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  • Report:  #481301

Complaint Review: WOGZRADIO

WOGZRADIO - WOGZRADIO.NING.COM Internet radio station does contests for big prizes then doesnt reward you, then you get upset and they ban you for inappropriate comments and withhold prize MYRTLE BEACH South Carolina

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Mon, August 17, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sun, December 13, 2009
    charleston, South Carolina
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:
* : Suicidal Woman Jokes To Far... * : So... * : Was this really a joke?? * : You weren't there so it's your best to shutup and act more mature of an adult instead of acting like a kid ... * : Take Responsibility Of Your Actions... * : What about the prizes won but not received. * : What about the prizes won but not received?Why so hostile? * : My God, what kind of radio station is this? * : Your Answer to Prizes & Etc. * : WOGZRADIO- I am still alive * : Disturbing * : Distrubing News Written back to Author * : you have got to be kidding * : This can of worms is getting foul * : Publicity stunt! * : come..on * : To Everyone Who Wants To Assume * : Oh Please * : Jessica, Jessica ... look what you wrote * : Reading between the lines again... * : Let's Get All The Facts Straight * : Public Announcement Made On 8/21 & Solution * : Now - This Is What We Needed To Hear, A Solution * : Thank you and let's move on... * : Another listener says goodbye to WOGZRADIO * : How laughable * : Good Bye & Good Riddance * : The truth is apparent * : Why Why Cry Cry ... * : Fuzzy and scratchy. * : How Internet Radio works... * : Pass advice to WOGZ * : In response to Robert in Buffalo-Yesss the Randomizer * : Where are they? * : To You Robert and Your Curious ... * : What A Nuisance * : To Vistoria -Yesss The Randomizer * : Who is Barbara? * : Time to move on! * : You are not that intelligent Kate * : My last rebuttal came in after yours Anon from Canada - sorry * : From Barbara to Kate "Kate you are not that intelligent" * : WOGZ= SCAM * : Pretend Block Party * : WOGZ LEAVES OLD BEHIND FOR WIKITIKIRADIO * : Chat room rules. * : No Couple Arrested for theft of tickets * : Chat Room Rules * : Chat Room Rules * : Police contact information for WOGZRADIO Investigation * : Why You Hear Again Robert & Others? * : Second Time Trying To Post This Issue ... * : Legal entity? * : Slight Corrections Barbara ... * : Moving on with my life Yes * : This has got to be a Publicity Stunt... * : Questions Answered .... * : There is a serious problem here ... * : There is a serious problem here ... * : Constitutional Rights? * : Some people won't ever learn... * : I have a right just as you do to tell the real truth * : Maybe you should read the rules * : Yawn... *Consumer Comment: WOGZ=SCAM *UPDATE Employee: It's Amazing How People Think *Consumer Comment: People Are Still Here? *Consumer Comment: Interesting Margaret *General Comment: This gets even better..... *Consumer Comment: Information on Margaret Trentacosta *Consumer Comment: Updated Information Which This Site Altered *Consumer Comment: Fraud *UPDATE Employee: Fraud? This CASE has been CLOSED! *UPDATE Employee: Fraud? This Case Has Been Closed! No Real Attorney Would Post On This Site ... *Consumer Comment: Illiterate People *Consumer Comment: Diana Hastings aka CG aka BARBARA *UPDATE Employee: You Are F&%$# Joking ... *Consumer Comment: Diana Hastings aka CG aka BARBARA *Consumer Comment: Point Proven - hehehehe *Consumer Comment: On another note..... *Consumer Comment: ??? *UPDATE Employee: Let me show you how low our an attorney you are ... *Consumer Comment: You Mentioned My Name? *Consumer Comment: All Will Be Revealed Soon Enough *Consumer Comment: PS *Consumer Comment: Wow -I am SHOCKED from this Attorney Stand Point of View? *Consumer Comment: Strike Three *Consumer Comment: Just spoke to an interesting party .... *Consumer Comment: Freaking hilarious! *Consumer Comment: Interesting Party? *Consumer Comment: On a HUMOROUS note....'Parick' *Consumer Comment: SMILE ... *Consumer Comment: Smiling! *General Comment: Let the record(s) show... *Consumer Comment: See you on TV with officials *Consumer Comment: Have all of you gone mad?!? *Consumer Comment: Thanx You! *Consumer Comment: Whoa! *Consumer Comment: Interesting *Consumer Comment: Funny to Read Part 2 *Consumer Comment: Patrick aka Diana aka etc........

I played an internet Radio station contest to win tickets to American Idol plus meet and greet.  I won in a drawing 4th place which gave me 2 tickets to show and 2 meet and greet passes.  I was told they would arrive in a few days. The contest was on July 25th 2009.  I never received the prize. They said it was mailed out regular mail. That is insane because they are worth a few hundred dollars. So they said they would mail them out again this time to my work address and also this time with a tracking number. I never received them and kept asking, emailing and texting about them.

One day the DJ called me at my work address and said he was looking into finding out the tracking number and would call me by 5:00. He didnt.  I chatted online with some friends in a joking manner that I was gonna jump off a bridge if the tickets did not come but we also joked about it because I was not serious about killing myself and they all knew that.  But on Monday they talked on the air about banning a previous listener/winner from the station and taking away her prize cause I said I was going to jump off the bridge.  I explained to them that in a chat you cant see that people are kidding and smiling and laughing about it, but they said sorry your banned,  so I cannot access there station and the also called my place of employment to complain that I was online. 

 I also had one a cd player previous to this win and I never received that either.  There is not one person since I have been there in june that has one their prize.  ONe girl won money and she also got banned for cursing even though they constantly play foul music with cursing in it, and talk about sexual things too.  Another girl one a jetski and has not gotten that and another won 750.00 and did not receive it either.  There are numbers of people who are owed money from this station. 

101 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

Funny to Read Part 2

#102Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

Oh, I found Mr. Joe here as well. For everyone's information as he claimed from another site: "And, you are correct, I have not once stated I am indeed, an attorney." Yet, your name is posted in this site as an attorney? From what world you live in? Maybe an imaginary world! Yes, you are falsifying and misleading others to think you are above others with this ridiculous position. That is a crime! Another SCAMMER or CON ARTIST if I ever smell one - whew and what comes out of your mouth STINKS and full of %$#@ S-H-I-T %$#@!

What I am reading is nothing but B.S. if I ever seen it from one to two people bickering like little kids. Mommy he pulled my hair, then go punch him in the nose. Hahahahaha ... kids must play!

The only mental and disorder people I see is those who keeps posting and don't have anything else to do in their free time. Fingers are being pointed but you cares. All I had to read is what Margaret Trentacosta has posted and WOGZRadio. Others stories are being added - a story for someone to either state their opinion or thoughts what is going on.

The whole issue is between Margaret & WOGZRadio. NO one else!

Everyone else is nothing but %$#@ B.S. %$#@

What a joke to all of YOU!




#102Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

I find this whole story very interesting. I live in the general area of one person named on this site, and actually know of her. I would be more than happy to share the information I have, but not on here. Is there any way to contact someone on here? I am basically a friend of someone who knows her. And yes, she is mentally unstable, and really does need treatment. I will not bash this person however, I am only doing this because I feel really sorry for her condition, but also, more important, her schemes on the net. Please remember people, she is a 45 year old plus woman who lives with her parents, has not held a job for many years, has basically lost any friends she has had because of her mental illness and needs help badly.  Now, I really hope nobody misconstrues what I am saying to be in any way bashing. I am only sharing this because I want people to understand something - the more anyone says anything about her, the more she is going to attack. She has a disorder, please keep that in mind.

Sweet Shellie



#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

To Just Interested, I had been following this as well. I just checked out one of the sites you posted, and it even has a recored message from Michael. I knew he was a con, but had no clue he was involved in so many scams! Thank you for all the valuable sites of interest for people to not only be able to see, but hear for themselves. Two thumbs up!  

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Thanx You!

#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

Thank you, Just Interested!

Barb, you are way too funny! Do me a favor, READ ALL my posts before you make false claims! And from the post right before yours, appears SOMEONE will be on tv, doubt it will be me though. LOL WOW! I hadn't even caught all those sites yet, but great job! At last, a voice of reason on here, stating FACTS along with solid information! I think my interests on this site are done! I will have a WONDERFUL day myself! Thanks again, and have a FABULOUS day!  

Sweet Shellie


Have all of you gone mad?!?

#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

Have all you people gone mad? She said, he said, etc. I believe all the facts have been presented on here, and then some. I have just witnessed the epidemy of foul doings on this site! STOP! ALL of you!

I would advise anyone with a brain to contact the detective mentioned on here, get the facts, and report what you have. An online war is not the way to solve this. It is apparent that nobody on here is who they say they are. All these aka's - turn them in, end of story.

Barbara, I do not know who you are, nor do I wish too. I do not believe a word you have said on here to be true. Nor do I believe about 3/4 of any of this to be true.




See you on TV with officials

#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

Again, why are you posting? No legal attorney, absolutely no attorney would attempted to display your actions!

Threats? Look what you are posting and this is legal in your book? Right - come on Mr. Joe Blow. I will see you in Hollywood and on TV. The local media and authorities will have a feast along with the California Bar Association.

See you soon ...

Just Interested


Let the record(s) show...

#102General Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

I am not an attorney, I am not affiliated with WOGZ nor any of the other myriad of
"Get rich quick" schemes that "Michael Williams" is/was/will be involved in. I do not
know any of the respondents in this lengthy thread. I have no "ax to grind" since I
have not been cheated out of any prize(s), subscription monies (That rotator thingie!).
Nor have I been cheated, lied to or misled by Mr. "Williams" or any of the other varied
internet aliases he is known to have used. I have, however, gotten curious as to why
Mr. Williams" is involved in so many penny-ante schemes and scams such as, but not
limited to: name just a few from the rather large list I have accumulated in just a few
minutes of my time.

(Hopefully the above listings will not be redacted by the good and honest folk at ROR)

Mr. "Williams" uses a plethora of throw-away email addresses in his seemingly endless
quest to raise monies by nefarious means via the internet. Addresses such as:

Eva Wallace -
Kathy Frank  -
Victor Ellington  -
Lizzie Blevins  -
BigBubba  -
Betty Johnson -
Barbara Styles  -
...and many, many more.

(Hopefully the above listings will not be redacted by the good and honest folk at ROR)

If all the supporters' dialog posted since the beginning of this thread is to be believed then
Mr. "Williams" is somewhat akin to an innocent alter boy. I have a hard time envisioning
Mr. "Williams" as an honest business person - witnessed by the sleazy "Get rich quick" schemes
he is involved with, has been involved with and, undoubtedly will continue to be involved with
in his constant quest to "Get rich quick" at the expense of the gullible travelers of the

Sorry, loyal Williams/WOGZ supporters, your arguments, pseudo-facts, name calling, obfuscations
and disingenuous digressions just don't justify Mr. "Williams" very obvious scheme with his
WOGZ sham. WOGZ (and all the other scams he is involved with) is a hoax built on nothing more
than the multiple internet personality disorders (MIPD) raging in his mind.

I recommend you good folk view some or all of the web sites cited above and see for yourself
the sleaze Mr. "Williams" is involved with - you already know the integrity level of WOGZ.
As for your "supporters", don't bother checking the sites - you already are fully aware
of  them. Please note, I am not implying that all or most of you are, in fact, the same
one or two people posting under cloaking names on ROR.

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,


#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

Glad to hear you will be in town! FUNNY thing though, you say you don't believe me, so who and what are you looking for?

And Anon IS ALSO Diana, ok Diana! AND, you say I come on here and threaten? WOW! I have seen YOUR numerous threats plastered all over this site! SO, you will be in my area? GOOD! Looking forward to it! And remember this, I too have a camera as well, BUT I have NO NEED for my camera; I have enough information and pictures; not to mention, ALL threats made to several innocent parties on this site.

Maybe someone will pay Michael a visit, where he resides with his mother, pretending he has a business. AWWW, BUSTED! The days of a select few, are numbered, and ALL this will be DONE!

GAME OVER VERY SOON! Trust and believe, I know what I am talking about, unlike most ficticious characters on here.

As I said prior; your threats have been going on now for months, yet you have not produced one shred of any kind of legal actions, therefore, you have not one shred of credibility!

I don't need to threaten, because I don't need to do a thing. Bottom line; you are exposed, people know who you are, and justice will prevail! Have a WONDERFUL day!




#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

What is wrong with you Mr. Joe (Attorney)? You really think this is Diana? You are totally freaking out and I have to laugh at you ... hahahahahahahahaha!

Yes,I have friends in California and they have read your posting. You have violated the same laws from what you are trying to enforce on Diana.Defamation of a persons' character,slandering and harassing, posting personal information and more is what you have done. And, you think your position in this imagination world will bail you out? Hahahahaha ....

Yes Sir ...The California Bar was been notified and its amazing who you know can help you out in this world that makes a big difference. We are waiting for your CH-100 to be filed & served so my friends can subpoena you with the same thing. Diana is waiting for you! Your name must be addressed on it (unless you will make-up a false name) and the state is ready to prosecute you! Plus, your license might be revoke and barred from the California BAR Association.  There's no way in hell you are an ATTORNEY unless a CROOKED one! You are just hiding your last name .... Mr. Joe Blow? I like that one, hahahahaha ...

Now, Ms. lady ... for you to come in and say your two cents, I think you need to read all the stories from above again. There are two sides on everything but WOGZ Radio doesn't need to say anymore about what took place. I heard what the DJ has stated on-the-air and many others did too. This woman altered the contest and acted out a SCAM with a few of her friends. She was caught and terminated. Now, she paid the price by losing her prizes by forfeited. WOGZ Radio's RULES & REGULATION was posted on their website. Check out what ANON from Canada has stated ...

I don't need to repeat myself over and over again ... I am sure you can read. You just wanted to post whatever that's on your mind and I respect your opinion. But, don't jump into something you know nothing about especially when RULES & REGULATIONS has been violated. You must suffer the consequences and pay the price. Margaret Trentacosta is doing just that - WOGZ Radio is filing charges against her. Will she be compensated? For what? You wait for your prize to be delivered. You don't commit a childish act on a business website and get away with it. WOGZ Radio has the right to forfeit/strip her from any prizes or funds owed.

I see WOGZ Radio hasn't posted anything further except for Carol coming in and letting us know what's going on. And, answering back. Thank you Carol!

I'll be in your area Mr. Joe Blow by Friday. I have a network marketing business meeting to attend and will stop by my friend's attorney law firm to discuss any further actions against you. Pretending to be an attorney is a CRIME and will be prosecuted. Taking pictures of a different city is always exciting and adventurous - you never know who you might see!

My friends will be monitoring your next exciting move - have a good one

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

On a HUMOROUS note....'Parick'

#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

'Patrick' ; just realized a statement you made, let me quote it for you:

" Your choice of words has proven to us you seem to be highly intelligent individual compared to Mr. Joe (Attorney). "

WHERE on this site do any posts claim to be Diana? HOW could you draw ANY conclusions on her intellect, if not one post on here claims to be her? Hmmmm; could be because YOU are ALSO her? Nice try, but as you can see, I AM intelligent!

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Patrick aka Diana aka etc........

#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

Well, I just HAD to go through your posts on here, after you claimed I made an error in one word I used, several times, GRAMMAR. It is SO apparent you are Diana, Barbara, Sara, and who knows who else, BUT, to make such a bold statement that Diana is intelligent, lol, now that is funny! As you can see, by REAL people that post on here, your posts are laughable! YOU are not the LEAST BIT intelligent, and with each one of your rantings, you continue to provide more evidence that you are a pathetic, jobless loser!

NOW, back to "Patrick's" statement:  YES, I have read through your posts, and if your would like for me to point out just how unintelliegent you are, here are a few examples for you; quoted in your exact words:

" SHOCKED & AMAZED how you suppose to be a respected individual in our juridical system."  Do you see anything wrong with this statement? First off, I believe your either forgot the word are, after you, OR, you could have said you're, not to mention, your use of the word suppose, ( think your forgot the 'D' in that one! SUPPOSED ) Also, juridical? Yes, the word exists, but you are using it out of context, as you usually do. Should have tried the word, judicial, then you would have sounded like you actually knew what you were talking about!

" I advise both of you to show your efforts in keeping a positive imagine in your community." Hmm, think this one is obvious! IMAGE would be the word, ALTHOUGH I MUST say, drop the 'e' and add 'ation' is most certain to be the case amonst the two of you; you both do have a HUGE IMAGINATION!

" I want you ladies contact Diana Hasting "  Did you forget a word in this sentence? Like maybe the word TO?

" Your choice of words has proven to us " That would be HAVE.

" and make a compliant against Mr. Joe. "  COMPLAINT

So, have I pointed out enough yet? So again I say, illiterate!

Diana aka Cowgirl aka, etc...and NOW Carmen? Understand, this is NOT harassment, this is, you get what is coming to you for posting several innocent people's information on the net and threatening people. STILL waiting to hear back from a few people to get their actual stories, as I can see how much you fabricate them. I DID however, google a few names you have mentioned, and see that you have done this same thing to others. You are notorious for this kind of behavior, just trying to figure out what you get out of it all? Do you just get a high from it? I don't know exactly, just know you are sick and need help! And, according to a few of your friends in Canada, they too believe you need help! Do yourself a favor, and stop right now, before you get deeper into this! You have already buried yourself deep enough.

" Again, I am no attorney Mr. Joe but you have a big task to prove. " Dear Diana, I have NOTHING to prove on MY behalf. Like I said above, I BARELY started looking into this and started posting on here. You, on the other hand, have made MANY empty threats, acting like a baby when someone posts against you, throwing a tantrum and ranting and raving on here, using all your multi-personalities, and different angles! Being combative, complacent, irritated, melancholy, sarcastic, etc. HOW will Diana be next? We shall soon see, I am sure! Seriously, TRY to get off your large behind and get a job and a life, and stop meddling in other people's personal life. You are 46 years old I see, living off your parents. Try acting your age! AND, you may want to give up the drinking! Yes, I did look you up on another site and saw the picture of you, head back & bottle up, drinking down an alcoholic beverage!

SO, have we learned enough yet? If not, let me move on to this.

To Barbara Styles of Roanoke and DJ Sara of Charleston


Barbara- You have stated on this site that you had been a listener for about a month and had heard and read about the incident regarding the banned prize winner at WOGZ Radio. You were hell bent on defending WOGZ and Michael Williams. But after some investigation I have found that you conveniently left something out of your posts.  How about your past connection with Michael Williams the Con Artist?  It is interesting that you forgot to mention that you were a key employee in one of Michaels Investment Fraud Companies called KisNTel aka Kige Investments in 2005 and 2006.  You stated in writing on the below site that you were the Security Chief Assistant - Department of Internal Security at Kige Investments. You also stated that you have been in law enforcement for 22 years.  How is that possible when your posted pictures on WOGZ Radio, and Triple25Cycler and Twitter is that of a 20 something year old super model. Now dont go trying to tell us you look good for your age, because you would have to be at least 42 years old if you have worked 22 years in the business and I dont care how much Oil of Olay products you use, that picture is no way a 42 year old woman.  


So why are all these posters who are all pro Michael Williams all Con Artists themselves?  Probably because they are all one and the same.  I guess it takes one to make one.  Good job Michael.


DJ Sara of Charleston-  You were an employee of WOGZ Radio as a DJ as I have read in the posts. And now you are working out of the country for the new owners right? And from what I have read, apparently it seems that you have a problem conveying your thoughts without obsenities.  On top of that, it has been discovered that even you are a poser.  Does the name Hansika Motwani mean anything to you?  Probably not because the person who created your character was probably too stupid to even think anyone would notice that your photo is of a very famous Actress from India.  Just google the name Hansika Motwani photos, and it will be the first site that comes up.  Take a look and be amazed. So how do I know this?  I have been in touch with some members thanks to your people posting their information and they have told me this interesting fact.  Hey dont kill the messenger, lol.  The fact is that the photo of you on WOGZ Radios site is identical to the actresses photo, not just a look alike, but the exact photo, unless you have a twin that wears the same exact clothes and jewelry, explain that one. 


It just goes to show that the very employees/characters created by Michael Williams are as fake as this whole situation is.  I want to say that Con Artists must move in packs, but then I remember that there is no pack, just a man and his groupie.


From another site, by 'Barbara Stlyes' in response to questioning this 'so-called' investment company, which again, a scam!


Like again ... you don't know who you speaking too stupid!!


And, I will call you a fool ... like our company said if you can read, we had over 101,000 people come into this organization between December, January, February & March .... not all 101,000 people can't be verified especially when you have false applications, alias names, non-delivered email address, bounce emails, wrong telephone numbers in one day. Common sense can tell you that Style & Magician. We verify only 150 or less applications a day - maybe more if we are lucky. Each individual is called to verify their complete application. Same way for their swiss bank account through us. 
If you are so sure --- of yourself, why can't you state your name for the record and put your name on the internet?? I work for the Internal Security Department along with Roger, Clifford and his crew. So, for the record and to others on the internet 
... Barbara Styles is my name. I have worked for the law enforcement for 22 years now and covered cases all across the world. I have written a blog containing all the facts about KIGE and who we are. This will be done in a few days because the company is providing hard facts and testimonies from others.
Ignorance goes a long way especially if you don't know what you are talking about. If you are intelligent, then act it towards us ... you are only showing your a*s and making you look stupid in front of others.
This is only gossip anyway because that's what we all live on - just like the National Enquirer, The Star, etc.
We know who we are and will continue to serve the world. If you are so worried about this now - then, my question to you is ... what the hell were you thinking of when you joined?? We never stated, you will get rich!! These investments are done by offshore banking, investing into commodities and e-currency exchange. You need to do more homework on that matter. We are not a HYIP Programs - they do not exist. That is a SCAM!! We are known for doing business in Inter-Banking: working with businesses and major corporations.
The KIGE is down to 2321 people to be verified from this big group of people. We also have been paying out others as well once they have finished their cycle. As of today ... our estimate payout for December, January, February & March is $427,876,223,996.64
If you are a member, I would recommend you to send a email to: kige5 AT stating "You are waiting to be verified." Our crew and staff has been working hard to bring our records up-to-date.
Also, we already have 4,963,312 people in our organization and our sign-up page will soon be taken off the website. Once we reach our goal of 5,000,000 people - we will be working directly with you one-on-one basis - phone and email.
All members will receive the KIGE VIP Card. This entitles you to obtain your medical, dental and life insurance, discount auto insurance and more. Plus, you can use your card at our restaurants and receive 1/2 price off your meals and mixed drinks. (Prices varies from different countries) Our Waterpark Hotels will also be located all across the world. As a member, you will only pay $25.00 per night. And, much more!
So, I have given you and others something to read and understand about our business. If you think we actually take your money and run ... then, why in hell - we have been in the loan business and financial world so long?? We must be doing something right ... you just can't comprehend or understand how someone can earn large amounts of MONEY by investing ... ((Period!!)) FOREX Trading has been around for a while and many businesses are using this same technique in order to make money. Governments and others countries are always investing overseas ... do they really want you to know how this is being done?? If that's the case - everyone in the world would be rich and living wealthy. Unfortunately, the world is programmed telling you to go to school, get a higher education - college and want you to work for someone. Who's making all the money?? - Businesses and Companies!! Only 3% of the world is really millionaries and rich! Why not take advantage of something that's been around and become among those 3% of the people in the world. Amway, Mary Kay & Others are doing just that and we are in this 3% group as well.
You tell me that I'm wrong - Harvard University teaches just that ... and successful people graduated from this college.
So, I advice you Mr or Mrs Style and Magician to get your facts straight before opening your mouth. You better hope for your sake - we don't find out your real names ... in our organization or if you are in it!

from ... thinkuknowitall 
... Barbara Styles, Security Chief Assistant - Department of Internal Security



Triple25Cycler dot ning dot com

Building Michaels Dreams & Goalsl Through Networking and scamming innocent people worldwide

Former Security Chief Assisant of the Department of Internal Security of Kige Investment Fraud Company


Barbara Styles  of Roanoke is a frequent poster on Rip Off Report with 22 years in law enforcement.  Sure looks great for a woman in her 40s She is also a devoted listener of WOGZ Radio

  • Female Roanoke, VA United States


WOW! Notice the same grammar mistakes in this, from 2005-06? Hmmmm, NOW tell me who is the con?? Thanks again for tuning in!

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Interesting Party?

#102Consumer Comment

Wed, October 14, 2009

Oh Barbara/Diana: YOU spoke to a friend of yours in California?  Tell you what dear Diana; give me your friend's name, OR number, and I will personally contact him/her myself, and we can get this straightened out once and for all! WAIT, that would be pretty difficult to do, considering you DID NOT speak to anyone. Don't come on here and slam me and my identity, when you yourself are hiding behind a computer monitor and about 5 different names/aliases! We can put an end to ALL this if you come out and give the information I have asked for; YOUR contact information OR your so called friend's; either one, up to you. Stand behind your statements, or don't speak! I am becoming very bored with what you have to say to be honest, and you want to know why? HOW LONG has this been going on? Several months, yet not ONE threat of pressing charges has come out of this; NOTHING! I, on the other hand, have just recently become involved, and I WILL put my money where my mouth is and produce facts, ALONG with actions! You and Michael have had months to do something, yet have not. I have only had a few days, talked with a detective PERSONALLY, (which I believe I got his information right here on this site, along with several other sites, RE: the KIGE/Kisntel scam; which ANYONE can do a google search and find ALL the evidence they need to see exactly WHO is the con and who are the victim/s.

Will be interesting to see who actually produces action taken first; considering I have only just begun! You have been ALL talk, and for someone who claims 'they have messed with the wrong woman on the internet', you are not impressive, no one bit! So, a race? Are you ready for the challenge? I have my ducks lined up, do you? Because if you come on here and say you do, you are making a even bigger fool of yourself than you already have, considering just HOW LONG you have been making threats! SO, go find another hobby besides conning people, this just does not suit you, and is very unbecoming, to say the least!  Best Regards




Freaking hilarious!

#102Consumer Comment

Wed, October 14, 2009

This has been the most entertaining thing I have read in a long time.  Each and every "employee" that has posted can't spell and has used incorrect grammar in every post.  How embarrassing!  They are ranting and raving like 5 year olds and over what?  This is all about a listener who got upset that she didn't receive her tickets.  How childish.  Why not just make it right with her instead of making her angry and perhaps suicidal?  When she stated that she feels like jumping off the bridge did you try and help her or did you just ban her from your site?  I have enjoyed reading all these posts.  This made my day go by just a little faster.



Just spoke to an interesting party ....

#102Consumer Comment

Wed, October 14, 2009

Just spoke to a friend of mine from California and they read what you have posted on this fictitious website ...

You're in trouble. Contact CA's Bar. Claiming to be an attorney is UNLAWFUL and the Bar can sue you for that, and criminal charges can be brought. Call the Bar ASAP at 1-800-843-9053, and tell them the background, and send them the link. They're pretty good at catching pretenders. This guy might be a little sorry...

So, I formally made a separate file against you as well. But where?

Civil court? Diana Hasting has all the information to use against you for posting on this website. You have literally defame her character, blasted and slandered her name and these other attorneys are waiting for you as well once any CH-100 is served. We'll support Diana in any further investigation because apparently you are afraid to provide your REAL NAME!

Sorry, your creditability is vanishing FAST!

You might want to look up the name you used on this website under SEARCH!

Good luck in your imagination world - once Diana receives anything from you, she will have your name and file charges against you.

Peace ....

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Strike Three

#102Consumer Comment

Wed, October 14, 2009

Main Entry: grammar 
Pronunciation: \'gra-m?r\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English gramere, from Anglo-French gramaire, modification of Latin grammatica, from Greek grammatike,from feminine of grammatikos of letters, from grammat-, gramma  more at gram
Date: 14th century

1 a : the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in the sentence b : a study of what is to be preferred and what avoided in inflection and syntax
2 a : the characteristic system of inflections and syntax of a language b : a system of rules that defines the grammatical structure of a language
3 a : a grammar textbook b : speech or writing evaluated according to its conformity to grammatical rules
4 : the principles or rules of an art, science, or technique <a grammar of the theater>; also : a set of such principles or rules

 grammarian  \gr?-'mer-e-?n\ noun


I don't need a dictionary, but apparently you do, so I have provided you with the correct spelling and definition, EXACTLY the way I spelled it!


AND, you are most definately correct about posting information. Read ALL the posts; seems a LOT of mudd slinging has been going on here, and Diana Hastings, Michael Williams and/or WOGZ Radio are 100% guilty of defamation of character in regards to Ms. T.  It is so obvious that almost every single posting on this site are from Diana and Michael, full of slander and threats. I came on, as merely a nuetral party, and what I witnessed when first reading is complete scorn and belittlement towards Ms. T, from all these fictitious 'story book charcters', made up in the evil and devious minds of TWO individuals. I don't need to post on here to give anyone any advice, as I am working on contacting several people named on this site and simply gathering information for the sole purpose of a proper investigation to be conducted. ALL of what is on here is something to be taken up in the civil courts.  I believe I will allow you to have the last word on here, I have all the information needed to proceed. So, have at it, have fun, you are only incriminating yourselves, and feed off trying to intimidate your victims. Patrick aka ???; you speak like you know what you are talking about, yet some of your previous posts are contradictory to your most recent post, and you may want to talk to your Baptist 'attorney' friends via your church, and have them explain to you what that means. Thank you (all TWO of you)



Wow -I am SHOCKED from this Attorney Stand Point of View?

#102Consumer Comment

Wed, October 14, 2009

I can't believe my eyes in what you are writing Mr. Joe (Attorney) - I am no attorney but I do know harassment and illegal representation. I'm a Baptist and have many friends at my church who are attorneys. They are questioning your intelligence and abiding to what bylaws when you took oath as an attorney?

And, you can't even spell "GRAMMER" right if you are an attorney - that's GRAMMAR! You should have looked it up in a dictionary before posting.

WOW! And, you are coming to this website and repeatly harassing this Diana Hasting and believe this is aka: Barbara and Carrol? Do you have proof this came from her? Proof is in black and white, not allegations from others.

Well, one thing is going for Diana ... once Mr. Joe files this CH-100 Harassment form for a civil suit, it will show his name on it and she certainly can press charges against him for slandering her, harassment, falsifying testimonials and more all posted on this site. Your actions are NOT PROFESSIONAL and we all agree 100% with Barbara & Sarah.

We just like to know what type of site this really is? It can't be a legal one for letting this information being posted. My friends are checking into this website as well. Something is not right here. Yes, information here given from others can actually help you investigate in this situation but you better get your facts straight before proclaiming or writing anything else yourself.

Just curious - you mentioned Interpol? Do you realize by making a statement like this and interpol finds out there's no case or using their name under false pretenses - Diana can issue an investigation against you on this?

So, Diana - I advise you to visit Interpol website and make a compliant against Mr. Joe.

You don't know his name? Wait until you receive the CH-100 and turn around to press charges against his REAL NAME because he has to place his name. Should he falsify this information, you can sue him on this issue as well.

I am not for or against you Mr. Joe (Attorney) but your tactics are not professional and all of us here are SHOCKED & AMAZED how you suppose to be a respected individual in our juridical system. You seem to have a personal agenda and the truth will come out about you as well.

We have shown you what to do next Diana ... don't let this individual scare you. Your choice of words has proven to us you seem to be highly intelligent individual compared to Mr. Joe (Attorney). This is nothing but an illegal harassment and slander on the internet. And, you have all this information to use against him. He literally posted this information without knowing if you are this Barbara, Sarah, etc.? There are different patterns to everyone's writing and clearly I can read & see you are not Barbara or Sarah.

Barbara & Sarah, if you are out there and Mr. Joe (Attorney) tries to go after you - he has no further information except your name and where this posting came from. You have some homework to do Mr. Joe. I want you ladies contact Diana Hasting since her information was posted and team up to file charges against him.It doesn't matter if you are in Canada or where-ever, you can call your local authorities & file a report. Need further assistance? Go above their heads or go public to the media.

This has got to stop! You have went past your morals and ethics as an attorney Mr. Joe - sorry but I don't believe you one minute.

DJ Michael W., where-ever you went and Leah, I advise both of you to show your efforts in keeping a positive imagine in your community. Your past is just that ... someone is trying to bring up your past and use it against you.However; your statement was already heard all over the world and I have a recording of your purpose. So, this can be used to protect your liability and intentions with WOGZ Radio.

Again, I am no attorney Mr. Joe but you have a big task to prove. We will also follow this report on ripoff and see your next move. We like to see your illegal next move or choice of words. These words will be used against you in the court of law and CAN NOT BE ERASED. Once stated here, you can't take it back... just like this site has said. Apparently, you don't know who is who and trying to accuse others for coming here.

Wishing everyone the best and Good Luck

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,


#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

'Barbara', you portray yourself as so high and mighty, yet you have NO CLUE how to use proper grammar. BUT, with that said, I am sure anyone who reads this KNOWS who it really is, as this is a signature trade-mark. And, while you are at it, you are quick to give out your name, why don't you give ME your contact information, and we can have a chat? Eh? THEN, you will find out for yourself, I am VERY MUCH real AND VERY serious on what I speak.

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

All Will Be Revealed Soon Enough

#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

Barbara and Sara (Diana Hastings):  First off, Diana, you have no power here in the states, so don't even try to go there. Go ahead and and conduct your investigation to find me, but, you will learn my name, number and address LONG before you have figured it out! BUT, I will give you credit for TRYING! Second, you are correct, my name WILL be on the internet AND news, for helping uncover this scam and slander of innocent people who want nothing to do with you, Michael Williams or WOGZ, not to mention Triple 25 Cycler. Aw yes, like I said, more to follow. NOT to mention, a small little CON back in 2005-06. Like I said, the walls are closing in on you.


"I am Barbara Styles and remember that name Mr. Joe (Attorney). You are messing with the wrong woman on the internet."

That is laughable! And if you think ANYTHING you say has me the least bit concerned, guess again. YOU have messed with TOO MANY people on the internet 'Barbara'. By the way Barbara, does the name  KisNtel ring a bell?  Let me refresh your memory.


KIGE/Kisntel is registered in the name of Michael Williams who lives in South Carolina, United States.
You will have noticed that the English throughout the website is atrocious. There is a clue in itself. A multimillion dollar company and they can't get their spelling and grammar correct. Look at their website dispassionately and you can see how amateurish the layout is and how little effort has been put into graphics and typefaces. And all hosted by free hosting companies. 

MORE to follow on this con, and "Barbara Styles" alleged position she held with this "company"; hehehehe

So Diana, YOU will be facing a civil harassment order VERY soon. BUT, this will be the LEAST of your problems, as you are facing so many charges as it is.

A CH-100 form is in the process of being filled out at this very moment, and will be filed. So, keep it up, you are only incriminating yourself. Like I said before, go back into the hole your crawled out from. Can't wait for your next comment, proving, once again what an imbecile you really are! Make sure that hole is BIG enough for your FAT behind; it's only going to get fatter at this rate!




You Mentioned My Name?

#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

What a wonderful time relaxing and getting away from the rat race only to find why people are still posting against WOGZ Radio. You want to bring up my name Mr. Joe? And,for what reason?

I work in Network Marketing and travel so for you to make such of a claim against me, you better know my schedule or eitherwise don't be posting nothing about me.

You think I am this aka Diana Hastings? You have a serious issue and not doing too well in your investigation if that's the fact. I live in Virginia and deal with very powerful people. But,first of all ... I will give you a slight respect and apologize for Sarah's choice of words. However; she is protecting WOGZ Radio and has the right to speak up.Unfortunately; you are harassing Diana Hasting and she can serve you with a subpoena to stop posting on this site. You are trying to destroy her personality and character which no attorney is allowed to do on the internet.

Yes, I am a business woman and know my rights as well. You have violated your bylaws and standards as a legal attorney by posting what you think is right and incriminating this woman when she hasn't done nothing wrong.

Sarah is correct on one thing - if you are an attorney, why are you posting anyway? it doesn't help your imagine as a professional attorney by all means.

So, without all the foul language - you show the credentials of a REAL ATTORNEY on this site (Providing your License & REAL NAME) so everyone can give you that respect. Be able to call you (and talk to you) or I can make a few calls myself and check what attorneys are there in North Hollywood, CA that goes by Joe. We will make a thoroughly investigation on you. It make take a while but rest assure, the consumers has the right to protect themselves on this website as well from any type of slander.

That's why WOGZ Radio or others can post their rebuttal. It's not because WOGZ Radio wants to get the last word, it seems others wants the last word. So, when you speak - someone will post right back. (So, you will have a fight on this site!) Law or not, your ignorance is showing inappropriate & inadequate actions on your behalf.

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are an attorney as well. Maybe someone who knows Diana Hastings too well.

WOGZ Radio has done nothing wrong and followed through on their RULES & REGULATIONS. Margaret Trentacosta committed a serious act on their website from what I heard and they banned her. Therefore; all prizes was forfeited. If you are an attorney, I believe you have RULES & REGULATIONS to follow as well. But, your actions are not professional on this site. And, still attacking Diana Hastings!

Yes,she does have a case against you and can prevent any further postings in the future. And, WOGZ Radio certainly has a case against Margaret Trentacosta as well. She deliberally tampered with the alternations of the contest, inappropriate actions on their website, etc. Should I go on?

I advise you to do a better research and know who you are dealing with before making allegations or thinking someone is another person on this site. I know who I am and have witnesses to prove my where abouts. I am Barbara Styles and remember that name Mr. Joe (Attorney). You are messing with the wrong woman on the internet.

Have a pleasant day ...


South Carolina,

Let me show you how low our an attorney you are ...

#102UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 13, 2009

You really think this is Diana Hasting? I'm sorry to burst your bubble Mr. Joe Blow but wrong answer! I am personally coming to North Hollywood with my contacts there along with the law enforcement to witness how I handle you and let's meet in person if you are a REAL ATTORNEY! I would love to take your "EVIL HAND" and shove it up your Candy A-S-S! What's your REAL NAME???? Or, are you scared??? Well, I am waiting ... I can and will track you down. What street your business resides? What's your license number? Come on you SON-OF-A-B*&$#CH ... I want you to come out of your F&%#$CKING SHELL and stand up like a MAN!

If you are an attorney, he or she would not post on this website - you are suppose to follow instructions in how to obtain information about this scene or case STUPID!! That's right I called you STUPID and on this website. What are you going to do now? NOTHING because this is freedom of speech like everyone else is stating. The only thing, you were not present when all this occurred - you are only going by "hear say" and that will be throw out of court. You're credibility doesn't look good especially after posting here.

I am laughing at you because your imagination thinks this is someone else when we are REAL PEOPLE on this site. Unfortunately; Margaret was caught by using alias names and her IP was tracked back to her employment and home. So, we banned her network for listening to WOGZ Radio - period!

Your are harassing this woman and trying to stir up any further information against WOGZ Radio and others.

You are completely a serious loser and not a professional attorney by all means. We will find out who you are and disclose such a low-life attorney on the internet. Mr. Joe Blow "AKA Attorney Joe" is a CON ARTIST professing to be someone he isn't!

If you are a REAL PERSON, I will publically apologize but I don't think you are because your comments already sustain these fictitious issues already. Me - aka Michael and others? Hahahaha - I will laugh at you all the way to your appeal in getting subpoena and getting slapped with your harassment suit. But, you are hiding behind someone alias name ... so COME OUT COME OUT where-ever you are! Under a ROCK with all the C-R-O-O-K-S and SCAMMERS/CON ARTIST!

To be continued as well ...

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,


#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

Not sure what happened to my last 2 posts, DARN; they were good! But, Diana Hastings, I want to thank you personally for providing me all the information you have. You see, I am doing a favor for someone, who is NOT Meg, or anyone associated with her. But, this favor is to gather as much information on Michael Williams and anyone involved with him. THEN, you go and post such wonderful information for me! Saves me a ton of work! NOW, I have more people to contact! Which I already have sent out some emails, although some are not valid, because I got non-deliverable message when sent back to me; SO, could you PLEASE post again with some CURRENT information? Thanks, it would be most helpful!

Now, you talk about muliple personalities? Woman, you have more personalities than I have suits (which is a lot); this I quoted in one of my statements I left a few hours ago. I have spoken to a few of your friends in Canada, and they want what is best for you, and agree it is time you do get off your FAT BEHIND and earn a living, and stop leaching off your parents! I was pretty impressed with one friend's story, I must admit, she had a lot to say. 

Now, moving on. You were hospitalized back in May, why? Oh yes, because you threatened to commit suicide. Funny though, your friend right there in Canada told me it was your way of getting attention only, and from what I have read, it appears like she is correct. It's AMAZING what people can find on websites!

Update: Got some return emails back; you must me pure evil because people want NOTHING to do with you, or to even speak your name, including Meg. I promise you this, it is NOT Meg writing this, and you will soon find out, you do not know me at all, BUT YOU WILL! Rest assured, you will have a cozy little spot in a mental institution behind bars, Diana Hastings!

To be continued.

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

On another note.....

#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

Just laughing at your last post Diana Hastings! You do realize, WOGZ's 'new owners' CANNOT go after ANYONE that had anything to do with them (or should I say Michael and you). That would be up to Michael to pursue; which I HIGHLY doubt he will, considering he is a wanted con. I PERSONALLY have information regarding his cons that date back to early 2000. I am SURE I can dig up more, matter of time. You and Michael are not doing yourselves ANY favors by continuing to post on ANY site. AND, again, Interpol will be getting involved with this one; maybe you need to look that one up. And PLEASE, next post, use proper grammar! You only make yourself look uneducated; oh, but wait; YOU ARE!


"Since I live in another country and under new ownership"  YET, YOUR INFORMATION SAYS






"Carol has stated it as clear as you will get it "   YOU ARE CAROL, DIANA HASTINGS!


"Then, you will be served with a warrant for harassment in posting any further information on the internet pertaining to our lawsuit"  YOU DON'T HAVE A LAWSUIT!


"if I ever seen one and a unintelligent"  IF I EVER SEEN ONE? PROPER GRAMMER MY DEAR DIANA, "IF I SAW ONE"


"on the run or have kepted"  AGAIN, KEPTED? DON'T THINK THAT'S A WORD, DIANA HASTINGS.






Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Point Proven - hehehehe

#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

Looks like my point was proven to a tee! Thank you, DIANA HASTINGS for ALL the information you have given. Now, these people can be contacted to help put you where you belong! You just made my job a whole lot easier, as I was asked, as a favor, to investigate this. BUT, you have done the job for me, so again, thank you! I believe the ONLY stalker would be you. Perfect match, con & stalker; should do very well behind bars. Do you feel the walls closing in on you yet? It is only a matter of time, and your time is running out. I have done a very deep search on you, and have found out a lot more than I think you would wish to be disclosed! And, client confidentially? YOU ARE NOT my client, nor would I ever take on someone with your mentality; key word, pay close attention; MENTAL! The more I dig, the more I find out how mentally insane you are; and it will only get worse for you Canuck_Cowgirl.  Do you wish me to also post your Canadian friends I have spoken to? WAIT, that I WON'T do, as they are providing me with yet more details of YOUR pathetic life! Yes, I said pathetic, and I do not need to use fowl language OR any kind of &#%$ symbols to describe you. It is simple, YOU ARE A SAD AND PATHETIC WOMAN WHO IS LAZY, LIVES WITH HER PARENTS AND HAS NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO THAN SIT ON THE COMPUTER AND PRETEND LIKE SHE HAS A LIFE!

You have complained to NUMEROUS people on the internet and on various sites, just how pathetic you are; so, that has been easy to verify! The ONLY people that will be prosecuted will be yourself and Michael, or whatever his name really is. As you stated, not that hard to find out information on the trusty web! WELL, I have personally contacted about 15 people, ALL who are willing to testify that you are mentally ill and a true stalker. I am not sure if you understand what a stalker is, so let me break this down for you. Take a good look in the mirror. Having at least 10 different aliases, emailing people to cause nothing but problems, not being able to let go of anything; the list goes on my dear girl, and ALL will be revealed VERY SOON. SO, you can feel free to post any other information on here you like, because you are making my job a whole lot easier. SO, to reiterate what I have said, get off your FAT BUTT and go out and earn an honest living. Your friends in Canada want you to do something with your life!


South Carolina,

You Are F&%$# Joking ...

#102UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 13, 2009

I can't believe people are still writing on this fictitious website and getting away with it. And, having personal information posting? How pathetic and low life individuals can be.

So, let's play some rough justice from the last time I was on this site.Since I live in another country and under new ownership of WOGZRadio, I will disclose information on this "So-Called Attorney Joe Blow." You can blow it out of your FAT BUTT!

No attorney would post on a website and that's a FACT! You may talk to an associate and have them post what you say  but on a legal aspect, NOT ON YOUR FRIGGING LIFE! And, you live in North Hollywood and telling this Diana Hastings to back off and crawl in a hole? NO F&^*%$ KING WAY! Then, to disclose personal information about her life? This sounds like ... Margaret Trentacosta, Kim Ann Reitz, Patrick Kelly or Mark Atkinson scandelous scheme if I ever smell one. These are the only people that knows her!

I don't know her personally and never meet her. But, one thing I know about the law JOE BLOW - NO ATTORNEY would post personally information. That's client confidentially unless you have FORGOTTEN! And, even my attorney claims this so nice try you LOW LIFE SON-OF-A-B*&$H! Read between the lines ... GET OFF THIS SITE! ATTITUDE? You got that RIGHT!

All of this information is completely illegal and furthermore to have this website get away with it??? Carol has stated it as clear as you will get it ... this is RAN BY C-R-O-O-K-S!

Let me call my friend attorney in Hollywood, CA and have them look youup. What's your REAL NAME again?JOE BLOW? Then, you will be served with a warrant for harassment in posting any further information on the internet pertaining to our lawsuit against Margaret Trentacosta. But, are you afraid to post your REAL NAME and have it SLANDERED all over the internet? That's what I thought ... it's common sense but you lost your composure when stating ... "Back off and climb back in a hole." All you had to say is justice will prevail. Only Margaret would say this and you must be her unless you have a d**k ... hahahaha. But, I don't think so ... you are nothing but a P-U-S-S-Y if I ever seen one and a unintelligent attorney to collaborate on this issue.

Ok, here's comes the rough justice ...

Margaret Trentacosta = SCAM & CON ARTIST...
committed a plot on our website with ...

Margaret Perez
4905 Dubose
Corpus Christi, TX


Kim Ann Reitz = Stalker to these America Idol Artist and had others to pay her way to these concerts. They should have arrested her.
142 Countess
Madera, CA

Patrick Kelly
142 Countess
Madera, CA


He's now using another alias name and following his girlfriend or ex-lover lover, Kim. Probably needs to get some of that P-* to keep himself and her satisfied.


Mark Atkinson
21 Naples Rd
Stockport, Cheshire
SK3 07N
United Kingdom

I've seen the file and read how these people have plotted against WOGZ Radio at the beginning. But, each one is on the run or have kepted low profiles until recently. Not much can be done against Mark but the new owner and station is located in International waters and we now can prosecute him now for his threatening letter against WOGZ Radio. Do you want me to post this next time when you reply? I think the world needs to know exactly what type of people are out there and posting stupid remarks on this site!

My remarks might be out of this world but it gets the point across since people can't understand the simple words ... this CASE is CLOSED!

So, Margaret Trentacosta - you posted again and now you will be arrested along with all of your "MULTI-PERSONALITIES" ... hahahaha unless Mr. JOE BLOW can prove who he really is.Either than that - SHUT THE HELL UP!

Anyone can place a picture or man #1, #2, man jumping off bridge #3 and etc. And, what's your point?Sounds like someone is trying to stir things up again ... No wonder there are too many FAT BUTTS from sitting around and doing nothing else!


Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Diana Hastings aka CG aka BARBARA

#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

By the way Diana aka Barbara, I get the BIGGEST kick out of some of your comments! Just broke one down myself, and, here is a quote from you:

"You're a friggin JOKE WOMAN! You are not intelligent in my book."

KEY WORD HERE, WOMAN! LMAO! You do realize that YOU were not intelligent enough to change the title of the STOCK PHOTO you used of 'yourself', LOL. Yes, anyone interested, PLEASE, go to their site, right click on members pics, and click 'save as'. You will find that more than HALF the members photos are labeled, woman1, woman3, man4, man6, etc. Now THAT'S a FRIGGIN JOKE, woman3! You TWO are NOT very intelligent! Joke actually, is an understatement. Have a nice life behind bars! I will make sure you are put there!

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Diana Hastings aka CG aka BARBARA

#102Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

By the way Diana aka Barbara, I get the BIGGEST kick out of some of your comments! Just broke one down myself, and, here is a quote from you:

"You're a friggin JOKE WOMAN! You are not intelligent in my book."

KEY WORD HERE, WOMAN! LMAO! You do realize that YOU were not intelligent enough to change the title of the STOCK PHOTO you used of 'yourself', LOL. Yes, anyone interested, PLEASE, go to their site, right click on members pics, and click 'save as'. You will find that more than HALF the members photos are labeled, woman1, woman3, man4, man6, etc. Now THAT'S a FRIGGIN JOKE, woman3! You TWO are NOT very intelligent! Joke actually, is an understatement. Have a nice life behind bars! I will make sure you are put there!

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Illiterate People

#102Consumer Comment

Mon, October 12, 2009

As I returned to this page for more laughs, I saw the last 2 comments made by 'Carol', which it is VERY apparent that this is NO employee, but just the same two people who keep posting. This 'Carol' appears to be Michael Williams aka Henry McMichaels aka Juan Vincent aka Carl Singleton aka Michael Patterson aka Roger Clemmons and several other aliases used. I get the BIGGEST laugh at how he does not know how to use proper grammer! THEN, we have Diana Hastings aka CG aka Cowgirl aka BARBARA STYLES leaving comments as well, TRYING to use big words, but apparently does not know how to use them in proper context.

NOW, if you have found out that this site itself is a con, WHY do you keep leaving posts? Could it be because both of you are so full of yourselves and have to get the last word in? Apparently this is the case. IF this case is closed, in YOUR words, WHY do you feel the need to keep posting? Hmmmmm...could be because you are running scared! SO, we have TWO people who are trying their best to convince people they have so much evidence against a poor victim of your SICK con!

To put out someone's information out there for all to see is beyond comprehension in my book, when YOU TWO are the idiots who started this sick game! AND, to think it all came about by a comment made, jokingly, because she was to the point she KNEW this was indeed a CON! Well, after doing some investigating MYSELF, I have come up with a few things, AND, you may want to STOP your game and STOP threatening this poor woman, or, the information that I have come up with will be used against YOU! Matter of fact Diana, I recently found out that you actually DID threaten to commit suicide, over nothing but you being SO LAZY, and not being able to handle your parents telling you that you needed to get off your fat butt and do something productive. If you think coming online and TRYING to give out your USELESS advice is productive, well, that shows how much of a fool you really are, and maybe some people should never have even intervened in your suicide attempt, and let you go ahead and go through with it!

NOW, Diana Hastings, have you heard of Interpol? YOU are NOT above the law, so you may want to be careful what your next move will be, because you are now associated with a known con artist, who is being investigated! AND, sure they will be looking into ALL avenues to put you where you belong as well! Maybe Michael and yourself will have a pleasant life behind bars, we will soon find out!

Diana Hastings

30 Worchester Ave

LeamingtonON N8H 4V2

(519) 322-0341

IF I see ONE more posting from ANY of these made up names, your suicide email will be posted next! Back off, go crawl back in the hole you came from, it will be your only solitude you will have, until the next place you are heading!



Fraud? This Case Has Been Closed! No Real Attorney Would Post On This Site ...

#102UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 11, 2009

It's amazing how the new owners has stopped some of this harassment and then, all of a sudden an attorney comes on this site? After a month or so? This is a laughing joke ...

Michael Williams sold the station and has no claims or responsibilities. All liabilities has been SIGNED over to our company like any ordinary business deal. And, we have all documents to prove this transaction. Furthermore; most of the individuals that was owed funds has been paid.

NO FRAUD was committed! Apparently, you haven't read the RULES & REGULATIONS from our website before making this statement. They were written by our Board Committee (President, Vice President, Financial Analysis, Marketing Director & Others) along with our attorneys as well so we know the law.

If RULES & REGULATIONS are broken, you either correct the problem or suffer the consequences. That's only common sense!

Michael is doing well - thanks for asking or are you trying to insinuate more drama on this SO-CALLED SITE! Yes, we have done our own investigation about who runs this website and amazing what you can find out ... NOT ALL HONEST! It's amazing how RULES & REGULATIONS are posted yet each sentence contradicts one another! Well thought out but NOT LEGITIMATE!

Only those that was involved in this complete scenario and ordeal only knows the truth ... so we appreciate your thoughts! All transactions, documents, recordings and testimonials has been handed to our attorney for further actions against Margaret Trentacosta - A CON ARTIST herself! She had two people assisted her in this scheme and she was caught! We have every right to terminate and ban an individual from our network. Also, any prizes are forfeited! All other stations will NOT ALLOW this  inappropriate act on our website or in their business - PERIOD!

Interesting statement to make at the end ... "You will stay on this site and see what happens." Sounds like a statement Margaret Trentacosta would say using a senseless, idiotic and unprofessional words. Our staff has looked over your statement and no attorney would post on a website like this. At least they follow the code of ethnics and bylaws when passing their exam. Can you?

This case is has BEEN CLOSED for several weeks now! We are prosecuting Margaret Trentacosta and have all the files to support what has taken place.

We like to thank those for listening to WOGZRadio and continue to broadcast throughout the world ...WITH AN ATTITUDE!



Fraud? This CASE has been CLOSED!

#102UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 11, 2009

It's amazing how the new owners has stopped some of this harassment and then, all of a sudden an attorney comes on this site? After a month or so? This is a laughing joke ...

Michael Williams sold the station and has no claims or responsibilities. All liabilities has been SIGNED over to our company like any ordinary business deal. And, we have all documents to prove this transaction. Furthermore; most of the individuals that was owed funds has been paid.

NO FRAUD was committed! Apparently, you haven't read the RULES & REGULATIONS from our website before making this statement. They were written by our Board Committee (President, Vice President, Financial Analysis, Marketing Director & Others) along with our attorneys as well so we know the law.

If RULES & REGULATIONS are broken, you either correct the problem or suffer the consequences. That's only common sense!

Michael is doing well - thanks for asking or are you trying to insinuate more drama on this (Deceit, Trickery) SITE! Yes, we have done our own investigation about who runs this website and amazing what you can find out ... ALL C-R-O-O-K-S! It's amazing how RULES & REGULATIONS are posted yet each sentence contradicts one another! Well thought out but NOT LEGITIMATE!

Only those that was involved in this complete scenario and ordeal only knows the truth ... so we appreciate your thoughts! All transactions, documents, recordings and testimonials has been handed to our attorney for further actions against Margaret Trentacosta - A CON ARTIST herself! She had two people assisted her in this scheme and she was caught! We have every right to terminate and ban an individual from our network. Also, any prizes are forfeited! All other stations will NOT ALLOW this  inappropriate act on our website or in their business - PERIOD!

This case is has BEEN CLOSED for several weeks now! We are prosecuting Margaret Trentacosta and have all the files to support what has taken place.

We like to thank those for listening to WOGZRadio and continue to broadcast throughout the world ...WITH AN ATTITUDE!

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,


#102Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

Well, the only thing I have to say is this; NEVER put yourself out there like this if you are being investigated yourself. Michael, YOU WILL get whatever comes to you as far as jail time, that I am sure. The gig is almost up, so be very careful what you say.

To everyone else; maybe you should try and do research yourself instead of posting comments without knowing the REAL truth. Has anyone EVER investigated WOGZ, OR Michael for that matter? WELL, that should be the FIRST thing that you do.

NOW, can any of you, who seem so bent on defending him, say the word, "CON" ?  Trust and believe me when I say, ALL of you WILL find out the truth, very soon. The lies will surface, and ANYONE involved will also be looking at being prosecuted. I dont care what anyone has to say after this comment, I won't be back to check, NOT until this con artist is put behind bars, where he belongs. Thank you



Updated Information Which This Site Altered

#102Consumer Comment

Mon, September 28, 2009

It's amazing how this site wants to alter someone's information yet they are bias on when it comes to providing valuable information ... so what's the deal?

I enclosed information on Margaret Trentacosta but she can get away and post information? Let's try this again but in a different way:

Margaret Trentacosta lives at 3878 Camden Drive in Mrytle Beach, South Carolina 29588

She along with a few others CON & SCAMMED WOGZ Radio. They altered the contest and liberally caused WOGZ Radio to discontinue it. Margaret plotted out a scheme to act suicidal as two of her friends professed to claim her down because of some prize was NOT AWARDED to her. Out of vengence this scene backfired and she was terminated/banned from their website. Also, any winnings and prizes was forfeited.

Everyone thinks WOGZ Radio is a SCAM when Margaret is the one who is a CON ARTIST and acted this ordeal out to have their contest voided.

The main question everyone is asking: Was Margaret hired to sabotage the contest so prizes was not awarded or she acted along in this case? Either way, she since disclosed personal information on this site - EVERYONE has the right to disclose information on her. This shows how hypercrite Ripoffreport really is and lets anyone post information against a person or a company without some type of remorsal.

Yes, Margaret has removed her name off on TWITTER but she might show up under another name like she did on this site. Now, who has the multiple personalities?

Good for her ... you should think twice before posting anything on the Internet.



Information on Margaret Trentacosta

#102Consumer Comment

Mon, September 28, 2009

I find all this information very true after further research ...

I'm appauld how the jurdical system operates in the USA and to let this misrepresentation of a website be online. But, one thing is for sure ... Margaret Trentacosta has violated many rules and this constitutions an investigation against her.

If Margaret DID NOT work for WOGZ Radio, what gives her the right to tamper and alter the contest with her friends? Yes, I think it was a scheme that went bad for both parties I believe.

As far as personal information about Margaret ... since RipoffReport allows this to be on their website, here's what you asked for Patrick:

Margaret Trenacosta

The company who she represents is:

Duncan, Farmer, Munden, McIlrath & Cobb, P.A.
1004 29th Ave, North Suite A
Mrytle, Beach, South Carolina

843-448-2019 Tel
843-448-8589 Fax

The email she uses from work:

She is suppose to be a Firm Administrator

Either they are a front company behind Margaret SCAM & CON ARTIST acts or legitimate, that reminds to be seen.

This woman is nothing but a SCAMMER & CON ARTIST along with her so-called friends who administrated an evil plot to destroy WOGZ Radio. Why would WOGZ Radio have these rules & regulations on their site and let someone like her to get away from her insubordinate actions? I would press charges against her as well.

WOGZ Radio should file charges against this woman and to eliminate her for using the Internet or stop her from posting any further information on the internet.

What's the old saying "What comes around, goes around!"

I hope this information is valuable for you Patrick and others who wants to expose Margaret Trentacosta on the Internet as a SCAMMER & CON ARTIST!

Good luck!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



This gets even better.....

#102General Comment

Mon, September 28, 2009

WOW this is still continuing here. UNBELIEVABLE! Let me inform all of you that this site seems to be a sheisty in itself. Apparently there have been many complaints to the Arizona Better Business Bureau on this company and this editor who never replies to ANY concerns on this site claiming to be consumer advocates. Pardon me while I regurgitate my last meal on that statement. It states on this site on what people can post but misleads them stating to submit information that violates the Privacy Act. Upon further research, this domains IP is registered to a company that is you know freaking TURKEYand I dont mean the fowl kind but there is something foul here thats for certain. This is all public knowledge at


Ive been told one can contact the Attorney Generals office in your state or the State of Arizona and make a complaint on this Registrant, the name of which is listed on an IP search. The e-mail editor @ rip off report .com is associated to 132 domains. HUH? ICANN, located in California, is responsible for managing the assignment of domain names and IP addresses. Registration of the server with ICANN, is called DIRECTNIC LTD. Upon further research this server seems to be linked to many pornographic sites. It seems as if this site scans certain words to THEIR liking then screens the postings but in their FAQ they say that nothing is omitted. Hmm


You cannot provide a forum to allow consumers to legitimately post their concerns then violate all sorts of laws in the meantime. The people who post things should know better on what they can and cannot put in print in regards to accusations, allegations, slander and libellous statements. Whether the site is operating on an illegal basis or not, it is up to the individual to KNOW what is a law violation. Its the same when driving on a highway, you know it is illegal to speed even though the flow of traffic is doing so, so be prepared to be fined. Ignorance is NOT a defence of the law.


How DARE I be told to go away what nerve! I sure as hell am not going away, I have done nothing wrong, made no defamatory or false statements or belittled anyone. I deal with the FACTS. Heres another question to does someone know where I really am at the moment? Hmm


As for Miss Meg working with WOGZ.Im sorry but this is the farthest from the truth you can get. I assure that she was NOT conspiring anything WITH WOGZ. Unfortunately, the repugnant events that transpired were fabricated all by herself to herself. Yes there are umpteen records of her contest submissions for over a month and many witnesses that can attest to her constant presence online during the work day. That is undeniable. There are witnesses to her behaviour in the chat room as well. There are dozens of harassing and hurtful Twitter comments by her that have been recorded and now it has become evident that she has deleted her account as of September 26, 2009. Im sure she will return, as always. Her profile can be seen on her social networks with Ning and what her latest activities have been and who her friends are. There is always a crumb trail to follow and I had mentioned on several occasions to take heed of my warnings on what is put in writing. She can be found on online public venues. IP addresses can be traced. This is how WOGZ realized she logged into their site with a different name, pretending to be someone else. After claiming that DJ Michael has multiple personalities.she logs into THIS site with at least 2 pseudonyms if not 3 (Meg T, OZ and Henry) then she had registered again at the station with another name using her work IP. OK seriously, what is wrong with this picture? Her persistence to return here and prove her hypocrisy is another mystery.


BTW, SHE listed her real name on here as well as the city she resides in. Nice little neighbourhood you live in, surrounded by trees and those lovely upper middle class frame white and pink houses! Aww and I think theres a little horsey & rider picture too on the entryway to your community.



Interesting Margaret

#102Consumer Comment

Sat, September 26, 2009

Interesting Margaret Relationship: *Consumer Comment Report: Claiming you don't care and still posting this website like a frantic lunatic? LOL,LMAO,Hahahaha

What's the deal? Why are you still posting if the law enforcement is involved unless you are SCAMMING and BLACKMAILING WOGZ Radio as an excuse to apply such an inappropiate act on their website?

The only explaination ... YOU are involved with WOGZ Radio and helping them not to reward prizes to others! YOU tampered in the contest to make others believe there was NO prize and carried out a plotted scheme with a few of your friends. Then, as a consolation prize we were suppose to get these tickets but they never arrived. Now, YOU want justice and telling others about WOGZ Radio?

Yes, this is nothing but a pure ADVERTISING STUNT that went bad.

Personal information has been given out and both parties CAN NOT control their attitudes. This is a civil act and the privacy act does protect us for any information posted on the internet or other places without their consent. If WOGZ Radio is a SCAM, I like to know for what? For producing music and entertainment to the world? Money owed to others? For what? Their Listener Program was your option to either participate or not. I've seen their previous website and there was nothing illegal about it. Individuals choose to listen and get paid for their efforts. The station makes money by playing commercials and having sponsors or selling airtime. It sounds like to me they ran out of money and waited to receive more funds from their resources.

I can see how a simple thing went bad for you Margaret Trentacosta ... you worked along with WOGZ Radio to implicate this ordeal. Your plan must have back fired or something went terribly wrong and now you are trying to attack WOGZ Radio.

This is something everyone should think about very carefully before writing again and supporting Margaret.

I am reading between the lines now ... Margaret Trentacosta is a SCAM and CON ARTIST! And, now she is hiding behind this CPA company? They need to fire her immediately or lose a lot of customers from negative exposure on the Internet.

I would definately run away and not show your face. Let me see if you are on TWITTER, FACEBOOK or MYSPACE. I think the whole world needs to know who you really are ... a low life SCAMMER & CON ARTIST!

At least WOGZ Radio is willing to solve this issue but YOU DON'T!

Margaret Trentacosta is a CON ARTIST! Now, everyone knows who you are really are on the Internet. Does anyone know her address? If she can post an address on DJ Michael W, we certainly can do the same thing as well on her.

Your next job will have to do a background check on you and find this slander all over the Internet like you did to Michael.

LOL, LMAO,Hahahahaha .... This was an excellent plan and had me fooled for a while but this makes sense to me now. And, it should clear things up for others as well unless you are naive to think otherwise.

Wishing you the best ... NOT!!!!



People Are Still Here?

#102Consumer Comment

Fri, September 25, 2009

I am surprised how people are still here acting foolishly on this SCAM WEBSITE ... that's right folks! You should do more research before posting anything on the Internet.

You are correct Carol - personal information is not allowed on the internet even under the privacy act unless the USA is breaking their own rules. How hypercrite can you get? And, this site as well.

The BBB in Arizona has attempted to contact these folks with 26 complaints now and no one wants to reply? And, can get away with anything? I think the people on this site needs to be aware of who they are dealing with.

Yes! I have also contacted a few attorneys and WOGZ Radio has the right to file harassment and defamming against Meg Trentacosta in her county. Have the papers served and this would prevent her from any further contact on the Internet of postings against your company or have her arrested. And, when she tries to obtain a bond, file emotions against her and make her stay in jail for a while to think of her actions she committed.

I am impressed on the times you have shown to others when Meg Trentacosta has participated in the contest. And, on company time? I don't think that's right unless they had no knowledge of what she was doing. I would have fired her too ... and be without a job. Representing a CPA Company and playing games? She can do this on her own time, not the expense of her job. That shows me this company is not capable to making a good judgement of character in others or their future clients. She has really put this company in jeapordy of being slandered on the Internet as well. They need to evaluate her status or get rid of her before anything else arise. Unless she is kissing the Boss's (A%$@#) like you said. I couldn't agree with you more on this matter Carol.

I love the breakdown in how WOGZ Radio has implemented and enforced their rules & regulations. Well nicely said. There should be no rebuttal on this issue unless you get someone who truly DOES NOT understand and can't comprehend.

Yes - everyone should go on their merry lives and learn from this scenerio. Like you said Meg Trentacosta ..."You hear a lot of static and you like to turn it off" ... so turn off your computer and don't listen. It's none of your business what WOGZ Radio does now. It's in the hands of new owners. And, Carol has stated they will make good of any prizes not awarded. Even when this occurs Meg, what will happen next? You still will rant and rave about what? You must be a complete and idiotic woman if I ever seen one.

And, you are telling this woman to go away? You need to "GO AWAY" and be placed in solitude. Don't you think it's wise to read a contact before buying a car, merchandise, etc.? Or, you buy it and later complain about a product? That's what you did at WOGZ Radio and participating in their contest. There are rules and regulations to follow. Then, you claimed to alter this contest for the sake of others and to prove it was FRAUD? This is breaking all their rules imaginable so I have no pity for YOU and your allegations against WOGZ Radio.

I believe everyone is correct! You need this for pure attention and even helped WOGZ Radio to acquire more listeners. But, trust me folks ... Meg Trentacosta DOES NOT work for WOGZ Radio unless you want to think this and slander her name as well all over the Internet.

YES! Meg Trentacosta is a SCAMMER and a CON ARTIST! We'll let the people to decide this but you didn't let Michael to explain as well. However; we all heard why he created this station at the first place.

Good luck



It's Amazing How People Think

#102UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 24, 2009

I hate to burst your bubble Henry but the previous website was taken off the internet since it was sold to us: Bobby and his communication business. We just updated our information and is operated by our personnel and new staff. All of our new listeners received newsletters about this activity. You just don't know where to look ... hahaha! You are such an ignorant bastar &*%$ and want to stick your two cents in!

Again, you DO NOT know what the hell you are talking about this AM or FM station. We stated ... We are interested in opening a FM Station and obtaining our license soon. You just don't listen like Meg T. You two must be related ... hahaha

As far as Margaret T... we have new information to be release against you. Do you know what Defamming and Harassment means? Yes, we have spoken to our attorneys and will take the necessary steps to restain you for any further communications on the Internet trying to slander WOGZ Radio. You will be charged for any further postings or suffer the consequences of being arrested. Yes Ma'm! You will be served with papers in the Myrtle Beach area.

We will follow these procedures in a timely manner and to seek justice against you.

And, your boss lets you play our contest at work? He doesn't care about the future of his clients when you should be paying attention to your work? It must have been long breaks or someone is lieing and I see it's not us ... let me post the times you played:

Fri, 7/3/09 100 entries to AI Contest at 10am
Tue, 7/7/09 12am entries to AI Contest
Tue, 7/7/09 11am entries to AI Contest
Tue, 7/7/09 2pm AI Contest for entries
Tue, 7/7/09 1pm AI Contest for 1000 entries
Wed, 7/8/09 12:05am entries to AI Contest - Consolation Prize
Wed, 7/8/09 10:00am AI Contest for 100 entries

And, the list goes on and on ....

We certainly have all record's that you participated in the contest so I don't think this was done durng your lunchtime by all means. Plus, you were seen in our chat room frequently throughout the day as well. So, you are either misrepresenting your job or kissing their FAT AS&^%$. I would have fired you on the spot for not doing your work and using my company to pay YOU ... for playing games? You can play games at HOME! That's not a good image for the CPA company that you represent.

Bobby has stated he will take care of the previous winners. This comes with any company that takes overs all business liabilites and responsibilities unless you are not intelligent and aware of the business world.

All this will come to a complete halt in a few weeks, I promise you this Meg T


South Carolina,


#102Consumer Comment

Thu, September 24, 2009


The website is gone. Surprise, Surprise! Who would've guessed it would go away?
IMO it's only micheal and CG that are the only ones who are replying here in support of the SCAM and it is so obvious that it is them. Corporate Communications: what a generic name. Is that the best you could come up with?

Also, what about the "Paid to Listen Program"? I know there are a lot of people that got scammed by that scheme before the station turned into the Am Idol station. Nobody talks about it, but people are owed money and are never paid anything.

WOGZ=SCAM       michaels w= scam artist with multiple personalities.....hahahaha




South Carolina,



Tue, September 22, 2009

I have no mind blowing response to that last posting.  It is not because I am speechless.  it's just because I just don't care.  Whatever Miss Diana.  You can go on all you want, but all I hear is noise and I want to turn it off.  You don't even live here, so the only thing you can possibly know as facts is what you are so gullible to believe. Go away.



Some people won't ever learn...


Tue, September 22, 2009

I have not posted in here since Aug. 31, 09 and since then sat back and watched this revolting pathetic blithering of Miss Margaret with her tirade of inconsistencies and vengeance that really makes me want to vomit in her path. Had she just fastened her lips early after making her initial statement and moved on, that would have been plenty but instead, she came here and harassed many others continuously and spewed contradictory statements of which she has no knowledge. You Miss Meg have insulted and harassed many, including myself, who have done nothing to you, claiming I dont give a rats a*s. If that were true I wouldnt have been concerned about you, yes I have evidence. I have not for one second been unprofessional BY FAR, however, your posts have unquestionably proven you to be. There are recordings revealing how the DJ cared about you but you deny the proof that stares you in the face.


Rule 2 on this site states You will NOT post on ROR any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party's rights (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy and publicity.  I guess you did not read the rules here just like you didnt read them on WOGZ.


Rule 7 on this site states The personally identifying information of any user who is found to have posted numerous complaints about the same company and/or individual using different pseudonyms may lose the confidential protections afforded by this section. Hmmm and you have admitted to doing this, I have NOT done so, contrary to YOUR accusation.


You have no proof what so ever on the location of WOGZ past and present so to be so adamant in your claim is outlandish. Location has no bearing. It could be in a backyard shack, whats your point?


The other radio station you claim to know ALL about has no affiliation to WOGZ.


Randomizers are YOUR choice to join, this has no connection with WOGZ. Dont like what you see, dont participate.


It is WOGZs prerogative to ban who they wish upon violation of their rules. It is their discretion as with every network, club, private school etc. to limit who they wish to enrol. This is NOT a crime. Many people had been banned with the option to re-join with verification but they have every right to deny membership for their own reasons.


About 100 or so were invited to the WOGZ party at a PARK, which had been stated, not 1000 and not at someones home. Once a crowd gathered, more had shown up. No one mentioned that 1000 people would be fed. All parties Ive attended, everyone contributed food. Who are YOU to allege what occurred there? If it was SO important to confirm your theory, why didnt you take a drive to see for yourself?


As for playing on the Internet on your own time at workYes we DID know your hours of work since you were seen arriving in our chat room in the morning and you stated when you headed home. You remained on the network at least 60% of the workday because the contests were either every hour or every other hour for approx. 2 months. I guess you must be special to have 3 hour lunches and earn boundless overtime to catch up. Not my business but your incessant presence there was proof enough on how long you were online.


Triple25Cycler has NO affiliation to WOGZ. You state I watched them one by one sign up and then all become friends with each other. Pardon ME who are you to tell others where they can sign up and who to be friends with? Dont YOU have the SAME friends on your Social Networks, Twitter etc?? Come on! Then you childishly start to harass the owner of Triple25Cycle as well.


On Aug. 23, 09 YOU stated So basically this listener is going to take the Radio Station owners advice and get the F out of their lives. <laughing hysterically> Since then you posted SEVEN more times. Another contradiction to add to your long list of many.


I had warned you on what you state in print. I am acquainted with the laws and taken people to court, those who were contradictory and alleged things as you have. Since I was perceptive of the legal system and consistent, I prevailed. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt there is a Privacy Act in the USA? Rule #3 There must be a way for an individual to prevent information about him obtained for one purpose from being used or made available for other purposes without his consent. You intentionally violated this to be malicious.


Do you REALLY think any police department will go against the Privacy Act and divulge FULL information on someone to you? There are NO charges on anyone and you are clueless to that privileged information so I would refrain from disgorging such erroneous comments. You can seethe as much as you like but a court would chuckle at all your obtuse preposterous declarations.


BTW, your use of the English language grammatically is NOT the best either. Any court reviewing all the information at hand would surely agree to your inconsistencies, contradictions, harassment and lack of evidence. BUT you just keep digging your hole a little deeper each time you come here and each time you state something in print. After all the outlandish drivel you have regurgitated and what chaos you have crafted, I would like nothing more than to pull up a chair and watch a lawsuit transpire.


Tell me NOW who has had an agenda!! Good bye, good riddance and good luck!


South Carolina,

Maybe you should read the rules


Tue, September 22, 2009

File your Report, which consists of 6 easy steps.
Your Ripoff Report consists of 5 main parts:

Give all the Company or Individual's vital information, names they go by, complete address, phone numbers, e-mail and web address.
Title your report using descriptive words, describing what they did to you.
Write your report in detail.
Categorize your report by selecting from our list of categories.
Add a link to your Report, which will link your report to all the other Ripoff Reports already filed on the same Company or Individual.
CLICK ON Submit your report, and your finished!

Also, if you are so concerned about the Rip Off allowing this content in this report, maybe you should have read this before you participated:

Legal Disclaimer
Thank you for visiting our Ripoff Report web site. By viewing this site you agree that you will not hold the Ripoff Report or any of their owners, employees or entities responsible for any information contained herein. The Ripoff Report is a non-substantiated source of information. The information provided in the Ripoff Report is the sole creation of consumers from the general public. Please verify any claims that are made in this site, and make your own decisions about any companies and individuals listed within. Warning! The content within may be offensive, due to the unedited nature.

And Bruno who are you anyway that you have such dedication.  Your not an employee, or party involved so WTF do you care As DJM would say, show your real face.  Why can't people just get over it already.  You just want to keep it going on an on. People say just put it to rest, well lets do it.  I'm done if you are, but I am sure someone else just cant wait to continue this forever.  Let it go and I will.  This is a call to end it now. NO MORE RESPONSES = NO MORE RESPONSES FROM ME. THIS IS GETTING TIRING AND OLD.  AGREE TO DISAGREE.  OR DO YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE LAST WORD.  EVERYTHING HAS BEEN COVERED.  LETS NOT REPEAT AGAIN.


South Carolina,

I have a right just as you do to tell the real truth


Tue, September 22, 2009

Sorry there is no misrepresentation of facts by me  theforefore as a citizen I do have the right just like you do to state my side even if it has to be over an over again like a broken record.  How many times will you have to come on to prove your so called facts. It is not a lie when I say I called to check on the number. I admitted that. So if you think that is, ha ha ha, that is your problem. I stated I did, i stated I was seeing if it was a legitimate number and I stated  i called three times, the last time leaving a number, so where is the lie in that.  I dont give a crap if you think it is funny that I called or not.  I did not leave vulgar messages or prank you. I simply called out of curiosity.  Once like I said to check the number, 2nd time I called I had to get off to attend to other business and then 3rd I did leave a number.  No crime, sorry.  As far as the randomizers, I can honestly say that I don't know alot about them and I wasn't a victim of them.  I know they are used all over the internet and I really don't know whether some are legitimate or not.  I am not sure if they are good or bad, but I tend to think they are very suspicious, so in regards to Roberts question, I'll leave it to you. I said nothing against them other than there could be a chance that there would be one in the future, but even that is only a guess.  As far as you saying I broke rules and was banned appropriately is your opinion. But mine is different.  I don't think what I did was any crime and I still believe that it was done so the prize that didnt exist did not have to be rewarded.  Even the original contest with tickets to Charlotte is shady.  Pictures were promised to be posted on the website but none ever came to be.  There is not one shred of evidence that the first awarded tickets ever were even in existence.  Plus the actual drawing of 750,000. entries for the 2nd contest was also supposed to be posted with pictures on WOGZ, what happened to them.  And as far as other prizes that werent awarded, well there is always some kind of excuse isn't there.  As far as Michael Williams being a scam artist. Well i didnt make that up sorry.  The sergeant of N. Charleston Police department told me that.  I did not come up with that myself.  Even if we put aside the fact about the tickets and me being banned.  I also won a Cd player long long before the contest ever was settled.  Where is that prize? That should have arrived long before I was banned and that was never even mentioned ever again as to when you would send me that.  So what is your excuse for that.  Don't say I should have picked it up, cause I would have except you didnt want anyone near the station because you wanted the illusion to be that it was this big station on the rise when it really was in a house.  Now I have no problem when a business is located in a house because many are, but people dont lie about it and create false statements and illusions. 

 Let me just paste a quote from the report from Carol which I am responding to.This is word for word typed by you on your report.  I am not making this up and anyone can read the above report from Carol

"To assume we are SCAMMERS & CON ARTIST, this is an understated" 

Well you said it not me!

You also stated the below:

WOGZ Radio has posted our new standards on our website and we expect everyone to follow them before being accepted. There are no excuses! 

Can you tell everyone how they can read these rules and regulations if nobody is even allowed on the site without an official invitation.  How will you get any real members if nobody is allowed to enter the site let alone read the rules.  If a person wanders onto your site via search, looking for a fun radio station, well you just blew that opportunity, because there is no way they can even enter. Is the magical invitation fairy going to leave an invitation under peoples pillows.  It just doesn't make sense.  All I can say, TO THE WORLD AS DJ MICHAEL WILLIAMS WOULD SAY, if you had won a prize and time after time after time you were lied to and your prize never came and you courteously spoke with the owner and he promised time after time that the prize would be rewarded, how much patience would you have left when the event was coming closer and closer by the day and you had no tickets that had been promised to you weeks ago.  If and when you are ever in this situation, then you have the right to comment on how a person should behave.  Maybe you'd get a little silly with your friends because you start thinking hell these tickets are never gonna come.  But kidding about jumping off a bridge is the farthest thing from a crime that I have ever known.  Threatening suicide is one thing but kidding with friends is another.  The real crime was having to listen to Michael Williams pretend to cry because he was taking away tickets from me that he never had. So all I can say is get your documents in order, because I have a folder 2 inches thicks and audio to go along with it.  Private Chats from DJ Michael Williams promising the tickets and giving  me the go ahead to book my flights, all in black in white.  So does a scam artist want to bring attention to himself, if so, bring it on.  Sergeant J Walley is waiting and so am I.



Constitutional Rights?


Mon, September 21, 2009

I like to know where does these rules and regulations gives permission to post personal information? I have read RipoffReport rules yet Meg Trentacosta can't follow them? This is a violation and it's stated in black and white.

She couldn't follow them at WOGZ Radio and certainly not here on this website. What a laugh!

There's something wrong here everyone. Who's right and wrong? Who broke the rules?



There is a serious problem here ...


Mon, September 21, 2009

Let's look at what RipoffReport has stated in their rules and regulations ...

Then read what Meg Trentacosta has posted against DJ Michael W. I believe this violates every rule they have wrote don't you think? Or, they never read her statement and posted it anyway.

There's a serious problem here and someone will be liable for their actions. Both parties: Meg Trentacosta and RipoffReport.

Why make accusations when you are not allowed to post this information on the site?

Is this site legal or they are breaking their own rules?

I have copied and rewrote this letter four times. Neither one has been posted so this proves to us either this company is not legitimate or simply not monitoring their own services.

What's the deal?



There is a serious problem here ...


Mon, September 21, 2009

Let's look at what RipoffReport has stated in their rules and regulations ...

Then read what Meg Trentacosta has posted against DJ Michael W. I believe this violates every rule they have wrote don't you think? Or, they never read her statement and posted it anyway.

There's a serious problem here and someone will be liable for their actions. Both parties: Meg Trentacosta and RipoffReport.

Why make accusations when you are not allowed to post this information on the site?

Is this site legal or they are breaking their own rules?



Questions Answered ....


Mon, September 21, 2009

Attention to All Followers ...

There seems to be is serious misrepresentation on allegations stated from Margaret Trentacosta and her attempt to Slander WOGZ Radio on the Internet. Therefore; as a business we have the right to contradict her and rebuttal any stories that takes place on the Internet.

She obvious has this agenda to reciprocate and to seek justice for not rewarded for prize previously won. But, her attitude in our chat room was unacceptable and we banned/terminated her. This caused her to be stripped from winning or prizes. We have all daily transaction logs that took place on this incident. We will press this issue in court and our rules & regulations will not change. It was written by us and enforced by our attorney. On the contrary, to say there was no prizes is false because they are distributed by third parties and verified. You need to read and understand our rules & regulations before attempting to participate in our contest. Unfortunately;humans are like kids ... they need someone to assist them before being a full adult: To dress, feed, shown direction, loved and cared for, etc. That's a fact!. People react when they don't understand!

WOGZ Radio even adapted our contest for others to understand and play.

Meg T. has this fixation for justice and her story is inconsistant. She lied in her last statement to the world about calling but it has no barrier? This is a form of harassment with dates & times recorded. There's no reason why she should be contacting us at all. To verify we have a working number? Hahahaha... 

Here's more exciting news about this whole scenerio ...

Why is our Music Randomizer brought up in this picture? Many believe this is a form of a SCAM! The Music Randomizer is built to attact listeners to our Internet Radio Station. It's FUN & EXCITING! And,get paid for your efforts. How? By telling others about this website. There's nothing illegal here! Multi-level Marketing has always been around. A Pyramid? Every business is built on this concept: K-Mart, Sears, Burger King, Holiday Inns,etc. Even the government, law enforcements, senators, schools ... should I go on?

The cost to join this program is $10.00 - $5.00 goes to the individual who sponsored you and $5.00 goes to the admin. Just like any other business ... you go to lunch at Burger King. By ordering their value meal you pay $5 - a breakdown: $3.27 goes to the company, $.33cents for taxes, $.40 cents for cost of product (lettuce, tomatoes, etc.) and $1.00 to pay their employees. This is how the business world operates. I can't get any more explicit than this Robert. We make $5.00 to help pay operating cost.

It depends how the business uses the Randomizer to benefit themselves.

Internet: The Internet is used throughout the world. Almost every business is using this to communicate or research. Yes, even crooks- hackers -scammers and con artist are using this to their advantage. Anyone can slander,humiliate and exploit a business or individualon the Internet. But, their are consequences to follow.

Just like Meg Trentacosta has done. She has brought up old information about DJ Michael W. which he already stated at the beginning in creating WOGZ Radio. His intentions was SIMPLE! Provide an Internet Radio Station and play music with talk & entertainment to the world. Exposing others who was SCAMMED & CON from crooks. We have all testimonial letters & files supporting this claim. To assume we are SCAMMERS & CON ARTIST, this is an understated. We have acquired WOGZ Radio and DJ Michael W. has moved on. Leah will be working for another station.We wish them the best. However; Michael W. is filing a lawsuit against several people and we will assist him with all the documents provided by us.

If everyone has the right to slander on the Internet and get away with it, I am sure about 95% of everyone's names would be posted with a crazy story to tell.

There are guidelines to follow. Just like our rules and regulations.

WOGZ Radio has posted our new standards on our website and we expect everyone to follow them before being accepted. There are no excuses!

I don't know what else to say but WOGZ Radio is in the hands of our communication company. We will attempt to solve any prizes owed to the public. Those will be contacted by email or a letter in the mail with instructions.

We appreciate everyone's concern and statements from this site. We will take all in consideration.



This has got to be a Publicity Stunt...


Sun, September 20, 2009

I have been following this for a while and can only hope that it is a publicity stunt to get "free" advertising that has gone very wrong.

While I never heard of this station before, the chances of me listening to it now are about as high as me winning the lottery.  NOT because of what supposedly happened to the original poster, but because of the "explanations" and attitudes of people who claim to represent the station.

For example from Carol to Margaret/Meg T/Whoever?:

We have no choice but to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law and with evidence of your liberal, vengence and intention to discriminate WOGZ Radio of our operations. All testimonials will be used against and will ask our listeners to provide any further information against you.

Can you please explain what you mean by this statement.  Especially the "intention to discriminate".  I am not a lawyer but would like to know what legal precedent or regulation this falls under.  Why would you need other listeners to provide information against this person?  Wouldn't everything you need be available from your recordings of her calling the station and her postings on the forums.  

Also, you have yet to answer Roberts(NY) question as to what legal entities you need protection from.


South Carolina,

Moving on with my life Yes


Sun, September 20, 2009

Just for the record, I am moving on with my life. If WOGZRADIO is not owned by Michael Williams anymore that is just great.  Andy FYIO this post is typed on Sunday, on my own time, and if I did type anything on twitter on  my company time, it is my own business.  You have no idea regarding the hours I keep, the amount of overtime I participate in etc. So you can not comment on what I do on my time. I am an independent worker and my work ethics are top standing.  I more than make up any amount of twitters sent out in a day in work I put in overtime   In addition my employees do know of the situation and feel the same way as I do about it.  The first thing my boss said when I went to him to tell of the situation was this.  That man probably runs a business out of his basement.  Don't expect anything in that area.  I have explained everything about the situation from the contest, radiostation, chat room etc and the the police coming to my workplace at my request.

I am done going over the same information over and over again as well as I am sure you are.  However I was instructed by the police of North Charleston to continue warning others about this station and it's worker.  If you have sold WOGZ radio, hooray for you.  And I don't deny calling the numbers 3 times, once to see if it was real 2 to listen to the recording and 3 to leave a message.  No crime in that.  Just checking for friends to see if it was a working number, which all it was was a generic voice mailbox. It is not like I am leaving prank calls, come on.  And so what if i posted under another name on this site, big deal, so have you,and basically everyone else,  but you notice I don't any more do I, unlike you.  Don't worry, any future comments I have to say will still be on my time, which can be break time, lunch time or home time.  I just want my friends to get what they were promised.  As for me.  I lost $200.00 in flight tickets and I know and don't expect that back, ever, but at least pay up to the people that were not banned.  Then that would be a fair trade off. A Moped, A jetski, $700.00.  If you can feed 1000 people on the streets of Charleston at a supposed block party, you can surely pay them back.  You are right though, it is a waste of positive energy to continue with this on and on.  The fact is and always will be the same no matter if we argue this until the end of time.  Michael Williams former or current owner of WOGZRADIO IS A SCAM ARTIST the Police do not lie.  Whether I type it here, at a friend's house at the library or on the moon.  And regardless whether WOGZRADIO is owned by someone else or not, which in my opinion it is not(remember just my opinion, not stating as fact)  I am not typing anything here that is not the truth, there is no crime in that.  If a person gets scammed by a company they have a right to state it.  Thanks for the response CG.  At least I am posting by my real name, thats more that I can say for some of the people on here.



Slight Corrections Barbara ...


Sun, September 20, 2009

Thank you for listening to WOGZ Radio Barbara and understand our rules & regulations. Unfortunately, many people do not read this information until it's too late or something has occured.

First, I need to make a correction on your statement unless you were tired or you didn't proof-read your rebuttal ... Hear should be "Here" and Raddomizers should be "Randomizers". Either than that, I enjoyed reading your statement.

Yes, Robert and Henry only has voiced their opinion to this story but we are not worried about them. Complusive attitudes is a major self-destruction to their own lives. We have two guys or girls wanting a piece of the action. Their satisfaction is to state what they think is HONEST? Interesting configuration of how your minds think. But,the fact remains ...

Meg T and a few others participated in a scheme to ponder in our chat room. Others did complain and these testimonials were used to ban them from our network. I will give Meg T credit for honestly apologizing on the air which is recorded but she suffers the consequences like any ordinary person not following rules. And, she lost any winnings or prizes from our station. This is what we are seeking BOYS & GIRLS!

Let's read part of our rules ...

5d. For Internet contests: WOGZ, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify any person tampering with the entry process, the operation of our stations Web Sites or, is otherwise in violation of any rules. It further reserves the right to cancel, terminate or modify the contest if it is not capable of completion as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention or technical failures of any sort.

6. 6. Station reserves the right to make changes in the rules of the contest, including the substitution of a prize or prizes of equivalent or greater value, which will become effective upon announcement.

8. 8. Failure to comply with the contest rules may result in a contestants disqualification at the sole discretion of WOGZ. WOGZ Radio has the right to terminate all entries or prizes that has been won from an individual based on the violations on our network.

All these are standard to any radio stations rules and regulations. We applied the last statement to Number 8 and made it clear for others to understand if you act inappropriate in our chat room, we can and will strip you from any winnings. Those who are accessory to devise or plot such an act on our site will also be guilty as well. Just like trying to murder someone and assisting them in lying, to cover up their story and etc. Inclusive, a person's inability is incoherent and incline to exaggerate their immorality of their character. Who would commit such an act? An unstable, psychotic, and delusional person.

This is what Meg T has committed and we have every right to suspend her with no questions asked. Her remorse is to slander, take revenge against WOGZ Radio and liberally trying to sabotage our business. This is where the law will step in and bring justice to her idiot acts.

We will implement our rules and regulations to any court.


New York,

Legal entity?


Sun, September 20, 2009

Hey Carol, would you please explain what "legal entity" that WOGZRadio needed protection from?

Here's what was on the WOGZRadio Ning social network on September 13:

"All existing members accounts that have not been active will be deleted.  Should anyone want to remain a member, they must re-join our site and understand our Rules & Regulations.

"Certain questions pertaining to your information given will be verified before being accepted.  Any false information given to us will immediately disqualify you in joining our network.  This is to protect our station from any misconceptions,slander,false allegations or any legal entity."

Now please explain WHAT legal entity they need to be protected from?

When you're done explaining that little tid bit, then perhaps you'll move on and explain to me how the "music randomizer" thingy isn't an MLM or pyramid arrangement.

Take your time Hon, we can wait.any legal entity.



Second Time Trying To Post This Issue ...


Sun, September 20, 2009

WOW I cannot believe my eyes. Everyone has let this be in here but not YOU Miss Margaret. Instead you have this insatiable need to ramble at the mouth to yourself with slanderous and libellous accusations to boot. I thought that was beyond your limitation. You were already advised on being careful what you state in print and in public. You did not take heed and it will all come back to you eventually.

You have absolutely NO CLUE as to what you are ranting on about. You take little bits of information and blow it entirely out of proportion. Just like everyone in Hollywood does to their celebrities. Why dont you take your story to one of the trashy tabloids who care to listen to these ridiculous allegations!

As for claiming DJ Michael has multiple personalities, yourself have also signed in here as "Stunned from Oz" in order to respond and rant to your OWN posts. Now if that isnt the pot calling the kettle black. Who knows how many other people you portrayed in this venue. As for the language you seem to be fixated on, who died and gave YOU a PHD in English? Youve made enough grammatical mistakes, again I hear that pot calling. Not everyone can write perfectly, just as not everyone can work with mathematics. You are criticizing everyone else, you are not flawless either.

Michael & Leah no longer own WOGZ, thats a fact. Whether you believe that or not is your dilemma. If you continue to further harass any of us and our business enterprises, you will be dealt with in a legal matter. Im sure your boss at Grand Strand CPAS in Myrtle Beach wouldnt like their business dragged through the mud. I find it hard to swallow that your company condones you using your computer at work to not only play on Twitter all day, to stay in chat all day, play contests all day and come here and behave in this manner. Most places of business would cut your online access immediately. YES many witnessed you in the chat room playing these radio contests ALL DAY for weeks.

You can argue as much as you wish, YOU were in violation to the website rules, your behaviour was atrocious. As a result of your incident, the contest was cancelled (which the station had a RIGHT to do) and all passes were stripped from the station, NO ONE was able to attend. You not only ruined the chances for the general public, you ruined the chances for the station staff as well. YES people were caught using your first set of tickets but information on this is not public knowledge and it is up to other entities to prosecute the parties involved. Whether the actual police had been contacted is another issue, again, that is out of WOGZs hands. Perhaps you should contact the US postal service and ask them what their stance is on this.

As for running a businesswhether the station in question was or wasnt a home-based business, isnt an issue. What has that got to do with anything? There are MANY home- based businesses especially in todays hard hit economic times. Whether people choose to divulge their true location, is their right and for their protection. You can argue this point as much as you like, it has no bearing.

If you have any further issues, please leave a message for the new owners of WOGZ at 1-786-718-1144 x 911 and refrain from harassing anyone else. Would you like people calling you at home or your work? You have called our office line three times - 9/16 @6:28pst from 843-424-3452, 9/18 @2:13pst from 843-424-3452 and 9/18 @2:15pst from Unknown (blocked) number but was descrambled to 843-424-3452. We have records showing you called and for what? To harass this station?

We have no choice but to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law and with evidence of your liberal, vengence and intention to discriminate WOGZ Radio of our operations. All testimonials will be used against and will ask our listeners to provide any further information against you.

Think about it. Move on with your life and put your energies into something positive. The more you rant and slander, the worse it looks on yourself.



Why You Hear Again Robert & Others?


Sun, September 20, 2009

You know how to read about Randomizers? Look it up on the Internet ... better yet, Bruno made it clear about Raddomizers and how they operate. Apparently, you don't listen! And, why are you here again Robert? This certainly doesn't have nothing to do with YOU! You're a bystander that wants a piece of the action, LOL! Hahahaha ...

As far as all this personal information about DJ Michael Margaret Trentacosta, I am surprised this site even let you print it out unless the site is totally a ripoff for sure. Your actions for revenge is pathetic and disgraceful. I was trying to give you the benefit of a doubt but truly you are totally insane like several others from WOGZ Radio:Autumn & Kim. No wonder they were banned as well - Autumn using foul language after being bullied and Kim along with Patrick for slandering WOGZ Radio after DJ Mark's termination. Glad to hear she was turned down to work for WOGZ Radio. The picture she used for her face was dubbed by computer images ... hahahaha, that is funny. Too much make up ...

Should their be a case against you, it would be my honor to testify against you and WOGZ Radio can use me as a witness to your improper, hideous actions.

Face the fact ... You were caught for acting out a scheme between your friends and all of you are banned/terminated. Then, your prizes were stripped! Good for all of you! Their rules and regulations will stand up in court anytime.

Good Luck


South Carolina,

Police contact information for WOGZRADIO Investigation


Fri, September 18, 2009

To any listeners who have been scammed by Michael Williams of WOGZRADIO please contact the North Charleston, South Carolina Police Department and contact Sergeant J. Walley.

He has instructed me to forward all information to him along with asking me to tell others to do the same.  Due to the fact that WOGZRADIO has banned most of the prize winners who were owed money or prizes, I am sure you will never be able to contact him again.  In addition the new radio station with ning web-site that Michael Williams calls WIKITIKIRADIO  is not accessbile at all, not even to just listen too, unless you get invited, which I am sure your invitation as well as mine is in the mail.  I am not quite sure how you run an online radio station that blocks anyone from joining, but what the heck do I know. 





The End


South Carolina,

Chat Room Rules


Wed, September 16, 2009

I have not read the rules on WIKITIKIRADIO but I can answer the question.  The reason why someone chatting away on wikitikiradio needs permission from WOGZ radio is because they are owned by the same person. Michael Williams the owner of WikiTiki is also the owner of WOGZRADIO.  The BigKahuna is DJ Michael Williams, just so you know. Now as of today WOGZRADIO is claiming that their shares have been sold to fictional character Bobby Darin and the radio station is moving to "Offshore of Panama" and also that many of the WOGZRADIO staff are moving there to run the station.  I read that on there website this morning.  Well if you believe this then you probably still believe in the Easter Bunny.  Basically it is a way of running out on your debts and prizes not awarded and also running from everyone that has caught on to your scam.  It is how scammers work. Come in quick take what you can and run. Start over again, take what you can quick then run, start over again. Etc Etc.  So you probably are right that some sort of music randomizer will be showing up soon.  Rest assured that there are already other types of money making schemes already out there if full force.  Try looking at triple25cycler which is also a ning site.  If you notice the language and phrases used on that site you will feel a very familiar vibe going on. And what a coincidence, the members are all the same ones from WOGZRADIO.  If you were a member of WOGZRADIO you will know at a 1 second glance that the website is owned by the one and only WOGZRADIO owner.  The reason I say if you were a member of WOGZRADIO is because mostly all members were banned to clean house because they don't want anyone in there that knows the real story.  The real story is that everything that happened there was a story and still is.  WOGZRADIO, with owner Michael Williams, is a one man operation running out of a mans house in N. Charleston.  With stock photos of pretend members and pretend employees.  Now I am not saying there are no listeners because I am sure there are.  But the web of lies being told grows everyday.  I think possibly Michael Williams may have missed his calling.  Instead of a DJ aka Investments Fraud person aka Scam Artist, he should have been a childrens storybook author, because he sure knows how to tell a whopper of a story.  Then maybe he could have made money honestly instead of taking advantage of innocent people.




South Carolina,

Chat Room Rules


Wed, September 16, 2009

I have not read the rules on WIKITIKIRADIO but I can answer the question.  The reason why someone chatting away on wikitikiradio needs permission from WOGZ radio is because they are owned by the same person. Michael Williams the owner of WikiTiki is also the owner of WOGZRADIO.  The BigKahuna is DJ Michael Williams, just so you know. Now as of today WOGZRADIO is claiming that their shares have been sold to fictional character Bobby Darin and the radio station is moving to "Offshore of Panama" and also that many of the WOGZRADIO staff are moving there to run the station.  I read that on there website this morning.  Well if you believe this then you probably still believe in the Easter Bunny.  Basically it is a way of running out on your debts and prizes not awarded and also running from everyone that has caught on to your scam.  It is how scammers work. Come in quick take what you can and run. Start over again, take what you can quick then run, start over again. Etc Etc.  So you probably are right that some sort of music randomizer will be showing up soon.  Rest assured that there are already other types of money making schemes already out there if full force.  Try looking at triple25cycler which is also a ning site.  If you notice the language and phrases used on that site you will feel a very familiar vibe going on. And what a coincidence, the members are all the same ones from WOGZRADIO.  If you were a member of WOGZRADIO you will know at a 1 second glance that the website is owned by the one and only WOGZRADIO owner.  The reason I say if you were a member of WOGZRADIO is because mostly all members were banned to clean house because they don't want anyone in there that knows the real story.  The real story is that everything that happened there was a story and still is.  WOGZRADIO, with owner Michael Williams, is a one man operation running out of a mans house in N. Charleston.  With stock photos of pretend members and pretend employees.  Now I am not saying there are no listeners because I am sure there are.  But the web of lies being told grows everyday.  I think possibly Michael Williams may have missed his calling.  Instead of a DJ aka Investments Fraud person aka Scam Artist, he should have been a childrens storybook author, because he sure knows how to tell a whopper of a story.  Then maybe he could have made money honestly instead of taking advantage of innocent people.




South Carolina,

No Couple Arrested for theft of tickets


Wed, September 16, 2009

I am sorry to report that no couple was arrested for stealing tickets from my mailbox. No couple was taken into custody at the Dunkin Donuts Arena in Providence RI. No confession was made. No bond was set.  I personally called the Providence RI Police department and the arena.  This fictional tale is yet another comical story told by Big Flubba at WOGZ Radio.  In my opinion the one and only Michael Williams.  I must commend Michael Williams for his story telling skills. I guess they go hand in hand with scam artist skills.  I am just surprised to find that anyone would believe this story. But that is right, I keep forgetting the fact that the ones that believe the story arent even real people.  They are made up people with stock photos who show up all over Michael's other websites.  Why do all the website have all the same people?  (with the exception of CG/Anon pretty sure she is somewhat real)The sad truth is that WOGZ Radio is a one man operation, ran in a house with mommy. That comes straight out of the officer's mouth in N. Charleston South Carolina.  Michael Williams is a scam artist being investigated by the secret service. Straight out of the mouth of the North Charleston Sergeant today via telephone.  What happened to me and others is in no way an isolated incident.  Props to you Michael.  I once believed you were a nice funny man. Never did I think I would come to find out that you are a scam artist and a criminal.  Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson regarding the internet.  I remember you making comments about showing your real face.  That sure is ironic now.  


New York,

Chat room rules.


Wed, September 16, 2009

Here's a little something from the WIKITIKIRADIO chat room rules that are posted:

""Rule Number Six- Don't speak unless you know what the conversation is about first. And while in a chat room, don't type in long, detailed messages that will take a lot of time and space. Also, never interrupt someone else. Be patient, you will get your chance to speak. We DO NOT accept any soliciting in our chat room without permission from WOGZ Radio. We DO the FREE Shout-outs! Either pay for our services or have your services terminated.""

Let me repeat that funny little statement:  ""We DO NOT accept any soliciting in our chat room without permission from WOGZ Radio. We DO the FREE Shout-outs! Either pay for our services or have your services terminated.""

Now why would someone chatting away on WIKITIKIRADIO need the permission of someone from WOGZ Radio?

I guess it won't be long before we see some sort of "music randomizer" showing up here as well.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain that "music randomizer" thingy.  It sure smells like a pyramid to me.  You pay a sponsor and the admin and then you get a URL to use so you can refer others to sign up.  The only way to make money is to get others to JOIN.  Sure seems like a pyramid to me.





Mon, September 14, 2009

For all you jilted listeners, don't feel too bad. After ditching all the real listeners and tricking them into thinking they were getting prizes that didn't exist, they have started up a new radio station.  Why don't you join them there so you can continue to be amused with the antics and personalities of your favorite DJ, now known as The Big Kahuna.  Supposedly playing hits from Tampa Florida, but you know Tampa, N. Charleston, same thing.  It's ning people.  You don't have to move locations to start up a new ning.  Funny how a simple trip to a radio station can lead you on an adventure that you never thought you would ever experience.    It truly was like a trip to OZ and still is.  Funny I never thought DJ Michael would really turn out to be just like the The Wizard of Oz, a pathetic little man pretending to be something that he is not.  Sometimes when you tell lies you forget what lies you have told because you told so many and you get tripped up.  I have saved so many of those little lies in my little data base and it truly has been a most interesting trip.

(((Redacted)))coming soon. 4 members so far The Big Kahuna, Leah, Ginger, aka CG and someone else named Katianna a new sucker. 

 You have been banned lol, there is always a way. 

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Pretend Block Party


Mon, September 14, 2009

It was so fun to hear about the pretend block party that was thrown for all the make believe listeners of WOGZ Radio.  A company that has banned all their members so they do not have to pay out the prizes and then brought in all new pretend listeners. It was fun to watch all the new members sign up 1 by 1 the day after the fantasy block party.  I watched them one by one sign up and then all become friends with each other, never more than a few online at a time, because that would take alot of computer at once wouldnt it.  Then to hear the comments with the same bad use of english was very funny.  Also the comment made me laugh about how Alice could not possibly be Cindy Margolis because "her breast is smaller than Cindy's so it is not possible they are the same person"  I was surprised to see that she only had one breast.  In addition, how would a broke company who can not pay their past winners afford to throw a party and feed 900 people.  Are you kidding me, LOL.  I am rolling on the floor laughing to think that people would believe there were 900 people roaming the streets of N. Charleston for little WOGZ Radio.  How do you fit that many people in a house anyway.  I know how, you don't because it is all pretend.  At least it gives me somthing humorous to look forward to each day when I go online and read these funny stories.  I wonder if the pretend members have checked out if not read, you may get a kick out of it.     
KIGE/Kisntel is registered in the name of Michael Williams who lives in South Carolina, United States. Here is the website address (((Redacted))) You will have noticed that the English throughout the website is atrocious. There is a clue in itself. A multimillion dollar company and they can't get their spelling and grammar correct. Look at their website dispassionately and you can see how amateurish the layout is and how little effort has been put into graphics and typefaces. And all hosted by free hosting companies. Note the name on the website with a slight change. Williams obviously couldnt resist using his own name on his website with this minor change Michael Williamson this following text is copied from the KIGE website. I was shocked and stunned to hear how everyone acted in our Conference Call last night on Saturday, March 4 - 2006. South-Eastern State Representative, Michael Williamson became the host once again since Henry McMicheals wife was in a severe auto accident. She lost her right lung and is in serious condition so he couldn?t attend the call. Here are the details of the registered owner of the domain name - note its start date of October 2005:- MICHAEL WILLIAMS 8404 Deerwood Dr North Charleston, SC 29406-9712 (843) 797-1223 KisNTel Investor Group Exchange 8404 Deerwood Dr North Charleston, South Carolina 29406 United States Registered through: (((Redacted))) Domain Name: KISNTELINVESTORGROUPEXCHANGE.COM Created on: 04-Oct-05 Expires on: 04-Oct-06 Last Updated on: 05-Oct-05 Administrative Contact: Williams, Michael (((Redacted))) KisNTel Investor Group Exchange 8404 Deerwood Dr North Charleston, South Carolina 29406 United States 18435135415 Technical Contact: Williams, Michael (((Redacted))) KisNTel Investor Group Exchange 8404 Deerwood Dr North Charleston, South Carolina 29406 United States 18435135415 Domain servers in listed order: (((Redacted))) He also uses these other variations of his name. M V JR WILLIAMS MICHAEL H WILLIAMS SR Michael J Williams The registered address at 8404 Deerwood Dr is a residential address. Residential properties in that part of SC are valued at around $170,000. I would have hoped that such a big company would have an office. Again this following piece of text is taken from their website. I have underlined the important bit!! 'Our Mailing Address & Phone Number is available to you once our new website is up. You can write to us at our corporate office, send your payment by Money Order and more. We DO NOT accept visitors at our corporate office - it is highly guarded and monitored by our security team personnel.' They also list a contact fax number for KIGE which is based in Canada for some unknown reason. Here it is 514-656-4411 The fax number is a Montreal code and is registered to a company called Videotron Telecom. KIGE/Williams are in the middle of redesigning the website so some of the links may be down. Here is the main link again (((Redacted))) Notice Williams uses "" the free email service - as do three other KIGE supposed 'boardmembers' Here is the link to the Boardmembers. (((Redacted))) All the other 'boardmembers' use free email accounts such as Yahoo. Do you really think that a multimillion dollar empire would use free mailing accounts? Try finding any info out about any of the boardmembers on Google. Surely 'Prince Edward Albercottin' who owns diamond mines would have lots of hits on google! The truth is, he doesnt actually exist except in Mr. Williams own deluded head. Did some searching on the net and found that Michael Williams has been advertising KIGE under his own name as of last December 2005. Check out this link. (((Redacted))) Here too - he has been advertising some other program - this dates from March 2005. Try clicking on the offer link in his ad - its been removed for violations. ((((Redacted))) More of his classified ads here, (((Redacted))) Also found these details about Michael Williams on white pages. (((Redacted))) Also found this on google. The link doesnt actually open as Williams has had his Freeweb account closed. But it does show that in this instance he was claiming you could make $10,000 in 2 hours. If you check the KIGE program it is based on a 90 day investment. Thats 90 business days, which equates to around 18 weeks. So how can you make $10,000 in two hours. I believe they have a $10 referral program. You would need to refer 1000 people in 2 hours to make $10,000. Ad from Google. $10000 In 2 Hours! All payments will be made to: Kisntel Investor Group ... Michael H. Williams Sr. c/o KisN'Tel Investor Group. 8404 Deerwood Drive ... (((Redacted)))- 9k - Supplemental Result - Overall, does this sound like the workings of a business that has been around for years, is worth billions, is building hotels and casinos around the world?! The reason there is very little about his scam on google is that it has only been going since October last year. They claim millions of members, over 3 million I believe? It would have to be the most successful company on the planet, bigger growth than Microsoft yet no information can be found out about them anywhere on the net apart from on HYIP forums and discussion groups. And even that is scarce. No body has been paid yet because you are supposedly paid after 90 business days. Thats 18 weeks. Probably didnt get anybody to sign up and deposit money until December 2005. So dont expect complaints and scam reports to really get going until April 2006. There it is on a plate. The most obvious scam I've seen on the net in the last 10 years. Got SCAM???????

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


South Carolina,



Fri, September 04, 2009

My opinion:

To Kate: All the people posting here with the bad english and writings skill are in my opinion the same person using different aliases and all about damage control or drama to keep people tuning in. If you have read enough of the writings of dj michael or listen to him enough, you will realize that all these are the same person.
Also in my opinion, there has never been proof of anyone else besides dj michael doing anything else with wogz and he is a solo act portraying many people involved including the people who have been paid or won prizes.

Let's here the replies from all the people he is pretending to be that are "supporting wogz" hahahaha



North Carolina,

From Barbara to Kate "Kate you are not that intelligent"


Tue, September 01, 2009

Barbara says "Kate you are not that intelligent", then later posts...

"people don't have nothing else better to do"

I rest my case. 

For a bunch of intelligent people who think they are so right and so bright, I have never witnessed such bad use of the english language in a single discussion in my life. Yes there are a few exceptions, but come on guys.  If I was going to bash someone relentlessly I would at least try to sound intelligent myself.

I think we should all agree to disagree. You will endlessly state your love and devotion to WOGZ and others will disagree.  Nobody is changing their mind about their opinion including me. 

So to end this, I do not plan on writing anymore rebuttals as long as you don't plan on it.

So if everyone agrees that we should just end this bickering.  I am all for it too.

Let's see if you really mean it.  Done.  Are you?  THE END.





My last rebuttal came in after yours Anon from Canada - sorry


Tue, September 01, 2009

My last statement came in after the fact ANON ....

Yes, I agree with you 100% in your statement. This has completely steered off the original compliant and WOGZ Radio is aware of this issue.

People don't have nothing else better to do except stick their nose in other people's business and tries to cause problems. Only a few people are listeners in this report anyway and left which is good. WOGZ Radio doesn't need them, there's millions of people around the world.

I've always been open-minded and express my point of view. I'm a dedicated listener to WOGZ Radio and will continue in listening to their station.

It's good to hear their merger company has taken on a big responsibility to correct their situation.

Wishing them all the success in the world



You are not that intelligent Kate


Mon, August 31, 2009

What a laugh you are Kate ...

Let's break down what you said to me ... I am NOT a listener? I've been listening longer than you for sure. Were you around when the station was giving away FREE MONEY by playing in their other contest or giveaways and it was deposited in your PayPal account? I'm afraid NOT.

You are probably one of those listeners that cried when WOGZ Radio took away their contest. Get REAL ... hahaha! How pathetic!

Second, Yes I have won MONEY from the station and participate in their Money Listener Randomizer.

Owners to WOGZ Radio? I see them on their website: DJ Michael W, Leah, Bobby Darin, Alice - want to include me in? You're a friggin JOKE WOMAN! You are not intelligent in my book.

Bruno? I have read his story about Randomizers and that was a great article. I see he is from France so WOGZ Radio has listeners from around the world. Are you that illiterate (not understand) and can't comprehend in what people say? I'll give you a little credit about how to read or write but I don't know after what you said ... hahaha!

Lady "X" messed it up for everyone so WOGZ Radio has the right to terminate the contest as stated in their rules and regulations. You want me to print this out to you or can you read? Can you understand what people tell you? Hmmm ... probably NOT!

I'm more of a REAL WOMAN compared to you any day. At least I use common sense compared to others ... But YOU? Use what God has given you, some common sense and logic when writing next time especially when commenting to me ... you don't know me and I don't know you. But, your choice of words shows me you are very immature and that's for sure.

Just like others say ... "Get a life and GROW UP!"



Time to move on!


Mon, August 31, 2009

OK all need to take this bickering among each other somewhere else. This has completely veered off into another direction from what the original post was. We have all addressed the preliminary issue here, WOGZ has addressed this and taken the appropriate steps, now its time to MOVE ON! Againif you DO NOT LIKE what you HEARTURN IT OFF!!!

This is a legitimate business, that is here to entertain, a few trouble makers with BOGUS opinions are NOT going to bring it down so please go elsewhere to reek havoc, if you have nothing better to do with your lives. There are more pressing issues in this world to deal with and correct. Why dont you put your energies into that?

The cancellation of the contest was not MEANT to punish everyone, however, you all know it takes ONE to spoil things for everyone else. That happens quite often, especially at your places of work, rules and policies will change to suit the needs of the company especially when things have been abused. You will NEVER please ALL the people ALL the time, that is a fact. But thank you all, this incident has given WOGZ more attention and actually more listeners. You should listen to a radio station because you enjoy the music, NOT just to feed your egotistical needs for winning things. If you all continue to squabble in here, you are just proving to the rest of the audience how immature, vengeful and pitiful you are.

Thank you all for your input.good luck in your search for perfection out in this world. It really only exists inside yourselves, its there, you just have to learn how to bring it to the surface.


North Carolina,

Who is Barbara?


Sun, August 30, 2009

Barbara a faithful listener = STRIKE 1

A prize winner and also an outsider = STRIKE 2

How about lets try again.

"Thats why I am Me"= STRIKE 3

Oops, your out.

Let's see, how about radio station owner/co owner/Bruno, etc. =Barbara, BINGO

Oh and comparing WOGZ to buy one get one free = epic fail

More like buy some and get none free.

Lastly any Radio station whether it be internet or FM that would cancel a contest and punish all of their other listeners all because of one supposed bad seed has alot to learn.  Talk about incentives for listeners.  Well that is one incentive not to listen.  It is not a sin to be drawn to a station for their prizes and then decide to stay because you find enjoyment, but nobody will be staying very long after this charade. Well except you and your other personalities.



To Vistoria -Yesss The Randomizer


Sat, August 29, 2009

Oh, I have to say a few words to you Victoria ...

First of all, why did you listen to their station? Out of curiousity? For what? To hear and see for your own eyes what's going own? It got your attention right? All for publicity? WOGZ Radio is an Internet Radio Station and broadcast to the world so it doesn't matter who listens to them. They advertise to the world and it's your choice to either tune in or not. STRIKE ONE ...

Missing piece of the puzzle? To what? That's right they had their Money Listener Program, Money Listener Randomizer Program and other contests. And, your point? I'm an outsider here as well but I do listen to WOGZ Radio on a daily basis. You can't convince me to NOT listen to them.They play music and tell you EXACTLY AS IT IS - whether you like it or not.

I join their Money Listener Randomizer Program and made MONEY. It help pays for small expenses: Gas for the car, go out to eat or etc.

Any business can have incentives to draw attention to them ... Buy One, Get One for FREE - FREE BreadSticks with purchase of Pizza - the list goes on and on. So, I don't understand your logic behind what you said. STRIKE TWO ...

You are following Mr. Computer Whiz who doesn't use any common sense ... what a JOKE when trying to make his statement. You need to make up your own mind instead of letting someone make a DONKEY BUTT of out YOU too. That's why I am ME and NO ONE ELSE! If I am wrong, I will admit it but when I am right ... at least I can hold my head up high.

Again, I am an outsider but I listen to the station and care less about all the drama.

This my time to relax and enjoy the music & request a song.

I think you are more mature to make your own decisions. If not, then you have a problem ...STRIKE THREE!

Now, you are OUT as well ...




What A Nuisance


Sat, August 29, 2009

Robert from Buffalo, NY ...

You are a nuisance and a JOKE! I would tell this to your face.

First of all, to ask someone how much they made in a program is none of your business. It's up to them whether they want to share this information to you or not.

Second, I am in their Money Listener Program and made some money but to share how much I made is NOT YOUR BUSINESS. I can click on any player, listen to their station, refer or sponsor others and make a little money. And, the best part it's AUTOMATIC! One for me ...

Hummm .... you in the computer business and know all the techincal stuff yet you don't bother to notify WOGZ Radio about their clarity and stratchy music? Sounds like you shouldn't be in business. Would you like to know if a computer of yours didn't work or someone filed a report against your business for selling a bad computer? It would certainly give you a bad reputation. So, it's only common sense to go to your business ... let you know "Hey, I have a bad computer. What can you do to fix it?" "WOGZ Radio, hey your music sounds fuzzy and stratchy - what can you do to fix this?" It's only appropriate ... Two for me

How they conduct their business is none of your business. Who are you to tell WOGZ Radio how to run their business. Are you in the radio broadcasting? Are you an Internet Radio Station? Have you read what an Internet Radio Station is and what guidelines to follow? You are so wrapped up in trying to slander this business, you need to worry about your own business.

You are a laughing joke - I'll rebuttal anyone and take your information and twist it around like others has done.

This has nothing to do with you - this has EVERYTHING to do with "Lady X - Meg T or whatever alias names she uses" and her immature action she played in their chat room. She deserved to be banned and terminated. Good for her. Then, she thinks it's a joke on TWITTER? Well, she won't get no tickets and it's none of her business to know where the tickets went either. Who died and made her queen?

Strike three ... all of you are OUT!




To You Robert and Your Curious ...


Thu, August 27, 2009

You are such a friggin Joke in regards to slandering WOGZ Radio about their randomizer program ...

So, let's tear down your masterpiece or knowledge in the computer business since you claim to know a lot about ...

First, I think it's only common sense for you to google and look up "How Randomizers Work". That's what I did and found this ...

Things are changing and we must change with them.
What I mean is that there are always different ways of advertising
your websites. Some are cheap some are expensive. We all know
that the more you spend the better the quality. Until now, the
randomizers will change all of that.

How Randomizers Work

Randomizers are basically tools to help you advertise your
site and at the same time earn some capital. People don't understand
that randomizers are not meant to make you rich, although you can make
a decent chunk of change, they're just inexpensive ways to promote
your websites, affiliate programs, mlm's etc. Finding the right one is
the tricky part. To find randomizers I recommend just a basic search
on your favorite search engine.

What To Look For

When your out there looking for places to advertise just go
to a randomizer. There are a lot to choose from. So you want to be
careful when you choose which one to go with. First make sure you
are comfortably with the price they all vary. Make sure that the owner
of the randomizer advertises the main sight. How many hits the site
receives etc. Ask what kinds of free software they offer. As you ask
these questions you will find out how responsive the support team is.
These are all questions that can help you decide.

Why Randomizers

Randomizers can help your effort tremendously, but make sure
you do your homework. Find one or ten, it doesn't really matter, as long
as your comfortable with them. If you find the right one it could be an
advertiser for your other businesses while at the same time your earning
income with your randomizer signups. Just make smart decisions and ask
questions. Randomizers can and will make a difference.

This is coming from an author about Randomizers -(((Redacted)))So, let's see ... if Jane told Karen about this program and she went to their website. You could listen to WOGZ Radio and at the same time, make money by referring and sponsoring others. MLM is being used by everyone. Or, Pyramids. Look at your local government, businesses, etc. Who runs them? The President of the company. Who's next? Vice President. Who's next? It keeps going all the way down to the consumer. So, you can't tell me MLM or Pyramids are illegal when this world is built on their same principal.

Karen decides to join and pay $10.00 -$5.00 goes to Jane and $5.00 goes to the admin or company sponsoring the program. That's logic. So, tell me where it's illegal? I would love to see you google search randomizers and read what others are doing with them. It depends on how you use this software and it's a clever way to get people to visit their site and listen to music. Furthermore; to even make money from it. You won't get rich by all means but it's very well thought out. And, an excellent idea.

Second, Internet Radio Stations ... well, let's take you to (((Redacted)))You are telling me they are running an illegal business as an Internet Radio Station? Internet Radio Stations does not need a license except for their music they play ... read carefully. An individual can open their own radio station and follow guidelines. Pay their royalties from their license and that's it.

No, the FCC has no regulation or jurisdication to the Internet. WOGZ Radio has announced repeatedly who they are and doesn't need to explain to you or others where they are until their full studio is up and running with their proper address. For all we know, it could be in a house and no one knows. I've heard them talk about this on the radio but ... that's right, you are NOT an avid listener until recently - Saturday and Sunday of last week.

I've played their contest, won and got paid. Why do you continue to express your thoughts about this when the whole story doesn't even comply to you? All you did was to express your thoughts about their clarity and stratchy music and now trying to get involved as well? Yes, as a business man you should have spoken to WOGZ Radio about it instead of going to a forum or to this site to make such a pathetic report about their music. And, I'm sure they would have corrected the problem. You are just placing more firewood in the fire to make it larger.

As long as I been listening to this station from day one in France, the only thing they stated - they are applying to acquire their license in order to build a FM station. That's what WOGZ Radio has stated and it was on their previous website before this one so everyone can read. So, your facts are wrong! I'm an outsider like you. I see your facts are not even straight and why you worried about it if again you are not a listener? I like to know? If you are not a listener, why in the hell are you putting in your two cents worth? I like to see you get out of that. You convince me why I should not listen to their station when I am happy and enjoying their music? Because this is MY CHOICE! So, you have no right to tell me what to do! They haven't done nothing wrong except to let some ignorant and crazy woman to be a member in their network. And, to play a joke in their chat room? Please - you need to get REAL.

Glad to hear someone is sensible but fortunately, it's not YOU! I've been listening to them from day one. I will continue to listen and enjoy their music.

Someone once said ... "There's no logic to everyone's thinking, it's what they want to hear and they act upon it."

And, that's what you have done ... hahaha


New York,

Where are they?


Thu, August 27, 2009

WOGZ Radio!  yeah, right.  OK, I found a notice on the internet from some months ago where they claimed that they were presently an "internet radio" station but were going to become an actuall FM broadcasting station.

Oh really?  Then WHERE is the license application with the FCC?  The FCC website does not list ANY application/registrations for ANY WOGZ.  Go figure.

Further, there is NO reference to ANY WOGZ on the South Carolina Secretary of State website (lists corporations, LLCs, etc.)

Gee, could it be that these clowns are NOT CONDUCTING BUSINESS IN A LEGAL MANNER-you know, business license, insurance, taxes, etc?


Let's see if any of the illiterate "employees" or "co-owners will step up to the plate and explain how they are a ligitamate business venture.




In response to Robert in Buffalo-Yesss the Randomizer


Wed, August 26, 2009


I bow down to you. I have listened in to this radio station for a little while out of pure curiosity, and was led to this report by another listener with doubts. I can truly say that I have never encountered anything like this before.  You do have a valid point about the quality of the sound that comes out of this station.  You are right to let Einstein know that if he or she is so full of such knowledge and wisdom, then why doesn't he or she give that poor station a helping hand. But I am not quite sure this person really knows all this information.  Sounds more to me like he/she is being hand fed this information from another source, kind of like a parrot.  Why this person is so bent on defending this station to the end is beyond me unless she is really an employee there.  

 It is refreshing to hear from someone for once who truly knows what they are talking about and is smart enough to see the real truth. I respect you for telling the basic facts as opposed to going on and on as if quoting facts out of a internet radio text book.  And finally someone who can see through the smoke and realize that this probably is all just about their randomizer/money making listener program.  Nothing else makes sense.  It has to be the missing piece of the puzzle to this whole situation.


New York,

Pass advice to WOGZ


Wed, August 26, 2009

I don't need any lessons on the internet-I own a computer services company and I have more than enough available bandwidth to listen to OTHER internet radio stations with crystal clear clarity.

Perhaps you should share your "expertise" with the folks at WOGZ and give them some pointers to clean up their throughput.  Better yet, maybe you should provide some sage advice to their hosting service to help clean it up.  I suspect the problem is local to their workstation rather than with their hosting service, but hey I'm sure you can help them out.

While your at it Einstein, tell us how their "music ramdomizer" is not an MLM or pyramid scheme.  Do let us know how much money you've made being a member.

We seem to have "the march of the shills" roaming here.  LOL!



How Internet Radio works...


Wed, August 26, 2009

WOW I CANNOT believe the futile infinite whining that is STILL going on here. Let me address this audio issue. Internet radio contains a continuous "stream" of audio of which there is no control. There are 2 bandwidths, the listeners and the servers. The listeners bandwidth is the speed of the listener's connection to the Internet, but can be limited anywhere along the path from the streaming server to the listeners player.   The servers bandwidth is the capacity of the server's connection to the Internet. 

The larger the audio stream's bandwidth for the listener, the more audio information is provided, so the quality of sound received will be higher. 

CDs are encoded using a 44.1 kHz frequency response and with 16 bit sound resolution.   This means that that the sound is sampled over 44,000 times each second and each sample is recorded using 16 bits.  Stereo requires two such channels.   For ONE minute of CD music, this results in roughly 10 MBs of information.  Therefore to receive streamed CD-quality stereo sound, a listener would require a connection of about 1.4Mbps. Roughly 20% overhead has to be allowed for, due to packet acknowledgment / resending.  Therefore, sending un-compromised stereo CD-quality music requires the listener to have a 1.7 Mbps connection. In order to reduce the required bandwidth, Stations compromise on the sound quality to provide an audio stream that will fit in a smaller bandwidth.  Some methods of reducing the required bandwidth of the audio stream are reducing the frequency response that the sound is encoded at, compressing the audio stream, and by sending monaural, not stereo. I can go on here but you get the picture.

To add to this, I live in an area where I get FM stations from Detroit and Cleveland and let me tell you, there are several large Detroit stations that get totally drowned out by Cleveland stations at times, nothing is more frustrating than listening to 2 stations overlapping. This happens almost every day and is worse while driving. So your complaints about the audio is really pointless. Heres an idea..TURN IT OFF, if you dont like what you hear. No one is telling you that you have to partake in any kind of program either. Perhaps if you find a way to make internet radio so crystal clear, you can start your own station and us all!

My my how people have to be so critical about other peoples genuine efforts.  


New York,

Fuzzy and scratchy.


Tue, August 25, 2009

I've made numerous attempt to listen to this web radio station.  It is fuzzy and scratchy, so I wonder why anyone would waste time listening to it when there are thousands of other stations with crystal clear audio.

Also, I have to ask what is going on with the "ramdomizer."  Seems to me they are running a multi-level marketing (MLM) deal (at best) or a pyramid (at worse.)  They have this deal where you pay $5 to some "ramdomly chosen" sponsor, and then you have to pay another $5 to the adminisatration-all this in the hope that maybe, just maybe, some time YOU will be the "randomly selected" sponsor" and get $5 when someone else joins them.

IMO, this is a joke if not a scam.  The website is new and the domain is going to expire in the Spring-not much of a far-reaching business plan if you ask me.

I listened a bit Saturday, Sunday, and this morning.  The music QUALITY is horrid-fuzz and scratch so bad that most of the time I could not make out the lyrics of most of the songs I listened to.  As to paying $10 to join, I think I'll pass and so should everyone else.




Why Why Cry Cry ...


Tue, August 25, 2009

Unbelieveable Kate! What is it with YOU & OTHERS? Accept the fact the contest is GONE! I don't play in the contest - I listen to their station because of the music. And, that's my time for relaxing.

How much more does WOGZ Radio has to prove to others? Until they go to court, present all their evidence (testimonials, reports, recorded show tapings,receipts, etc.) against this Lady X? Once they are done with her, she will be on the stand and questioning her actions (immaturity, insanity, incompentate, mental health, etc.) I would be totally embarassed if that was me for acting out a joke on anybody's website. I am more mature than that, WHAT A JOKE!

As for their corporate communications headquarters, any company can merge with another and come up with any name. You just DON'T know their name ... that's a sarcastic comment and probably like to stir up some thing else? Leave them alone or apparently you are showing your immaturity as well.

Again, I care less for this contest and the outcome of it. Personally, it's people like you that failed to be sensible as an adult and play the contest right at the first place. You or others caused the contest to be terminated and GOOD FOR YOU!

That's right WOGZ Radio is blaming others on their behavior which caused the contest to be cancelled. Are you saying this never took place? It did! Could it been solved at the beginning? WOGZ Radio has stated this over and over ... Lady X just played a stupid joke that costed her priviledges & prizes to be stripped. The joke was on HER!

Time Invested? Then, this wasn't entertainment for you. You didn't enjoy the music played. You were solely tuning to the station for the contest and I bet you left afterwards correct? Then, you are not a faithful listener to WOGZ Radio like others. Say you are there for the contest. What a laugh ...

I see you wanted to get the last word in but I will ... take whatever prize WOGZ Radio sends you and enjoy. At least, they are willing to send something out to those in the Winner's Box.

Yes ... Good Bye & Good Riddance ...


North Carolina,

The truth is apparent


Mon, August 24, 2009

As a listener of WOGZ I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt.  But after today's on air statement, the truth now seems much clearer.  Had there really been tickets to be given away, I would think the station would have bended over backwards to show the listeners and chat room people that yes the contest was real. Now with the latest turn of events, it makes Lady X seem even more credible now.  Sure go ahead and blame it on bad behavior or blame it on the votes of Bobby Darin and members of Corporate Communications.(Internet Search anyone)  But in the end, your faithful listeners got screwed, screwed of their time invested, screwed because they were deceived and screwed because the prize was ripped right out from under them.  But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  They will get a happy meal certificate in the mail. That sure would console me. 

 Now that makes me want to listen tomorrow and the next day and the next.   I think maybe not.  So Barbara I guess you were right in saying. . . . . . . .        "Good Bye and Good Riddance".



Good Bye & Good Riddance


Sun, August 23, 2009

Thank goodness another bites the dust for an inconsistant story ... Trying to turn WOGZ Radio story around to fit her needs ... what a laugh!

I can read everyone's stories from above and heard on the radio what took place ...

But, I am NOT behind their closed doors to make an assumption that the tickets was not sent out. You CAN NOT say they didn't send them out unless you were at their studio - where YOU? Are you the mail lady that picked them? Did you mail them? Did you witness their actions? NO! All you know, Lady X did not receive her tickets - period. So what? Mail gets lost everyday and what did they do? Philip was in town -(reading from above) and getting warrants served and mailed the second set by FedEX.

All this took place on Friday 8/16 and it was later Lady X decided to go off on the "Deep End" to play a stupid joke or trick in their chat room. So, what happen next? WOGZ Radio had the right to react to this matter and made a report to their supervisor (Owners) of the station. Again, they finally got in touch with Philip and made their statement. He immediately cancelled the delivery of the tickets, received the tracking number and was given to the detective as evidence in what took place as stated in the previous stories unless you can't read!

Again, I care less about the foul language. It happens everyday - on or off the station. You don't need to be listening! Just turn down the volume or simply leave. I have no pity for your reactions or comments.

The whole moral of this story ... Lady X acted out a joke which back fired on her. The Joke is on HER! I would have waited to see if the tickets arrived just a little bit longer but that's ME. If not, then I would have done something but NOT in their chat room.

I would never assume someone's action if I wasn't there to witness EVERYTHING! I would cross examine you in court and ask ... "Were you there to witness what WOGZ Radio did at the station?" Did you physically see this transaction take place? Then,how can you make an assumption and comment? You KNOW - You KNOW? How? Explain to me how you know what took place at the station? Are you an employee? Are you a fly on the wall? What a disgrace ...

If you want to be removed from the station's network and website, don't you think it would be wise to use your real name so they can remove you? Or, embarassed to show your face? Trying to keep some type of dignity and pride left from this whole ideal?

As a listener to WOGZ Radio, I will continue to enjoy the music and entertainment they provide. Everyone has their own opinion ...





How laughable


Sun, August 23, 2009

Well thank you Oz for that entertaining post. I had my jovial laugh for the day. Ahhh but WHO is looking for drama, you are here STILL in a tirade about this episode, persisting like a broken record. As stated already ENOUGH times, this incident has been surrendered to officialsit is now in their court. They will deduce what commonsensical steps will be adopted.


Hmmmm I possess an agenda hahahaha..what an immature comment if I ever heard one. My how people can judge others so wonder the human race is still so primitive with such wonderful notions like that. But you just tuck that opinion comfortably under your pillow at night if it makes you feel better. Your reflection of the entire experience does not affix anything distinct to this issue. Interesting that you can declare to identify what exact thoughts others seem to possess. I have not insulted anyone here nor made accusations, you for that matter, have. If you knew the party in question so well and her state of mind, why did you not intervene or take the chat elsewhere? Too many inconsistencies in your claims.


It is what it is. Thank you for tuning inand OUT!



Another listener says goodbye to WOGZRADIO


Sun, August 23, 2009

I am a listener, but not for much longer, and also have visited the chatroom and know of the entire situation and of the party involved.  Yes the Radio Station has gone on air to apologize publicly, however, so has the person in question. They have stated that they were sorry to have upset anyone and sorry that the comment was taken the wrong way.  Funny how, it is okay for the radio station to apologize after the fact but for the person in question it is too late. They state her apology was after the fact. One would be curious to know how many people in this world apologize before the fact.  Hmmmm.  Also, even though the station went on air to apologize for their actions they continue to slander the said listener continuously through the chat room.  They are so contradictory also, because they state that they still have respect for this person, they dont think she is dumb, they dont think she is insane, and maybe accused was only kidding, that was heard over the station during their statement.  But in another breath they state on air that said person will be made to take a Polygraph test, will be put in solitude and possibly hospitalized.  Are you serious?  Someone has been watching way too much Judge Judy. This will be laughed right out of court, well unless they try to put it onto Judge Judy then maybe they do have a chance.


Lets repeat the facts.  Listener wins prize a fact, listener supposedly gets sent prize but does not get prize, fact, and listener is told  they will be sent out a replacement prize/tickets, this is a fact. then it is also a fact that they were told the tickets were mailed out again with tracking but the tracking had to be located.  This was days before the incident. But then suddenly they were not sent until the day of the incident which can not be stated as fact as this is just what was said, but it is alarming that after this person was repeatedly told the tickets were resent, they really werent sent as previously told, at least not until the day of the supposed incident. That is a fact stated by the DJ.  He went on air and stated they were sent on Friday 8/14 and then later cancelled.


It is a fact that said person was kidding with 2 friends that they would jump off the bridge since they had been taken by the station and had not gotten the prize they had been promised for the past month and was going to lose about $500.00 in flight expenses.   It is a fact that they did kid with their friends about that and told them so.  It is also a fact that they did say sorry that the comment was taken the wrong way.  It is a fact that another listener had won money and then later cursed in the chatroom and was banned from the station and lost her prize too.  It is a fact that it is okay for the station to curse and carry on but not anyone else.


This is a very serious fact denied by the station.  They said offender was told that the tickets were 100% and that listener told the station that they would be making flight purchases and was it 100% ok to start the flight tickets process.  The answer given was yes.  The radio station stated that was the persons own fault that they made the flight reservations.  Well I feel for the listener involved because what responsible person would not make their reservations when they would be going on a trip within a months time and wanted to be sure they had a ride?  The fact that anon in Canada mentioned there was a bus available is irrelevant to the situation, since the bus offer was later cancelled anyway.  That is beside the point anyway because a person has the right to travel any way they see fit.  So sorry these are the true facts regarding the flight situation.


So the question is what is the crime???  Is it a crime to kid around in a chatroom with people? No.  Yes you are not supposed to behave immaturely, but if immaturity is the crime, then everyone including the station will be arrested.   In everyday conversation people talk and kid and sometimes things are taken the wrong way.  That is not a crime.

Is it a crime to go on this site and state the facts, as you know them?  No.  There were no lies in the listeners statements, Did they get tickets, NO, did they get banned, Yes, were the tickets mailed out the second time when person was told they were, NO, It is not slander or libel when you are stating the facts, especially in a forum meant for that.  So if they want this to be over then why do they continually talk about it on the air.  Its all about Drama Baby. Drama brings listeners and Drama creates emotions that people want to listen into and respond to.  That is all this is about.  Nobody cares about this listener because if they really truly cared for her they would not have behaved in that manner.  With friends like that who needs any enemies that is a fact. And sure anyone who care about a person would surely go on air and tell them f**k You get out of our lives.  That sure sounds like someone who cares.  Nobody truly cared for this person and the tears cried for her were as real as the tickets she had won.  And for comments made by Anon in Canada, you care about this banned person as much as you care about the crap that you step in everyday.  You would wipe it off and throw it in the trash just like you have done to the banned party.  You claimed that the listener was liked, well whatever to that.  Nobody at that station including Anon in Canada gives a rats a*s about anything except their image, which that is even questionable since they have portrayed themselves to be very unprofessional in every manner. Anon from Canada has an agenda of their own. But thank you for your use of a dictionary and Thesaurus it was of much enjoyment. 


To the station, apologizing after the fact as you say is too late even for yourself.  This station has made themselves and their employees out to be more insane than this listener could ever be.


The funny thing is that the only people mostly left in the chatroom are people who are still waiting for their prize, and that is a fact.  However, my opinion is that you can be assured that when and if they get their prizes you will no longer see them again. They will be on their best behavior because they know if they say boo they will be banned (AND PLEASE LET ME STATE THAT IT IS BANNED NOT BANDED), because this listener is waiting any minute for a big rubber band to jump out and grab everyone, or possibly a marching band to come out and play a farewell song for them. 


So basically this listener is going to take the Radio Station owners advice and get the F out of their lives.  I will be asking that you delete my profile immediately.  Why I stayed this long is my own stupidity.  Learn and live like they would say, LOL




Thank you and let's move on...


Sun, August 23, 2009

I just wanted to thank you wholeheartedly DJ Michael for your effort in trying to make people comprehend your viewpoint. It seems as if you are on trial here and have to justify your every move and actions of the last couple of months just to please peoples inquisitiveness on matters unrelated to the current situation. Thank you for sharing your information, however it really wasnt necessary to go into any details about previous contests and money owed. That has absolutely no bearing on the current state of affairs but I understand why you did.   


You have been nothing but kind to your listeners and interacted with them in the chat room on a regular basis. Many people do respect you and find you incredibly entertaining. You are a very kind-hearted individual, that is obvious. Anyone listening heard how Lady X had actually brought you to tears over this incident. It devastated me to have to hear how hurt you were and how hard you took all this. So to all the despondent souls that think that this is a bogus station with a callous DJ, think again.


Sure we all make mistakes but they are not mistakes if you learn from them. No one is perfect and this has been a learning experience for us all, however an individual must learn to accept responsibility for their actions and recognize the consequences. It is YOU, the general public that is creating more drama out of this. It is YOU that have this insatiable need to want to make more out of the story than there is. Just look at how many spectacles of inaccuracy come out of Hollywood. Dont believe everything you hear and only half of what you see.


The facts have been stated, now the law is undertaking this matter. Anyone who thinks they have pertinent information to this case may contact the station, anyone else can sit back and watch the events unfold if they so wish, otherwise please refrain from attacking us when you are not aware of all the specifics. We shall see who will be left standing either with their dignity at the end or their tails between their legs.



Now - This Is What We Needed To Hear, A Solution


Sun, August 23, 2009

It's nice to hear how WOGZ Radio is willing to take the necessary steps to solve these problem from other winners or money owed.

Furthermore; to hear from someone who was involved in the situation. Yes, this whole thing could have been solved but this lady acted out of line which caused her to be banned. Maybe she might learn to never do such an act in other websites or suffer the consequences for sure.

Their contest was fun & exciting! Especially when you win!

I hope everyone learns from this. Follow rules and regulations! Respect others!

Unfortunately, the world does not know how to get along with one another and it's sad. That's why we live in a today's society with fill of corruption, war, deception and dishonesty.

Good luck to all


South Carolina,

Public Announcement Made On 8/21 & Solution


Sat, August 22, 2009

On 8/21, As the co-owner to WOGZ Radio, I made the public aware of who we are and gave an one hour editorial show which was broadcast to the world. This show was recorded and presented to the law officials with all evidence - emails, testimonials, reports and more to present our case.

We are an Internet Radio Station and various types of music from everyone's pleasure from Top 40, Pop, Rock, Beach, Country & More. We've been in business for over 6 months and became an overnight success & still growing.

During this time, we had different contests, a paid to listen program, gave away cash & other prizes. As our today, we have given away more than $475,000.00 in CASH & PRIZES. Our Paid to Listener Program was successful but almost broke us so it was discontinued. Out of 3279+ individuals, there are approximately 13 people left in order to paid and we are refunding their initial investment of $19.95 - Those FREE Members are not eligible for any funds because they did not invest no funds except their time for listening. We can not promise there will be any type of reinbursement for your time but are discussing this with our corporate communcations headquarters.

Yes, we have given away CASH from $1.00 to up $100.00 or more. We paid all of our contestants by AlertPay or PayPal so funds would be deposited into their account immediately.

Prizes was won from: Hats, T-Shirts, Gift Certificates, Microwaves and More. All prizes was shipped out by a third party and received in 7 to 10 days.

Not until recently, we had a contest giving our VIP Station Passes where you will be our guest and backstage passes to an American Idol Tour Show. A group joined our website and we were excited to have them. Unfortunately, some people's attitudes and lack of immaturity caused several people banned or terminated from our network.

A few people from this group got out of hand and their actions was unaccepted by using foul language, harassing, threatening, or etc. Our Chat Room Rules does state how to act without distrubing others. Unfortunately; several people was banned and cost them their priviledges from our network. Plus, any winnings or prizes what was owed. It clearly states this in our rules and regulations/contest rules.

You are responsible for your actions in our chat room. We DO NOT tolerant any misconceptions to the fact.

Those involved in each situation must take full responsibility of their actions as well. All prizes or winning are forfeited without exceptions. They should have thought of this before acting immature or childish in our chat room.

We regret the lose our these individuals but at the same time, we will not take full responsibility of what took place. Both parties are at fault and WOGZ Radio has apologized to the public on 8/21.

Like any website, rules and regulations was posted and acquired from our previous website which was attacked by a virus and hacked. Even our PayPal account was hacked and funds were stolen in the amount of $6,000.00 + We could not payout any funds to any of our winners or to those who we owed money until resolution was solved.

We had individuals or companies who donated big prizes to offer as giveaways or for contest. This was successful for a while until a jet-ski was presented and the couple went on vacation. We asked for the necessary documents, however; it was not given to us until they return. This was stated up front. Now, everything is in our prosession and being delivered by next week.

We have acted professional and follow the correct procedures in making sure decisions are finally.

We have the right to play any type of music on our format since the Internet is not FCC Regulated. All dues has been paid for our license.

Will the corrections be made? Yes, our new Corporate Communcation Headquarters which merged with us is on these issues now and will be solved as soon as possible. I can not give no dates but rest assure it will be done by no later than November.

Again, WOGZ Radio made a public appearance and dedicated a full hour of our time to disclose the success and what has taken place to their station as of today. Do we want pity & understanding from others. You decide but as one of the co-owners to the station - at least I can say when we are at fault. Can those who are involved admit their own actions and suffer the consequences? We shall see.

I appreciate everyone's input and opinion to this matter. And, thank you. These matters will be solved within a reasonable time frame.


Co-Owner to WOGZ Radio

North Charleston,
South Carolina,

Let's Get All The Facts Straight


Sat, August 22, 2009

I am shocked on how Lady X did act in our chat room. Whether you are joking, insane, mentally incline, incompetent or etc., this gives you no right to act childish in our room and for what? Tickets? These are Our VIP Station Passes so you will be our guest to see this show.

Yes, I did mail out these tickets by regular mail and so what? Didn't DJ Michael W state this over the air ... "If you DO NOT receive the tickets to contact us?" To give you ample time to receive them? Are you going to denie this? All of our shows are recorded and our staff along with the detectives heard what took place. This will be used against her in the court of law when we go to court. Is this insane? Yes, because we don't tolerant an immature adult who doesn't take full responsibility of her actions. Our attorney was in town getting warrants and mailed the second set to her by FedEX. Later, he received a call from us and we explained what happen. He was the one who cancelled and intercepted the delivery on the VIP Station Passes. He has the right and acted accordingly. Philip brought the tracking and cancellation number to us and gave to the police for evidence.

Friday 8/21,we had a full discussion and editorial about our success & what has transpired these last few months from others.

We talked about our previous contest, prizes and cash won on the station, who handles our prizes and etc. So, if you didn't hear this documentation - then, it's your lost. I DO NOT have to explain anymore.

I appreciate everyone's input and opinion but the FACTS were stated over-the-air and everything was given to the local authorities. It's sad to see how people over react in the time of abstraction. Then, have their priviledges stripped away from them. Rules or not, you DO NOT act like this in no chat room or on someone's website.

We have talked to other Internet Radio Stations and they would have done the same thing with no exceptions.

Yes, we have the right to call her work when lady X was repeatly warned to log off our site after being banned. We have emails from her after being banned and wanted an explaination. She stayed on our site like nothing happen so DJ Michael did call to make a complaint. She logged off fast! Her actions was inappropriate and immature - clearly!

Others can say all they want but we have THE TRUTH - THE FACTS! Everything was stated on the show and heard by 977 listeners. But, unfortunately YOU and others DID NOT listen!

WOGZ Radio has made a public apology for what took place. Our merger corporate communications group will be liable to make sure everyone is taken care as soon as possible for any late prizes or refunds. 

I don't know why people want to keep rebuttal this issue when we have clearly stated what took place. EMails from others, our testimonials & report from our employees is more conclusive and evidence in how Lady X played a scheme to intimidate or harass us about these tickets. All she had to do is wait for a 24 hours and the FedEX package would have arrived. Delayed or not, you still DO NOT act like a child.

So, this is NOT a publicity stunt! More Drama! We have already explained this over and over again. If you can't accept the FACT, why keep on saying anything else? Your opinion is just that - JUST YOUR OPINION! We are here as an Internet Radio Station and provide music and entertainment to the world. But, this is one entertainment that went to far .... hahaha



Reading between the lines again...


Sat, August 22, 2009

WOW it truly amazes me how people will read in between the lines and make so many idiotic assumptions when the facts have presented themselves numerous times. To the last poster, Ms. cant even follow the correct specifics of the situation. Who mentioned these tickets were donated by anyone? Not us.YOU seemed to have dissected that information out of some preposterous inaccurate perception in your minds eye. See how one manifests such convenient hypotheses to fit their own needs??


Your name calling is also a rather immature and juvenile way of behaving toward people who you do not even know. This is a legal enterprise operating in accordance to the rules that is has established. Again, this is an Internet radio station where the FCC has no jurisdiction, however there are still legal, moral and ethical codes of conduct to be abided by.


What YOU and some misguided people in their delusional thinking seem to not comprehend, is that the tickets are NOT the issue here. The concert tickets exist alright and would have been sent, there is no dispute in that. This prize was not denied it was automatically forfeited by the party in question due to her conduct on our website chat room. She violated and breached the rules that were clearly stated on our site. Her perturbing comments were a personal assault to the stations owner. She began to demonstrate this kind of agitating conduct about two days following her win. The station has every justification to deal with each incident in accordance to their rules with diplomacy and fairness.


This is only the SECOND person that has been stripped of their prize due to their infringement of the afore mentioned rules and regulations. What transpired with winner #1 is has no bearing on the present circumstance what so ever.  Law enforcement and the legal system is duly in concurrence with the stations policies and conduct. Unless you are an attorney involved in this case, please refrain from your ludicrous scrutiny of what the original poster has haphazardly inscribed in this forum.


Please rethink your philosophy if you or the general public with no immediate knowledge on this, can influence the minds of all officials who have seen the evidence first hand.


The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others. Tibetan proverb



Jessica, Jessica ... look what you wrote


Sat, August 22, 2009

I am shocked at the fact what you claimed and said ...

You placed several stories in one story of your own. First, the tickets was NOT donated. It was the jet-ski ... hahaha. Second, the tickets was mailed out and sent out. Witnessed by their staff on duty - they don't control the mail afterwards. Then, their attorney sent out a second set by FedEX ... but why should I tell you anything else when you never tuned into the station and hear their editorial on 8/21.

You simply don't know what happen - you believe? That's your opinion and you have the right to believe but why would the station make a public one hour appearance on their station and talk about everything? You wouldn't have made this comment ... if you listen to the show. You acted on what you read ... hahaha.

Everything was recorded and evidence was given to the detective that was at the station - tracking number, police report, statements from their staff and email's from others who was in the chat at the time. There will be a case against this woman - Good for WOGZ Radio. I can read it now ... "A hysteric mental woman gets hospital observation for commiting a joke on a station's website ... "

Your story is way out of line dear ... Jerry Springer Show? That's for immature people and an understatement. WOGZ Radio is more mature than some businesses for sure. Remember, it's your choice in what you want to hear. I choose to listen to this station because of their music and pure entertainment.

You need to read all the stories before making a comment again on this matter.

Everyone assumes this lady is innocent? Not a bit, she acted out this scenerio and got caught. Her so-called friends should have done something about it if that's the case. It's a pity how people act in a public chat room. They simply don't know the consequences of what could occur in retaliation by foul language, threatening, harassing, etc. to others. It's stated in everyone's rules and regulations. You need to READ THE RULES & REGULATIONS before entering in anyone's chat room.

So, I find your story not acceptable in this case and unconsistant to what everyone is saying ... you tried. And, this is your opinion - but you messed up big time after stating the tickets was donated. There were NOT! It was another prize ... hahaha



Oh Please


Sat, August 22, 2009

First the station's moronic employees supposedly mailed the tickets regular mail, and then mailed them certified that never arrived?

But in their rebuttal on this website, they state the delay was because the tickets were donated by a couple on vacation.

At my job, we mail out and receive mail daily, and when I hear someone tell me that, that they mailed it, and we didnt' get it, and it was also mailed certified, and we didn't get it..and if I check the address and it is correct?  I know they are lying. 

What I believe, and from the reactions of the majority of responders/observers to this rip off report (except for employees and fans of the station)  appear to believe is that this was an true rip off.  If you take this story along with the other story the girl told regarding the other individual who was denied their prize for swearing, it appears as if this radio station holds out the "carrot" of extravagant prizes to increase their audience, and hopes and prays that the prize winner will "trip up" somehow so they won't have to shell out..that probably also has the added incentive of causing some local drama that seems to appeal to the "Jerry Springer Trailer Park Set" that this radio station appears to attract. 




To Everyone Who Wants To Assume


Sat, August 22, 2009

I've been listening to WOGZ Radio for one month now and their music is GREAT!

I wasn't in this chat room at the time nor will I ever attempt to but I heard from DJ Michael W's mouth on the radio today 8/21 how this act was inappropriate which caused this lady to lose her priviledges from their website. Whether this was before or after the fact, you still DO NOT act irresponsible and think you can get away from it on their website.

I've read all the reports above. It's obvious your actions got you terminated and banned from their network. You want my sympathy? No!

That's the reason why I don't go into these rooms ... people are very immature, not using common sense or not acting like an adult. You weap what you sow ..

You are responsible of your actions - TICKETS OR NOT! I would have waited and receive them before making any type of reservations. That's your fault!

People crying about prizes and etc.? Did you hear today's show?Apparently not? They made a public statement - one full hour of their editorial (their story & success) and what has taken place as of today.

They have admitted to a few things but will not accept the full responsibility of other people's actions. Each word was in complete details in how everything took place. At least one of the co-owners spoke up on the air again to make a full testimonial of this ordeal. Yes, every show should be recorded and kepted for any type of class action suit or used against others. Glad to hear this was given to Agent Green.

I could go into details but why give someone else ammunition to fight back if they don't know what took place or all the facts. That's why when you tell a story and it comes back to you ... it's not told the same way. Bits and pieces are left out - the important FACTS.

I care less about anyone else losing prizes or cash ... like WOGZ Radio has said, their merger corporate communication company is liable for their debts now and everyone will be taken care of as soon as possible. Once you get your prize or refund, just thank them and go your merry way.

You don't need to say anything else - accept your gift or money. I would be angry but heck, as long as I got it, as an adult I would act sensible. Probably won't listen either again but at least I got my prize or cash. Just use common sense folks!

Their should be no more reports especially if you heard this mornings show. Unless you are the type that wants to get the last word and doesn't accept defeat. You need to learn to accept things the way they are. Then, I have no respect for you.


person x




Fri, August 21, 2009

Are you serious wogz? First, I would like to say it seems like my well thought out, aesthetical masterpiece of a post, somehow inspired who ever is writing these things on your behalf, to write like an actual adult, which is refreshing. Let me start off by reiterating, that Wogz has ripped off a BUNCH of people, not just this particular filer.                

It seems as if they feel morally obligated to make her look as low as possible, so they do not need to own up to anything else. An underground singer told me she was owed money since last may, has she gotten anything? nope.

Also, it is very evident to me, that this station DOES choose to ban people when it is of benefit to them. They pick and choose what's inappropriate and what is dangerous, what can not be tolerated, etc. It is necessary for any "business" to do this, yes, but cussing on-air, for instance, then banning someone for cussing, seems like quite the contradictory endeavor indeed.

Before leaving, I want to point out the, what I see as, oviously delusional actions by this station regarding the filer in this situation. If they sincerely thought she was suicidal (which I do not, as stated in my aforementioned post, "jumping off a bridge" is a commonly used phrase by the somewhat annoyed orifice from which this phrase was uttered) why did they not try to reassure her that the ticket would be there?

Point blank, if this filer was so endangering herself, it seemed like the cause of her being distraught, was the tickets (which it had already been awhile since she had won to begin with). So, if this station felt SO as if she was seriously suicidal (in their oh-too-often way of conveniently picking out what is literal and what is some sort of metaphorical, cynical, facetious, allegory), why would they BAN her and strip her tickets away at that time?

That would be like someone saying they are going to shoot their brains out if they don't get in to their favorite scool, then someone purposely calling them that day saying they will not be getting in...when they work at the admissions office and were aware of this student's statements.

Wogz always adds fuel to the fire instead of trying to make a situation cease before it gets out of control. I know that there are very few listeners left from when the original Idols contest (for Charlotte) first started, and now. It's because this station seems to be a horrible,yet perfect manifestation of naivete and overreaction.



Publicity stunt!


Fri, August 21, 2009

This has got to be the radio station trolling for listeners.  I don't believe any of this.  What's the matter, can't afford advertising?



This can of worms is getting foul


Fri, August 21, 2009

My my, how we just cant abandon this already. OH but you are finished with this topic, as stated in your letter, correct? However, your statements show the vicissitudes of your actions.

#1 In a letter to WOGZ you stated that you would have no more communication with WOGZ and that you disassociate yourself from the station, I am out of your lives. Yet here you are still imparting your notions about the station. You also posted comments on several other public areas. What do you anticipate to acquire here? You also violated the above proclamation by sending e-mails from the stations network that you were banned from, AFTER you were banned.

#2 Yes you apologized but only when it was already too late. Not only that, you did not restrain yourself from so eloquently articulating your facetious remarks in chat. There was still a probability the banned vote could have been reversed but you demonstrated insolent behavior to several people in chat Monday afternoon, then attack myself.for what? As a result you were asked to log off, you did not. You were asked several times but you continued to make a commotion, therefore there was no choice BUT to call you at work and ask you nicely to log out. You completely spoiled your chances of being reinstated.

#3 As for being greedy, that is a matter of opinion but for someone who already had gone to this concert in the front row was sure carrying on hysterically about these tickets as if they were life and death. That is not typical behavior.

#4 Who conveyed lies to you and how were you being taken advantage of? You are alleging that in your statement. Also, no one at the station had suggested that you book hotels and flights before you received your tickets. You were offered a seat on the bus that was going to the concert but you abruptly repudiated that. A 2nd set of tickets were being prepared for you, however there were other more pressing issues imminent that had to be dealt with first.

#5 Several people thought you were distraught and you are enormously incorrect with your fallacious comment that anyone begged you endlessly for any information. I possess several modes of communication with the afore mentioned entity that you do not so your declaration is heinously erroneous. You are despondently mistaken, I wanted nothing from you. You also state you were very very upset, NOW you follow it with kidding when you said good-bye, nice knowing you? This is a palpable hypocritical, duplicitous statement if I ever heard one. I sincerely tried to help you so I find offence to your odious and inaccurate allegations.

#6 You still accessed the network to send messages AFTER you were banned.
#7 This entire dispute is because you are banned but youre still being belligerent.

#8 Sexual comments hmm...all playful banter that YOU took part in. What nasty comments are you alluding to exactly and why are you mentioning this for the first time now if you were so perturbed by it then? To incite us for some reason? Again, this is an internet station so the owner has a right to post their own rules and censor what they feel is inappropriate. If you didnt like it, you could have absconded yourself from the network, you did not.

#9 No one said YOU were anything, it is YOUR behavior that is in question. It was even stated on air that you were well liked, therefore it hurt the station owner terribly on what transpired and the actions he had to execute. You think this resolution was painless?

Had you just been unobtrusive and patient and waited for a possible reinstatement, you decided to become cantankerous then refused to leave the network. You had a window of opportunity that you shut on yourself. By participating in the contest, you are in acquiescence to the contest and chat rules, by contravening them you are in violation of them which forfeits your winnings. By making some knowingly false statements in writing, this crosses the line into defamatory libel. One has to be cautious what they state in print.

Any further annotations you think you may have, please focus your awareness to the above 9 subsections again.

person x


you have got to be kidding


Fri, August 21, 2009

As a former listener of Wogz Radio, I have to say I believe this to be one of the most immature, dramatic radio stations I've ever listened to. First, their whole premise makes it seem as if there has only been a miniscule amount of people who have not received their prizes or money they have been owed. No one I have talked to who won anything or did the "paid for listening program" has received anything.

Now, this is not to say that no one has ever received anything at all from them, ever, but it is a little strange that NO ONE I have talked to, has. Secondly, one of the listeners who was later banned, had been waiting for his/her prize for almost a month before the ban even took place. While Wogz make THINK they have a case because this person was later banned, the question still remains, why, after about a month, did this person still not have their tickets?

(And, this person was still promised, by leah, that an email regarding his/her money, would still be given to them, even after the ban had already taken place.)

Also, they act as if the rules now stated on their page, is the same as always. No; Their rules have not always been so, and often time, during the Idols contest, no one even knew there were rules. There was much confusion surrounding chat rooms, etc  so new rules were implemented as chat rooms, formats, etc, changed.

(One person banned for so-called cussing, etc, even though others had cussed as well, even within that same day. Then, in reactivism, they renewed their rules, making sure to say profanity was not alowed.)

In regards to this filers claim, I was not around for this event. What I will say, though, is that the behavior by the radio seems outlandishly puerile. Some suicidal threats should be taken seriously, however, saying you're going to jump off a bridge when faced with a less than ideal situation, is not an outrageously seldomly used phrase; it's quite common, actually.

So, did the filer give any "lol" or "jk" after her "threat"? Or any indication that she was kidding at all? If so, I think Wogz jumped the gun on this one. As someone mentioned, why not reassure her that the tickets would be there instead of acting so childishly?

Also, there has been many things that have taken place that are contrary to the values this radio station seems to have so dear to their heart. There was, while I was on, profanity sometimes, sexual innuendos, and also "threats". DJ used to say smart little quips....and since I cannot quote him, I will not try, but I at least know DJ Michael has said cuss words on air.

This radio station has acted inappropriately, numerous times. Some members have been threatened for ban/banned for ridiculous reasons, others have been promised re-instatement if specific rules were followed and then denied before the chance to fulfill the promises levied against them, and one woman I talked to hasn't received her money even though she was promised it MONTHS ago.

Overall, this station tends to overreact a lot as well as not follow their on guidelines.



Distrubing News Written back to Author


Fri, August 21, 2009

I am a advocate listener to WOGZ Radio for 5 months and enjoy their music. It's your choice in what type of music you listen to.

As for all your comments - let's begin ...

First of all, WOGZ Radio would not be morally responsible for this woman's action. This is a state of mind judgement or comment and I don't think you are a psychic or mind reader for that fact. The first set of tickets was sent out and heard them they say this over the air but sent by regular mail. Their rules states:

3b. All prizes or prize certificates may be mailed out to every winner. Any prize or prize certificate not claimed within ten days of winning will be forfeited by the winner. Prizes will be mailed out to those who lives out of the Charleston area & other states or countries. A valid drivers license must be presented when claiming prize if picking up their prize at the station. WOGZ Radio is not responsible for lost, stolen, mangled, undelivered prizes.

So, after Philip was in town and sent the second set of tickets to her; he was called upon because of what has occurred in their chat room. This woman acted carelessly immature without knowing the faith of these tickets? All this is stated from the previous letters if you read them. At least he made the second attempt to get them out to her ...

But, it was her acted immature in their chat room and on their website where others can see her actions. Joke or not, you can't do such an act on anyone's website and get away with it - she just got caught and was banned. Serious or not, she took actions upon herself to act childish in their room and was terminated. Good for WOGZ Radio.

Second, This is NOT a public chat for the whole world to see. You must be a member of their network in order to have access to their chat room and other features.

Respect is given when respect is earned unless the world's philosophy is wrong or stated wrong or what is it?

Then, you are stating if you can't be professional when dealing with the public, you're in the wrong business? I believe Sarah was bold and to the point but she didn't have to tell people to shut up. She was protecting WOGZ Radio because what she seen in the room and was reported.

Disrespectful to the winners and listeners? Hahaha - I have to laugh at this one. In the pass 5 months or more, they have rewarded their winners or listeners over $375,000 and I am one of them. So, you can't tell me I wasn't rewarded when I got paid for my efforts in winning Prizes & Cash. If you are not one of fortunate winners, them you don't know what took place.

This woman played an evil and awful trick on WOGZ Radio to blame them for her actions? That's a joke! She only wanted the attention and sympathy from others - again read the other letters that took place at the station.

Reporting her was spiteful when she was told to log out 3 times from the site after being banned or terminated? This was heard plain and clear over the air. They have every right to call her job and report this matter to the supervisor. She DID NOT think what the consequences would be when dealing with WOGZ Radio. This was a serious matter and glad to see WOGZ Radio did the right thing. I would have done the same thing whether you liked it or not.

Yes, this whole thing could have been solved if the tickets arrived. But, WOGZ Radio attempted to send out two sets of tickets (4) all together. Her immaturity and actions was not acceptable in the chat room. She was caught and now suffers the consequences. You have to take responsibility of your actions and I have no sympathy for her.

I would like to hear from WOGZ Radio's Corporate Office and maybe they can post each testimonial separately. Then, we can judge and see what really took place. If this person was banned and terminated, there should be no contact what-so-ever and accept her lose. Her ignorance got the best of her.

Either than that - it's a he said, she said thing but the stations testimonials are more convincing and real compared to what this woman is saying. The only question I would ask this lady ... "If you were waiting for your tickets, then why would you jeopardize your priviledges on their website and make a joking matter of this? Some people thought you were suicidal?" and to WOGZ Radio ... "If this woman was suicidal, why didn't you call 911?"

That's it


South Carolina,

WOGZRADIO- I am still alive


Thu, August 20, 2009

Number 1 a letter of disassociation was sent per police instruction and I have NOT sent several more letters since, i have sent none.  That was the last of my communications there.

Number 2  I did say sorry for my actions in connection with the jumping off the bridge comment.  I did not mean the statement as fact and I did apologize to station for them taking it the wrong way.  I had no intention of jumping off a bridge and I still don't.  If I do, it will be connected with a bungee cord.

Number3 Station states that I am greedy for wanting the tickets I won since I have already went to the concert.  That is irrelevant.  If you were rich and you won the lottery, would they tell you, sorry you are greedy to want the money you have won, so you cant have it because you are rich already. LOL LOL Talk about a mature statement. 

Number4  I never claimed that I did not say those words.  And I do admit that after all the lies told to me about sending the tickets I was very upset that I was being taken advantage of.  Who would not be upset when they were being lied to everyday and already had paid money out for flights and hotel, yet had not received their prize.  I was told after I won the prize on July 25th that the tickets would arrive in a few days.  They supposedly sent out 2 sets of tickets to me.  The first set disappeared to nowhere land and was supposedly sent regular mail, hello people does that not strike a note in alone of itself.   Also the second set was supposedly sent out after that with tracking but no tracking number could ever be given.  What a coincidence the day I finally openly joked outside of the PM window that the tickets still hadnt come and I was jumping off the bridge that I was suddenly banned.

Number5  The person that claims that I was so distraught I would kill myself had privately begged me endlessly to give her the private number of the radio station that I had but never intended to use.  She begged me so intensely that I had to say goodbye to her because she was getting mad at me that I would not betray someones trust in me concerning the private number.  After that incident is when hell broke lose.  I do not deny that I told her I was very very upset and remember kidding to her and saying goodbye.  But I am sorry to say that people just did not understand my humor and I am sorry about that.  This person pretended to care about me and pretended to try to help me get my tickets and then when she didnt get what she wanted from me, she turned on me.

Number6  It is impossible for me to come into the chat because I am banned and it tells me that, because I did attempt to see what would happen and that is what it says, "you are banned , so I can not enter.  Which is totally fine with me.

Number7  I want to be banned from this station.  So I am not arguing being banned. I dont ever want to go to that station again.

Number8  Yes there was sexual comments and nasty conversation on the station and I did not have a problem with that at all it was funny at times, sometimes not.  My point was that they can pick and choose what they find to be appropriate comments based on how it can be of advantage to them.  Sorry that is the fact.

Number9 I am not dumb, immature, an idiot, insane or any other word they would like to call me.  What am I is this... naive to think that I was really going to get that prize in the first place, and to think that someone you meet on a so called business chat is the real deal. People, I am only human for getting upset that I had been taken.  Remember what is hidden behind a picture or pictures may not be what it seems. I have learned my lesson.  I can sleep at night because I know I am a decent person, I know that I meant no harm to anyone and I know that I am not a liar, theif and that I dont misrepresent myself.  Everyone can believe what they want about me.  But I know the truth, my family knows the truth and so do my friends and that is all that matters to me.


New York,



Thu, August 20, 2009

I am not sure what I find most disturbing from this report.  The OP gets on a public chat forum and thinks threats of suicide are funny.  The company hosting the chat forum took her seriously but did nothing about her threats except anything that could potentially push her over the edge; such as reporting her misuse of company equipment to her employer.  (If she is fired for this misuse of company equipment and sinks lower into this depair you believed her to be in for such a trivial thing as tickets, and kills herself, your company would be morally responsible.)  Reporting her was spiteful, and unnecessary since you filed a police report against her.  (Did you happen to report her as a potential suicide needing to be interviewed, or report her harrassment of people in a public forum and needing to have charges brought against her?)  The people working for the company think lack of respect is "attitude" in a good way? 

Guess what, dealing with the public is sometimes having to deal with people that have a different opinion from yours, people with emotional issues, and immature people.  That's a fact of life when dealing with the public.  This person should have been treated with more respect from the beginning when she failed to receive the tickets she won.  At the time she displayed inappropriate behavior in the public chat she could have also been treated in a professional way if you couldn't manage respect.  If you can't be professional when dealing with the public, you're in the wrong business. 

Btw, Sarah....this is not your companies chat area.  This is a public site, and people can say what they want, including the OP.  This is the appropriate forum for her to state her complaint about being "ripped off" and other people to express their opinion on the subject.  Being condescending and telling people to "shut the hell up" is not "attitude" and is not constructive for a serious issue.  It is disresectful, rude, contentious, and as stated before, hostile.  It doesn't do a thing to imporve your companies professionalism which is something that is seriously lacking here. 

I happen to agree with banning someone that doesn't abide by the rules of a public chat area.  There was nothing wrong with that, however, this issue would not have happened if she had received the tickets she was supposed to get in the first place.  Her childish and immature response is secondary. 

I hope the company reads this report and sees how they are being represented here.  The company looks petty.  They have a lack of respect for everyone in general (listeners and potential listeners).  They have a disregard for winners of their contests, and disregard for people that obviously have other emotional issues.  If you think the posts representing your company do not reflect directly on your company, you're seriously mistaken.  I for one would not want my company represented in this manner. 

Per DJFrank, "if you don't like the music, simply DO NOT visit the station"; I don't intend to no matter what music you play. 



South Carolina,

Your Answer to Prizes & Etc.


Thu, August 20, 2009

First of all, I am making a comment to David in SC. This station grew from a small office space and not accessible to the public. So, in any business mind is to locate in a better location and have it accessible for the public to visit. Common sense ...

Second ... I know all about how a station gives out their prizes. Yes, they must present their ID to confirm who they are when picking up a prize AT THE STATION! WOGZ Radio is an Internet Radio Station and really doesn't need a big space to operate their business.

All prizes comes from a third party like the jet-ski which was donated. WOGZ Radio was waiting from the couple who went on vacation to hand over the proper documents so the item can be released. Could it be done earlier? My observation - YES! But, the couple went off on their vacation and WOGZ Radio waited patiently for them to return. And, the winner was aware of this situation. One prize down and confirmed ...

As far as money goes, the one person who was banned should have read the rules & regulations before opening her mouth and getting terminated. It's her fault for not controling her attitude and mouth in our chat room from our website. No foul language is accepted in our room. All winning & prizes are forfeited. It's entirely the individual sole responsibilty to understand these rules & regulations before even stepping in our chat room or participate in our contest for that factor.

WOGZ Radio is solely aware of all these allegations but most of them are false or already being taken care of from our headquarters.

WOGZ Radio has merged with a Corporate Communications Group and all liability aspects of their business is being implented immediately.

So, you can insinuate all you want but the FACT reminds ... If you don't WORK for WOGZ Radio or our Corporation Communications Group, I'll tell you like I told the other person above ... SHUT THE HELL UP!

That's our motto - Rockin' & Playing Music from Around The World with An ATTITUDE!

You have your opinion and been heard. Now, we are speaking up to issue YOU the facts in what's going on at the station. Thank you for writing ...



My God, what kind of radio station is this?


Thu, August 20, 2009

I guess in this great country anyone can own and operate an independent enterprise.  But when that enterprise is a public forum (Radio) then you would think they would hire intelligent speakers (DJ) to represent them.

You have one DJ (Sarah) that is rude and foul mouthed and another (Frank) that is illiterate.  What a classy station that must be.


South Carolina,

What about the prizes won but not received?Why so hostile?


Thu, August 20, 2009

The employees of this station are quick to call this woman everything but a nut case, yet you have not answered her accusations about other prizes that listeners won but have never received. A listener supposedly won a jet ski, and never received it. It is very easy to have contest and offer high end prizes, but it seems that you have a problem delivering them. I live in S.C. and I can get that station, and I might try to enter one of your contest. IF I do and if I am lucky enough to win and receive a prize, no matter if it is restaurant vouchers, or a jet ski, I will be back and defend your station, but if I win and get a run around from you, we will know that this lady is telling the truth. It appears to me something is not right about this. I do not think this lady is crazy, I think she is just annoyed she won a prize and 1 week before she was to fly to L.A. she still had not received her tickets.Most radio stations I know of ask the winner of a contest to come to their station and show proper I.D. to prove they are the winner and to verify they have not won any prize in the past 30 days. I have never heard of expensive prizes being sent out regular mail with no delivery confirmation. I think you were looking for any excuse to disqualify this woman so you would not be obliged to give her the prize she won. I do not think she was going to drive all the way down to Charleston and take her own life to get back at you. That makes no sense.


South Carolina,

What about the prizes won but not received.


Thu, August 20, 2009

The employees of this station are quick to call this woman everything but a nut case, yet you have not answered her accusations about other prizes that listeners won but have never received. A listener supposedly won a jet ski, and never received it. It is very easy to have contest and offer high end prizes, but it seems that you have a problem delivering them. I live in S.C. and I can get that station, and I might try to enter one of your contest. IF I do and if I am lucky enough to win and receive a prize, no matter if it is restaurant vouchers, or a jet ski, I will be back and defend your station, but if I win and get a run around from you, we will know that this lady is telling the truth. It appears to me something is not right about this. I do not think this lady is crazy, I think she is just annoyed she won a prize and 1 week before she was to fly to L.A. she still had not received her tickets.Most radio stations I know of ask the winner of a contest to come to their station and show proper I.D. to prove they are the winner and to verify they have not won any prize in the past 30 days. I have never heard of expensive prizes being sent out regular mail with no delivery confirmation. I think you were looking for any excuse to disqualify this woman so you would not be obliged to give her the prize she won. I do not think she was going to drive all the way down to Charleston and take her own life to get back at you. That makes no sense.


Goose Creek,
South Carolina,

Take Responsibility Of Your Actions...


Thu, August 20, 2009

I am aware of this matter and was in the presence with the owner & co-owner to WOGZ Radio when this occurred.

Apparently, Lady "X" or Meg T was in our chat room talking to others and stating she would jump over the bridge for these tickets won from our station. Philip was in town taking care of business and mailed out her tickets as he received a phone call from us stating Lady "X" or Meg T was acting immature, in an uproar about this manner.

Whether she was joking in our website or not, you can't act irresponsible or throw a tantrum in a public chat when others are residing and trying to carrying on a conversation. Her actions was unacceptable as a few people tried to claim her down. Since it was not my shift at the time and wasn't able to login, I notified others at the station as they observed her stupidity and ignorance. She calmed down within 10 minutes as the owner appeared. He took our statement and received a few letters in the morning as well.

Our boss made a public statement again on how to act in our chat rooms. And, this is an on-going thing especially when people don't know how to act on other people's website.

Lady "X" or Meg T was banned and terminated because of her actions and called to explain what happen. Even, pleaded to our boss about what happen. You have to realize this is a business and any inappropriate language, conflicts, threats, harassing or etc. can cause you to lose your membership in our network. Rules and Regulations are posted on our site to be review and followed. There are NO exceptions!

When you join any website or network, you should completely understand how things operate in any business.

Since this an Internet Radio Station, the FCC does not have any jurisdiction in what songs can be play on a radio. It's up to the owner descent to play what they feel fit. If you don't like the music, simply DO NOT visit the station. That's A FACT!

WOGZ Radio is solely aware of several prizes that hasn't been awarded but has repeatly stated this to their listeners and winners. They have nothing to hide. A Corporate Business has taken over to WOGZ Radio and this is their first concern.

Posting things we already know about doesn't prove anything. Everything done at the station is document and logged on a daily basis. This is used for any type of slander, false allegations and stories written against WOGZ Radio.

The moral of this incident? Take responsibility for your actions and suffer the consequences.


South Carolina,

You weren't there so it's your best to shutup and act more mature of an adult instead of acting like a kid ...


Thu, August 20, 2009

It's shows you how stupid and people are when it comes to making a statement like this when they don't know the whole story ... Her story is far from the truth. Maybe a in few lines or aspects ...I'll give her credit for trying ...

Furthermore, Meg T has lied in her story and carried on in our chat room as a immature, childish adult claiming to take her life and jumping over a bridge. For what? Some tickets? Hahaha - WOGZ Radio has the right to ban and terminate those who doesn't know how to act on our website or any other business website. This has been stated by 27 other internet stations and they wouldn't have tolerant this type of behavior.

I am a DJ at the station and was present at that time. Not in the chat room, but observing since the owners was called upon. I seen how inappropriate she carried this scene in our chat. This is a professional business.

As long as this station has been around and rewarded prizes, it sad to see how someone will go the length to get attention, sympathy or etc to get a prize.

She was banned for her actions. And, we made a police report. Joking manner about this?? Please ... you live up to your responsible and act like an adult on any website for that manner.

Meg T was warned three times to log off since she was banned and carried on like nothing happen. So, WOGZ Radio has the right to make a formal complaint to her job about her actions and using company equipment for her personal enjoyment.

Furthermore, our attorney was in town filing warrants and was shipping out her tickets on Friday but was advised to cancel the tickets after this scene was submitted on our website. Philip cancelled the delivery immediately and took everyone's statement to this situation.

So, it doesn't matter what you think or others when we are received 9 compliant letters against her actions. You need to follow rules and instructions in ANYTHING! Especially on someone else's website and their business. Now, show your stupidity about this ... if you don't know the facts, shut the HELL UP! All you have is your opinion ... that's it!

Meg T was found guilty and her membership to our network was terminated and banned. Our rules and regulations states any winnings or earnings won from an individual and is banned is forfeited. There's nothing more to be added or said. These are the FACTS and what has transpired - period.

State all you want but these rules and regulations protects us and our listeners.



Was this really a joke??


Thu, August 20, 2009

How interesting that this woman says she was joking about killing herself. Yes she DID make that statement along with jumping off the bridge. There was nothing amusing about that conversation. Not ONLY that, for about 10 days prior to this, she had been in a constant panic that she hadn't received these tickets yet. I had tried to calm her down and said I would speak to the station owner who was extremely busy and preoccupied with other more serious issues at the time. The Saturday prior to this incident she was completely hysterical in tears stating that she couldn't deal with this anymore, that nothing ever works for her in her life and told me it was nice knowing me several times and left. What was I to think? Does this sound amusing?

In regards to this "sexual talk" she is claiming, things said in main chat are always done in fun and jest. We try not to offend anyone and no one has ever made a complaint on the issue since it's always very amusing initiating a lot of laughter. The above party who made the initial complaint took part, herself in all these slapstick comments. There have been enough witnesses that can attest to that for the last couple of months. Not ONCE has she ever made a complaint, formal or otherwise to anyone at the station on this issue. How convenient that she brings it up now. Yes some of the songs played on air can be a little colorful. This is, however an Internet radio station with little censorship, the FCC has no jurisdiction, the station owner decides what they will or won't broadcast. I also have not heard any formal complaints from anyone regarding this either.

As far as her "claim of people not being paid, she does not work at the station, she does not know all the details of this specific program and who was owed what. The station acknowledges this matter and has every intention to rectify it, which is completely an unrelated issue to the initial complaint regarding these tickets. SO before any conclusions can be made, there's always 2 sides to examine.


British Columbia,



Thu, August 20, 2009

Instead of getting control of the situation, letting this woman know she'd get her winnings and everything was OK, you sat there and watched, allowing the situation get to a point that was adventagous  to you?

You, sir, are scum.

Were it I, I would have reassured the woman that all was well and that she would receive her prize, instead of not only allowing the situation build on itself, but exploiting it to my advantage, as you have done.

Did you even think to ask any of the other forumgoers what they thought of the situation? Probably not.

This entire scenario simply makes you look like a total twit who is trying to save their "radio station" from having to do any payouts of prizes. You state a "lack of concern" for this woman's ticket winnings, but exatly how far did you go to reassure this person, this essential customer of yours, that it was all OK and you'd make sure she got what she applied for with reasonable expectations? It appears none.

Now, what about those other prizes that you are accused of skipplng out on? I'd love to hear about those....


South Carolina,

Suicidal Woman Jokes To Far...


Wed, August 19, 2009

On Friday Aug. 14 around 7pm EST after the contest was played, one of the members of WOGZ Radio was in main chat very distressed about not receiving some concert tickets that were supposed to be sent to her. There were several other people in the chat but not sure exactly if everyone was paying attention. Meg T was in a constant uproar ranting on about how she was going to kill herself because these tickets still havent arrived. She stated it several times and how she would jump off the Charleston bridge because she couldnt stand the wait any longer on what the fate of these tickets were. 2 other members responded to her comments trying to calm her down. I thought to myself, is this not harassing, abusive behaviour to others in the chat room? In fact, this was more of a harassing statement to DJ Michael himself. The threats of killing herself was obviously addressed to him in reference to the tickets that HE was solely responsible in sending to her, she was pointing the finger directly at him. It may not have been an immediate threat to his face but it was made in a public chat room for others to view, on HIS network, HIS station, towards HIS alleged lack concern for her tickets. There are also others at the station who are not necessarily logged in who I am sure can see what is said in chat. Who else is she really threatening with her attempts to kill herself? This was NOT a sarcastic comment or a joke since the other members were concerned for her welfare and state of mind. This conversation continued for a few pages.

DJ Michael has done nothing but to try and accommodate everyone in making the contest an enjoyable one with a variety of methods of play and to offer a chat room that works for everyones needs. Even though he has been very busy, he tries to make it a point to interact with his members to receive their feedback and input. It is sad that with all the negative comments and constant whining of late that it may come to the point where the DJ will eventually isolate himself entirely from the chat room. Hopefully it wont come to that because thats one thing that makes this network so great.

In ANY other place of business, if someone would have the audacity to try to coerce the administrator or owner with such severe threats (especially in writing) in an attempt to get what they want, they would have surely been banned and stripped of their winnings. This is unprofessional, unstable, immature behaviour and has greatly upset some members of the network. According to chat room rule #1, it was a violation of chat room rules. Correct me if Im wrong butContest rule #5d states a person can be disqualified of their winnings if they violate the rules. These tickets are not someones livelihood; they are not a matter of life and death. In fact, Meg had already attended the concert in question and sat in the front rows. It amazes me how some people are so ungrateful and greedy and have such petty things to worry about in their lives when there are so many serious issues in our world that need our attention.

WOGZ Chat room rules state Rule Number One- Do not verbally abuse, attack, embarrass, or threaten anyone else in the chat room, no matter what they might say to you. Contest Rules 5d. For Internet contests: Station, in is sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify any person tampering with the entry process, the operation of our Stations Web Sites or is otherwise in violation of the rules.

She can't claim this is false because it was after-the-fact when she was banned and terminated from our network. The local authorites was contacted and statements was given from those who witness her mental health and unstability. We have 9 testimonials and letters from others from the station. And, I am the one who is pushing this issue.

She still comes to our website and uses her account. Contacts us and others on the site after she states, she wants no other contact with us.This shows her unstability to be in today's society which we are filing against her and will ask the judge to place her in the mental hospital for further observation.

We are have received several letters again from her and will file charges against her for false allegations. She needs to live up to her responsibilities because of her actions that was observed on our website - our business. We have the right to terminate and ban those who does not follow our rules and regulations as stated on our website.

Respond to this Report!