  • Report:  #1534194

Complaint Review: SheCodes - Internet

Reported By:
Bonnie - Pflugerville, TX, United States

Internet, United States
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I enrolled for a program dedicated to Coding Instruction entitled SheCodes.  After paying $1,755.65 for the program, the instruction videos stopped working.

When I try to play videos I have previously watched, I am getting an error message that says “Because of it’s privacy settings, this video cannot be played here.” 

I was told to switch browsers, switch network connections, this was a firewall problem [all of which has never been a problem using other online instruction programs].  I tried all their solutions, without success.

I looked for similar instruction on Udemy and found multiple instruction programs and so far have spent less than $60 for two excellent instruction programs that are perfectly compatible with my system.

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