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  • Report:  #1340478

Complaint Review: William Waggoner

William Waggoner Austin Michael Media Power Data Marketing Confidence Artist promising business actions that are never performed and provides a barrage of excuses why it hasn't been provided Las Vegas Nevada

  • Reported By:
    Regional Markets Consumer Review — Las Vegas Nevada USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 29, 2016
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 03, 2017

Promises, Promises, Promises...   Great talker, has every contact on the planet, has every connection in every business and can make it all happen.

He claims to have the Democratic National Committee mailing list....

He claims to know Trump's people in his inner circle....

He claims to have the largest email database in North America....

Doesn't accept credit cards...... doesn't accept PayPal.....  doesn't accept any form of payment other than wire transfer and direct deposit into his Bank of America account.

Paid $1000, set up a client for an email campaign for Halloween.

Deposit money directly into account so we can get started immediately....

Bill disappears for a few days.....  then says he is stuck in Ohio and was robbed and provides an irrational illogical reason why he has to have money deposited directly into his B of A account in order to grab a bus back to Vegas....

Oh, I forgot to mention.....  he claims that his daughter has been kidnapped and he was held at gun point.  "It's a long story and it's personal and I will tell you the specifics once I get it handled"....  so he says.

He gets his money deposited and he is intermittently available due to Wi-Fi problems on the bus.

He then disappears for a couple of weeks again...... No response to phone voice mail, skype text messages or skype phone calls.

Halloween deadline has come and gone, now working on Thanksgiving....  He finally responds with another story about personal problems with his kids and the kids mother....  blah, blah, blah....   broken record with different versions of a similar story over and over again.  He tells me we will be on track for Thanksgiving.....

At this point I am done with it and request a refund..... he disappears again and then shows up around Thanksgiving saying everything is ready.  I tell him I want a refund..... 

He provides another story except this time he was kidnapped at gun point and held hostage for over a week and somehow that equates to no cell phone, no landline, no internet access, no nothing as if there is a correlation among those items and him being kidnapped.  Keep in mind....  his daughter was kidnapped a month earlier and he had been held up at gun point and robbed a week later.  Now he has been held hostage at gun point for over a week and has no cell phone, landline, internet access or Wi-Fi.

When pressed for the money back he asserts abusive and demeaning language in his SKYPE replies, refers to me as a "fat a**" with "no balls" and continues with disparaging remarks about myself, my business and my family.

He then blames me for non-performance......  this is interesting as I have provided the funds, had the client ready to proceed with an email campaign around Halloween and he has disappeared twice, been the victim of robbery at gun point on two different occasions, his daughter kidnapped and he himself claims to have been kidnapped and held hostage for a week.

I think he forgot that I had paid his bus fare to supposedly get from Ohio to Las Vegas......  He doesn't realize he is now being robbed in Ohio after I already paid for his bus ticket back to Vegas.....  Either way it's untrue...
The M.O. is similar in all instances I have read regarding fraudulent behavior committed by this individual.

He also threatened my career and said I was finished and that my business was over as well.

I always see his rebuttal stating that the claims against him are nonsense, rubbish and fabricated....  He consistently requests for his victims to "prove it".

Well Bill......  I can prove it.....

1. I have SKYPE texts dating back to 2013
2. I have recorded phone calls where you have made promises and provided narratives of your ongoing tragic victimizations. 3. I have the specific texts where you agree to provide a refund.
4. I have the specific texts where you are clearly identified as not having provided the service and being upset with myself, the paying client, for not performing my required duties....  which btw had been paid in full and client preparation had been performed - you disappeared....  I mean were robbed and kidnapped and are the source of non-performance of services.
5. I have the Bank of America deposit receipts indicating payment for services.
6. I have the initial LinkedIn conversations that supplement the SKYPE texts and phone calls.

Yes, Bill, I can prove that you have committed fraud and will pursue legal recourse to be made whole again!

FYI, here is the type of response you can expect when calling Bill out on his nonsense....

Once again, he was provided options to resolve the situation and after agreeing to repay he then switches into an illogical, irrational, factually inaccurate demeaning and arrogant narcissist that threatens my career, business and livelihood.

[10/10/2016 4:17:51 PM] G : Need to chat give me a call please
[10/10/2016 8:03:20 PM] G : Hey man.....   need to chat..... I've got planning calls tomorrow and I haven't really heard from you since Thursday... What's going on?
[10/10/2016 8:04:37 PM] G : This is on the verge of becoming a very difficult situation on this end.....
[10/11/2016 8:18:32 AM] G : Call me
[10/11/2016 8:18:50 AM] William Waggoner: Will do
[10/11/2016 11:06:23 AM] G : I removed the email component of one of the projects discussed during my 10 a.m. call this morning...
[10/11/2016 11:07:06 AM] G : I will remove the email component of another project I will be discussing today at 1 p.m. ...
[10/11/2016 11:08:07 AM] G : It's unfortunate that I am doing this however I cannot continue to promise results if this area based on historic patterns.
[10/11/2016 11:09:53 AM] G : I would like to create some closure today regarding finances previously provided and steps to make whole...
[10/11/2016 2:25:11 PM] G : tic toc
[10/13/2016 2:00:13 AM] William Waggoner: Hey G
[10/13/2016 2:00:17 AM] William Waggoner: hey brother
[10/13/2016 2:00:34 AM] William Waggoner: I will be with you soon buddy
[10/13/2016 10:54:27 AM] G: Did you ping me?
[10/13/2016 10:57:34 AM] William Waggoner: ya I did
[10/13/2016 10:57:36 AM] William Waggoner: just got up
[10/13/2016 10:57:51 AM] William Waggoner: talk in a few brother man!
[10/13/2016 4:01:11 PM] G: No Worries.......    I look forward to visitinGhen I am in town next.
[10/13/2016 7:18:06 PM] William Waggoner: G I have a ton to tell you man lots to do
[10/13/2016 7:18:17 PM] William Waggoner: Emergency happened the worst possible one
[10/13/2016 7:18:23 PM] William Waggoner: nothing to do with mailing
[10/13/2016 7:18:33 PM] William Waggoner: I will call you tonight
[10/13/2016 7:18:38 PM] William Waggoner: FOR SURE
[10/17/2016 10:52:49 PM] G: So What's Up?
[10/17/2016 10:56:01 PM] G: Call Me Bro
[10/18/2016 1:59:21 PM] G: So are you disappearing?
[10/20/2016 8:33:04 AM | Edited 8:33:22 AM] G: Waiting to hear back on the email drop we discussed and would like to move forward or receive a refund on the $1k provided for services....  Please advise as to intentions....  No response will be considered as "null" action or intent to resolve or fulfill on pre-paid transaction services.......
[10/20/2016 8:37:27 AM] G: You have received adequate notice and opportunity to fulfill on agreed services and failure to address or provide contingency for makinGhole to the agreed services will result in further action to  provide resolve.
[10/20/2016 5:01:12 PM] William Waggoner: hey dude]
[10/20/2016 5:02:26 PM] William Waggoner: I don't know if I told you what has been going on. I don't think I have but dude I am not avoiding you I am just very confused about what is going on and need some help with the situation with my daughter.
[10/20/2016 5:05:55 PM] G: What is that?
[10/20/2016 5:07:46 PM] G: Well whatever the situation... If you can PayPal me the money ASAP we will be good
[10/20/2016 5:08:40 PM] William Waggoner: I am not sure if you read or heard what I just said.
[10/20/2016 5:09:12 PM] William Waggoner: My little girl was kidnapped
[10/20/2016 5:09:25 PM] William Waggoner: no joke no bs
[10/20/2016 5:09:35 PM] William Waggoner: and need to crank things up fast.
[10/20/2016 5:10:46 PM] G: I don't think you realize that you never mentioned a kidnapping until 3 sentences ago
[10/20/2016 5:11:00 PM] William Waggoner: probably not
[10/20/2016 5:11:13 PM] William Waggoner: this is tough
[10/20/2016 5:11:24 PM] G: Sounds pretty intense and very unfortunate
[10/20/2016 5:11:31 PM] William Waggoner: ya it is
[10/20/2016 5:11:34 PM] William Waggoner: but
[10/20/2016 5:12:08 PM] William Waggoner: can be fixed very fast from all the things I've learned
[10/20/2016 5:12:34 PM] G: Well that's good as I'm sure she is terrified
[10/20/2016 5:12:44 PM] William Waggoner: extremely
[10/20/2016 5:12:59 PM] William Waggoner: which has me terrified as well
[10/20/2016 5:13:04 PM] William Waggoner: and her brother
[10/21/2016 5:44:57 PM] G: do you have my email?
[10/21/2016 9:05:18 PM] William Waggoner: G
[10/21/2016 9:05:25 PM] William Waggoner: no I don't have your email
[10/21/2016 9:05:45 PM] William Waggoner: but hey dude everything is on and no screwing over anyone
[10/21/2016 9:06:01 PM] William Waggoner: I just have to get through the next few days and we'll be fine
[10/21/2016 9:06:10 PM] William Waggoner: this has been so stressful its crazy
[10/21/2016 9:06:28 PM] William Waggoner: It's been hard to for me to even talk about everything
[10/21/2016 9:06:40 PM] William Waggoner: a pride thing
[10/21/2016 9:07:09 PM] William Waggoner: but I am realizing now that I just have to get everythign done I've been working my a*s off for i guess 2 weeks now?
[10/21/2016 9:07:19 PM] William Waggoner: I didn't even realize it's been that long
[10/21/2016 9:07:38 PM] William Waggoner: I just want you to know I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN
[10/21/2016 9:07:42 PM] William Waggoner: AT ALL
[10/21/2016 9:07:56 PM] William Waggoner: If we can have a straight up talk without any yelling man
[10/21/2016 9:08:11 PM] William Waggoner: and we just come up with joint solutions buddy
[10/21/2016 9:08:19 PM] William Waggoner: that would be awesome
[10/21/2016 9:08:29 PM] William Waggoner: Thanks Man!
[10/21/2016 9:29:56 PM] G: I never considered any yelling...  that's not how I operate...
[10/21/2016 9:31:40 PM] William Waggoner: I know
[10/21/2016 9:31:53 PM] William Waggoner: I know you haven't
[10/21/2016 9:32:09 PM] William Waggoner: You are actually a very calm calculuation guy
[10/21/2016 9:32:16 PM] William Waggoner: I got yelled at minute ago
[10/21/2016 9:32:20 PM] William Waggoner: by some jerk
[10/21/2016 9:32:40 PM] William Waggoner: my son has been sick as heck the last 3 days he helps a lot
[10/21/2016 9:32:51 PM] William Waggoner: my brain has been working in freaking OVERLOAD
[10/21/2016 9:33:13 PM] William Waggoner: I mean overload and I don't get overload like this ever
[10/21/2016 9:33:24 PM] William Waggoner: I do work rock n roll and that's it
[10/21/2016 9:33:37 PM] William Waggoner: This was done to me deliberatley
[10/21/2016 9:33:41 PM] William Waggoner: for the last time
[10/21/2016 9:34:01 PM] William Waggoner: I never told you about what's happened over the last couple years
[10/21/2016 9:34:05 PM] William Waggoner: and I tolerated it
[10/21/2016 9:34:26 PM] William Waggoner: then I came to collect and got BOOM with the craziest thing in my life
[10/21/2016 9:38:15 PM] William Waggoner: Can we talk for a second and sort this s**t out
[10/22/2016 10:20:43 AM] G: Hey Bill.....   I am not sure what there is to sort out at this point.
[10/22/2016 10:21:24 AM] William Waggoner: plenty
[10/22/2016 10:21:52 AM] William Waggoner: I have to run to the store grab this and I'll be back
[10/22/2016 10:21:58 AM] William Waggoner: and I am right back and we're on it
[10/22/2016 10:22:48 AM] G: Clearly the services have not been performed, I have paid $1000 in good faith and have been assured that the services would be complete as of two weeks ago and we are still in a discussion pattern as opposed to a production and completion mode.......
[10/22/2016 10:23:15 AM] William Waggoner: Here what I have to show you and tell you before rushing to judgement please
[10/22/2016 10:24:00 AM] G: No judgement......    just assessing based on historical non-performance.
[10/22/2016 10:24:10 AM] William Waggoner: you will understand I hop
[10/22/2016 10:24:10 AM] William Waggoner: e
[10/22/2016 10:24:13 AM] G: Let me know what you have in mind and we can go from there
[10/22/2016 10:24:13 AM] William Waggoner: and the solution
[10/22/2016 10:24:29 AM] William Waggoner: ok let me get this and I'll be right back
[10/22/2016 10:25:02 AM] G: k, I may be in and out so I'll get back to you once I am in a position to provide you my full attention.
[10/22/2016 10:25:15 AM] William Waggoner: Thanks man
[11/3/2016 8:39:43 PM] G: Did you find your daughter?
[11/4/2016 6:23:28 AM] William Waggoner: Morning G
[11/4/2016 10:34:34 AM] G: Yo....
[11/17/2016 12:42:08 PM] William Waggoner: G
[11/17/2016 12:42:14 PM] William Waggoner: I was beatup
[11/17/2016 12:42:17 PM] William Waggoner: I was mugged
[11/17/2016 12:42:26 PM] William Waggoner: I was kidnapped virtually
[11/17/2016 12:42:29 PM] William Waggoner: and robbed
[11/17/2016 12:42:36 PM] William Waggoner: that is why I out of pocket
[11/17/2016 12:42:41 PM] William Waggoner: for a week or so
[11/17/2016 12:42:49 PM] William Waggoner: it was insane
[11/17/2016 12:42:59 PM] William Waggoner: i couldn't call you on my smart phone
[11/17/2016 12:43:05 PM] William Waggoner: it was insane
[11/17/2016 12:43:16 PM] William Waggoner: we need to jump on a call and get everything done ASAP
[11/17/2016 12:43:25 PM] William Waggoner: These OHIO people
[11/17/2016 12:43:28 PM] William Waggoner: jumped me
[11/17/2016 12:43:32 PM] William Waggoner: took my laptop
[11/17/2016 12:43:35 PM] William Waggoner: my phone
[11/17/2016 12:43:40 PM] William Waggoner: my credit cards
[11/17/2016 12:43:43 PM] William Waggoner: everything
[11/17/2016 12:43:53 PM] William Waggoner: and I HAD ZERO way to communicate
[11/17/2016 12:44:08 PM] William Waggoner: sounds like a crazy story but man it sure as hell was
[11/17/2016 12:44:27 PM] William Waggoner: I called the cops
[11/17/2016 12:44:33 PM] William Waggoner: they wouldn't DO ANYTHING
[11/17/2016 12:44:38 PM] William Waggoner: i was held at GUNPOINT
[11/17/2016 12:45:09 PM] William Waggoner: sorry to seem like total flake I swear on my daughters life that was the most insane thing that has ever happened to me
[11/17/2016 2:00:39 PM] G: Understood.....    Please make arrangements to return the funds and we will be good....  does paypal work for you?  you can also use chase easy pay....   just send to
[11/17/2016 2:00:41 PM] G: Thanks!
[11/18/2016 8:15:11 AM] William Waggoner: I do not have Chase or paypal
[11/18/2016 8:15:41 AM] William Waggoner: Let's talk in a few hours
[11/18/2016 10:29:02 AM] G: youi don't need chase......   you can use it without Chase accounts
[11/18/2016 10:58:44 AM] G: Venmo.Com  works as well
[11/18/2016 11:30:17 AM] William Waggoner: you don't want to proceed with
[11/18/2016 11:30:53 AM] William Waggoner: G let's at least have a talk. You will understand what happened once I talk to you the next 2 weeks are critical weeks of marketing
[11/18/2016 11:31:08 AM] William Waggoner: your a smart guy
[11/18/2016 11:31:10 AM] G: We already missed our window.....
[11/18/2016 11:31:17 AM] William Waggoner: for the election yes
[11/18/2016 11:31:21 AM] William Waggoner: not for the rest
[11/18/2016 11:31:28 AM] G: A smart guy walks away from situation's like this
[11/18/2016 11:31:31 AM] William Waggoner: this is big I am laser focus
[11/18/2016 11:31:44 AM] G: please
[11/18/2016 11:31:45 AM] William Waggoner: in most situations
[11/18/2016 11:31:47 AM] William Waggoner: yes
[11/18/2016 11:31:59 AM] William Waggoner: but this situation is a major twist to the whole thing
[11/18/2016 11:32:02 AM] G: Bill.... the jig is up.....
[11/18/2016 11:32:10 AM] William Waggoner: there is no JIG
[11/18/2016 11:32:20 AM] G: yes....  there is!
[11/18/2016 11:32:21 AM] William Waggoner: and for you to say that
[11/18/2016 11:32:37 AM] William Waggoner: that makes me think you are a guy that believes things he reads
[11/18/2016 11:32:46 AM] William Waggoner: Do you honestly think
[11/18/2016 11:32:53 AM] William Waggoner: I would totally disappear
[11/18/2016 11:33:00 AM] G: I know..... now you turn it around on me and use that as an excuse to blame me for what has happened.....
[11/18/2016 11:33:01 AM] William Waggoner: and be completely off gird
[11/18/2016 11:33:08 AM] William Waggoner: then come back with full swing
[11/18/2016 11:33:11 AM] William Waggoner: no jigs
[11/18/2016 11:33:14 AM] William Waggoner: no bull****
[11/18/2016 11:33:18 AM] G: I didn't read it..... it has happened......
[11/18/2016 11:33:19 AM] William Waggoner: straight up this is it
[11/18/2016 11:33:24 AM] William Waggoner: and here is the thing
[11/18/2016 11:33:37 AM] William Waggoner: I was literally held hostage
[11/18/2016 11:33:41 AM] William Waggoner: at gun point
[11/18/2016 11:33:44 AM] William Waggoner: LAPTOP stolen
[11/18/2016 11:33:46 AM] G:  is the solution.......
[11/18/2016 11:33:48 AM] William Waggoner: beat with a gun
[11/18/2016 11:33:55 AM] William Waggoner: credit cards stolen
[11/18/2016 11:33:56 AM] G: My timeline is blown for the clients
[11/18/2016 11:34:11 AM] William Waggoner: that's why I want to talk to you for the BIG solution
[11/18/2016 11:34:15 AM] William Waggoner: no more small thinking
[11/18/2016 11:34:24 AM] William Waggoner: 2 week timeline to make everything go boom
[11/18/2016 11:34:35 AM] G: No more talking......   I've heard enough
[11/18/2016 11:34:41 AM] William Waggoner: Ok
[11/18/2016 11:34:49 AM] William Waggoner: well when I get to where I can speak
[11/18/2016 11:35:00 AM] William Waggoner: which I can't right I am in a public place
[11/18/2016 11:35:07 AM] G: Please return the funds
[11/18/2016 11:35:15 AM] G: That is all that is being asked......
[11/18/2016 11:35:22 AM] William Waggoner: that is not a issue soon
[11/18/2016 11:35:28 AM] William Waggoner: I had to yesterday
[11/18/2016 11:35:33 AM] William Waggoner: notarize
[11/18/2016 11:35:37 AM] William Waggoner: everything
[11/18/2016 11:35:45 AM] William Waggoner: and now waiting to get my cards today
[11/18/2016 11:35:50 AM] G: Please cooperate....
[11/18/2016 11:35:58 AM] William Waggoner: I am doing everything I can
[11/18/2016 11:36:01 AM] William Waggoner: literally
[11/18/2016 11:36:07 AM] William Waggoner: I can only move so fast
[11/18/2016 11:36:10 AM] G: you don't need cards.....
[11/18/2016 11:36:15 AM] William Waggoner: yes
[11/18/2016 11:36:17 AM] William Waggoner: I do
[11/18/2016 11:36:19 AM] William Waggoner: with my bank
[11/18/2016 11:36:20 AM] William Waggoner: yes
[11/18/2016 11:36:29 AM] William Waggoner: and banking
[11/18/2016 11:36:35 AM] G: okay,   as you wish.....
[11/18/2016 11:36:39 AM] William Waggoner: I need special things to get to my money
[11/18/2016 11:36:43 AM] William Waggoner: or I would say ok
[11/18/2016 11:36:45 AM] William Waggoner: done
[11/18/2016 11:36:55 AM] William Waggoner: imagine all your contacts
[11/18/2016 11:36:58 AM] William Waggoner: computers
[11/18/2016 11:37:09 AM] G: We're done here.....
[11/18/2016 11:37:13 AM] William Waggoner: access to your everything poof gone
[11/18/2016 11:37:17 AM] William Waggoner: ok G
[11/18/2016 11:37:59 AM] William Waggoner: I will put you on the refund list and we'll handle it. I won't ask you or try to ask to you anymore all I can say is sorry and I did not mean to get my a*s beat to the ground
[11/18/2016 11:38:07 AM] William Waggoner: and everything jacked from me
[11/18/2016 11:38:14 AM] William Waggoner: but in a very short time
[11/18/2016 11:38:40 AM] William Waggoner: you will be kicking yourself in the a** for not just giving me a chance to show you what time it is
[11/18/2016 11:38:54 AM] G: You were given a chance......
[11/18/2016 11:39:01 AM] William Waggoner: ya then I was almost killed
[11/18/2016 11:39:13 AM] William Waggoner: who expected that
[11/18/2016 11:39:44 AM] G: Remember this, you will be kicking yourself in the a*s for not cooperating with me on this ;-)
[11/18/2016 11:41:28 AM] William Waggoner: ;)
[11/18/2016 11:41:35 AM] William Waggoner: You think I am bluffing
[11/18/2016 11:41:43 AM] William Waggoner: you think I am just making s**t up
[11/18/2016 11:41:48 AM] William Waggoner: Ok G
[11/18/2016 11:41:55 AM] William Waggoner: you can't even get on the horn with me
[11/18/2016 11:41:59 AM] William Waggoner: COOL DUDE
[11/18/2016 11:42:07 AM] William Waggoner: That shows a lot of balls man
[11/18/2016 11:42:09 AM] William Waggoner: thanks man
[11/18/2016 11:42:14 AM] William Waggoner: you'll get your refund
[11/18/2016 11:42:27 AM] William Waggoner: and if you honestly really believe
[11/18/2016 11:42:36 AM] William Waggoner: that I would make up a f**king story like this
[11/18/2016 11:42:43 AM] William Waggoner: just wait until the movie comes out
[11/18/2016 11:43:38 AM] G: I do know a producer out in L.A. that makes B rated movies......  I would make an introduction but I like the guy and don't want  him to get ripped off.....
[11/18/2016 11:46:45 AM] G: Oh, lol.....  you should have never questioned my "Balls" Not wise bud!
[11/18/2016 12:13:12 PM] William Waggoner: Ok
[11/18/2016 1:37:21 PM] William Waggoner: Ok G if that's you feel
[11/18/2016 1:37:28 PM] William Waggoner: that I am B star
[11/18/2016 1:37:32 PM] William Waggoner: oh well
[11/18/2016 1:37:57 PM] William Waggoner: and yes I do question your balls because you can't even call me. So sorry we'll make up for this later.
[11/18/2016 1:38:13 PM] William Waggoner: I see where you motives are
[11/18/2016 3:59:59 PM] G: Nice try.....
[11/18/2016 4:00:40 PM] G: No problem...  Once again, you will be kicking yourself for not cooperating....
[11/18/2016 4:01:14 PM] G: BTW....  I don't question B star....   You're a POSER!
[11/18/2016 4:01:47 PM] G: Give me a date and medium for repayment.....  especially since you have agreed to the refund.....
[11/18/2016 4:02:52 PM] G: Why do I need to call you when you have SKYPE access.....  The B.S. never ends with you!
[11/18/2016 4:53:05 PM] William Waggoner: I just got it bro
[11/26/2016 9:27:42 PM] G: I just saw this and thought of you.....
[11/26/2016 10:09:43 PM] William Waggoner: Ok Smarkass
[11/26/2016 10:09:49 PM] William Waggoner: now I can talk
[11/26/2016 10:09:56 PM] William Waggoner: so call me Sneaky G
[11/26/2016 10:10:28 PM] William Waggoner: Monday everything goes big time live
[11/26/2016 10:10:33 PM] William Waggoner: so here is your chance
[11/26/2016 10:10:44 PM] William Waggoner: F*** it up go ahead
[11/26/2016 10:11:26 PM] William Waggoner: How the show HONEY BOO BOO for your fat a*s
[11/26/2016 10:11:58 PM] William Waggoner: real cute
[11/26/2016 10:19:40 PM] William Waggoner: no guts talk
[11/26/2016 10:20:09 PM] William Waggoner: your just like your buds
[11/26/2016 10:25:30 PM] William Waggoner: Your calling me a theif
[11/26/2016 10:25:37 PM] William Waggoner: Listen fat a**
[11/26/2016 10:25:47 PM] William Waggoner: you work off Indian Labor
[11/26/2016 10:25:52 PM] William Waggoner: who's the thief
[11/26/2016 10:25:58 PM] William Waggoner: you off bull****
[11/26/2016 10:26:05 PM] William Waggoner: no kids
[11/26/2016 10:26:18 PM] William Waggoner: married to some woman using her for her money
[11/26/2016 10:26:33 PM] William Waggoner: I am going to give you 1 chance to put this bull s*** down
[11/26/2016 10:26:35 PM] William Waggoner: if not
[11/26/2016 10:26:46 PM] William Waggoner: You are going to become a real sneaky Pete
[11/26/2016 10:26:50 PM] William Waggoner: so try me
[11/26/2016 10:27:01 PM] William Waggoner: no balls to call me?
[11/26/2016 10:27:06 PM] William Waggoner: 1 hour
[11/26/2016 10:27:12 PM] William Waggoner: then we're done
[11/26/2016 10:27:15 PM] William Waggoner: and your done
[11/26/2016 10:28:49 PM] William Waggoner: I feel very priveleged that I am on your mind so much that a TV show reminds you of me.
[11/26/2016 10:29:11 PM] William Waggoner: You are really not that smart are you?
[11/26/2016 10:38:59 PM] William Waggoner: You think I am kidding?
[11/26/2016 10:39:09 PM] William Waggoner: it is 8:39
[11/26/2016 10:39:15 PM] William Waggoner: call me by 9:39
[11/26/2016 10:39:20 PM] William Waggoner: then your a** is on BLAST
[11/26/2016 10:39:24 PM] William Waggoner: feel me HOMBRE
[11/26/2016 10:39:33 PM] William Waggoner: Exploiting Phillipino's
[11/26/2016 10:39:38 PM] William Waggoner: Exploiting Indians
[11/26/2016 10:39:47 PM] William Waggoner: your a real American you f*** nutz
[11/26/2016 10:40:42 PM] William Waggoner: You think your having money problems now
[11/26/2016 10:40:55 PM] William Waggoner: just wait until an hour from now if you don't get off your FAT a*s and make the call
[11/26/2016 10:42:09 PM] William Waggoner: LIke your house in Austin?
[11/26/2016 10:42:15 PM] William Waggoner: LIke your house in Texas?
[11/26/2016 10:42:24 PM] William Waggoner: under your f****** wifes name
[11/26/2016 10:42:29 PM] William Waggoner: well isten G
[11/26/2016 10:42:37 PM] William Waggoner: LISTEN G
[11/26/2016 10:42:42 PM] William Waggoner: you doubt me
[11/26/2016 10:42:45 PM] William Waggoner: no balls
[11/26/2016 10:43:07 PM] William Waggoner: your going to have to hide under your wifes skirt when I am done with your f****** fat a**.
[11/26/2016 10:43:10 PM] William Waggoner: Be smart
[11/26/2016 11:41:18 PM] William Waggoner: Well I take that back
[11/26/2016 11:41:25 PM] William Waggoner: it's a good d**n show
[11/26/2016 11:41:35 PM] William Waggoner: and ya I am good dude
[11/26/2016 11:41:42 PM] William Waggoner: your just a full of s***
[11/26/2016 11:42:33 PM] William Waggoner: I don't scam or CON people
[11/26/2016 11:42:42 PM] William Waggoner: unlike your ways of doing business
[11/26/2016 11:42:48 PM] William Waggoner: so here is the deal
[11/26/2016 11:42:58 PM] William Waggoner: you are either going to honor the deal
[11/26/2016 11:43:12 PM] William Waggoner: or I just take what you've done at face value
[11/26/2016 11:43:17 PM] William Waggoner: and your on blast
[11/26/2016 11:43:22 PM] William Waggoner: and career is over
[11/26/2016 11:43:28 PM] William Waggoner: FOR YOU 



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Please contact the Las Vegas FBI here:

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 03, 2017

Got ripped off by him as well - please file here. He is going to federal pound you in the rear prison for min 15-20... Can wait! :)

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