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  • Report:  #1367338

Complaint Review: Willy Bringold

Willy Bringold LEMA ENTERPRISES AG Brünigstrasse 70, 6074 Giswil Switzerland Misappropriated 45,000+ in misleading Gold, SBLC trading (bank debentures ) Zürich Switzerland, France, UK and Africa

  • Reported By:
    SSH — Switzerland
  • Submitted:
    Wed, April 12, 2017
  • Updated:
    Sat, October 06, 2018
  • Willy Bringold
    Winzerstrasse 107
  • Phone:
    +41 76 407 2666
  • Category:

Swiss citizen Willy Bringold, is a well-spoken and seasoned 80 year old former CPA (Treuhand) and represents access to AU (gold) and SBLC trading practices, along many other bank debenture trading bank trade platforms, contacts and firms etc.

In short; we entered 2 separate Joint-Venture agreements, one for AU and one for Paper trading with a 50/50 split on the ROI's. Instead of going full steam, we only wanted to test Willy Bringold out and allowed for two small test transaction to take place. We placed principal funds of cash with Willy Bringold in the amount of CHF10,000 for the AU agreement and CHF 20,000 for the Paper trade agreement. Both agreements had very specific performance deadlines, which Willy Bringold never honored it up to date! Based on the agreements, Willy Bringold must repay any and all principal placed into joint-venture. Willy Bringold is and has been in default for months.

Take good note; this guy Willy Bringold will have a response to any word you try to speak before you can even finish your word. Willy Bringold will interrupt your conversation at any cost, just so Willy Bringold can stay in control over the dialogue, and eventually YOU as the Prospect.

Now back on point; after many months of allowing Willy Bringold time to perform, we finally requested the principal funds back as per our non-performance clause in the JV agreement. As of today 22. April 2017, no funds have been repaid, and Willy Bringold continues to make false and misleading promises, verbal and written, in French, German and or English, take your pick.

Willy Bringold also collected 14,000 EUR in cash in order to setup a new company in Paris France for our organization, for which Willy Bringold failed to provide an authentic escrow account statement or receipt from the bank, banker or CPA offices, once he returned from Paris. He refuses to provide any transparency, bank name and or banker contacts. All funds collectively of CHF10,000, CHF20,000 and EUR14,000 (15,533) were paid in cash to Willy Bringold personally, as he never divulged the LEMA ENTERPRISE AG bank account for wire transfer capability and traceability.

Willy Bringold also caused for substantial legal and many other fees in order to set up a professional multi-entity trade structure in Switzerland and abroad with appropriate banking and cash asset resources et. al, The current direct losses and expenses alone are running over CHF100,000, not including collection efforts, loss of opportunity, loss of income, punitive and other damages.

Based on our direct experience working with Willy Bringold for the past 6 months, we have high reasons to believe that Willy Bringold is a none-performer and is financing his own life style and business expenses with miss treaded trade prospects like us. In case he should be successful one day, Willy Bringold should pay us off in full, including but not limited to the many losses we have occurred for trusting him and his anticipated know-how.

It has been a most embarrassing process, and we are found to alert the public about Willy Bringold’s business ethics and lack of performance. Once Willy Bringold pays off to us any and all debts, expenses and losses, we would be glad to share it and authenticate it with all readers to see and hear. Until then, BE AWARE of Willy Bringold and LEMA ENTERPRISE AG Switzerland.

(Note: For interested readers, we can provide various contacts he claims to be working with)


3 Updates & Rebuttals



FINAL JUDGEMENT against Willy Bringold - Strafbefehl gegen Willy Bringold

#4Author of original report

Sat, October 06, 2018

Lepitus Enterprises AG und Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH


AK 010 171751/EOM/FIM

Strafverfahren gegen BRINGOLD Willy Zustellung Strafbefehl

Sehr geehrter Herr Oesch

Anbei erhalten Sie eine Kopie des rechtskräftiqen Strafbefehls vom 29. August 2018 gegen BRINGOLD Willy zu Ihrer Kenntnisnahme zugestellt. Hiergegen sind keine Rechtsmittel zulässig, (Translation: Enclosed you will receive a copy of the legally binding penalty order of 29 August 2018 against BRINGOLD Willy for your information. No appeal is allowed against this.)

Freundliche Grüsse

Staatsanwaltschaft Obwalden



Strafbefehl vom 29. August 2018
(Art. 352 ff. StPO)

Beschuldigte Person: Bringold Willy geb. 01.11.1936 in Bubendorf, von St. Stephan, des Bringold Leo und der Rastorfer Lina, verheiratet, wohnhaft in 8049 Zürich, Winzerstrasse 107

Bringold Willy hat sich wie folgt schuldig gemacht:

Mehrfache Veruntreuung:

zum Nachteil der Geoplus AG; Strafanzeige der Geoplus Consulting AG vom 9. August 2017;

zum Nachteil der Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH, der
Lepitus Enterprises AG sowie des Christian Oesch; begangen im Zeitraum 16. Dezember 2015 bis 19. April 2017 in Giswil, Bruenigstrasse 70 

(Translation: Bringold Willy was guilty as follows:

Multiple embezzlement:

to the detriment of Geoplus AG; Criminal complaint of Geoplus Consulting AG of 9 August 2017;

to the detriment of Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH, the
Lepitus Enterprises AG and Christian Oesch; committed in the period from 16 December 2015 to 19 April 2017 in Giswil, Bruenigstrasse 70)

esetzliche Bestimmungen:
Art. 138 Ziff. 1 StGB


Willy Bringold und die Geoplus Consulting AG, vertreten durch Lukas Kong, schlossen am 18. Juni 2009 einen Investitionsvertrag ab. Willy Bringold trat als Agent der CRT Group LLC aus New York auf (klägerischer Beleg 3). Gemäss Vertrag musste die Geoplus Consulting AG drei Tage nach dessen Unterzeichnung einen Betrag in Höhe von Fr. 150'000 auf ein Konto Bringolds Überweisen (klägerischer Beleg 3, § 2 a). Sie kam dieser Vertragsbestimmung nach (klägerischer Beleg 5). Nach Eingang dieses Betrags wäre Willy Bringold innerhalb von drei Tagen verpflichtet gewesen, Bankgarantien zu kaufen (klägerischer Beleg 3, § 2 b). Er kam dieser Verpflichtung nie nach. (Translation: Willy Bringold and Geoplus Consulting AG, represented by Lukas Kong, signed an investment agreement on June 18, 2009. Willy Bringold acted as agent of CRT Group LLC of New York (claim 3). According to the contract, Geoplus Consulting AG had to transfer an amount of CHF 150,000 into a Bringolds account three days after its signing (claim 3, § 2 a). It complied with this contract (claim 5). Upon receipt of this amount, Willy Bringold would have been required within three days to buy bank guarantees (claim 3, § 2 b). He never complied with this obligation.)

Ab dem 13. April 2010 forderte die Geoplus Consulting AG Willy Bringold mehrmals dazu auf, den Betrag über Fr. 150'000 an sie zurück zu Überweisen. Trotz aller Aufforderungen erhielt die Geoplus Consulting AG das Geld nie zurück. Am 9. August 2017 reichte die Geoplus Consulting AG, vertreten durch Rechtsanwaltin Ardiana Rama, Strafanzeige gegen Willy Bringold ein. (Translation: As of April 13, 2010, Geoplus Consulting AG repeatedly requested Willy Bringold to remit the amount of CHF 150,000 back to her. Despite all requests, Geoplus Consulting AG never received the money back. On August 9, 2017, Geoplus Consulting AG, represented by lawyer Ardiana Rama, filed a lawsuit against Willy Bringold.)

Am 16. Dezember 2016 schlossen die Lema Enterprise AG, vertreten durch Willy Bringold, und die Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH, vertreten durch Christian Oesch, einen Vertrag (Agreement Nr. 1) ab Christian Oesch verpflichtete sich, Fr. 20'000.00 an Willy Bringold zu bezahlen, damit dieser "Bankschuldpapiere" kaufen und verkaufen kann. Ende Januar 2017 wäre Willy Bringold dazu verpflichtet gewesen, den investierten Betrag in Hohe von Fr. 20'000.00 an Christian Oesch zurück zu bezahlen, da noch keine Investitionen getätigt wurden. Am 27. März 2017 kündigte Christian Oesch das Agreement No. 1 und forderte ihn dazu auf, das Geld zurückzubezahlen. Trotz mehrerer Aufforderungen seitens Christian Oesch zahlte Willy Bringold das Geld nie zurück. (Translation: On December 16, 2016, Lema Enterprise AG, represented by Willy Bringold, and Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH, represented by Christian Oesch, entered into an agreement (Agreement No. 1). Christian Oesch committed Fr. 20,000.00 to Willy Bringold to pay so that he can buy and sell "bank debt securities". At the end of January 2017, Willy Bringold would have been obliged to repay the invested amount of CHF 20'000.00 to Christian Oesch, as no investments had been made. On March 27, 2017, Christian Oesch announced the agreement no. 1 and asked him to pay back the money. Despite several requests from Christian Oesch, Willy Bringold never paid the money back.)

Ebenfalls am 16. Dezember 2016 schlossen die Lema Enterprise AG, vertreten durch Willy Bringold, und die Lepitus Enterprise AG, vertreten durch Christian Oesch, ein Joint Venture Agreement ab Christian Oesch verpflichtete sich, Fr. 10'000.00 an Willy Bringold zu Überweisen. Im Gegenzug würde dieser Gold an ihn liefern. Gernass § 2.2. wäre Willy Bringold bei einer Nichtlieferung des Goldes zu einer Rückzahlung des Geldes verpflichtet gewesen. Bis am 22. Marz 2017 wurde keine Goldlieferung vollzogen, weshalb Christian Oesch das Joint Venture Agreement kündigte und den Betrag in Höhe von Fr. 10'000.00 zurückverlangte. Trotz mehrerer Aufforderungen von Christian Oesch an Willy Bringold, das Geld zurückzubezahlen, erhielt er den Betrag nie zurückerstattet. (Translation: Also on 16 December 2016, Lema Enterprise AG, represented by Willy Bringold, and Lepitus Enterprise AG, represented by Christian Oesch, entered into a joint venture agreement. Christian Oesch committed to transfer CHF 10'000.00 to Willy Bringold. In return, this would deliver gold to him. Gernass § 2.2. Willy Bringold would have been obliged to repay the money if the gold was not delivered. Until March 22, 2017, no gold delivery was made, which is why Christian Oesch terminated the joint venture agreement and demanded the amount of CHF 10'000.00 back. Despite several requests from Christian Oesch to Willy Bringold to repay the money, he never got the amount back.)

Am 9. Januar 2017 Übergab Christian Oesch Euro 14'000.00 (entspricht Fr. 15'851.60) an Willy Bringold. Im Gegenzug hätte Willy Bringold eine juristische Person in Frankreich gründen sollen, damit der Handel mit Gold effizienter durchqeführt werden konnte. Am 22. Marz 2017 forderte Christian Oesch Willy Bringold zur Rückerstattung des Betrags auf, da noch keine juristische Person gegründet wurde. Bis heute erhielt Christian Oesch das Geld nicht zuruck. Ebenso wenig gründete Willy Bringold eine juristische Person. (Translation: On January 9, 2017, Christian Oesch handed over € 14,000.00 (equivalent to CHF 15,851.60) to Willy Bringold. In return, Willy Bringold should have set up a legal entity in France so that gold trading could be carried out more efficiently. On March 22, 2017, Christian Oesch requested Willy Bringold to refund the amount, as no legal entity had been formed yet. Until today Christian Oesch did not get the money back. Nor did Willy Bringold establish a legal entity.)


Bringold Willy wird in Anwendung von Art. 34 und 47 StGB bestraft mit einer Geldstrafe von 180 Taqessätzen a CHF 50.00. Die Geldstrafe wird unbedingt ausgesprochen und ist zu vollziehen. (Translation: Bringold Willy is punished under Art. 34 and 47 of the Criminal Code by a fine of 180 Taq rates of CHF 50.00. The fine is necessarily pronounced and is to be executed.)

Begründung einer unbedingten Strafe:

Aufgrund der Gesamtwürdigung des Vorlebens und des Leumunds von Willy Bringold ist von einer negativen Prognose auszugehen. Deshalb scheint eine unbedingte Strafe als notwendig, um allfallige weitere Vergehen oder Verbrechen zu verhindern. Er wurde bereits wegen gewerbsmassigen Betrugs, Veruntreuung, Geldwäscherei, Anstiftung zu Urkundenfälschung und wegen Veruntreuung rechtskraftig verurteilt. Bezogen auf Vermögensdelikte ist deshalb Willy Bringold eine ungünstige Prognose auszustellen. (Translation: Due to the overall appreciation of the past life and the reputation of Willy Bringold is to assume a negative forecast. Therefore, an unconditional punishment seems necessary to prevent any possible further offenses or crimes. He has already been convicted of commercial fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, instigating falsification of documents and embezzlement. That's why Willy is referring to property offenses Bringold to issue an unfavorable forecast.)


Die Kosten des Verfahrens werden dem Beschuldigten auferlegt (Art. 426 Abs. 1 StPO).

Diese bestehen aus:

Auslagen  CHF 340.00
Gebühr  CHF 400.00
geschuldeter Betrag (ink!. Geldstrafe)  CHF 9,740.00 

(Translation: The costs of the proceedings are imposed on the accused (Article 426 (1) StPO).

These consist of:

Expenses CHF 340.00
Fee CHF 400.00
amount owed (inc. fine) CHF 9,740.00)

Die Rechnung (inkl. Einzahlungsschein) für den geschuldeten Betrag wird ihnen nach Rechtskraft des Strafbefehls direkt von der Inkassostelle in Strafsachen zugestellt. (Translation: The invoice (including payment slip) for the amount due will be sent to you by the collection agency in criminal matters after the penalty order has become final.)

Die Privatkläger werden mit ihren Zivilforderungen auf den Zivilweg verwiesen (Art. 126 Abs. 2, 353 Abs. 2 StPO). (Translation: The private plaintiffs are with their civil demands on the civil way referred (kind 126 exp. 2, 353 exp. 2 StPO).)


Gegen diesen Strafbefehl können gemass Art. 354 StPO die beschuldigte Person und weitere betroffene Personen bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Obwalden innert 10 Tagen schriftlich Einsprache erheben. Die Einsprachen sind zu begründen; ausgenommen ist die Einsprache der beschuldigten Person. Ohne gültige Einsprache wird der Strafbefehl zum rechtskräftigen und vollstreckbaren Urteil. (Translation: Pursuant to Art. 354 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the accused person and other data subjects may appeal in writing to the public prosecutor's office in Obwalden within 10 days. The objections must be justified; the objection of the accused person is excluded. Without valid objection, the penalty order becomes a final and enforceable judgment.)


Beschuldigte Person

Geoplus Consulting AG, v. d. RA MLaw Livio Marelii, Basel (n.R)

Oesch Christian, Giswil (n. R)
Inkassostelle in Strafsachen OW (n. R)
Strafregister (n. R.)

aatsanwaltschaft Obwalden 



Oesch Report about Willy Bringold Falsifications

#4Author of original report

Tue, April 17, 2018

Oesch Report about Willy Bringold Falsifications
See the “truth” stated in red below each paragraph.

I am Willy Bringold of Zurich, Switzerland. I was unfairly attacked by Christian Oesch, who filed a Ripoff Report about me causing my wife and me enourmous damage to our personal and business reputation.

Truth by Oesch: Since when is thieving CHF 45,330.00 from a business associated a fair and a smart business practice? Willy Bringold feels that being exposed about his fraud is causing him damages, and that he is not responsible causing it to himself in the first place? Only a seasoned con man could make such a ludicrous statement.

Here is my side of the story: If you want the thruth please about this man, Google the name Christian Oesch as well as his companies:BX Protocol (, Lepitus Enterprises AG, Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH. It must be known that all of his companies are "letter box" companies, formed with funds gained thru BX Protocol.

Truth by Oesch: BX Protocol is not even a company, nor is it a holding of Mr. Oesch. It is also not any part of Lepitus Enterprises AG or Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH.  Willy Bringold’s rhetoric has no merit and is absurd. The Willy Bringold statements are false, misleading and part of his immense talent of deception.

Mr. Oesch is also very bitter with me because he filed a lawsuit against me in Switzerland and he lost the case! Since then he doesn't stop trying to detroy me and my reputation. But we are now preparing our own lawsuit against him.

Truth by Oesch: Mr. Oesch has not filed any law suits against Willy Bringold yet, nor has he lost a case at this point, as the procedures are still ongoing. If anyone were to confirm with any Swiss court of records, this can be verified and confirmed. What Mr. Oesch has started are the following procedures including but not limited to:

1)      Collection process against Willy Bringold/LEMA ENTERPRISES AG (d/b/a) FA-BRI PARTNERS AG in Canton Zurich via LEPITUS ENTERPRISES AG

2)      Collection process against Willy Bringold/LEMA ENTERPRISES AG (d/b/a) FA-BRI PARTNERS AG in Canton Zurich via SWISS STEWARDSHIP & ADVISORY GmbH (GmbH has since been sold to new owners)

3)      Collection process against Willy Bringold/LEMA ENTERPRISES AG (d/b/a) FA-BRI PARTNERS AG in Canton Obwalden via LEPITUS ENTERPRISES AG [Note: Arbitration Award issued in favor of Mr. Oesch]

4)      Collection process against Willy Bringold/LEMA ENTERPRISES AG (d/b/a) FA-BRI PARTNERS AG in Canton Obwalden via SWISS STEWARDSHIP & ADVISORY GmbH (since been sold to new owners) [Note: Arbitration Award issued in favor of Mr. Oesch]

5)      Mr. Oesch filled for a Criminal Fraud Case against Willy Bringold personally with the Police and Swiss Authorities [Note: active investigation in regards to Willy Bringold’s fraud perpetrated against Mr. Oesch and companies]

Be Aware of a Scam:

Mr. Oesch contacted me claiming he was a "cancer coach". and knew a lot about medicine. During our meeting he said that his company BX Protocol specialized in cancer healing. Since my wife is suffering with lung cancer, we both attended the meeting. He said to us that his cancer coaching could for sure heal her cancer, but first, my wife would have to become a member of their private club at a fee of 15,000.00 US dollars. Then after she was a member, she could start treatment that would cost another 15,000.00 US dollars. A whopping 30,000.00! Shocked by Mr. Oesch's proposal, my wife left the room and sent me a text message saying: "Willy, for heaven's sake, get out of that meeting. It's a scam of the highest order! And if you check the BX protocol web and the name Christian Oesch, you will see what we mean.

Truth by Oesch: Willy Bringold and his wife were informed of treatment modalities available, since Mr. Oesch does provide consulting work for international clients in the health industry. Willy Bringold and his wife were never asked to purchase any program, and were directed to research on their own. Willy Bringold’s rhetoric has no merit. What does this have to do with Bringold thieving $45,330.00? Mr. Bringold story and false statements are misleading and a continuation of his trickery and deception.

After Googling his name and the name of his companies, we were shocked to see the reviews. We would never consider taking part in such a ridiculous scam. So we refused to pay. He has been furious and since then and is doing everything in his power to destroy us.

Truth by Oesch: When anyone “googles” Christian Oesch, it displays about 152,000 search results. There are no adverse results stated against the Mr. Oesch we are talking about and/or any of his companies. There are also no claims filed in neither any Swiss court, nor any collections pending anywhere in Switzerland? This rhetoric is all about Willy Bringold trying to cause for defamation of character, slander and committing libel against Mr. Oesch

The force of Mr. Oesch's business is contacting established business people like me, he got the names and references of other well established business people, then he went behind my back to do business with these third parties and spread false rumors about me. He even went to my lawyer and asked him to drop me as his client and do business with him. This gives you an idea of who Mr. Oesch is.

 Truth by Oesch: Contrary to what Willy Bringold is stating here, Mr. Oesch is not doing business with any of the Bringold contacts, but Mr. Bringold has indeed circumvented Mr. Oesch and anticipated doing business with a contact of Mr. Oesch from Geneva. Mr. Oesch indeed validated that Willy Bringold had valid business contacts, but once the business relationship was ruined and those contacts have been informed of the fraud perpetrated by Bringold, they all confirmed that they never had transacted with Willy Bringold as they were  used as enticements and for credibility aspects only.



Rebuttal to report by Christian Oesch about Willy Bringold

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 25, 2018

I am Willy Bringold of Zurich, Switzerland. I was unfairly attacked by Christian Oesch, who filed a Ripoff Report about me causing my wife and me enourmous damage to our personal and business reputation.

Here is my side of the story:

If you want the thruth please about this man, Google the name Christian Oesch as well as his companies:BX Protocol (, Lepitus Enterprises AG, Swiss Stewardship & Advisory GmbH. It must be known that all of his companies are "letter box" companies, formed with funds gained thru BX Protocol.

Mr. Oesch is also very bitter with me because he filed a lawsuit against me in Switzerland and he lost the case! Since then he doesn't stop trying to detroy me and my reputation. But we are now preparing our own lawsuit against him.

Be Aware of a Scam:

Mr. Oesch contacted me claiming he was a "cancer coach". and knew a lot about medicine. During our meeting he said that his company BX Protocol specialized in cancer healing. Since my wife is suffering with lung cancer, we both attended the meeting. He said to us that his cancer coaching could for sure heal her cancer, but first, my wife would have to become a member of their private club at a fee of 15,000.00 US dollars. Then after she was a member, she could start treatment that would cost another 15,000.00 US dollars. A whopping 30,000.00! Shocked by Mr. Oesch's proposal, my wife left the room and sent me a text message saying: "Willy, for heaven's sake, get out of that meeting. It's a scam of the highest order! And if you check the BX protocol web and the name Christian Oesch, you will see what we mean.

After Googling his name and the name of his companies, we were shocked to see the reviews. We would never consider taking part in such a ridiculous scam. So we refused to pay. He has been furious and since then and is doing everything in his power to destroy us. 

The force of Mr. Oesch's business is contacting established business people like me, he got the names and references of other well established business people, then he went behind my back to do business with these third parties and spread false rumors about me. He even went to my lawyer and asked him to drop me as his client and do business with him. This gives you an idea of who Mr. Oesch is.


Willy Bringold





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