  • Report:  #1534047

Complaint Review: Protopond - Waukee, Naples Iowa, Florida

Reported By:
Stock - United States

3033 Riviera Dr, Waukee, Naples, 34103 Iowa, Florida, United States
(305) 204-1425,(515) 635
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They won't warranty anything you purchase. My float that holds the fountain sunk within a week. Their solution was for me to get a sealer and seal the plug that was leaking instead of sending me a new float. 5 year warranty is a joke. They also sent me the wrong pump when I ordered it and I had to drive 30 miles to ship the pump back to them. Company is a joke and the Des Moines guy I was dealing with was super rude. My fountain is at the bottom of my lake again because their floats are junk. I have another fountain I purchased from a different company and not one issue.

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