  • Report:  #223098

Complaint Review: 4X Made Easy - 4x MADE EZ - GlobalTec Solutions - Addison Texas

Reported By:
- los angeles, California,

4X Made Easy - 4x MADE EZ - GlobalTec Solutions
15601 N. Dallas Pkwy. #200 Addison, 75001 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To Jeff Johnson.

Requesting a refund.

In 07/2003 at one of your seminars in Burbank Ca I have purchased GlobalTec software license for 4x made ez.

A total of $3,242.09 was withdrawn from my account electronically.

I have purchased the box with the substandard software based on the hyped, misleading, guaranteed assurances of the sales reps at the seminar.

Little did I know, to my detriment, that the software was substandard and that to become a trader takes much longer than just some days of paper trading. This I was not informed of at any time during the seminar or at any time after, that it takes much, much more than just looking at the green and red arrows and remembering that "the trend is your friend".

Additional training via "free training cd's" was available within the refund period. However, in order to receive the "free training cd's" and by getting this "free training" the customer gives up his/her right to refund of funds.

Therefore, the "free training cd's" are not really "free" and the adhesion contract on the sales contract is unconscionable to a reasonable person, untrained in trading.

The software was advertised and peddled as the best thing since "sliced bread" and very easy to make money with, as long as one looks at the green arrows and enters the forex market whether for a few minutes or long term.

Assurances were made at the seminar that market entry and exit could be programmed to run on autopilot.

Nothing can be farther from the truth as the green arrows did not seem to run in real time.

How do I know? I kept on checking the software behavior with other trading platforms while running the 4ex made ez. Like Oanda for example. 4ex made ez was always behind other trading platforms therefore not providing real time information.

And please do not provide excuses for the software such as slow internet connection as I've had broadband cable internet connection since 2002. The software is faulty and substandard for the amount of $$ paid.

Today, knowing what I know, I would have not paid more than a throw away fee of maybe $19.99.

Even the sales people at the additional training seminar had no faith in the program as they tried to unload the software for $2300 to a seminar goers' friend.

But what really got me vexed about the whole miserable thing is that after the additional training, the additional "free training" via the "free cd's" and a few days of trying out the software and finally figuring out that I had been taken, when I called the Globaltec office I WAS LAUGHED AT.

Yes I called and requested a refund. After a few transfers from one rep to another I spoke with Oscar.

This was the rep that laughed at me. Enough said. I guess ripping people off became a game to the reps at the corp. office.

I am only assuming that the name of the game may be "How many people can we screw more out of their hard earned money today".

No wonder Oscar laughed so heartily.

Refund please.

Jeff, I have left you a message on your voice mail providing my phone number. And I am sure you will be able to find me in your database as my first name is not VERY popular. My location is Los Angeles.

Your speedy response and refund would be appreciated.


los angeles, California

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Stop getting ripped off

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, December 20, 2006

Stop letting these crooks rip you off when the same and even better information is available for free. Just go to the URL www.woodiescciclob.com There are free chat rooms for Futures, Options, and FOREX that have a moderator using voice to instruct you in real-time what pattern is setting up for a trade. They do not tell you when to enter or exit but do give you enough data so that you can make your own decision. The web site is loaded with documentation and lectures which will aid you in developing a trading plan based on the patterns described. All these pay-for Companies are doing is marketing to a group of people who think that trading is easy and simple (just follow the arrows, get-rich-quick), but in reality it is very hard and complex. These guys are just marketing a bunch of garbage and I understand there are some ripped-off people who are preparing a class action lawsuit against them. Trust me if they had the answer to successful trading, you would be the last to know about it. These people do not trade, they market a product (which is totally useless and will cause you to go broke if you use it). Just for your information I am not affliated in any way with WoodiesCCIClub but have gotten excellent, on my own, training and I like the moderator walking you through a pattern setup in real-time. An additional benefit are after hours sessions and some week-end sessions that will explain the trades taken during the day or in some cases an replay of a certain days activity. Good luck on your trading and don't let the crooks get any more of your money.



#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 19, 2006

Malgorzata - I have reviewed your response and have discussed with Brandon your recent conversation with him. I regret that you viewed his early departure due to the winter storm as a stalling tactic, but I can assure you that it was simply to ensure his safe travel home. It was important to him to meet his agreed callback time, and since he was not able to call to resolve it that day, he had one of his team members call you to reschedule. I have reviewed the calls, and I do not share your belief that either was handled in a rude or unprofessional fashion. I am truly sorry that you feel this way and assure you we have and will continue to do whatever is reasonably necessary to assist you in resolving your matter. I believe it is quite clear by our response efforts here and to you personally that we have no intention of ignoring you or stalling in any form. To do so would serve no purpose other than to waste everyone's time, and that is just not how we operate. As I have stated previously, we stand behind our products and promise to support every customer that requests our assistance. I am well aware of the fact that we have reached out to you to resolve this case in a generous and fair fashion, yet you have failed to respond to that at all. By your choice, you have elected to disregard our attempts to contact you by continuing to communicate through this forum. By your ommissions you are not allowing the readers the full truth of your case, which is a shame. I am without doubt fully committed to assisting all of our customers, and resolving any such cases of unhappiness. I believe the track record of my response posts in this forum reflects that committment. When you are prepared to reasonably and professionally discuss a fair resolution, then please let me know. I am more than ready and willing to proceed in that manner without hesitation. Your satisfaction is important to me and I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, Jeff Johnson Vice President Operations/COO Globaltec Solutions


los angeles,

#4Author of original report

Tue, December 19, 2006

I found a great way of publicizing people's experiences with your BAD set of crappy useless cd's, your crappy customer service and your consumer unfriendly ripoff game. Via the wise advice of a ripoff report poster I remembered that WORD OF MOUTH IS KING. I am sure I can round up a few dozen RIPPED OFF consumers across the US that you have refused refunds to, like me. I am sure these ripped off consumers will be more than happy posting their experiences with your crappy software and Globaltec (oh I meant globaltrick) on the net forums, free advertising web sites, product review polls, blogs, rss feeds, news article portals, pr sites and hundreds of other www locations. GIVE US A WEEK AND WE"LL GIVE YOU THE WORLD. LETS SEE HOW THAT IS GOING TO HELP YOUR COMPANY'S BOTTOM LINE. Lets look at the numbers: minimum 60 people posting @ 10 www locations each day for a total of 7 days well, thats only 4200 posts per week K, so if we had 120 people (as I am sure Globaltrick have tricked thousands of people out of their money) post 20 posts per day but posting only 5 days a week (people need to rest sometimes, right?) So the numbers look better: 12000 posts per week 48000 posts per month, 576000 posts per year I am sure once it catches on we can gather more people, ah globaltrick's victims, just too happy to oblige. At that point its WILD FIRE. So what do you think the number of posts could be if 200, 500, 1000 or 5000 people wrote about their experiences with Globaltrick 20 times per day, each week, month and year? Oh, by the way, did you know that there are computer programs that will post ads to hundreds of free ad web sites automatically? Can you imagine the total post numbers if these programs are employed properly? How about millions of double opt-in friendly marketers receiving an email describing our bad experiences with your software? How about those friendly marketers forwarding those emails to their family, friends and co-workers as a warning against your consumer unfriendly practices? All I asked for was a refund based on the unsatisfactory experience with your faulty product, fraudulent contract and unfriendly customer service. I don't care if the program is better today, it was BAD the day I bought it and thats what matters to me. So, you do the math and lets see who's marketing plan wins. G'day.


los angeles,

#5Author of original report

Mon, December 18, 2006

In regards to your post Jeff Update Entered: 11/30/2006 Modified: 11/30/2006 Stuff happens. People do travel. Thanks for asking your rep to call me in your absence. You wrote: "The voice mail advised that unless you received a callback that same day, you would post a log to this website as well as taking "other steps"." No need to sling mud at this point, however I remember asking for a call back ASAP which means: as soon as possible, so I guess the soonest the contact could have been made was Tue. the 26th of Nov, 2006, by your rep because you were not available. No big deal. I had a life for 3 years since I bought the product, a few days makes no difference. I also remember saying that I WILL BE posting a ripoff report AS A MATTER OF FACT, not "unless I received a call the same day". This was not a threat it was intended by me from the get go. However, if you INSIST on arguing the fine points of the voice mail message please forward a copy of the MP3 to me and we can start it then. Your rep shall have my email address unless it ended up in his round email file. English happens to be the 6th language I learned and I am not perfect at it. So forgive me for not communicating as well as you do. The point of this ripoff report and our communication is that I prefer to amicably resolve this issue by having your company refund my money. PLEASE REFUND MY MONEY. You wrote: "I would like to assure you that neither the 4X Made Easy software or our support is substandard." If this was true your tech people would not be sending me emails regarding working out the "BUGS" just days after the purchase. Or your sales people selling this product for $2300 at the training session, all hush, hush. If this was true your forum admins would not be blocking (I think the politically correct term is: monitoring) hundreds of customer negative comments from the 4x made EZ forum. And, ah there we go again, if this was true thousands of people that purchased your product would be screaming from the mountain tops about how much EZ money they have made with the aid of this program. I have no proof of that today, neither did I have proof of it then. In regards to your support: how many times have your caring support people contacted me after the 1st 2 weeks? To find out how I'm doing and why I did not continue with the life feed? None, zip, 0, never. REFUND PLEASE. You wrote: "The software absolutely works, and our training and tech support representatives are some of the best in the industry." I have no proof that is does work, it did not work then and that was all the proof I need. Your people may have changed from the time I used the product last. However, I don't want to be bitten by the same dog twice. REFUND PLEASE. You wrote: "Upon researching your case, I did not find any instances in your account call logs that you have ever called us for training or tech support assistance." I have attended your training In Burbank, got the "free CD's" that canceled out my refund period. DID YOU EVEN READ MY ORIGINAL POST? REFUND PLEASE. At the time of purchase I was assured by the sales rep that its EZ, just follow the arrows, and IF I needed additional training I could attend the one in Burbank. I guess that was the purpose of it make sure I do not get a refund, give 'er some "free CD's". That seals the deal, we are done, no refund, its all in the contract. TOO BAD ITS REALLY HIDDEN deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep on the underside of the contract. HOW SMOOTH TO HIDE THAT PART FROM THE CUSTOMER. In re tech support: I am pretty tech inclined, more than an average woman, there would be no need for me to call tech support, outside of the original login info and set up. Which BTW took a few days. How is that for speedy service or was this a stalling technique to lessen the number of days a customer had to try the program, minimizing the chance of a refund request. REFUND PLEASE. You wrote: "Since your purchase, the software has undergone continual development, and many new features and abilities have been added to what was already a quality product." The product was not as described by your sales reps. It was not working then and your company SHOULD HAVE REFUNDED MY MONEY THE DAY I ASKED FOR IT, which was within the stated refund period. IF YOU READ MY ORIGINAL POST YOU WOULD KNOW THAT OSCAR DID NOT LEAVE ME WITH A NICE, WARM AND FUZZY FEELING ABOUT YOUR COMPANY. REFUND PLEASE. I am NOT interested in linguistics marathon, she said he said, how can we help you, further training, your stalling techniques, unfriendly people, ETC. It is too late for that, the damage had been done a long time ago. Lets just handle this nicely - REFUND MY MONEY. I am not even asking for interest on the money your company have been using for 3 years. JUST REFUND MY MONEY - AND I WILL BE VERY HAPPY. I promise to send you a politically correct, up coming 2006 holiday season card. FREE. ;-) UPDATE AS OF 12/20/06 YOU'R BUNCH OF THIEVES. STILL NO AMICABLE RESOLVE.



#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 18, 2006

Malgorzata - As I have previously responded to your original posting under a separate heading, I am including it on this second posting. My updated response will immediately follow this submission: I apologize that I was not able to respond to your posting sooner, as an existing travel commitment has kept me out of the office. Additionally, the voicemail you left on the morning of 11/22/06 was not received until after the Thanksgiving Holiday. The voicemail advised that unless you received a callback that same day, you would post a log to this website as well as taking "other steps". That being said, I have reviewed your posting and understand that a representative from my staff has contacted you regarding your concerns. I would like to assure you that neither the 4X Made Easy software or our support is substandard. The software absolutely works, and our training and tech support representatives are some of the best in the industry. Every employee is committed to each customer's success and to resolving any issues they may experience with the software. Upon researching your case, I did not find any instances in your account call logs that you have ever called us for training or tech support assistance. We would appreciate an opportunity to demonstrate how easy the software is to use, and to provide personal training on the software and assistance from a senior technician, if need be. Since your purchase, the software has undergone continual development, and many new features and abilities have been added to what was already a quality product. Our intent is to resolve this in an amicable fashion, and we will be contacting you soon to discuss your case. Respectfully, Jeff Johnson Vice President Operations/COO Globaltec Solutions Jeff - Addison, Texas U.S.A.



#7UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 18, 2006

Malgorzata - As I have previously responded to your original posting under a separate heading, I am including it on this second posting. My updated response will immediately follow this submission: I apologize that I was not able to respond to your posting sooner, as an existing travel commitment has kept me out of the office. Additionally, the voicemail you left on the morning of 11/22/06 was not received until after the Thanksgiving Holiday. The voicemail advised that unless you received a callback that same day, you would post a log to this website as well as taking "other steps". That being said, I have reviewed your posting and understand that a representative from my staff has contacted you regarding your concerns. I would like to assure you that neither the 4X Made Easy software or our support is substandard. The software absolutely works, and our training and tech support representatives are some of the best in the industry. Every employee is committed to each customer's success and to resolving any issues they may experience with the software. Upon researching your case, I did not find any instances in your account call logs that you have ever called us for training or tech support assistance. We would appreciate an opportunity to demonstrate how easy the software is to use, and to provide personal training on the software and assistance from a senior technician, if need be. Since your purchase, the software has undergone continual development, and many new features and abilities have been added to what was already a quality product. Our intent is to resolve this in an amicable fashion, and we will be contacting you soon to discuss your case. Respectfully, Jeff Johnson Vice President Operations/COO Globaltec Solutions Jeff - Addison, Texas U.S.A.



#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 18, 2006

Malgorzata - As I have previously responded to your original posting under a separate heading, I am including it on this second posting. My updated response will immediately follow this submission: I apologize that I was not able to respond to your posting sooner, as an existing travel commitment has kept me out of the office. Additionally, the voicemail you left on the morning of 11/22/06 was not received until after the Thanksgiving Holiday. The voicemail advised that unless you received a callback that same day, you would post a log to this website as well as taking "other steps". That being said, I have reviewed your posting and understand that a representative from my staff has contacted you regarding your concerns. I would like to assure you that neither the 4X Made Easy software or our support is substandard. The software absolutely works, and our training and tech support representatives are some of the best in the industry. Every employee is committed to each customer's success and to resolving any issues they may experience with the software. Upon researching your case, I did not find any instances in your account call logs that you have ever called us for training or tech support assistance. We would appreciate an opportunity to demonstrate how easy the software is to use, and to provide personal training on the software and assistance from a senior technician, if need be. Since your purchase, the software has undergone continual development, and many new features and abilities have been added to what was already a quality product. Our intent is to resolve this in an amicable fashion, and we will be contacting you soon to discuss your case. Respectfully, Jeff Johnson Vice President Operations/COO Globaltec Solutions Jeff - Addison, Texas U.S.A.



#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 18, 2006

Malgorzata - As I have previously responded to your original posting under a separate heading, I am including it on this second posting. My updated response will immediately follow this submission: I apologize that I was not able to respond to your posting sooner, as an existing travel commitment has kept me out of the office. Additionally, the voicemail you left on the morning of 11/22/06 was not received until after the Thanksgiving Holiday. The voicemail advised that unless you received a callback that same day, you would post a log to this website as well as taking "other steps". That being said, I have reviewed your posting and understand that a representative from my staff has contacted you regarding your concerns. I would like to assure you that neither the 4X Made Easy software or our support is substandard. The software absolutely works, and our training and tech support representatives are some of the best in the industry. Every employee is committed to each customer's success and to resolving any issues they may experience with the software. Upon researching your case, I did not find any instances in your account call logs that you have ever called us for training or tech support assistance. We would appreciate an opportunity to demonstrate how easy the software is to use, and to provide personal training on the software and assistance from a senior technician, if need be. Since your purchase, the software has undergone continual development, and many new features and abilities have been added to what was already a quality product. Our intent is to resolve this in an amicable fashion, and we will be contacting you soon to discuss your case. Respectfully, Jeff Johnson Vice President Operations/COO Globaltec Solutions Jeff - Addison, Texas U.S.A.


los angeles,
The sucky customer service continues.

#10Author of original report

Thu, November 30, 2006

DEAR JEFF JOHNSON. (That is IF you actually exist) On Tue. Nov. 28. 06 I get a call from your chosen rep. Obviously, you were too busy to defend the honor of Globaltec. I appreciate the call and your reps' supposed want to resolve this issue amicably, however I don't appreciate the following: Your rep's need to grill me regarding my TOTAL dissatisfaction with Glabaltec product, the marketing scheme, customer service, additional cost of live feed, the ease (NOT) of use of the software, the demeaning tone of voice discussing my ability/inability to understand the sales contract, among other things. I DONT WANT TO BE PUT THROUGH YOUR HOOPS. I want a refund - simple as that, which part of please refund my money does your rep NOT understand? Additionally, on that Tue. you rep informed me that he has to pull my sales contract from storage. I agreed to it, since I am usually a nice person. I asked what is the time frame of his response after his review of the sales contract. He said he'd get it by Thurs. 11/30/06 afternoon. However, WHAT EXACTLY would seeing the contract change??? Is your rep NOT familiar with contracts issued on that date? Does he need additional training? So today I get a call from a woman that tells me she is calling me because there are extreme weather conditions in Addison TX and the Globaltec rep cant call me because he needs to go home. Well I would not mind the call and I would not mind the wait till tomorrow if it was not for the RUDE, UNPROFESSIONAL, DEMEANING WAY SHE WAS TALKING TO ME. I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT USED TO BEING TALKED OVER BY: 1. SOMEONE I DONT KNOW 2. CALLING ME ON MY TIME 3. CALLING ME AT MY PHONE NUMBER 4. CALLING ME AT MY EXPENSE 5. AND WHEN ASKED TO LISTEN WHEN I AM TALKING, AND TALKING WHEN I AM LISTENING, SO WE COULD ACTUALLY HAVE A CONVERSATION, BECOMES UPSET. When I was finished talking I said hello 3 times and she did not respond so I hung up. Well a few minutes later the BUSY rep called asking me why would I ask the woman to hush. Well Mr. rep a conversation is a two way street not one way. If you are going to have someone call me please make sure that person has the ability to listen and respond, otherwise known as having the ability to have a two way conversation, in a business manner. I see this situation as a stalling maneuver. So no more BS, look at the darn contract and AMICABLY refund my money. DON'T waste my time and surely don't have people that are unable to have a conversation call me. I guess an class in active listening skills would not be a waste on this woman, some customer service training may do her some good too. Otherwise, I hope Mr. busy rep got home safely during todays heavy storm. Personally, I find driving a Porshe GT on ice quite fun. G'd eve.

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