  • Report:  #1534349

Complaint Review: Tradelineoasis.com and Andre Wilson - Oakland, CA

Reported By:
Clarence - Alpharetta, United States

Tradelineoasis.com and Andre Wilson
Oakland,, CA, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Email Proof of the Fraud saying he could provide

Tradelineoasis.com scammed me. Stay away.

I lost $250 initially that I paid by Bitcoin thru my cash app, Then I lost $450 with Tradelineoasis.com on my debit card. Stay away from them. They did not provide me the services I purchased. They were supposed to give me a no credit check loan thru US BANK for $13,500 and said they needed my debit card to make the deposit. A YouTube channel called Credit Mentorship is where I initially heard about them. My bank showed the merchant that charged me was COINBASE in Oakland CA, and Simplex from Lithuania also tried to charge me. The person who emailed me was Andre Wilson and his email was [email protected]. He texted from 281-868-4842. When I tried to call it was disconnected.

Transaction 1 Information

Date: 09/20/2024

Amount: $450.00

Merchant Name: Guardance exchan

Merchant Location: LITHUANIA

I was ripped off, so just a warning to all to please stay away from them.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
You Fell for an Obvious Scam

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, September 25, 2024

You actually thought you were going to obtain a loan without a credit check? That is hysterical! At least they were willing to rip you off without a credit check. Thanks for the laugh.

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