  • Report:  #850425

Complaint Review: AARP Medicare RX Enhanced - Hot Springs Arkansas

Reported By:
Walter - Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

AARP Medicare RX Enhanced
PO Box 29300 Hot Springs, 71903-9300 Arkansas, United States of America
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I signed on with AARP Medicare RX United Healthcare again this year. All the years where I have been paying my premiums for prescriptions always listed my medication at at Tier 1 which is the lowest copay if generic was filled then their were 2 other tiers of 2 and 3 which is not generic. I signed up for the AARP Medicare RX again this year but now they have 5 tiers and have very few medications that fall under the lower copay at 1 and 2 however they are also for the generic drugs. In January and February this year one of my medications cost $13.47, today I had it filled and the price has skyrocketed to $32.99, I called AARP Medicare RX and as far as they were concerned is that what I paid today is what they are going to stick to, even after I told them the internet site quoted me a price of $13.47 and I also called Medicare Social Security Administration and they agree that the price is $13.47 according to their databanks in which they reimburse AARP Medicare RX, the customer service named Scott at AARP Medicare RX Enhanced did not care what Medicare has as well as not caring what their very own Website shows they refuse to admit they are wrong and they will not reimburse me. I also asked what the retail price is for the medication a Tanya stated it was $40, however Scott from the same company said over $100 I also asked why did I sign a year contract with your company for my prescription needs if I do not know what the price of my medications are going to be month to month.  I really feel that people having to live on Medicare should know what the cost is going to be month to month for the entire year, with the way AARP Medicare RX Enhanced is working they can make me pay more every month at whatever whim they have for that month.

Thanks You

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