  • Report:  #1534415

Complaint Review: kg air appliances repair experts - Fort Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
Jlynn - Fort Lauderdale, United States

kg air appliances repair experts
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
(561) 502-4829
kg air appliances repair experts
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

We had Gary the owner come out to the house to fix our refrigerator. He asked us to make a deposit and then took off with our money.  We have many text messages of him saying he's going to refund us but we haven't received anything back.  As we looked further into his business, we came across numerous complaints of the same thing happening to other customers. This company is known for stealing people's money.  The owner Gary Mildort goes by George. He's a career criminal that should be in jail because he will continue to steal from people if he's not stopped. 

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