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  • Report:  #1471353

Complaint Review: Willspy. Douglas Keith Smith

Willspy. Douglas Keith Smith Costa Rica Private Investigator Fraudster. Fraud. Blackmail. Extortion. Libel. Slander. Defamation.

  • Reported By:
    James — Miami United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 13, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 01, 2023

This man Douglas Keith Smith is a pure fraud.  He was an illegal alien in Costa Rica for eight years; defrauding the public, and offering services as a "private investigator" in Costa Rica.  He never had any right to work in Costa Rica and he routinely defrauded the public by not disclosing his status as an illegal alien in country.

He was arrested and deported in 2013.  He is now an illegal alien hiding in Nicaragua with no tourist visa, and an expired US passport.  Multiple FBI complaints have been filed against him.  This man chooses victims who seek clandestine investigations, who won't report to law enforcement or their significant others when they are robbed. 

Smith still claims to live and work in Costa Rica where he is a "persona non grata", and would be arrested on sight.  He routinely claims he is "working" in Nicaragua, and that he has a staff in Costa Rica (which he does not).  He asks for money retainers to be sent to poor Nicaraguan women's names via Western Union; claiming they are employees.  Fraud.  Fraud.  Fraud.  He uses Libel, Slander, and Defamation against any victims who try and expose him.

Smith also targets Facebook Church, Prayer, and Charity groups.  He threatens suicide, and begs old, sick, and dying women for "suicide prevention" money.  He has been doing this for many years.

Smith is known to use a "false color of authority" to intimidate, bully, threaten, and terrorize victims. Smith has tried to defraud Timberland Boots in this very Ripoff Report website. 

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Fraudulent Background Report. Perjury.

#11Author of original report

Sun, February 26, 2023

This Background Report, and it's publication, to mislead, is a crime in itself.  Douglas Keith Smith, of Coloma, Michigan was not in Michigan, or the United States in the years 2009 to 2016.  He was (and still is), an illegal alien in Costa Rica, then Nicaragua, and now in Honduras. There can be no doubt as to his criminality.


United States

Doug Smith Is A Stone Cold Arch Criminal.

#11Author of original report

Sun, February 26, 2023

Douglas Keith Smith is a stone cold criminal and a sex offender.  He has been deported from Costa Rica for Fraud, and then he was beaten by Nicaraguan Police and dumped in Honduras, for being an illegal alien in Nicaragua, and sending unsolicited selfie p***s photos and a masturbation video to young women in cyber space.  He is now an illegal alien in Honduras, with an expired passport, and using the same "victimhood" stories.  Expose this hoodlum and he'll claim he's a victim.  He is a Professional Victim,  He is a victim of clients, lawyers, police, dog bites, motorcycle accidents, Central American Governments, stalkers, landlords, newspaper reports, etc etc etc.  There is no end to this Con Man.  He has been blazing a criminal trail through Central America for at least 16 years, and refuses to attempt to enter the United States.  He has been reported to the FBI by multiple victims.


Departamento de Colon,

False information from a known stalker

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 08, 2023

 First I was told not to engage with James f Agnes the person that posted this but because of his continuous attacks on me and 30 to 40 other people I'm going to respond to this. He is not in Miami he is in Costa Rica, he uses approximately 15 different fake email addresses and six different profiles on Facebook. If there's blackmail involved the way I understand blackmail there must be money involved who and how much when and where? He can't provide that and won't provide it because it's not true. He says the word fraud who and how? Again he can't provide it because it's not true. But what I and many others can provide is his criminal records from the state of Washington and the state of California. I have used my real name my real email address and if anyone wants to contact me direct I will send you all of the documented proven information on this poster, I will also provide to you a list of references that include police officers and licensed private investigators. I invite any of you to look at my website under references at and you will see that I have a spotless reputation and I can also provide to you a notarized copy of my criminal background report. James Agnos has been running an insurance fraud on the state of Washington for many years now he claims he has a bad right foot and collecting over $3,000 a month but we have photographs of him fighting bulls in Costa Rica that was taken by a newspaper in Costa Rica. Anyone reading this fake report is more than welcome to contact me and I and others will provide you all the documentation that you need about Mr Agnes as it stands now this matter is closed.


United States

See Ripoff Report #1479355 Doug Smith, Fraudster, Doesn't Discriminate.

#11Author of original report

Sun, February 16, 2020

This Hoodlum doesn't discriminate when it comes to ripping people off.  If it's not the theft of thousands of dollars from Church Women, and Charities, who don't have a clue, or just a few beers and $50 from some poor Nicaraguan.  Smith was stomped by Police and removed from Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.


United States

Doug Smith. Habitual Career Criminal. Now Threatening The Social Security Administration.

#11Author of original report

Sun, July 21, 2019

This criminal Doug Smith recently threatened suicide, in an attempt to bully the Social Security Administration via Facebook.  When that didn't work, he incited armed violence against Social Security employees.  The Social Security Administration, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security are aware. 

This Hoodlum commits these criminal acts from an unknown location in Nicaragua, where he is an illegal alien with no address.  Douglas Keith Smith, of Coloma, Michigan, knows if he sets one foot in the United States, he's going directly to prison.


United States

Willspy. Douglas Keith Smith. Coloma, Michigan Fraudster.

#11Author of original report

Sun, February 10, 2019

Everything about this thug is Fraud. He posts and presents a criminal background report on himself.  "Cerified and Notarized".The years 2009 through 2016. He committed Perjury to obtain it.  He was an illegal alien in Costa Rica, and Nicaragua during that time period. 

This hoodlum falsifies reports, court documents, photo-shopped articles and pictures.  He's a seasoned con man.  He has a criminal accomplice in Michigan lending him an address.  He has other accomplices in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and the United States and Canada.  Organized Crime. 


United States

Warning to Ripoff Report.

#11Author of original report

Fri, January 25, 2019

This Hoodlum Doug Smith will start to bully, harass, threaten, and intimidate Ripoff Report.  He will threaten you with Lawyers (who don't exist).  He will threaten lawsuits.  He will claim connections to law enforcement, the courts, and influential government contacts.  He will even threaten you with the FBI, CIA, and DEA.  He will threaten you with the State Department (he has a letter from Condolezza Rice).  He uses these tactics against victims who can be bullied into accepting his fraud.  This thug is a blow hard bully to the limit.  His stock and trade is bullying women and stealing their money.

In this file he threatens Timberland with "goverment contacts", and threatens to serve Timberland a Lawsuit Summons on Facebook. Smith knows nothing of the law, and doesn't have the intelligenge, nor the ability to be a private investigator.  Parking lot security guard is more his capacity.

None of his connections exist outside his mind.

Systematic elaborate fraud using a "false color of authority".


United States

Ripoff Report Readers Take Note.

#11Author of original report

Thu, January 24, 2019

Readers should note the rebuttal by "Doug".  He still claims to be in Costa Rica.  This Hoodlum has a real problem with the truth.  He has his story, and he's sticking to it.  He will still tell the same story when he's sitting in jail.  I interviewed hundreds of inmates while working for my father R.E. Agnos in the Kern County Public Defenders Office in California; and in the Maricopa County Jail while my Uncle Thomas James Agnos was Sheriff of Maricopa County (Phoenix), Arizona.  I've seen Hoodlums like Smith claim fingerprints that were found at crime scenes "aren't mine".  Even though irrefutable proof was in evidence.

The truth doesn't exist in this criminal.

Smith targets Facebook Church, Prayer, and Charity Groups.  Notes to Heaven was one of those groups.  Sandy Burbella Wells reported Smith to the FBI, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  Ms. Wells routinely posted prayers for individual members of her group who were in Hospice.  Douglas Keith Smth targeted the dying with his scams; threatening suicide and begging the sick and dying for "suicide prevention" handouts.  He continues to this day.  This is a Predator who will never stop until he is incarcerated.




United States

Doug Smith. Arch Criminal Masquerading as a Good Guy.

#11Author of original report

Wed, January 23, 2019

Doug Smith's rebuttal was predictable.  Using Libel, Slander, Defamation, False Accusations, and Character Assassination against his victims, in order to maintain his Fraudulent Front as a Good Guy. 

Smith self-incriminates well.  We thank him for his Libelous Rebuttal.

Doug Smith is a stone cold criminal whom the United State's Federal Bureau of Investigation describes as a "dangerous criminal nutcase".  Smith is involved with drugs, alcoholism, underage girls, fraud, blackmail, and extortion.  Smith has posted photographs of his p***s, and a selfie-masturbation video in the Internet.  He will be arrested at any land, sea, or airport of entry to the United States.  He is an illegal alien in Nicaragua, which makes him immune from United State's Law.  He commits cyber crimes on a daily basis because he knows he cannot be prosecuted in Nicaragua. 

Smith attempted to Defraud Timberland Boots, and threatened them with a Lawsuit in an attempt to extort money.  Then he Libeled them in Ripoff Report #1336353.

Clearly Smith never plans on returning to be arrested and prosecuted in the United States.

Ripoff Report should investigate him.


Costa Rica

james agnos

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 19, 2019

1st this guy is not in Fla. he is in costa rica his full name is james f agnos! he is a cyber stalker and is running a fraud on the state of wa. his twitter account has been removed,4-6 of his fake facebook pages have been removed.

He has over 8 pages of charges and convictions from wa. and ca. we will provide and oe with his records. he is posting old stories that some have been removed. notice he uses a fake location and no contacts on his post!

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