  • Report:  #1534195

Complaint Review: Legacy Auto Machinery - Hathaway Montana

Reported By:
These People Are Suspect.... - United States

Legacy Auto Machinery
10 Calamity Jane Lane Hathaway, 59333 Montana, United States
(406) 272-5049
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I called 406-272-5049 in order to inquire about a particular RV they're showing online for sale.  I must have struck a nerve because once I asked about traveling to their location to view their RVs, the young lady abruptly hung up on me. Foolishly believing that I accidentally dropped the call, I called back. I got in a few questions before she hung up on me again.

I decided to further research this company, and could find nothing other than a facebook page, which had no posts. What was extremely odd was that there was NO google page. When I checked their address, it was reported as a private home.  When I checked Montana's Secretary of State Website, there were several iterations of Legacy Auto, but nothing that matched the address or company name. Further, the now defunct OUR TEAM page on their Website, seemed like an unfinished template with posted pictures of supposed personnel with identical telephone numbers, each reported as "(123)456-7890".

What is scary is that I almost contacted their financing division yesterday, in order to procure financing. So glad I went through another company. Legacy Auto Machinery seems suspicious to me.

I'm posting this report to make sure no one gets scammed if it is in fact a fake company. 

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