unit

Ongoing State Investigation Case # CF66FFB with the Florida Department of Financial Services for Worker’s Compensation Premium Evasion Fraud - Under Reporting Payroll or # of Employees. The Miami Field Office # 305.536.0302 is the investigative agency assigned to this district. !

Friday, May 1, 2015 at approximately 1:00 p.m., at the FLAMINGO SOUTH BEACH!


Ms. Tania Wilson (General Manager for Flamingo South Beach)!
Ms. Kristine M. Munoz (Community Manager for Flamingo South Beach)!
Mr. Bryan Kebrdle (Regional Manger on behalf of AIMCO)


Good morning everyone, my name is JP Merlano. I am a tenant at the Flamingo South Beach and reside with my beautiful wife and daughter Genesis in Executive Suite 507. !

On Friday, April 1, 2015, at approximately 12:50 p.m., I arrived to my designated parking 308 on the third floor that is a reserved parking space and noticed a unknown vehicle that was parked in my designated parking space. I then proceeded to exit the parking building noting that my space was occupied and needed to inform management to have the vehicle removed or towed. I drove directly to the management tower and noticed Mr. Odlanier Gonzalez also known as “Danny” inside a late model white Dodge Charger bearing Florida license plate CRIB12. Seated adjacent to Mr. Gonzalez was an unidentified woman who was later identified as Mr. Gonzalez wife. Please note that Mr. Gonzalez is the owner of FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT, INC,! according to the Florida Division of Licensing it is the same security company where my family and I reside that handles security here at the Flamingo. !

To regress, I parked my vehicle adjacent to Mr. Gonzalez Dodge and took the opportunity to inform him that there was a vehicle parked in my reserved parking space that needed to be removed. Mr. Gonzalez did not offer or utter any solution to my request, instead, he immediately dove in telling me that I could not park there. I explained to Mr. Gonzalez again that I had no place to park and that I was going to run in Luisa’s office to simply tell her to have the car towed so I have a place to park mine. As I proceeded to walk away to Luisa’s office, Mr. Gonzalez, approximately a white male, 5”9 in height, military style haircut, light eyes, approximately 250 LBS in weight, blood shoot eyes, steps out of the front driver side of his Dodge Charger in the presence of CCTV and commences to aggressively walk towards me while pointing his right index finger at me. At this point in time I took a few steps backwards to distance myself from what appeared to be a volatile situation. Mr. Gonzalez began to utter profanities at me telling me not to threaten him. !

Please note that prior to Mr. Gonzalez stepping out of the car he instructed me to move my car and park it elsewhere. I informed Mr. Gonzalez that what he was doing was retaliatory because I see cars parked in the same spot regularly and that I take photos with the date and time stamp to show what is really going on. Based on Mr. Gonzalez physical actions he took my comment as a threat when in fact I did not say this to get a rise from him but simply place him on notice. Also, Mr. Gonzalez prior to exiting the vehicle stated that “You have no idea who I am, I can make one phone call and have you arrested, I know who you are..” I am thinking to myself having graduated on top of my class both at the police academy and corrections academy some 20 years ago, what is this guy talking about..? Arrested for what..? What concerned me most of this volatile situation was his aggressive body language, the gesturing of the index finger pointing in my direction within close proximity ranging in one -two feet, his aggressive tone of voice, the profanity used in the presence of my 4 year old daughter, and his bloodshot eyes suggesting there maybe a possibility for use of drugs or over medicating himself.

To regress, Mr. Gonzales proceeded to walk towards me as I continued to take steps back to distance myself from him in case I need time to react and to protect myself from a physical confrontation. Please note that my daughter was next to me as all this was happening. I also feared for the safety of my daughter as well. I then stopped because there was really nowhere else to go and surprisingly Luisa and some other females from the management office noticed that there was obviously something going on between Mr. Gonzalez and I.

Immediately, Mr. Gonzalez yelled at Luisa ordering her “I want this car towed!!!!” Mr. Gonzalez continued to order Luisa to have my car towed in a very unbecoming, unprofessional manner. I was very surprise to see the owner of the this security company loose his composure like this and make such a spectacle all on camera in front of AIMCO his client.

I explained to Luisa that I needed my a car towed from my reserve parking space so I can park my car in my reserved spot. Luisa, immediately used her radio to resolve the situation. By then, Mr. Gonzalez was kinda simmered down and would simply track me with his eye-sight as to intimidate me.


As a consequence of Mr. Gonzalez actions my family and I fear that Mr. Gonzalez or his employees who work onsite security company where we live, will have retaliatory actions and target us. I am placing every recipient here on notice of what is going on with this particular security company that is operating here at the FLAMINGO SOUTH BEACH. Security guards are supposed to be trained to diffuse situations and not escalate a situation in particular with tenants. Security is suppose to ultimately make tenants feel safe and not persecuted. This kind of onsite hostility is uncalled for and Mr. Gonzalez has demonstrated that he is without a doubt a liability for AIMCO. This complaint in a matter of public record and as such is available to the public. I operate a private investigations agency and consequently happen to also own and operate a security company and I feel very confident in saying that I lead by example and non of my guys in my watch would ever act this way because I train them to diffuse an onsite altercations with people to prevent a premise liability naming my client in a lawsuit having personally investigated thousands of premise liability claims for corporate America leading insurance carriers, self insured’s and third party administrators.

For the record, Mr. Gonzalez was parked where he should not have been parked. Mr. Gonzalez vehicle was parked adjacent to mine.. Go figure. Please refer to photo attachments to see Mr. Gonzalez vehicle parked adjacent to the management office. !

To reiterate, you are only as strong as your weakest link and AIMCO could have a future premise liability on their hands if no intervention is thought after or taken from hereon mainly because these security guards are very confrontational and push the envelope, they don’t know when to stop and deescalate the situation and this creates a problem for AIMCO and its tenant who you are suppose to protect from onsite security contractors like this. A background check also revealed that Mr. Gonzalez has a statewide carry firearm permit and not responsibly according to public records where he discharged his firearm and was convicted by plea. See public record entry, below.

Crime Details - 05/12/2004 - BROWARD, FL

OffenseDescription1: DISCHARGE FIREARM PUBLIC Case Number: 04010699MM10A
 Arresting Agency: HOLLYWOOD PD

Crime County: BROWARD

OffenseCode: MXXD79015 Counts: 001

Charges Filed Date: 05/12/2004

Case Type: MM

Court: FL BROWARD CLERK OF COURTS Probation: 00006000
 Disposition: CONVICTED BY PLEA Disposition Date: 07/30/2004


A online search with the Florida Department of Worker’s Compensation Database notes that FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT, INC., that is owned by Mr. Gonzalez is reporting 8 employees with his worker’s compensation insurance carrier; ZURICH in IL. Please refer to Exhibits attached below for your review. Under reporting payroll is a serious crime and punishable by law. I live here at the Flamingo and can tell you that there are close to ten security posts that I know about that are on the property. I also know that there are 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year and if you do the math it is obvious that Mr. Gonzalez can not legally operate a security post 24 hours a day round the year with 8 security guards as he is presently reporting unless his guards were working round the clock 24 hours a day to say the least. If you count how many security guards there are on site wearing Mr. Gonzalez company uniform you are looking at possibly anywhere from 20+ or more to say the least. Mr. Gonzalez according to the law has to have all his employees onsite that are wearing a company uniform by law have mandated worker’s compensation insurance and each needs to be registered with a CLASS D license under his security company. So you know, worker’s compensation is based on reported gross income for corporate insured’s, and many security companies in Florida (having personally investigated matters like this before) under report income by lowering the number of employees on their worker’s compensation policy unbeknown to their insurance carries because of lack of continuing to conduct quarterly unannounced on-site inspections. I have copied Detective Moreno that specializes in this matters to follow up on the worker’s compensation premium evasion fraud stemming from Mr. Gonzalez public records search indicating that he is manning all his operations here at the Flamingo with 8 employees (unbeknown to me, Mr. Gonzalez may have other security projects elsewhere.)!

Please note that in less than 72 hours, the complainant, JP Merlano, was able to document more than 27 security guards on site the Flamingo South Beach all wearing FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT uniforms. Please refer to Exhibits attached where it shows FSPU security guards wearing the company uniform and identifiable security patch to differentiate from the north tower security. Please note that the investigator also obtained high-definition video of the employees. The complainant suspects that there are approximately 30-40 total security guards to cover all shifts and designated posts. !



Please note that all payments made to this security company will most likely end up as Exhibits to gather an overall amount as to how much AIMCO is paying this security company on a yearly basis and to verify this amount with what Mr. Gonzalez reported to his worker’s compensation insurance carrier Zurich from IL. Please make sure that ongoing payments to security contractor is payable to FLORIDA STATE SECURITY UNIT, INC., and no other security company.!


Please speak with security and try to salvage the security video feed stemming from Friday, May 1, 2015, at approximately 1:00 pm, camera facing the main door to the management office. I want the police to see when Mr. Gonzalez exited his vehicle and the aggressive manner in which he attempted to approach me while in the presence of my daughter. I am formally requesting this video footage to be conserved.


Please ask Mr. Gonzalez for his General Liability Insurance where it shows the policy is in force and limits according to law. !

WORKER’S COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE WITHOUT ANY AMENDMENTS in case Mr. Gonzalez for obvious reasons attempts to increase the payroll and number of employees based on public record investigative findings.

I am possibly filing a criminal complaint with the Miami Beach Police Department in case to diffuse any other incidents with Mr. Gonzalez or his security staff. I am also filing a complaint with the Florida Division of Licensing and with the Florida Department of Insurance for Worker’s Compensation Premium Evasion Fraud and possibly also sending a referral to the IRS for illegal enrichment pending further investigative findings by state authorities.

Thank you for tang the time to read this complaint in its entirety. I can be reached at 561.577.7715 or by e-mail at

Respectfully Submitted,

JP MERLANO / MAY 4, 2015.





JP Merlano (Tenant C507/Father)

Alicia Hernandez (Tenant C507/Mother)
Genesis Merlano (Minor Child/Daughter C507)
Odlanier Gonzalez (Owner of FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT)!
Unidentified Female (Mr. Gonzalez Wife)

Friday, May 1, 2015 at approximately 1:00 p.m., at the FLAMINGO SOUTH BEACH!


Ms. Tania Wilson (General Manager for Flamingo South Beach)!
Ms. Kristine M. Munoz (Community Manager for Flamingo South Beach)!
Mr. Bryan Kebrdle (Regional Manger on behalf of AIMCO) !
Mr. Alberto Moreno from the Florida Department of Worker’s Compensation Premium Evasion ! Reference CF66FFB.

Good morning everyone, my name is JP Merlano. I am a tenant at the Flamingo South Beach and reside with my beautiful wife and daughter Genesis in Executive Suite 507.

Today, on Friday, April 1, 2015, at approximately 12:50 p.m., I arrived to my designated parking 308 on the third floor that is a reserved parking space and noticed a unknown vehicle that was parked in my designated parking space. I then proceeded to exit the parking building noting that my space was occupied and needed to inform management to have the vehicle removed or towed. I drove directly to the management tower and noticed Mr. Odlier Gonzalez also known as “Danny” inside a late model white Dodge Charger bearing Florida license plate CRIB12. Seated adjacent to Mr. Gonzalez was an unidentified woman who was later identified as Mr. Gonzalez wife. Please note that Mr. Gonzalez is the owner of FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT, INC, according to the Florida Division of Licensing it is the same security company where my family and I reside that handles security here at the Flamingo.

To regress, I parked my vehicle adjacent to Mr. Gonzalez Dodge and took the opportunity to inform him that there was a vehicle parked in my reserved parking space that needed to be removed. Mr. Gonzalez did not offer or utter any solution to my request, instead, he immediately dove in telling me that I could not park there. I explained to Mr. Gonzalez again that I had no place to park and that I was going to run in Luisa’s office to simply tell her to have the car towed so I have a place to park mine. As I proceeded to walk away to Luisa’s office, Mr. Gonzalez, approximately a white male, 5”11 in height, military style haircut, light eyes, approximately 275 LBS in weight, blood shoot eyes, steps out of the front driver side of his Dodge Charger in the presence of CCTV and commences to aggressively walk towards me while pointing his right index finger at me. At this point in time I took a few steps backwards to distance myself from what appeared to be a volatile situation. Mr. Gonzalez began to utter profanities at me telling me n!ot to threaten him. 

Please note that prior to Mr. Gonzalez stepping out of the car he instructed me to move my car and park it elsewhere. I informed Mr. Gonzalez that what he was doing was retaliatory because I see cars parked in the same spot regularly and that I take photos with the date and time stamp to show what is really going on. Based on Mr. Gonzalez physical actions he took my comment as a threat when in fact I did not say this to get a rise from him but simply place him on notice. Also, Mr. Gonzalez prior to exiting the vehicle stated that “You have no idea who I am, I can make one phone call and have you arrested, I know who you are..” I am thinking to myself having graduated on top of my class both at the police academy and corrections academy some 20 years ago, what is this guy talking about..? Arrested for what..? What concerned me most of this volatile situation was his aggressive body language, the gesturing of the index finger pointing in my direction within close proximity ranging in one -two feet, his aggressive tone of voice, the profanity used in the presence of my 4 year old daughter, and his bloodshot eyes s!uggesting there maybe a possibility for use of drugs or over medicating himself.

To regress, Mr. Gonzales proceeded to walk towards me as I continued to take steps back to distance myself from him in case I need time to react and to protect myself from a physical confrontation. Please note that my daughter was next to me as all this was happening. I also feared for the safety of my daughter as well. I then stopped because there was really nowhere else to go and surprisingly Luisa and some other females from the management office noticed that there was obviously something going on between Mr. Gonzalez and I.

Immediately, Mr. Gonzalez yelled at Luisa ordering her “I want this car towed!!!!” Mr. Gonzalez continued to order Luisa to have my car towed in a very unbecoming, unprofessional manner. I was very surprise to see the owner of the this security company loose his composure like this a!nd make such a spectacle all on camera in front of AIMCO his client.

I explained to Luisa that I needed my a car towed from my reserve parking space so I can park my car in my reserved spot. Luisa, immediately used her radio to resolve the situation. By then, Mr. Gonzalez was kinda simmered down and would simply track me with his eye-sight as to i!ntimidate me.

W! H A T N O W . .

As a consequence of Mr. Gonzalez actions my family and I fear that Mr. Gonzalez or his employees who work onsite security company where we live, will have retaliatory actions and target us. I am placing every recipient here on notice of what is going on with this particular security company that is operating here at the FLAMINGO SOUTH BEACH. Security guards are supposed to be trained to diffuse situations and not escalate a situation in particular with tenants. Security is suppose to ultimately make tenants feel safe and not persecuted. This kind of onsite hostility is uncalled for and Mr. Gonzalez has demonstrated that he is without a doubt a

liability for AIMCO. This complaint in a matter of public record and as such is available to the public. I operate a private investigations agency and consequently happen to also own and operate a security company and I feel very confident in saying that I lead by example and non of my guys in my watch would ever act this way because I train them to diffuse an onsite altercations with people to prevent a premise liability naming my client in a lawsuit having personally investigated thousands of premise liability claims for corporate America leading insurance carriers, self insured’s and third party administrators. !

For the record, Mr. Gonzalez was parked where he should not have been parked. Mr. Gonzalez vehicle was parked adjacent to mine.. Go figure. Please refer to photo attachments to see Mr. Gonzalez vehicle parked adjacent to the management office. !

To reiterate, you are only as strong as your weakest link and AIMCO could have a future premise liability on their hands if no intervention is thought after or taken from hereon mainly because these security guards are very confrontational and push the envelope, they don’t know when to stop and deescalate the situation and this creates a problem for AIMCO and its tenant who you are suppose to protect from onsite security contractors like this. A background check also revealed that Mr. Gonzalez carries a firearm and not responsible according to public records where he discharged his firearm and was convicted by plea. See public record entry, below.

Crime Details - 05/12/2004 - BROWARD, FL

OffenseDescription1: DISCHARGE FIREARM PUBLIC Case Number: 04010699MM10A
 Arresting Agency: HOLLYWOOD PD

Crime County: BROWARD

OffenseCode: MXXD79015 Counts: 001

Charges Filed Date: 05/12/2004

Case Type: MM

Court: FL BROWARD CLERK OF COURTS Probation: 00006000
 Disposition: CONVICTED BY PLEA Disposition Date: 07/30/2004 


A online search with the Florida Department of Worker’s Compensation Database notes that FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT, INC., that is owned by Mr. Gonzalez is reporting 8 employees with his worker’s compensation insurance carrier; ZURICH in IL. Please refer to Exhibits attached below for your review. Under reporting payroll is a serious crime and punishable by law. I live here at the Flamingo and can tell you that there are close to ten security posts that I know about that are on the property. I also know that there are 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year and if you do the math it is obvious that Mr. Gonzalez can not legally operate a security post 24 hours a day round the year with 8 security guards as he is presently reporting unless his guards were working round the clock 24 hours a day to say the least. If you count how many security guards there are on site wearing Mr. Gonzalez company uniform you are looking at possibly anywhere from 20+ or more to say the least. Mr. Gonzalez according to the law has to have all his employees onsite that are wearing a company uniform by law have mandated worker’s compensation insurance and each needs to be registered with a CLASS D license under his security company. So you know, worker’s compensation is based on reported gross income for corporate insured’s, and many security companies in Florida (having personally investigated matters like this before) under report income by lowering the number of employees on their worker’s compensation policy unbeknown to their insurance carries because of lack of continuing to conduct quarterly unannounced on-site inspections. I have copied Detective Moreno that specializes in this matters to follow up on the worker’s compensation premium evasion fraud stemming from Mr. Gonzalez public records search indicating that he is manning all his operations here at the Flamingo with 8 employees (unbeknown to me, Mr. Gonzalez may have other security projects elsewhere.)



Please note that all payments made to this security company will most likely end up as Exhibits to gather an overall amount as to how much AIMCO is paying this security company on a yearly basis and to verify this amount with what Mr. Gonzalez reported to his worker’s compensation insurance carrier Zurich from IL. Please make sure that ongoing payments to security contractor is payable to FLORIDA STATE SECURITY UNIT, INC., and no other security company.


Please speak with security and try to salvage the security video feed stemming from Friday, May 1, 2015, at approximately 1:00 pm, camera facing the main door to the management office. I want the police to see when Mr. Gonzalez exited his vehicle and the aggressive manner in which he attempted to approach me while in the presence of my daughter. I am formally requesting this video footage to be conserved. !


Please ask Mr. Gonzalez for his General Liability Insurance where it shows the policy is in force and limits according to law. !

WORKER’S COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE WITHOUT ANY AMENDMENTS in case Mr. Gonzalez for obvious reasons attempts to increase the payroll and number of employees based on public record investigative findings.


Moving forward, I did find a witness concerning the decal fraud in the building and would like to photograph would like to photograph employees for the security company in question so the witness can identify the culprit from a photo line up that is non-discriminatory.

I am filing a criminal complaint with the Miami Beach Police Department in case to diffuse any other incidents with Mr. Gonzalez or his security staff. I am also filing a complaint with the Florida Division of Licensing and with the Florida Department of Insurance for Worker’s Compensation Premium Evasion Fraud and possibly also sending a referral to the IRS for illegal enrichment pending further investigative findings by state authorities.

Thank you for tang the time to read this complaint in its entirety. I can be reached at 561.577.7715 or by e-mail at

Respectfully Submitted,

JP MERLANO / MAY 2, 2015.


1 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Sat, January 09, 2016

CORRECTION: JP Merlano filed this complaint. JP Merlano has no relationship diriectly or indirectly whatsoever with FLORIDA STATE PROTECTION UNIT. JP MERLANO is the complainant.  

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