  • Report:  #1534147

Complaint Review: Auto Owners Insurance Co - Lansing MI

Reported By:
Steven Katz - New Castle, Pennsylvania, United States

Auto Owners Insurance Co
6101 Anacapri Blvd Lansing, 48917-3968 MI, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I bought a house. In paid for a year's Homeowners insurance. The Insurance company decided not to insure me because the purchas price of the house was less than half of its replacement cost. It's called a Flat Cancellation and treats the insurance as if it never happened. OK, so refund my premium.


Nope, I had to sue them for it. Judge awarded me the premiums poaid plus the costs ofthe suit. Now Auto-Owners isn't paying that either.


Do yourselkf a favor - don't even APP with Auto-Owners - they are a bunch of ripoff artists, and you WILL get screwed.

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