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  • Report:  #1239673

Complaint Review: Windsor University School of Medicine TRUSTED Business | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses students can trust. Windsor University continues to stand out its affordability and an academic environment designed to welcome international students of diverse cultures. Windsor successfully achieved and maintained this multicultural environment for more than a decade. Founded in 1998 on the island of St. Kitts Windsor University School of Medicine provides broad medical education.

Windsor University School of Medicine Verified TRUSTED Business REVIEW: Windsor University School of Medicine is undergoing Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions. CAAM-HP is the legally constituted body established in 2003 under the aegis of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), empowered to determine and prescribe standards and to accredit programmes of medical and other health professions education. The accreditation process assures that medical, and other health professions schools meet standards of structure, function, and performance and assures society and the health professions that graduates of accredited schools meet the education requirements for further training and the health care needs of the general public.

*UPDATE: Windsor University School of Medicine recognized by Ripoff Report Verifiedâ„¢ as a safe trusted business service

  • Reported By:
    Yosef — Gerrardstown West Virginia Berkeley County
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 04, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 02, 2017
  • Windsor University School of Medicine TRUSTED Business | Ripoff Report Verifiedâ„¢ …businesses students can trust. Windsor University continues to stand out, its affordability and an academic environment designed to welcome international students of diverse cultures. Windsor successfully achieved and maintained this multicultural environment for more than a decade. Founded in 1998 on the island of St. Kitts, Windsor University School of Medicine provides broad medical education.
    Brighton Estate
    Cayon, Other
  • Phone:
    708 – 235 - 1942
  • Web:
  • Category:


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. The author of the Ripoff Report below never responded to our offer to help them.


Windsor University School of Medicine pass rate is approximately 80- 85 percent. Windsor University School of Medicine’s policy has always been to be transparent with all the students at all times. Current students write their exams online and are given their marks immediately. In the past, however, the marks were given at the beginning of each semester, as students would fly out to their country of residence after their final exams. In order for each and every student to see their mark, they had to make sure that their financial accounts are up to date. Students are charged for Becker’s course that has an affiliation with Windsor University School of Medicine for the purposes of preparing our students to get the best possible marks in the USMLE STEP 1. If an individual was to ask for a quote, they are given 3600 $ but because of our affiliation our students pay 2500$ that is spread over 5 semesters.

Windsor University School of Medicine is located on the beautiful island of St. Kitts. The basic sciences are taught on the island of St. Kitts, and the clinical sciences may be followed up in the U.S.A. For recognitions and accreditation of Windsor University School of Medicine, please click on the following link:

Windsor University School of Medicine does not have an open admission policy. We offer rolling admissions in the semesters of January, May, and September. For admissions requirements, please click on the following link:

For the list of our faculty and their achievements, please click on the following link: 1) Basic Sciences Faculty: 2) Clinical Sciences Faculty:

Windsor University School of Medicine no longer offers housing since 2015.

Windsor University have never had any cases of gang rape as alleged by the author, nor were their any rapes or murders that the author claims to have happened in the University. These are false allegation with no truth supporting it.

Any country in the world has crimes that take place in that country. We as an institution are not responsible for those crimes. We as an institution do make sure that our students are safe and are educated on how to conduct themselves in St. Kitts.

Dr. Guri, Dr. Vishal, Dr. Chakravarty all deny these allegations. Also, the Dean referred to in the statements have never claimed to be a practising physician.

The unusual death of a student is a very sad incident that occurred because the student did not how to swim. We are disgusted by how the author of this article is trying to misconstrue a sad incident for their benefit.

There are no investigations that are happening against Windsor University School of Medicine pertaining to money laundering or visa fraud as stated in the article.

Windsor University School of Medicine have a good Residency Placement: For the list of our residents, please click on the following link:



This school is located in St. Kitts in the Caribbean. Here , the basic sciences are taught and after words American and Canadian students perform the clerkship in Carbondale , Illinois. The school is not accredited except by a small country of 50,000 people  that has very poor medical system with no oncologists , or neuro surgeons on the island. This school was founded by Dr. Gaddam who was its first President but who did not complete a residency. It is a privately own scam school run by Indian Nationals. Now, it is run by an administrator named Ramesh Mulkanoor a well know scam artist. It is currently having low enrollment due to its bad reputation and questionable practices.

The school takes advantage of students due to its open admissions policy and if you apply you usually will get in. Now, due to its low enrollment, frequently they will accept students into their Medical Program, After, the student gets admitted there is a good chance they will change the student to the pre-med program to make them stay another year and hence, make more money. Now, once they get there the student will find out that the faculty cannot speak English well, and not a single faculty member in St. Kitts has passed the USMLE BOARDS ! The faculty is primarily Indian and Nigerian.

It gets worse, many courses have a fail rate of up to 90%, The average failure rate being 70%. This causes the student to have to take expensive retakes or repeat a semester generating more money for the school. Grades from the instructor are also not final and may be changed by the Administration. If this wasn’t bad enough exams are frequently sold for either sex or money. Some faculty are more than willing. This is usually, done by students from Nigeria. Now, when a student fails an exam they are not allowed to see the exam in most cases and if a special release is given by the dean of student affairs a student can see the exam for $100 dollars but cannot challenge any questions. Again this school is a money making racket. Student are also charge and forced to take the Beckers course for $1200 MORE than what it takes to take the Beckers review curse directly.

The school offers student housing, but, understand that Basseterre , and in lousy areas. Understand, St. Kitts is the murder Capital of the World every 2-3 years and in June 2015 , 3 Windsor females where Gang Raped. An additional two Windsor females were raped separately and 2 females from neighboring Ross where raped. Indeed, in June there  was a murder in from of the University with the body left in the street. None of these crimes has been solved nor an arrest made. The students who come back to the United States are forced to go into student housing in Carbondale Illinois. The housing is dirty and cockroach infested, In June of 2015, a piece of the ceiling fell on a student from her living quarters and her arm was broken.

Worse of all the faculty are incompetent and arrogant without cause . Recall that none of them have passed the boards. I am not talking about USMLE 3 but USMLE 1 !  They faculty sit separately from the students at lunch and do not talk to the students of course unless you are willing to pay money or have sex for an exam with a third world  predator. Let, me give some examples that i know to be true:  Some of the comments are included. A Dr.Guri stated, to one mother who was in his office with her daughter to talk to him about retaking an exam she allegedly had failed but not been allowed to see. Dr. Guri stated, "maybe if you didn’t hadn’t given birth to a stupid child we wouldn’t be here. Now get the hell out of my office"  They hired a new Dean named Cyrus Banan a person who introduces himself as a physician to the students and tells wonderful stories of his medical practice. Problem is HE NEVER WENT TO MEDICAL SCHOOL!  This dean also assaulted a faculty member then fired the faculty member for reporting the assault!  There is then the Dr. Chakovoty who said to his class, " your are a bunch of dumb animals and donkeys and I will fail you all" he subsequently did. Then comes the Dr. Vishal the associate Dean of clinical medicine, who has been fired from his two past jobs for sex with students and sexual assault. Don't worry his number at Windsor is only four women at this time. Now, maybe the term doctor is an overstatement for these cretins as they don't have and M.D. or D.O. degree but bachelors of medicine degrees from third world countries.

Now, if you are a faculty member, they will promise you a salary , terms of a contract but, because it is in St. Kitts and hence they will frequently break the contract. There have been reports of some staff not being paid for 3 months. They natives of St. Kitts are treated like dogs and animals, paid low salaries, forced to work in slave like conditions and fired if they complain. There was also an unusual death of a student who had complained a couple of years ago who lived at the Sugar Bay Resort, she turned up dead in a swimming pool that was 4 feet wide , after she complained about the school. It just so happened that the Head of Security for Windsor University School of Medicine was at the resort hotel miles away from where he lives at the scene when this occurred.

Currently, there is an investigation into Windsor University for Money Laundering and Visa fraud. More on this later in the U.S..

Indeed, the school’s reputation is so bad, that the residency placement of its graduates is only about 5-10%. This is not a knock on Caribbean Schools as my own physician is very good and went to a school in the Caribbean and is excellent. However, stay away from Windsor University School of Medicine

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Another way to succeed?

#5General Comment

Fri, December 23, 2016

       When some students help manipulate other people at Windsor they are considered better potential doctors or candidates, as idiotic as that may seem, it is semi-normal down here. A professor at a different school, although friends with one of the Deans of Windsor had two Indian students sit behind me who never sit near me otherwise, during the Teacher evaluations. It is an ole school characteristic that is coercive and likely has other favors involving other reward for services type characteristics. It also leads to sex and further misinformation leaked to student as ways of beating down students so they can retain the power and feeble self-esteem they have acquired by coercion and known deviant pressures to treat the professors as more than people objectively providing a service. It is a feeble self-esteem demonstration where taking money from people is what they seem to enjoy and find "smart", then believe the students who fear them really genuinely respect them.

       Anything written that describes Windsor as swell people and attacks another student for failing and goes on to claim if it occurred, these swell guys did not have the records withheld and did not add fees, is doing a favor for the Windsor administration. These types of ways to play games and get into students heads who may have said bad things about the school happens for certain at Windsor, and I can claim at least it happens at another school who has professors associated with Windsor Deans and administrators. I am also certain that this occurs, since I have had similar reports about Windsor from students before reading this, and those students claimed you must copy everything you have even handed them, since Windsor will take the documents from you and that is it. And they had no reason to make that up or be dramatic about it, since it is the kind of thing Windsor will come back at them for stating, if they hear about it or likely even suspect it on the this small island. Ask a question about a question or way to approach a question on one of their documents and they take the document before it is completed, and say do not worry about that. That I can assure happens for certain as I witnessed this directly as well. There are no receipts, or extremely difficult to get. Control by idiots that are from countries that practice this way, and have forever, and lie thorugh their teeth about anything.

       Other Caribbean schools are doing similar and having students rough up other students(threatening and physically), and when I first started researching this I did not believe it, but now I am quite certain the students were not the liars here. One Dean on another island was arrested by the local island officials(unusual but they finally did) for taking the money and asking for more, then when they arrived on island claiming they needed to pay fees again and their visas were not in order, so they could not let them attend, and vice-versa the student visa could not be operable, since they were not truly attending yet or approved to. The key to most of this behavior at Caribbean schools is that they are extremely audacious and lack any fear of regulation. That should be apparent in how insular the response is about keeping your head low. That is indicative of the experienced repression that has a self proclaimed successful student claiming he kept his head down, and infers cowardous is a virtue with these idiots and surly people not from the United States, but from some other mess of a country.

       The key trick for all of them is to get a large sum of money up front, then start the conditioning toward being afraid of them and having to worry what is contracted on their end. The blame for the creative confusion and lack of receipts and records is to balme the islanders for being to daft to do anything correctly. Windsor treats them like dirt as well, as the Deans do locally to all island people as a matter of simple caste in their minds, is how it appears to me. Simple receipts and paperwork proving anything can ring up large fees, and if they argue they may get larger fees. The USMLE pass-rate is so low for Windsor that even helping the dirty administration will not get you past that gate like this person weighing in on here obviously thinks they are scoring useful browny points for.

When people claim medical school is tough, they mean academically, but it gets tougher when professors try any way possible to find ways to play games with you, get inside your head, and fail you and do not report grades till far late in the semester. The process is a form of power control practiced at all schools here I have witnessed and read about, since it has been witnessed by me as well.

Privacy about school anything on this island is a free for all. Records abour students and rumors run througout the drug culture here with the use of drugs prominant in the professors and Deans, and this exist to the extent that tourists are informed of your grades or struggles or physical handicaps or any manner of petty gossip shared with compulsive liars and expats. I can attest that whateve rthat person above felt was going on, and I suspect they did not state everything, was certainly a management technique practiced by Windsor and the friends they have elsewhere. I have witnessed more and supected far more. These seem like confirmations for me, not exceptions or sour grapes. Thieves is too nice.



Sounds about right

#5General Comment

Fri, December 23, 2016

The school is run very surly. Few people are properly warned about this school and other similar schools. Be careful if you think using any of these profteering web-sites like Student Doctor Net or SDN that claim to be helping med students, since I am not seeing that behavior. The Chicago area office takes your money, but does not act like they can communicate with the island office. Most of the post I am responding to is similar to my conversations with students. Of course the deaths are not confirmed, but on St. Kitts, there are no investigaations of these crimes against students or tourists that give results. It is unusual but true. I would say the advice given by the reporter is mostly accurate or believable. SDN and other information sources for Medical Students hide this, yet claim under non-for profit staus to be exempt from regulation by being a public service, taking only donations for their advertising on their web-site. ValueMD may also be doing this, but they are not likely to go after people saying adverse remarks about Caribbean schools, so they may be a better source for honest opinions without the railroading for  adverse opinions. Trust what you read here as at least very plausable, and know these people at Windsor dream up fees and refuse to release grades or even admit you attended there unless you pay these fees. As far as I am concerned Windsor and a few other schools shoul dno thave access to American applicants or be allowed to solicit business in the United States. And, know that the type of foreign people that run these schools are surly and on other islands do have people beat up students for disagreeing or simply compalining about the schools and it happens at Windsor as well. Also, realize that attending these schools and expecting privacy rights is not something to expect. The Deans at Windsor know professors at the other schools, and they make trouble for students transfering and sometimes refuse to release transcripts. The other school on the island also shares information with Windsor, through professors and acquiantences so do not expect professional behavior of American style to prevail here in the Caribbean.



Another Former Student

Dist of Columbia,

Why is a successful student from the Big 4

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, November 13, 2015

researching Windsor University SOM? These statements are known facts around the island and if you ask any of the older students, they will confirm them. I can even confirm some of these as I was there! There are numerous reports with the Illinois attorney general and I can only imagine what they are claiming against the school. I doubt someone is going to make up lies to the attorney general and risk imprisonment or perjury charges...what would a former student stand to gain from it? You can't get a copy of the contract you sign at the school (I challenge anyone there currently to ask for it, they will not give it to you and will get angry and demand to know why you want it). How are you supposed to get proof of any of these things? I can't even get any proof I went to this school, aside from my bank statements and emails to and from them. No transcript, official or unofficial. Stay far away from Windsor unless this is your last resort.



What are you doing?

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2015

It's clear you ended up failing out of Windsor, however you do realize if you ever want to have a career in medicine, you can't go around bashing a school using gossip you may have heard on the island?

I went to one of the "Big 4" schools, and even there we heard some crazy rumors. But I kept my head down, studied, and got off the island successfully.  Now I'm a happy camper getting closer and closer to acheiving my lifelong dreams.  

All I'm saying is, if you dislike Windsor, transfer and try somewhere else.  It's not the end of the world.  

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