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  • Report:  #644177

Complaint Review: Worldwide Brands

Worldwide Brands Chris Malta Quite a experience Internet

  • Reported By:
    Rich — Birmingham Alabama USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 25, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 29, 2016

This story is still evolving, I will update this as this experience progresses.

Did you know that when you join something very interesting would occur in the future.  Neither did I, but I've gained the experience that your name unknowingly would be shared with  It may take a couple of years, but yes eventually your information will be shared with business development consultants will contact you offering their expertise to perform a complete market analysis and present a very solid working model, to help you succeed. 

They contacted me twice in the past and quoted right around $4000.  This time though, I was quoted $10,675.00.

Who is the principal of Home Base Learning Institute,  His name is Frank Nickels.

Yes.. Frank Nickels contacted me just on 8/18/2010 and I made a personal agreement to accept his expertise. I agreed exactly to the services he promised to render exactly per our agreement and I firmly believed this is exactly what would follow and experience.  I never really looked at the website, but very clearly understand exactly what their expertise would be.  You know as he stated Christmas time is coming up and there's, I believe stated a 50 billion dollar market coming up this holiday season with a very favorable long term potential, which continues to grow very rapidly.

I clearly understand Frank heads a operation of Professional market analysts and the very best in business development services, and I believed everything, so thanks to signing up with Worldwide Brands, I am now in the middle of gaining experience, which already has occured, yet I am not quite ready yet 1 month later to disclose how well this $10,675.00 has been invested.


What I can state, is this has been a very interesting experience, nothing like what I have experienced in the past.  I've heard about things like this, but i'll leave it at that.


Shortly though, I will update a follow up exactly what the outcome has been, I'm just not ready yet and it could go either way, all i know is I had the expertise of the very best who I paid quite a premium for their expertise.

Yes, Frank Nickels made a conference call with Chris Malta, all three of us on the line, so I agreed to receive the very finest of ecommerce business consultants, correction business development professionals, for the upcoming holiday season.

Did I discuss expected revenue through 2010 years end with Frank Nickels, I sure did.


What has followed since 8/24/2010 upon paying $10,675.00  to these business professionals to perform the services promised, that we agreed upon.


What I will do in update exactly what the outcome has been with Worldwide Brands in the near future, but by far much more important is paying for the very best regarding ecommerce expertise.  I'll be updating this in a new report Home Base Learning Institute aka as Frank Nickels.

And just for your information, this all started just by opening a Account with Worldwide Brands in the year of 2005

Here.. this is a link that clearly explains the relationship of Chris Malta with the very best professional ecommerce experts  .. see that.. clearly it states


I'm not quite ready to share exactly the outcome, this will be based on soley free will what's considered really solid business practices.

I believe I'm very much aware what the outcome will be.  Already it has been one month and I am continuing to gain this experience from those who state the very best and of course the most important factors, honesty and integrity.

I will update experience very shortly, and share the outcome of this experience. 

Thanks everyone - Rich Birmingham, Alabama.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Chris Malta, Founder/CEO, Worldwide Brands Inc.


Rebuttal from Chris Malta

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 29, 2016

I'm Chris Malta, Founder/CEO of Worldwide Brands, Inc.

I'm posting this rebuttal more than 6 years after Richard Moss filed his original complaint here. I've known about this complaint since Mr. Moss originally placed it here, but never really gave it much credence because of the number of horribly jumbled half-statements, incorrect facts and contradictions his post contains.

In fact, I learned of this post shortly after it first appeared here in 2010, and contacted Richard directly to work with him and try to sort out exactly what he meant by all of the things he said, so that I could offer any help or clarification.

At the time, Richard apologized for involving me in this report and said he would correct the record. Unfortunately, several more disjointed and rambling follow-ups appeared from him on this site.

As another general commenter here has said..."Huh? What did he say???" That's exactly how I felt. I spoke to Richard by phone several times to try to sort out whatever facts actually existed behind this complaint (if any) and I can tell you with absolute certainty that speaking to him on the phone is just as confusing as reading what he's written here.

His dialogue tends to wander off in several directions at once, and he's very hard to understand because when he talks his statements don't follow any logical progression.

Don't get me wrong; I don't want to seem insensitive to any personal problems Richard may have. He clearly felt that something wasn't right, and I've always been very straightforward and honest with people in my 23 years in business online.

You don't maintain an A+ rating with the BBB (as my company does) if you don't respond quickly and effectively in Customer Service. So I genuinely wanted to resolve whatever he felt wasn't right. It was simply impossible to do so, though, because I could not get any cohesive information from him.

So the only thing I can really do here is to tell you what actually happened back then, and let you judge for yourself.

In April of 2005, Richard Moss purchased a lifetime membership to the Worldwide Brands Drop Ship and Wholesale directory. As I said, I'm the Founder/CEO of Worldwide Brands Inc. There were no subsequent complaints from him of any kind regarding that purchase.

In 2009, I was contacted by Frank Nickel of HBLI. Mr. Nickel knew that I was traveling around the US at that time meeting with all kinds of people regarding ECommerce. He told me that his company was providing both educational and site building/marketing services to ECommerce business owners, and invited me to come to his company headquarters outside Los Angeles to look over his operation.

I did just that, spending several days in Thousand Oaks CA with Mr. Nickel at the HBLI offices (about 10,000 SF of office space if I remember correctly, jam-packed with employees). I got to know his teachers, his site programmers and his marketing team and was impressed by the level of service they offered.

Having been satisfied that they were the real deal, before leaving I agreed to recommend Mr. Nickel's company to those who might be looking for his type of services.

At some point in 2010, Richard Moss contacted my company and asked if we could recommend someone who could build a web site for him.

In his post on this site, Mr. Moss claims that his contact information was shared with other companies by Worldwide Brands, and HBLI contacted HIM. That is blatantly untrue. Worldwide Brands has never shared a single Customer contact in the 17 years we have been in business. Richard Moss asked US for a recommendation, and we recommended that he speak to HBLI.

In fact, I personally helped him contact HBLI because he was unsure about what he needed to discuss with them. He had no ECommerce experience whatsoever, and was nervous that he might not be able to explain himself correctly. So I initiated a conference call between Richard, myself, and Frank Nickel in order to try to help him.

Richard actually refers to that call in his post on this site, as follows...

(Yes, Frank Nickels made a conference call with Chris Malta, all three of us on the line, so I agreed to receive the very finest of ecommerce business consultants, correction business development professionals, for the upcoming holiday season.)

This is an example of how confusing it is to understand this man. In his post, he first says my company shared his personal info with HBLI and THEY contacted HIM, and THEN he says that I initiated a conference call to put him in touch with HBLI. Like so many other things in his posts, this makes no sense.

At any rate, I made the introduction for him, and that's the last I heard from him until I saw his first post on this site.

After seeing his post here, I tried to get to the bottom of the complaint he was making. I spoke to Richard by phone several times, but could not make heads nor tails out of the things he was saying. So I called HBLI and spoke to Frank Nickel. This is what I was told, and later was able to verify to my own satisfaction...

Richard Moss asked HBLI to help him set up an ECommerce web site. My understanding is that initially the estimates for the services he wanted were around $4,000, but Mr. Moss ended up wanting more services after a very short time. He did not want to build, market or run his own site. He wanted someone to do all that work FOR him.

The deal that Richard Moss agreed to with HBLI was that they would build his entire site AND provide him with a great number of marketing services such as SEO, article marketing, social media management and more. The price tag was just over $10,000. For all those services, performed by a professional company, that's actually pretty inexpensive.

Remember that Mr. Moss SOLICITED these services directly from HBLI, was told what they invloved and what they cost, AGREED to them, and then put the amount on a credit card.

In Richard's post here, he goes on about $10k plus in services at 30% interest. That interest was from his OWN CREDIT CARD. HBLI cannot help it if Mr. Moss used a credit card with a high interest rate; that's nobody's fault but his own.

From what I understand after speaking with HBLI after Richard's first post here, Richard Moss basically panicked after just a couple of weeks and started making repeated calls to the HBLI staff, asking questions nobody there could understand, and generally acting just as you've seen him act in the posts he's made here.

HBLI spent a great deal of time trying to understand what he was talking about, but communication with him was extremely difficult, as I know very well myself.

My understanding is that HBLI did perform the services he purchased, but beyond that I really don't know much more about what's happened with him or his site in the 6 years since then; Richard Moss has never contacted me again in that time.


Richard Moss claims that my company shared his contact information with other companies. That's not true; we don't do that, ever. He contacted us and asked for a recommendation to another company, which I gave him.

He then contracted for services with that other company, apparently got panicky after doing so, and created a great deal of confusion for the people who were trying to provide them with those services.

Then he posted his first complaint here, calling me "the very finest of ecommerce business consultants", while at the same time seeming to try to label me as a some kind of bad guy. I honestly don't get it.

In all of the thousands of words in all of his posts, I simply cannot understand what his actual complaint is...can you?

I don't blame Richard Moss for this. He truly does seem to me like an extremely confused individual, and I wish him the best in anything that he does. But I could no longer simply ignore the fact that this completely erroneous (by his own admission...I think?!) report by Richard Moss keeps popping up from time to time and causes people to ask questions, and I felt it was time to answer them here.

Anyone who wants to ask me anything about this can do so easily. My DIRECT phone line has been all over the internet for's 888-824-7476. Additionally, the Worldwide Brands Customer Service line is also on every page of the website.

I've spent many years working very hard to provide and to recommend the best possible products and services to ECommerce business owners, and I stand by everything that I do and say.



Yes.. update

#7Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2012

Probably Frank..

Yes me too.. no completed website but they do backup progress to the education
context.. the reputation of chris malta he believes is perfect.. so nothing has
evolved me too.. but it's contingent on their expertise that participant to
achieve success is warranted.. Luke though is thoroughly legit.. he's there
to help you prove success and I'm sure he's very good at his expertise.. what
you paid for you always will have.. the potential you invested is there forever
but you are expected to invest a considerably amount towards it if there going
to invest their part.. I most definitely know they are professionals in what they


Feura Bush,
New York,

Curious About No Recent Follow Up

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, October 04, 2012

I'm pretty sure I've been scammed by Chris Malta and his buddy Frank along with Homebase Learning Institute, except that I paid more that $10,675.00.

I will be filing my own accounts of my experience with them (what a joke) in the near future. Needless to say, I have never seen a completed website. I paid for a turnkey package but was always on the phone with the IT people and always ended up confused about what my part in this was supposed to be.

Honestly, I was so disgusted with myself since I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent person and business owner, that I could be the victim of a large scale scam that it took me this long to talk publicly about it. I still owe over $10,000 after 2+ years.

I am trying to take the "live and learn" approach and just warn people that it's not what it seem so beware.

Mrs Edrena F


Huh? What did he say???

#7General Comment

Tue, July 05, 2011

This person (Rich) has filed more than one report, seemingly favorable towards this opportunity; yet I don 't know what he is trying to say. I found this offer regarding Worldwide Brands and working from home as a wholesaler/dropship opportunity on craigslist and I am very much interested in working from home and this particular "opportunity," if legitimate, interests me a great deal; but because I've already lost thousands of dollars on various scams, I wanted to research this before committing to it, so I began a search in various sites to see if it had been reported by anyone as a scam.

I'm still perplexed; and Rich's very wordy, repetitious report has served only to confuse me further. I most definitely would not invest 10,000 into something as vague as this. However, I'll continue researching the Internet hoping to find something concrete and will perhaps revisit this area in the future to see if Rich has added anything that will finally throw light instead of mud, on the subject/opportunity. Thanks.



Important original post update

#7Author of original report

Mon, September 27, 2010

By far the most important goal is to update this that i believe the outcome will be success and rewarding for everything, certainly my goal isn't to harm anyone.

What is most important, healthy clear communications has been able to be re establish and H.B.L.I mission is true.  Although a signficant amount, they are very much aware of their expertise.  Now communicating that, honestly, i'm clueless

and that's the truth.  Chris himself called Saturday and openly and honestly we

clearly communicated. 


What will be the progressive final outcome, most likely exactly what is stated.

For a month, i have been for the most part clueless and the goal and outcome

should all be progress and success and I believe it will be.  I would never want to be in a position valuable time and energy becomes misdirected and certainly not towards

a destructive outcome, that only occurs when initiative needs to be taken some sided, otherwise, usually it's in respect to clear communications.  I am very fortunate, because i've been able to rely on verbal agreements for all my life and the result has always been a very rewarding outcome with everyone and usually as long as clear communications occurs and the agreement, it has always turned out that way, which is exactly what I expect from these updates.  I will most update my original post in the coming up weeks and months.  Thanks- Rich




#7Author of original report

Sat, September 25, 2010

I think at this time I go ahead and share more...

I contacted Worldwide Brands both on 9/23/2010 and 9/24/2010 and very clearly told them what has resulted by them sharing my personal information.

I only related this to their receptionist Ronsanne Cline who took my information, to forward this experience directly to Chris Malta.  On 9/24/2010, I reiterated again to please contact Mr. Malta and forward it again.  I left a voicemail at Worldwide Brands voicemail of Director of operations, Tisha Rogers.


Worldwide Brands is fully aware of  the $10,675.00  is pending financed at 30% interest.  I knew nothing whatsoever about Home Base Learning institute, you know the real helpful referral from this establishment, infact I knew nothing about HBLI services, only with the reliance exactly what Mr. Frank Nickels clearly described their expertise, infact I didn't know prior to this anything related to their exsistence, other than they are the VERY BEST other than what Mr. Nickels described as the very finest Ecommerce Business market research analyst with oustanding expertise of market research to identify a very solid working model for this upcoming holiday season.  I clearly asked financial projections WHICH Mr. Frank Nickels clearly disclosed the projected, by estimates, a professional estimate of income, which by this factor taking in consideration in our agreement.

You know I have Mr. Nickels and Chris Malta's expertise and a very solid staff of the very finest professionals with their outstanding expertise.

At exactly 1 month of experience regarding professional services rendered, the outcome is pending.  I believe while I wait for their response, I am well preparing for what ultimately will be the outcome.


Sure, I'll update this in the report related to H.B.L.I .. I haven't yet created what this experience has consisted of, but I will create and give a very solid experience of their expertise.


What I can state, within 1 week, I'm going to clearly document EXACTLY what this experience has consisted of and of course the quality of those services rendered by investing $10,675.00 at 30% interests.  The holiday season, just 3 months left, so believe me, this is going to be a most interesting posting, which I will keep fully up to date as developments occur.  I purposely am limiting disclosure at this point, what I can state so far 2 - 3 weeks of professional services rendered so far and right at 30 days at the agreement between Richard Moss and Frank Nickels, highly acclaimed by Worldwide Brands Chris Malta himself


Of course, we all expect very solid business practices, of exactly the services and expertise based on exactly the professional services promised.  They are being paid very well for their expertise and the outcome of course complete satisfaction.  That's exactly what great business relationships are based on.


What I will share, most certainly will be exactly what I have learned and the exact experiences concerning their expertise.  That will be updated at Home Business Learning Institute  (HBLI)  (H.B.L.I), with a agreement initiated with the President Frank Nickels himself.  I am very much aware exactly the context of their expertise, exactly what we mutually agreed upon, and 1 month of services rendered.  As of right now, the conclusion is pending and within couple of days i'll know exactly what i'll need to know to give a very accurate continuation of updates, exactly what a great job everyone is doing..  Honestly, I'm not quite ready yet.. just a little bit more time.

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