  • Report:  #1534359

Complaint Review: Dropinvesting - texas

Reported By:
Chuck - Iowa, United States

75240 texas, United States
+1 866 707 8692
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Drop Investing is a company that marketed itself as a promising opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to generate income through a Shopify store. They claimed that by investing in their marketing services, clients could expect significant returns within a few months.

However, the reality was quite different. After the initial engagement, Drop Investing failed to deliver on their promises and abandoned marketing campaigns without any communication or updates. This lack of transparency left us feeling frustrated and uncertain about our investments.

When you sought to reclaim your initial investment, but not the other funds we poured into ads  Drop Investing refused to refund our money. This experience underscores the importance of due diligence when selecting a marketing partner and the potential risks involved in investing without clear, ongoing communication and accountability from the company.


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