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  • Report:  #359254

Complaint Review: William Edward Hardisty II Will Willy Billy Willaim E Hardisty

William Edward Hardisty II, Will, Willy, Billy, Willaim E Hardisty Deadbeat Dad of the Decade $25000 owed to his children Resides in Kissimmee Florida KISSIMME Florida

  • Reported By:
    Bakersville North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 05, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 22, 2010
  • William Edward Hardisty II, Will, Willy, Billy, Willaim E Hardisty
    KISSIMME, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

William E. Hardisty II walked out on his family in 1997. He stated that he "Didn't want to be a husband and father anymore." He didn't even bother calling his kids after he left to let them know that he cared anything for them. At the time his children were 7, 5 and 2. When he left, he stole every penny in our joint bank account, stole my blind son's SSI check and stole $1500 from a retired couple down the road that he was supposed to use for materials for a deck.
Then after a year (in 1998) he called saying he was "sorry" and that he'd made "the worst mistake of his life. That time he managed to get the kids SSI numbers from me and had the nerve to claim them on his income taxes, by lying to the IRS by saying he was supporting them! At that time, he'd never even sent them a dime!
Next time we heard from him it was another year later, March of 1999. That time, after calling for a couple of months, insisting he was coming home and that he missed his family, I sent him $600 to help him "get things worked out so he could come home." You can't imagine how horrible I felt for my children when, once again, we never heard from him again after sending him money. After that the kids and I took a trip to Florida to see if there really was any sincerity in this con man.
Needless to say, after spending one day around him and seeing him for the low-live deadbeat he was, I took my children and left the area where he was living (Cocoa Beach) and I went immediately to the Melborne court house and asked why the warrant they had for him for felony abandonment and non-support was sitting on their desk, unserved. I was told they couldn't find him and I replied that it was a funny thing to me that I had only 2 days before driven over 12 hours, straight to his door and when I knocked, he answered! Needless to say, when I marched my kids in and said, "These are the children he committed the crime against, they FINALLY did their job and picked his sorry tail up. The result is that he got to spend the next 6 months in prison for the felony.
After that, I got my divorce from him and when he called the next time, telling me the "Worse day of his life was the day that he was served divorce papers." Even after all he'd done, he'd still try to con me into letting him use my kids to get back with me. But I didn't allow him to talk to my children anymore after those first 2 years of him calling and ripping their hearts apart like he did when he left, with them clinging to his legs begging him, "Daddy, PLEASE don't leave us!" Finally I wised up enough to see him for the totally self-absorbed pig he was.
This monster has no heart and it amazes me that any woman could be taken in by someone who owes so much back support. That in itself should be proof to anyone with even half a brain that anything he might be telling her is nothing but a bunch of lies. He only owed $241 a month for 3 kids because the courts based his payment on the fact that he said he couldn't find work. Yet he told me back during that first call that he was making $700 a week driving fares for the cruise lines.
He never did anything in 10 years of marriage but lie and cheat but the one thing I THOUGHT was that he loved his children. Now I know I was wrong on that account too. He loves no one but himself, even though he can play a pretty good game and sweet talk his way into hearts. Now he is remarried to a woman with 2 little children that he can play daddy with to fill his own selfish desire to feel needed. I'm sure he'll keep playing his game as long as she's the one working to support him.
I only hope he feeds her kids while she's at work, rather than sending them to their rooms while he eats all the food she's left for the family as he watches porn on the web. Of course, if he ever sees this, he'll make me out to be the bad guy and say I am lying, but let me ask you this, who's been the one that stuck with the family and pulled it together and who is the one that filed the divorce??? If I was such a bad person as he says, seems he'd be the one here raising the kids, huh? Yet, he hasn't laid eyes on them in 11 years, let alone care enough to feed and clothe them.

Bakersville, North Carolina

2 Updates & Rebuttals

The Plantiff

United States of America

So, you write this filth in order to injure the mother of the children you claim to love?

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 21, 2010

This ludicrous "report" was recently brought to my attention by a family member.  I sought to have such vile garbage and atrocious lies removed by the owner of this website.  However, it seems the website's creator is more interested in sensationalism than in truth.  That being said, I plan on seeking a private attorney to seek financial retribution for such horrendous slander that has been made towards myself.  These lies have harmed not only me personally, but have the potential to hurt my children, the same children that the composer of this filth claims to love. 

There is an old saying that goes, "The proof is in the pudding," thereby it stands to reason that the evidence that in fact demonstrates the truth is well documented. I have been and will continue to be here for my children every step of the way throughout their lives. 
William Hardisty is currently $27,432.52 in arrears for past due child support as documented with the North Carolina Child Support Agency. 
Even if his lie that denial of visitation would constitute dismissal of child support obligations, would such a "good dad" as himself seek to dismiss himself from the moral obligation of financially supporting his biological children?  If it were true that child support were not mandatorially state ordered then why does the minimal fee of $325 per month continue to accrue?

Had I been such a horrible person, such a drunken piece of filth as has been painted here, does it stand to reason that such a "good dad" would have left his children, the children he claims to love, with such a person?  PLEASE!
My children are the most well thought of and well spoken of people I have ever known. Anyone who knows them respects them and admires each and every one of them. Even though I was a single mother for a number of years I managed to maintain the integrity of my family to the point that my children are well adjusted and productive members of the community.  The proof of who I am rests with my children and what they have overcome and with those who actually know who I am. 

I will not respond to anything further from the writer of this fanciful work of s**t fiction in the future as I do not desire to sink to his level. 

William "is A Good Dad"


This is my side of this whole thing

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 23, 2008

first let me say that i love my children, and all ways will. when me and penny first got together she was a drunk. and i worked 3 jobs at times to support her and her son who at the time she did not know who his father was, and if i was late getting home from work she would throw my clothes out on the lawn and tell me to leave. over the 10 years that we were married she would go to the store and spend money that we did not have, including money that was for a side job to buy materials to do the job.

in our 2nd year of marriage she told me some thing that i have not told any one till now, she said that her first husband had her have sex with their dog, and she said that she liked it and she was afraid that i would not love her because of it. later in our 5th year of marriage with all the stuff we were going through, her spending all of our money and hitting the kids,( one day she broke her hand by hitting one of the kids, and i can prove this.) i made her go to a therapist to see if he can help. her diagnosis was, bipolar disorder, paranoia schizophrenia tendencies, and multi-personalities traits. so he put her on meds and she leveled out for awhile, but at times she would stop take them because she said that she was better, but that would be the times that she would spend all of our money, or should say my money because i was the only one working.

the rest of our marriage was the same as the first half, so i began to go to the bars and drink. then came the last day i would spend in the same house with her. she started to fight with me, and she told me to leave, and i asked her does it matter that i do not want to go. and at that i looked in to the eyes of my children as she said "no, just leave." and i can see what our fighting was doing to our kids, and i did not want that kind of life for them. so i moved out and moved to FL. and yes she came to FL and she had no money, so i paid for them to stay motel. then she came to my dad's house and started a fight, at that i asked her to leave so i can go to work. then she told me that i would not see the kids ever again. and till this day i have not been able to visit with my children, i have tried to e-mail them, but all i got back was e-mails from penny saying that they did not want to hear from me. the reason she is not letting me visit with my kids is because of religious beliefs. even to the point of when oldest died (he was only 16) i had to find out from a friend of the family. and even then she would not let me speak with the 2 that were left.

and back when we got divorced, she got a credit card in my name and ran it up to the point that years later i got a letter from the card company asking about it. and i found out that this is identity theft and i can have her put in jail for it. but that is one thing that i would not put my children through, although i would get the kids from her. but i respect my kids to choose the life that they want. but the one thing that i don't think that penny knows is that if you deny visitation, you can not get child support. and the only reason that she is doing this report, and all the other web sites about me is because i have found a great woman to spend the rest of my life with. and she is mad that i am happy with with my new wife and my new life.

all i am trying to do here, is to let people know that there is two sides to ever story.

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