  • Report:  #1534048

Complaint Review: Mr Paul Wilkinson - Stockport Cheadle Hulme

Reported By:
Khalil Luheshi - London, greater london, United Kingdom

Mr Paul Wilkinson
19 Cherry Tree Road Stockport, SK8 6HP Cheadle Hulme, United Kingdom
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Report Attachments

I was introduced to Mr Paul Wilkinson in 2012 in Manchester, UK, while I was considering humanitarian project funding in Africa. Mr Wilkinson (a civil engineer) was at the time unemployed and welcomed the opportunity to assist in worthwhile effort as he has a Tanzanian partner. Between 2012 and 2016 we worked closely together on a number of potential projects,

I have personally facilitated the running costs involved during this time and Mr Wilkinson has positively benefited financially from this income, including a payment of deposit of the purchase of residential property which was paid from my London lawyers to Mr Wilkinson & rsquo;s bank account.

There were three projects undertaken during this period; In particular, a vocational training academy for under privileged young people in Libya post the removal of Col Ghadafi. Mr Wilkinson introduced a prominent firm of Architets based in Manchester who expressed an interest in this venture and have contributed both financial and in professional resources. Due to the lack of interest and the chaos that followed the bringing down of the Ghadafi regime, it was not safe to proceed with this project.

It was then suggested that a project in Tanzania could take its place and some work was done to identify the resources needed to deliver a teaching hospital in Zanzibar. This endeavour failed due to the political corruption that would have jeopardised the security of the project funding. This project was not possible to proceed.

Finaly, Mr Wilkinson introduced through an intermediary, an opportunity to develop a medical facility in Honduras. Our company entered into a fully documented legal funding agreement with a Honduran business man to finance this facility. One of the key conditions of the funding is the requirement for all the parties attached to the project to pass international Anti Money Laundering checks. Unfortunately, this condition was not satisfied and the funding banks declined to consider this project.

When these facts were presented to the parties including Mr Wilkinson, the reaction was extreme from Wilkinson who proceeded to spread malicious rumor and unfounded allegation against my person. A cease and desist was issued to Wilkinson but he chose to ignore it and continued in his quest to tarnish my reputation to anyone who will listen. He then proceeded to publish these malicious untruth on your website and others. In every case unsigned!

I have now decided that enough evidence and personal information is available for me to take direct action against Mr Wilkinson and any third party that have participated in this unfounded and unproven slanderous act.

If you or any party has cause to make a claim against me or any of my companies financial or otherwise, then please contact me at my address or by email. I intend to to clear this matter immediatly one way or another.

Khalil Luheshi

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