  • Report:  #1492907

Complaint Review: Cohen's fashion Optical - New York NY

Reported By:
Jesse'sMom - Brooklyn, New York, United States

Cohen's fashion Optical
117 Orchard street New York, 10002 NY, United States
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I purchase eye glasses (consider health care service) from this store. They scam me by saying they will give me $100 off from their glasses frame in the store. The frame is $399 with $100 off is $299. A day later I found out that glasses frame is normally sell in another store for $49-$59. I went back and ask Cohen's to return but they said they can only give me a store credit plus the staff was very rude with an attitude.

They probably use this trick to so many consumers. I want to get a refund but they refuse even I have a proof of them selling overprice stuff. I think I have right to defend myself from being take advantage from the store. I would like to report this illegal crime that Cohen's Fashion Optical selling overprice health care service and reject to refund the consumer when the good/services not as expected.

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