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  • Report:  #749005



  • Reported By:
    EARLENE — HARTSVILLE South Carolina United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 04, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 13, 2011

The end of May 2011 Wunderland Cockers put a down payment on a champion dog.  She sent a 1000 dollar deposit.  The price for the dog was 2000 dollars bred to my champion male.  Her husband wouldn't let her pay that much so I decided to let her have the dog for 1500.  This was her last litter and you never know what will happen. Shipped the dog within 3 days. Since then she has complained and complained about everything. She is not pregnant, she was loaded with ticks/fleas (I had just had her groomed the day before she left), she has cataracts.  This was still the end of may she was due July 11th. She then took her to a vet, he said not pregnant, and has a cataract.  Second vet no cataract but not pregnant. In S.C. we wait for 7-10 days before pups are born and do an x-ray. So then she decided she wanted a different male to do a rebreeding than was original used. She would drive her back for the rebreeding because flying was too expensive. I e-mail her about the dog and ask her how she is doing. I received an e-mail back threatening me. You don't know who you are f***ing with etc..  She has used the internet so that if you pull up my web her lies are there about me. Filed a complaint with pay pal t get her money back. They sided in my favor after reading her e-mails to me. I have had things happen that I didn't like but that happens when your in business. Kept most of it to myself.  This lady is crazy! Please beware. Now she is taking me to court to get her 200 dollars back has GIVEN the dog away. Great move.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



EJ Cockers / Earlene Johnson

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 12, 2011

I had to take Earlene Johnson of EJ Cockers to court 8/11/11 to get a blk female cocker sapniel

St James Holly Pop AKC reg. Paper .

Earlene Johnson didn't show up and i got the AKC reg, paper and the $300.00 and cost of $76.00


United States of America

EJ Cockers

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 31, 2011

I sent EJ cockers Earlene Johnson 1725 Gamecock Rd.Hartsville, S.C. 29550  

$1,300 plus $260 for shipping. The cocker that i got was . 4 years old. SHe wan't bred,

Like she said she was  and she went down to 1,500 total for her and stud fee

Here is some emails from her to me and me to her

I would need her shipped . Would you ship COD for the shipping cost

If I can ship cod yes. earlene

and after i paid for her she told me she couldn't ship COD 

Would you take any less on her Bibi Bibi and would you take payments?

My husband told me i can only go 1,500 . Sorry He said if she didn't take thats even way to much for a 4 year old ; And i think so too.If you can go that i can send the 1,000 paypal now. i would be using my paypal credit.

So he thinks a ch female bred to a ch boy is too much.  She is a proven breeder. You would have the dog and be making payments onher, pups will be born and you'll still owe 1000. If she wasn't bred you would owe only 500. I don't see how you can loose. It cost 2000 dollarsjust to get one of them their champion?? Earlene

sorry it took so long to get back to you but my net isn't working to good right now.Its more her age . If she didn't her being 4 years old  $1'500 is hight

ok I'll do the 1500. but when would you pay the 500? Earlene

you will do 1'500 total

yes but I need to know when the 500 will be sent. Earlene


Well you guarantee in contract she's breed and will have puppies ? That is hight for a 4 year old dog. WOuld you back date the paper so it would show me as the breeder of the litter.

would her sign AKC paper and signed AKC litter form Come with her ? ALICE



I will do all you said. If she doesn't have pups you would deduct 500 dollars for the stud fee. Yes, it is a lot but you'll get it all back.and I'll send you pic's of sire and dam. earlene

 Alice this is a e-mail we sent to each other stating for 2000 I would deduct 500 if she didn't have pups.



so are u saying your taking off 500 or not going to  take off 500 and not breeding her again.   ALICE

This was bewtenn me and her  no other breeders


I just asked a few breeders and that was their opinion. I'll do whatever you want but do feel for 1500 it was just for her. I really believe she is pregnant b/c shealways takes. I want happy people so we'll work it out. think positive. Earlene


I just took Bibi to the Vets side he didn't feel no pups.  Are you sure her breeding date's was May 9th ,11th and 12th ? She would be 7 weeks and nothing, I would like if you would just refund the 500. i still owe you 200 so you would owe me 300 and send me her AKC paper

And i just thought this was so funny for someone that don't no more then this about breeding i wouldn't wont to send a dog for her for breeding anyway

Number one you don't feel pups. The only way you can tell for sure is a Cat Scan. An x-ray can't even tell until about 7 or 8 days before?? Earlene


I started breeding cockers back in 1995 and i can feel if there is pups or not i haven't felt any thats why i took her to my vet and thats why i ask you if them dates is for sure  I can tell on any female thats 6 weeks or more.. I know on some females they can have them up hight in the ribs. But i'm telling you she hasn't got no bigger if she is bred they are up very hight in the ribs. I can take my girls to my vet at 6 weeks and he can tell my yes or know and i my self can feel them. i fell nonthing in her. her nips should be getting big too. after all she should be due in 2 weeks. I hope vet and i am wrong. still i hope..


Okay just got back from the Vets this makes 2 (TWO) Vets that told me she is not bred. NO pup's at all . I did get a statement From this Vet. to send to PAYPAL and AKC if needed .....She don't have cataract's .  I need to know what your going to do. I want her AKC paper and the $300.. I'm going to call AKC and  paypal and Open a dispute before i do all this i would like to see if we can work this out if i Open a dispute i will be telling them i'm not getting the AKC appaer and she wan't bred like YOU said and i will get all my money i sent you the $1,300. they will get it back from you. ------. An i will be shipping her back. to you. at your cost. When you said you would take the 1,500. you never said its just for her not for the breeding.  You said  I will get my money back. from pups how will i if she don't have pups? If you don't e-mail me back tonight i take it as your not standing by what you said and i'll do what i have to do.      Thanks Alice


I have your e-mails that i sent stating I would bred her back?? I knew she didnt have cataracts due to the history of these dogs.  what in the world is your problem? I want my 200 and i'll send all her paper work gladly. Earlene


you did say you will guarantee this breeding right. I'm just making sure. she is not showing any signs of being breed yet. i don't know how soon she shows. but she is 5 weeks and there is no signs at all.

Yes, you can send her back in her next heat for a rebreeding.  She is hard to tell because she is always fat! I hope and pray she is. Earlene

Now in her own words she said she would take off 500 for the stud fee and this e-mail she said no maney back LOL

I really don't feel like I charged you for breeding. same thing happened to me but I paid 2000 for the girl plus 500 for breeding and never got a puppy.No one EVER gives money back. That is all that I can do. I think she'll have puppies. Earlene

AND top it all off she said she was going to have her groomed . Before she ships her .THat didn't happen

 she didn't tell me about the crate until she was paid for she added LOL and it was a old used broken one at that

Health Certificate is done. Rabies updated. She weighs 24 lbs.  Alice, she is so sweet and lovey. I truly will miss her. I just want to cutback the amount so I can do better by the rest. I'll have her groomed tomorrow and she will be set for Wed.. I will have to charge youfor a crate. 35. Just add it to the bill. No charge for Health Certificate or 3 hours to air port. Please keep in touch. Earlene

She was coverd with ticks and i did let her know but she stunk bad

I took her to my grooming shop to day. Bibi had ticks bad. I use 7's dust on mine for tick . Have you tried that. It's good stuff.  I put the new pictures of her on my site. Alice

You put 7 dust on them?? we have ticks horrible. i switched from frontline plus to capstart but they seem to grow more everyday.i have limed my yard. not fleas just ticks. everyday we pull 1 or 2 off. i will try 7 dust as soon as i am sure how

 And when i sent the $1,000 paypal  i made sure to put what it was for.

Alice Gettelfinger sent you $1,000.00 USD

LHello Earlene Johnson,Just thought you'd like to know Alice Gettelfinger sent you $1,000.00 USD.

Note from Alice Gettelfinger:


and she took it so she know what our deal was, I sent 

1000 Fri, May 20, 2011 10:08 pm

$260.00 USD Monday 25 2011

$100.00 May 29, 2011

$200.00 June 8, 2011

Pay refunded my $360. For Bibi not being bred. She did say would take off 500 . With the 360 refund and thew 200 i still owed i got my stud fee .  Yes I filed a court case for Bibis AKC paper.  And asfar as me giving Bibi away . How would Earlene Johnson  of EJ Cockers  know what i did with Bibi ???? LOL But i guess i wont need AKC papers  if i gave her away . LOL

Look at the pic of Bibi all the white spots was where she had ticks !!!! they was in more places then the pics shows

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