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  • Report:  #265787

Complaint Review: WMC Direct Mortgage

WMC Direct Mortgage The truth on WMC ripoff Orangeburg New York

  • Reported By:
    Orangeburg New York
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 07, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sun, April 08, 2012
  • WMC Direct Mortgage
    1 Ramland Road
    Orangeburg, New York
  • Phone:
    800-wmc done
  • Category:

Some of us worked at wmc mortgage from the first day the door opened in new york. It has always been a place where fraud has been the normal way to do business. What went wrong is some people in charge got way out of control taking bribes, stealing and that is where it went too far.

Paul Ciarfello accepted dinners, show tickets, cash and had his crew of ladies to service him and get his dirty work done. That was from day one. They came with him from other companies like Joanna Brauman, Maryellen Coyle, and a few other dirty players. If he didnt like you or if you happen to be black none of your loans would ever close. Jean Salanitro was Pauls main girl. She is a expert at fraud, stealing social security numbers and selling them. Some of us knew her from Citibank and worked with her for 10 years and know what a liar and cheat she is.

When we worked with her at CIT group she used to steal everything from that office and get in some execs pants who would cover it up for her.

Bill Conologue was the same cut of beef. Dinners, golf games, cash gifts from sales reps he tried to get girls but none would go for him since he is such a weak dude and unintelligent. He is also the lowest ever paid manager in WMC.

Juliet Agranoff was hired to be a ge spy. She is the biggest racist of them all with her crew of abby and the other girl too. She smiles in black peoples face but the things she says about cleaning up the slave ship and we need to lighten up the company its too dark (she means blacks) out there.

Dont forget the drug addict sales people - Kim Bruno, Siobahn Herlihy, Marty Bronfman, Anthony Rega, Travis Bowins, Peter Graves. How much money went up these peoples nose and up in smoke in the crackpipe?

If you didnt lie and forge things at wmc you couldnt close a loan. The whole company is based on fraud, fake appraisal, fake documents, forgeries and other crimes.

WMC is bad place. That is the Truth.

The truth
Orangeburg, New York

12 Updates & Rebuttals

WMC Hater

New Jersey,
United States of America

Paul Ciarfello WMC Direct Mortgage racist

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 08, 2012

It is obvious that the previous post #9, was written by Paul Ciarfello himself. Misspelled words, incorrect use of punctuation and of course his famous use of the horrible word "n****r" is totally in line with how he used to treat blacks, hispanics, and any other person that wasn't white and italian like himself. When we worked with him at WMC he was racist #1 after the HRDirector, Juliet Agranoff. No minority at WMC Direct mortgage in the Orangeburg, NY office was ever in senior management, even though many of us had college degrees, but they did promote their friends, acquaintances, buddies from other companies that barely finished high school that were just as corrupt at Paul Ciarfello. I know for a fact that he has been unemployed for a while now about 3 years and last he was seen shoveling snow to earn cash. Got just what you deserve, Paulie, now go rot in a pile of trash you fat slob!


United States of America

You've got to be kidding

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, October 03, 2011

it sounds like the author has known some of these people for many years. could there just have been a falling out? It must not have been what is stated here or this person would have quit working with these people years ago.

I just love that when something goes wrong in a relationship niggers like to use the race card. the word 'n****r' is in the oxford dictionary and means black person, so I'm using it in context.  if the authors loans didn't get closed maybe he/she wasn't very good at their job. there are guidelines that have to be met; if not it may be fraud.

as far as fraud goes, you knew about it for at least ten years and didn't turn anyone in? this makes you an accessory (you are just a guilty).

no one running a multi million dollar a year business takes chump change dinners and movie tickets as any kind of pay off...are you kidding me? nore can you run a multi million dollar company while on drugs... that's funny. since your not much of an AE maybe you should become a comic.


United States of America

I have learned..........from Abby Cowburn

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 24, 2011

I fortunately still work in the Human Resources field and I've used my past employment experiences as learning tools. When I worked with Juliet Agranoff at WMC Direct, I learned how to be more sensitive to all of the terribly hurt people as Juliet seriously LACKED any sensitivity skills or tact and most of the managers at WMC were there to fill their pockets with money and didn't really care about anybody.  For example, when we planned office events that included human resources, I remember Juliet saying things like "be sure to order enough fried chicken, so the blacks feel included" and "make sure they put enough watermelon in the fruit salad for the blacks so they eat something healthy" I thought how stupid of her to say these things, we can order a variety of foods and people will eat a bit of everything, AND those comments are so inappropriate and mean.  But then again, I wasn't that surprised because Juliet was and awful human resources professional, totally did things based on not what was professionally correct only who would save her job as she is so INCOMPETENT and lied about almost everything while saying "GE wants this" but she didn't realize GE is a responsible company and saw right through her phony behavior and when the time came got rid of her like yesterday's trash.  I feel sorry for all of the people that Juliet Agranoff has hurt and hope my former coworkers are doing well.  Abby Cowburn.

Flabby Jeanie

United States of America

Jean Salantiro - Jean Ettari-Salanitro

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 29, 2011

It's amazing what can be found on the internet....I was doing some research for my employer about public opinon on subprime mortgage companies and I came across this posting about WMC Direct and I saw the name Jean Ettari-Salanitro. I first got the chills and felt nauseous when I saw her name. Then I decided to let everyone here know what our experience was with her.

I tell you I am not surprised at all at what I have read. I worked at RMG Global with this horrible human being Jean Salanitro.

I mean I can't begin to tell you the lowlife that she is. First she is awful to look at, she is about 60 years old, wears tight low cut shirts and the only thing you can see are the rolls of flabby skin through her clothes. No decency or class at all.

Secondly she SMELLS HORRIBLY from the constant smoking and eating greasy food. Her teeth are all different colors, yellow, black and green and not to mention she is missing a bunch of teeth in her mouth as well.

All she did while I worked with her was gossip, start rumors about the most decent and well respected people in the company and talked about herself constantly always tooting her own horn about how she was manager of this and manager of that and she once told us that she went to law school, but we found out from HR that she went to a business school and did not even have an undergraduate degree.

This Jean Salanitro animal is the WORST form of a human being, a LIAR, GOSSIPER, JEALOUS and wishes everybody bad luck and she is nothing more than a piece of lying, disgusting, ugly, fat, flabby white trash.If you ever have the bad luck to work with her, stay far away and make sure that HR fires her because she will destroy every department she touches and make peoples lives miserable.


United States of America

WMC loan files

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 02, 2010

Some of the employees at WMC were also expected to cover up the inappropriate actions of the managers.

For example, Paul Ciarfello used to sign off on "exceptions" to underwriting guidelines but only if the employee would note the system.

Matt Donohue used to allow loans to fund without all of the documentation necessary and signed documents in house as long as one of the "funders" would okay the deal.

Doing this they thought they would avoid responsibility.  But in the end everyone knew why they did this.

When these guys were both fired, Anthony DiBuccio explained the whole deal to us.


United States of America

Others speak out about WMC

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 09, 2009

While we all recognize that WMC was a place where a lot of fraud did take place and we are now all paying for it as the economy has been destroyed, our industry is in shambles and many of us are now unemployed or employed in other industries that pay much less than we used to make.

Hopefully the drug use, bribes, payoffs and other improprieties that took place will be lessons for all of you in your future careers. Many of us were and still are honest but the temptation of all of the money and control got the best of us.

Senior management looked the other way at fraud, abuse, drug use and inappropriate behavior. Some of us tried to uncorrupt things but you had some people that were truly relentless when they didn't get what they wanted.

And as much as people speak about discrimination, that came DIRECTLY from Human Resources.  Juliet Agranoff gave courses on how to limit "underqualified minorities" as she called them, from trying to advance in the company.  Juliet is an expert on discriminatory practices.  Why was there NEVER a black or hispanic senior level manager in Orangeburg, NY?  In the almost 4 years that the office was there, out of 250 people in the office, couldn't just ONE of us get the chance to be in an upper management spot?  A lot of the minority employees have college degrees!!  Why is is that non-minority employees such as Tami Nugent, Jean Salanitro, Darren Hagan and others WITH NO COLLEGE got ahead before us??  Can that be explained??  I can explain it, it's called corruption, back scratching, and help your friends / relatives to get ahead mentality.

The most corrupt people in the company were:

Matt Donohue, Paul Ciarfello, Gian Russo,  Glenn Pizzolorusso,  Jean Salanitro, Tami Nugent, Bill Conologue, Kameron Senemar, Fred Brewster, Juliet Agranoff, Darren Hagan, and Peter Graves.

These people were the cancers of the company that only helped to destroy it and made everyone's lives miserable all to "get ahead" and line their pockets with money and help out their friends. Thanks WMC managers, we will always remember you for these great things and the glass ceiling!!

Also the funding, docs and shipping departments were almost all minority and were the lowest paid positions in the company.  And there were some of us there that have college but for our race and ethnicity could never get ahead!!

Former Wmc Employee


lies from people who were so bad at there job they thought they were discriminated against. No its just you were really stupid!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 27, 2009

What a bunch of jokes, the bdrs and execs made a ton of money, so what? why do you loosers spread lies about them?

There was no discrimination against black people, just against lazy people white, black hispanic, if you were lazy we didnt want you around. we were all working too hard.

There was no fraud and people were fired for fraud, but the writers of this post had no real idea of what was going on at the company or they would know this.

the funniest one is about glen, a recovering crack cocaine addict? lol

glens a great guy and helped many people out, he helped me get a job after i was layed off at wmc.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves, but you know what, your where you are in life for a reason, and the people at wmc who made money made it for a reason. Hard work pays off, laziness and being concerned with people you dont knows business is a recipe for disaster.

Former Wmc Employee


lies from people who were so bad at there job they thought they were discriminated against. No its just you were really stupid!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 27, 2009

What a bunch of jokes, the bdrs and execs made a ton of money, so what? why do you loosers spread lies about them?

There was no discrimination against black people, just against lazy people white, black hispanic, if you were lazy we didnt want you around. we were all working too hard.

There was no fraud and people were fired for fraud, but the writers of this post had no real idea of what was going on at the company or they would know this.

the funniest one is about glen, a recovering crack cocaine addict? lol

glens a great guy and helped many people out, he helped me get a job after i was layed off at wmc.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves, but you know what, your where you are in life for a reason, and the people at wmc who made money made it for a reason. Hard work pays off, laziness and being concerned with people you dont knows business is a recipe for disaster.

Former Wmc Employee


lies from people who were so bad at there job they thought they were discriminated against. No its just you were really stupid!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 27, 2009

What a bunch of jokes, the bdrs and execs made a ton of money, so what? why do you loosers spread lies about them?

There was no discrimination against black people, just against lazy people white, black hispanic, if you were lazy we didnt want you around. we were all working too hard.

There was no fraud and people were fired for fraud, but the writers of this post had no real idea of what was going on at the company or they would know this.

the funniest one is about glen, a recovering crack cocaine addict? lol

glens a great guy and helped many people out, he helped me get a job after i was layed off at wmc.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves, but you know what, your where you are in life for a reason, and the people at wmc who made money made it for a reason. Hard work pays off, laziness and being concerned with people you dont knows business is a recipe for disaster.


New Jersey,

The truth about WMC revealed - directly from Abby Cowburn in Human Resources

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 30, 2009

WMC Mortgage Corporation, also known as WMC or WMC Direct, was originally named Weyerhaeuser Mortgage Company was a wholesale originator of subprime residential mortgages owned by GE Money (formerly GE Consumer Finance). General Electric bought WMC Mortgage from Apollo Management in 2004. WMC Mortgage catered to consumers with less than perfect borrower profiles. GE ceased WMC's operations in late 2007 due to the subprime market collapse.

WMC Mortgage was run by some of the most notoriously incompetent and criminal managers and salespeople in banking history:

1) Kathy Lipps (president of NY division, fired from WMC every company she worked for subsequent to WMC)

2) Paul Ciarfello (credit VP NY division, organized bribes and fraudulent activity, also responsible for the demise of Alliance Bank)

3) Bill Conologue (Regional Production Manager NY division, no college degree, totally unqualified, put in position of manager by friends)

4) Michael Milich (Regional VP NY division, also put in position by friends in the company, no qualifications)

5) Karen Most (VP of Quality Assurance, totally unqualified)

6) Glen Pizzolorusso (former Business Development Representative, currently in personal bankruptcy, recovering crack cocaine addict)

7) Juliet Agranoff (Human Resources Manager, known for being racist towards blacks, hispanics, said company is too "dark" meaning not enough whites)

8) Matt Donohue (funding manager, stole funds and was forced to resign)

9) Jean Salanitro (credit manager, romantically involved with #2 Paul Ciarfello, jointly stole and accepted bribes under his management, also known for selling customer's personal information, Social Security #s, currently employed as a stock girl at a supermarket)

10) Gian Russo (former Business Development Representative, with links to mafia, has his entire staff under threat of physical harm if they did not commit the fraud he required them to do)

11) Travis Bowens (former Business Development Representative, stole funds from company due to cocaine habit, currently in rehabilitation)

12) Melissa Kabula (former funding manager under Matt Donohue #8, also was romantically involved with him as well)

13) Darren Hagan (former regional production manager, drug addict, accepted bribes, sport events tickets, in exchange for sign off on fraudulent mortgage loan applications)

14) Tami Nugent (appraisal manager, was later discovered Tami had no formal education, not even a high school diploma, but since her sister Vivian Farr was a manager, she was promoted to VP of appraisals. She demanded sexual favors and cash in exchange for sign off on fraudulent property appraisals, currently runs a gift basket and lingere operation out of her garage.)

As well, the abovementioned managers all accepted bribes from salespeople and mortgage broker clients, which ultimately led to the demise of WMC Mortgage company. They are currently involved in a class action lawsuit and ultimately many of the former managers are likely to serve jail time for fraud as well.
The number of innocent homeowners affected by these people is in the hundreds of thousands.

The Truth

New York,

Just think how many other people are bothered

#13Author of original report

Mon, August 25, 2008

It amazes me that someone who claims to be an ex-employee would write a rebuttal saying that the truth about WMC mortgage bothers them.

Let me tell you for those people, and the part about blacks having a hard time, WMC was a nightmare. Discrimination, drug use, bribes being accepted by management from account executives, sexual favors, were just a few of the things that went on at WMC in Orangeburg. I am not the author of the original post however every person mentioned especially Paul Ciarfello, Bill Conologue, Jean Salanitro, Juliet Agranoff, just to name a few of them, were and I am sure still are some of the most corrupt and unprofessional people alot of us have ever worked with. They just bounce from company to company doing bad deeds, causing companies to fail, discriminating, destroying other peoples career if you are not friends with them. This is the truth.

The proof is in the fact that every company these people have worked with is out of business. For example I knew Jean Salanitro from 2 other companies, Citimortgage and The CIT group. She was a liar at those companies, stole social security numbers and sold them, ordered things from the company catalog and took them home, and much worse. I mean she is a real piece of work. Jean Salanitro also lives in the same complex as a friend of mine in Chelsea, Hopewell Junction, NY and she is known to have threatened neighbors and goes after other peoples husbands. She is also divorced like 5 times.

Its Too Bad

No Where,
New York,

In Response

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 04, 2008

I wanted to take a moment to express how upset I am at this posting. While it has been on this website for quite some time, it still bothers me that such hurtful, untrue things could be posted for all to see, without any responsibility taken by the author or the web site. I can whole heartedly and first hand attest that the statements in the posting are untrue, and sadly, it hurts me that such slander is now hurting those innocent victims that were mentioned. Anyone can google a name, and its just so frustrating that the result is negative slander, and there is nothing that can be done. Each and every individual mentioned in this article is a good, forth right individual, and did not/does not deserve to have such things said about them.

In life, job searches, home hunting, everything is difficult enough. We all go through hard times. I can understand if the author was upset at one thing or another. However, now in harder times, it makes me sad and unsettled that those mentioned in this article are being hurt, when potential employers check up on them online, or anyone checks, for that matter.

As my name states, I am just upset.

I do hope, from the bottom of my heart, that this rebuttal is taken nicely and maturely, and that anyone reading the original posting will take my word, when I say *** the accusations and hurtful things said are untrue and malicious.**** It's disheartening to know we live in a world where human beings will just go out of their way to hurt other human beings, This is my attempt to, if just a little bit, reinstate confidence and a secure feeling in those individuals attacked, untruthfully, in the original article. Normally, I would not give this web site the time of day, but times are tough enough in our world, and if I could spread a bit of truth, I thought it might be worth the few moments it took to write out my feelings, and what I KNOW to be true.

Please do not read the original post and place any weight in it. Unfortunately, when people are hurt of upset, they sometimes take their anger out to only make others hurt. I can only assume that this author was feeling frustrated and upset, and simply did not know of another way to vent their unhappiness. Thank you for your time.

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