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  • Report:  #287104

Complaint Review: World Wide Consulting Services/ United Consulting Services/Peter Ferrigan/Ken Carver/Ed Nuttle/Tonya

World Wide Consulting Services/ United Consulting Services/Peter Ferrigan/Ken Carver/Ed Nuttle/Tonya The Scam Continues after 23 years liars, Deceitful, Con Deceptive Practices,Consumer Fraud Charlotte North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Raleigh North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 27, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 23, 2009
  • World Wide Consulting Services/ United Consulting Services/Peter Ferrigan/Ken Carver/Ed Nuttle/Tonya
    9303 Monroe Rd Suite K
    Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Phone:
  • Category:

BBB Accreditation: This organization is not a BBB Accredited business.

In Fact as of this date 11/26/07 Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record BBB Definition:

unsatisfactory record - A company has an "unsatisfactory business performance record" with the BBB is based on the experiences reflected in BBB files. This file condition results when the company has failed to resolve or respond to complaints, repeatedly failed to respond or resolve issues in a timely manner, failed to resolve the underlying issues for a pattern -

More than 2 complaints involving the same allegations usually within 12 months that are significant in relation to the company's size and volume of business.
of complaints, failed to honor their commitment to mediate or arbitrate disputes or honor mediated agreements or arbitrated decisions, failed to substantiate, modify or discontinue false advertising claims that are challenged by the BBB, or failed to discontinue unauthorized use of the BBB name and logo, a Federally protected trademark.
with the BBB Some of these issuse are as followsRefund or Exchange Issues

Refund or Exchange Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor company policy or verbal commitment to provide refunds, exchanges, or credit for products or services.

Service Issues BBB Definition:

Service Issues - Claims of alleged delay in completing service, failure to provide promised service, inferior quality of provided service, or damaged merchandise as a result of delivery service.
Sales Practice Issues
Contract Issues BBB Definition:

Contract Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor contract or agreement, work performed without authorization, or invalid contract.

Company Management
Additional company management personnel include:
Mr. Ed Nuttle
Ms. Tonya Dunphy

All of the above is from the BBB of Charlotte on the web for your knowledge.

Wow there is so much where to begin lets see I responded to the famous ad in Automotive News. You know the bible of the automobile industry and where all the innocent prey comes from. It stated something like this: World Wide Consulting Services looking for Trainers who wanted to make $148,000 to $300,000 per year no weekends and working only 40 weeks a year. I will be the first to admit I did not follow through with enough investigation of this company before I sent in my resume but I sent it in anyway.

It wasn't long before I got a call back from Ken Carver (we will call him the CLOSER , his responsibility is to feed you all the wonderful things WWCS has to offer you, bottom line his job is to get you to commit to coming to Charlotte for training.). He will tell you stories about all the unlimited opportunities in your area the paid expenses, the per diem and that there is more WORK than you can handle in your STATE) Well there might be if in fact you live in the STATE of CONFUSSION.

He called me back and stated that his BOSS had given him the GREEN LIGHT to invite me down to become a trainer for there company. He did not however tell me about the $4980.00 FEE oh no that never came out of his mouth. I did not want to come down to Charlotte so soon in fact I asked if I could wait until the next class. Ken told me they only hold 2 classes a year only 2 wow yep 1 in July and the other in December.

So I decided to investigate. At that time I asked for some references and I got a list of both trainers and automotive dealers only to find out later that their lips were LOADED by the Master Mind of this 23 PLUS YEAR SCAM. As I later found out they were/are Peter Ferrigans puppets. After asking many questions I was told the about the $4980 FEE. That alone should have been a FLAG. There was no FEE mentioned in the Automotive News AD. Of course now as of this date 11/27/07 I have done my do DILIGENCE I am sharing that with you know.

This is what I have found I now have in my possession a copy from the state of New York. The Following New York Complaint: Index no 5722-97 and RJI no 01-97-051370 these are exerts form the same complaint filed in New York in 1997. Wow in 1998 the SCAM (WORLD WIDE CONSULTANTING SERVICES) moved to Charlotte NC. I wonder why? Well lets see A.T.S. of Albany, Inc World Wide Consulting Services, Inc and Peter Ferrigan individually and as an officer of the above named corporations.

Misrepresenting, directly or by implication, to prospective sales trainers the amount of money they will earn.

Misrepresenting, directly or by implication to prospective sales trainers the Number and or location of bookings respondents will provide them.

Misrepresenting, directly or by implication, to prospective salespersons the cost of The training (he gets around this one now by selling training material to prospective salespeople)

Misrepresenting, directly or by implication, the number of sales positions that are available and chances of obtaining a job. ie. Placing an ad in the paper for 10,15 or more sales people when in fact the dealer may or may not hire any and is looking for 3,maybe 4 total people( Take all the money you can from all the prospects you can we will place them some where, some how). If you are not hired on Friday by the dealer call in on Tuesday morning to our placement department and we will try to place you. This is how you find out if you can stay employed the more money you take from your class the longer you are employed by World Wide Consulting Services.

I was told by Ken that there was more business in North Carolina where I live than I could handle YEA RIGHT. Here are the bookings that I had well working with WWCS.

1ST Burlington NC invited 22 people started class on Wednesday with 12 graduated 5 not good enough

2ND week needed more training according to the office I did not close enough of the 22 (oh yes you need to close 50% of those you invite for training who by the way do not know that they are paying any thing yet because that is not disclosed to them until Wednesdays during your1st training class with them) sent to SC at my expense.

3rd off to Boston Ma. No Airfare, No Hotel, No expenses I was told by Ken I needed to prove myself. (What part of North Carolina is Boston in anyway?) Invited 8 closed 4 Wow 50 %

4th NO WORK what yep not enough work. Everyone. But there are more Classes going on are we in December? No not even close to December yet.

5th Week off to Augusta Ga. Another city in North Carolina that I am not aware of.

I did get to travel the country at my expense I saw a lot of North Carolina by way of Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, Boston . The long and short of this is in a total of 15 weeks I was in NORTH CAROLINA 3 weeks period. Then there were 3 weeks that there were no jobs or bookings.

Well you might say where oh where this SCAM. Well come to find out the SCAM is this. You pay your hard earned $4980.00 and then find out that there is a class just about every month. Let's see my class had 6 people in it for a total of $29880.00 A new group comes in pays $4980.00 each they go to class and get booking for a job the following week you are told it is a slow week and that there is no work or your numbers are down. You are not allowed to speak with the other trainers because you might find out what excuse they will tell you next week. Because every week someone gets told it is slow there is no work in hopes that you will quit. Or they send you way across the country for a deal I refused a job in Kansas and the following week got a letter that they were no longer booking me for work. By the way just what part of North Carolina can I find Kansas?

I tried many times while working with WWCS to call Peter Ferrigan with no results he told us in class all we had to do was call him and he was there for us. He took our money and ran no calls at all.

There is more here than meets the eye you pay WWCS every week you go out $300.00 booking Fee for the job and $204.00 for each student that you graduate. Now you are told in class that half a loaf is better than no loaf so take as much money from the students as you can so if a student only pays you oh let's say $300.00 of the $629.00 you still pay WWCS there $204.00. This seems to be a placement fee for the student is WWCS an Employment Agency I think not here again is this with in the law?

Now let's look at the contract you need to carry a $1,000,000.00 liability insurance policy. You need to set up with your own credit card services so that you can take credit cards form students.

WWCS Responsibility to Trainer:

These are just some that I have a problem with.

1.Maintain management staff and marketing personnel to support trainers in the field. Well how can there be weeks with no work with a staff there to support us?
2.Telemarketing services for the territory to assist in scheduling classes? Never saw or heard of anything like that. They did how ever charge a dealer to put an ad on the web if the dealer wanted them to.
3.Direct mailings to automotive dealerships in the territory. Never happened at all there was never any direct mail to dealers in my area soliciting work for me.
4.Assign trainer a specific Territory mine was North Carolina.
5.Provide trainer with technical assistance as needed. You are told that the office is for you to work out of but I tried and could not even get in the door to work they do not want you to know what is going on. I went to the office to see things before I spent my money and was met there and taken to what I was told was Peter's office I never did get a look at the entire operation.

Here is an interesting statement in the contract.
Termination this agreement shall be terminated upon the following occurrences:
Upon dissolution or bankruptcy of trainer. So lets send them every where and break the bank good idea.

I put an ad in Automotive News the weeks of October 29th and November 5th and 12th It was placed under instructors just like WWCS
References, References, References
Before I spend my hard earned money please call me concerning WWCS i got over 48 calls that is what lead to this posting. So if you want to learn more or get on the band wagon go to the Automotive News and give me a call.

Thank you for your time I hope that I have helped so of you and I have a plan to go forward with the state of North Carolina much like the folks in New York.

Raleigh, North Carolina

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on World Wide Services

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Dr. Bear Ph.d

Baton Rouge,

Your Information is Deceptive

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 22, 2009

Once again it sounds as though someone was just wooed into paying a sum of money to the Organization when in reality I KNOW for a fact that the fee was discussed well before I ever departed for Charlotte and am sure the same happened with you. Second, there was never a guarantee made to me as to how many candidates I would have in class. "IF" somone made that promise to you let me ask you a question: Why in the world would you have believed them when they do not even know how many people are going to respond to an ad? The reality is I did hear in my one year of employ with the Company that this is a good store meaning it generated a good amount of trainees. Third, you complain about the fact that the Company required you to go back to Headquarters to assist you with your "closing" skilks. I have to tell you when I had 22 in my class I closed 19 of them. Each and every week I closed nearly 75% of my people. Fourth, you state that the Company wants you to invite anyone and everyone in your class. This is not true either because Pete has established relationships with Dealers for over 23 years. He did not ever ask me to sacrifice quality for quantity. This is why my closing ratio was ALWAYS higher. I made certain that I invited to my class only those individuals who showed me promise for success in the automotive industry. I worked for Pete over 6 years ago and I still have people I trained contact me as they have moved up the ranks to managerial positons in Dealerships. I want to make publicly known that I drove Pete nuts and here is why: HE MADE NO GUARANTEES and I was petrified. I can remember the first time in the Headquarters sitting in a state of panic wondering whether I was good enough to do the job while Pete reassured me that I was. Finally, while I cannot say with 100% conviction that this was your case I can say with a fair amount of certainty that ANY trainer who had an issue with Pete violated his or her contract. I have news for you: Even the OEM'S have Contracts and require you sign them. It sounds to me that you are seeking a job that guarantees you a salary of about $150,000. My advice? Go into business yourself. Oh, I forgot you have no guarantees there either. Sorry!!!!! A former employee who worked with Pete for over one year and never had a problem!!!!!1

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