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  • Report:  #1171952



  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 24, 2014
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 25, 2014

Lets start off with some links you can follow so that you can find everything you need to on one post.


and theres more but this post will be good enough to back us up. My Fiancee lit a BBQ that had the gas turned on for more than a day lifted the lid, hit the starter...and you guessed it. Like a roadside bomb.

Singed his hair, eyebrows, burned the side of his face both arms. Almost killed him. So with 1st degree maybe 2nd on his arms the pain was unbearable. He is in very good shape as he is fit, which is the only thing that kept him from fainting.

I had to drive him to the hospital while he kept his arms outside the window of the car to keep the cool wind soothing his burns.

Upon arriving to the emergency room the triage nurse was in the middle of weighing a 11 year old boy who was standing quietly on the scale. He urged them to take him as he said "Im think Im going to pass out while he sat on a chair holding his head up only by the counter"


This fat 200lb miserable nurse with a middle eatern accent says and I quote " Sit down and faint over there I will be with you when Im finished" 


Shocked we had no choice. finally another person from Triage noticed and admitted him. Both his arms were burned red. As he than approache the emergency room awaiting care, this gentelman who was walking around as if he was a doctor turned out he was just a nurse with stephascope says.. "Dude your in so much pain, why didn't you just use sun block!?" 


At this point I was furious, he has been flash burned and we need some pain medication get someone to help us! So once again they moved us into another room. Waiting we noticed a doctor named Ping Fu I reached out and he had told Dr Fu that he needs something for the pain. Hi bedside manner and attention to being concernecd was stranger and streetlike as he continued working and looking at the computer monitor like no one was there. "The nurse will be with you shortly she went to get your medication" Twenty minutes has elapsed and we spoke out again, barely noticing us with any concern he repeated the same thing. Finally the nurse shows up and says she will administer gravol first because she is going to give him 5mg of morphine for the pain. 

Patient: When she administerd the needle to my right arm it was not done in a gently way. So much that she bruised my are and upon pulling out the needle the top of my shoulder started bleeding. Not only did she leave me bleeding but I had to ask for a bandage or gauze. So what does she do. BARE HANDED SHE HANDS ME A PIECE OF OPEN GAUZE!?!?! I said this is a hospital is it not since when do you handle dressings bare handed?


Finally she put a pair of proper gloves on and attended to the bleeding, than walke away with no explanation. Than I was told I need Xrays? For what reason as burns have nothing to do with Xrays. I obliged as I was told i could have inhaled some flames. This was not the case but I wanted to follow procedure. Upon finshing my xrays we went back and waited. Were now 3 hours in, and this next nurse shows up and says she needs bloodwork? I was outside myself, why do I need bloodwork i asked are you admitting me? I said no wonder everyone here is waiting so long, I just need some proper dressings to help these burns heal. So she asked us to have a seat another 1-2 hours goes by no one to be found. I spoke up and the nurse told me a critical situation came in. Understood but that there was only ONE DOCTOR TENDING TO THIS EMERGENCY ROOM ????!?!?!? There must have been over 40 people there. ONE DOCTOR IN AN EMERGENCY ROOM can you imagine? What if 3 or 4 critical people came in than what? I felt like I was in a third world country something you might expect if you were in the middle east where you probably would get better care in a surgical tent. 


I ended up leaving and never got the attention I needed as I could not sit there for another 4 hours. I realise Ontario health care is useless but this hospital brings it to a new standard. Walmart could do a better job. The worst hospital I have ever been too. Someone oughta go in with a hidden camera and film this. Rude Staff, not enough staff, terrible care. Next time I will drive to North York General or go downtown. This hospital should be shut down by the ontario government. I would not take my dog there. Mind you dogs get better and faster care than humans. Sad to say but true. YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL OR MACKENZIE HEALTH CARE IS THE WORST HOSPITAL IN CANADA IF NOT NORTH AMERICA. Before posting I wanted to make sure that I was not the only one, but that there are hundreds that have experience the same problem. Im sure they will do nothing and carry on as we posted this on their facebook page. If this hospital was a business they would be bankrupt. Its more than obvious there trying to generate revenue with xrays and blood work in completely unecessary situations. What blood work has to do with a burn is beyond me. Avoid this hospital at all costs unless you want to be in more pain and truly suffer. This hospital is a classroom example of everything as hospital should not be. A crooked operation run by rude uncaring and bordrerline criminally insane people.

1 Updates & Rebuttals




#2General Comment

Mon, August 25, 2014

 Yes lets IGNORE ALL the other people who were there well before YOU and attend ONLY to your issue that could have been taken care of at home with some aloe vera and ibuprophin. Sounds to me that YOU are a self entitled d***** who was expecting the royal treatment for YOUR booboo. Get over yourself please. YOU were not in so bad of shape that YOU needed IMMEDIATE assistance. Your own post states that. Ok we get it, your boyfriend/husband/paramour hurt themselves from being STUPID!! We get that loud and clear. But YOU went to the emergency room and YOU were NOT in as bad of shape as others who were there before YOU. YOU were NOT ripped off and had YOU spent any real time in an ER you would KNOW that they take those people who are ACTUALLY injured. Gun shot wounds, car accident, ect are going to take precedent over someone with what amounts to a bad sunburn. Unless the person you brought in had skin falling off, then THEY are not going to rush to treat what I said is basically a bad sunburn. What suprises me more then anything is that your boyfriend fainting or possibly fainting is SO IMPORTANT to you. Guess what... ITS CALLED SHOCK D******!!! The ER isn't going to be able to do anything for SHOCK!!!! All they would be able to do is make them comfortable and let that person come out of shock on their own. WHY??? because when someone is in shock they REALLY don't feel those pain meds kicking in and with moraphine you have to be VERY careful. Too much too quickly would kill most people. So they have to wait to ensure the patient is coming out of their injury induced shock BEFORE they can really treat them. Heres a thought, save posting on RoR until you have been ripped off. Having TO WAIT in an EMERGENCY ROOM is NOT a ripoff. Get over yourself princess. Thankfully the hospital has the LEGAL RIGHT to sue YOU for Slander and defamation. Pray to whatever God strikes YOUR fancy that THEY never see this post. YOU CANNOT PRESENT YOUR OPINIONS AS FACT ON A MEDIA OUTLET!!! That is what YOU have done and YOU have shown that YOU are a self entitled spoiled little child who has no REAL idea on how the world works. Go take that spoiled little rump and pound some common sense up there. Its obvious that YOU don't learn like regular humans. I figure if they pound it up your rump, the message might get through, providing they miss your head....

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