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Xpress Redi Set Go, GAI*EXPRESS, gai express 101, cheap product, non-stick coating is only paint that chips off after one use, won't honor warranty for refund Lousiville, Colorado
I purchased 1 redi set go express cooker March 2009. After first use non-stick coating started to chip off. I followed directions for pre-seasoning. Obviously, it is only paint and not genuine non-stick coating.
Called in July (I was busy and didn't have time to call earlier) and requested a replacement because I really liked the product other than the chipped coating. After 30 minutes of argueing about it, I finally gave in to the $17.00 shipping charge for the replacement even though the written warranty in the book that came with the unit said no charge for replacement. They said that was only if replaced within 30 days of purchase. No amount of argueing would change their mind. There was no mention of a time line in the written warranty.
Got replacement and same thing happened to it. One use and coating started coming off. Put it away until this March and then was going to throw it away but decided not to let them get away with ripping me off. The written warranty stated that a replacement extended your original warranty by one month. So I still had time to request a refund.
Wrong!! They said that had to be within 30 days also. There is no mention of a time line any where in the written warranty. They said it says that on the infomercial. I said a written warranty superseeds an infomercial. They would only give me a replacement. Why would I want a replacement that would only do the same thing plus I would have to pay another shipping cost.
I am now going to report them for not honoring their written warranty. Because no where in the written warranty does it say anything about a time line for anything. They only tell you that when you call for refund or replacement. It also does not say anything about having to pay shipping costs. On the contrary, it says there is no charge for replacement.
Big RipOff