  • Report:  #305470

Complaint Review: A-1 Imports - Harrisburg Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Lancaster, Pennsylvania,

A-1 Imports
1351 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My experience:

First and foremost, Im not one to necessarily bash another company, that is not at all my intentions. In fact, Im usually quite a fair individual.

Im currently enrolled in school majoring in Business Management so when I got a phone call about a management opportunity, I jumped on it. I went for the first interview on my day off from my current job. The interview was basic and simple but didnt tell me a lot so I looked on his website and went from there. I got a call for a second interview and I was excited. Who wouldnt be when youre young and looking for an exciting career? I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was considered their Day of O and I was to follow a gentlemen for the day. Since it was a second interview, I dressed up, had heels on and had no idea what was going on. Well, I was more on the marketing advertising side. I was to go door-to-door offering free home estimates for different home improvements. I didnt think it was that big of a deal because Im not selling anything. By the end of the day, my feet hurt like well, you know and I was carrying my shoes and walking in my socks. It was November so it wasnt exactly warm out. I went back to the office, took the joke of a test and was offered a job. They wanted me to start the next day so I had to quit the decent job I had for almost a year. I was told about the money potential and was very excited. After all, Im in college and school is expensive.

I drove home which is about 45 minutes away and then changed clothes, drove to my job which is another 20 minutes away, gathered my belongings, sent a resignation e-mail and was done. What a dumb choice that was. The next day I got suckered into this mess. I was somewhat excited and fell for the others in my life being negative (they honestly are anyway so there is nothing new there) and began my new career. I didnt mind it too much because the person I was following was doing a good job and I was like hrmm I can probably do this, its not really selling so why not? I was excited! After the first day, I spent money, didnt have that much fun and was beyond exhausted.

The next day I didnt really go out too much because I had class and it didnt work with my school schedule too well. (they dont encourage schooling) By the end of my first week, I had one lead. Sweet! $50.00 for two days of training was $100 and then my first lead was $60. Not bad for my first week considering I just started. The next week, I went out Monday, Tuesday and a little on Wednesday. I got another lead of a church but that was it. So the first three days were no good. After leaving early Wednesday, I did a lot of thinking. I knew it wasnt for me and a lot of it had to do with the speech that was given to pump us up it discouraged me because it was about not going to school. I love school and want to complete my degree. I have a 4.0 and Im doing really well so why work for someone who doesnt support that?

In the meantime, my other job had been working with me and bugging me to come back to work there. They realized how much of an asset I was and really wanted their good employee to come back so I did. I had the rest of the week off so Thursday and Friday I enjoyed not working my butt off. I was honestly sick beyond belief. I had the worst cold so Thursday I spent the day in bed and Friday I was about to head to Harrisburg and get my money, afterall, he owes me $220 for the work I did do.

I called Justin and he was giving me the runaround and basically blew me off. Jerk. Its a long story and Im not about to type it all out but the short version is this:

Its now February 2, 2008. I havent worked for him since the beginning of November when I lasted 7 days before realization kicked in. He still owes me $220. Ive filed a complaint with PA lost wages and I havent heard anything. I was told it can take up to 6 months. Great. In the meantime, I was so broke from gas, lunch, etc. that I had to spend while I worked there that I went in more debt from only 7 days!

I look at it as a lesson learned. All I want is for people to realize that its a scam. It really and truly is and if you want to take the chance, just beware of what can possibly happen to you. Look at me, Im still waiting to be paid.

Id be happy to share more of my story with anyone interested. Ive got nothing to loose anymore I never really did except my dignity which I would have lost working for a man like him.

4.0 GPA

Lancaster, Pennsylvania


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