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  • Report:  #626219

Complaint Review: World Bike Bike Climb Ecuador

World Bike, Bike Climb Ecuador Angela Palacios, Rafael Martinez, Yeanina Oliva World Bike es una compania de mentirosos, ladrones, y abusadores. Quito, Other

  • Reported By:
    anonymous — Beverly Hills California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 23, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 23, 2010

World Bike es una compania de mentirosos, ladrones, y abusadores.

En 2008 conoci Angela Palacios y Rafael Martinez, la pareja duenos de World Bike, una compania de turismo de Ecuador en Quito, Ecuador. Los conoci en un viaje al Ecuador por amigos mutuos.

Angela Palacios se presento como una mujer ambiciosa y exitosa de negocios. Introduciendo me a su familia y nos volvimos amigos.

Pronto Angela me pidio dinero para sus negocios con la mentira de expandir el negocio a E.E.U, abriendo oficinas en Nueva York, California y Florida. Fue muy persuasiva y me convenci que le preste effectivo con la esperanzas de un alto nivel de ganancias. Me prometio pagar en seis meses.

Angela se fue de viaje al E.E.U. supuestamente a promotar el negocio, prometiendo que cuando regrese el negocio seria prospero y yo tendria el regreso de mi invercion. Angela se jactaba de que ella tena una hija muy exitosa en el E.E.U., Yeanina Oliva, estaba encargada del negocio internacionalmente.

Bike World is a company of liars, thieves, and abusers.

In 2008 I met Angela Palacios and Rafael Martinez, the couple owners of Bike World, a tourism company in Ecuador in Quito, Ecuador. The knowledge on a trip to Ecuador by mutual friends.

Angela Palacios presented himself as an ambitious woman and successful business. Introducing me to his family and we became friends.

Soon Angela asked me money for their business with lying to expand the business to EEU, opening offices in New York, California and Florida. He was very persuasive and convinced me to provide it effectively with the hopes of a high level of profits. I promised to pay in six months.

Angela went on a trip to E.E.U. promoter allegedly business, promising that when he comes serious business thriving and I would have the return of my investing. Angela boasted that she had a daughter very successful in the EEU, Yeanina Oliva, was in charge of international business.

For 2009, there was no attempt to pay the money owed nor angels, nor Rafael Martinez. Return to Ecuador and went to the office of the World Bike with my concern. Angela convincio me manipulating the situation that all is well and I had to do one more trip to EEU to recover the money to pay me. I had no option but wait to come back with money.

In early 2010, Angela returned to EEU allegedly to recover the money. When Angela was already in the EEU, I started getting calls from frantic Yeanina Angela and her daughter Olive, saying that he had been robbed and needed $ 3.100 immediately. Concerned for the safety of them, send the money. That was the last time I was able to communicate with Angela Palacios, Rafael Martinez, Oliva Yeanina or Bike World. I called to Rafael Martinez several times and hang me. Angela number change and does not respond to any message.

After I found out that Angela Oliva Palacios and were asking Yeanina large amounts of money to family and friends, under the lie that they needed for trial and lawyers. Currently, there never was or court trial dates, it was all lies to cheat more money.

I have already filed a complaint with the authorities EEU and with that I found out that there has never been attempted in EEU Bike World Business I lost thousands of dollars to this company and these people misleading thief. A warning against any person doing business with the World Bike / Bike Climb Ecuador, or any other business associated with Angela Palacios, Rafael Martinez, and Yeanina Oliva.

These people are unprofessional at best and the worst, they are thieves and swindlers. There are many good tour companies in Ecuador, but this is not one of them.

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Para 2009, no habia intentado pagar el dinero debido ni Angela, ni Rafael Martinez. Regrese a Ecuador y fui a la oficina de World Bike con mis preocupacion. Angela me convincio manipulando la situacion que todo esta bien y que tenia que hacer un viaje mas a E.E.U. a recuperar el dinero para pagarme. No tenia opcion solo esperar que regrese con dinero.

Al principios del ano 2010, Angela se regreso a E.E.U. para supuestamente recuperar el dinero . Cuando Angela ya estaba en E.E.U., empece a recibir llamadas franticas de Angela y su hija Yeanina Oliva, diciendo que le habian robado y que necesitaba $3,100 imediatamente. Preocupado por la seguridad de ellas, mande el dinero. Esa fue la ultima vez que me he podido comunicar con Angela Palacios, Rafael Martinez, Yeanina Oliva, o World Bike. Lo he llamado a Rafael Martinez varias veces y me cuelga. Angela cambio de numero y no responde a ningun mensaje.

Despues me entere que Angela Palacios y Yeanina Oliva estaban pidiendo grande cantidades de dinero a familia y amigos, bajo la mentira que lo necesitaban para un juicio y abogados. Actualmente, nunca hubo fechas de juicio o corte, todo fue mentira para defraudar mas dinero.

Yo ya he archivado un reclamo con la autoridades E.E.U. y con eso me entere que nunca hubo intento de negocios World Bike en E.E.U. He perdido miles de dolares a esta compania engaosa y esta gente ladrona. Una seal de advertencia contra cualquier persona haciendo negocios con el World Bike / Bike Climb Ecuador, o cualquier otro negocio asociados con Angela Palacios, Rafael Martinez, y Yeanina Oliva.

Estas personas Son poco profesionales en el mejor y el peor, son ladrones y estafadores. Hay muchas buenas empresas de turismo en Ecuador, pero esto no es una de ellos.

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