  • Report:  #47372

Complaint Review: Alhambra Police Chien - Alhambra California

Reported By:
- Monterey park, California,

Alhambra Police Chien
111 Commomwealth St. Alhambra Alhambra, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Alhambra Police Chien badge #114 is very corrupted and violent. He will tear your car to pieces if you got stopped by him. He's pimping for prostitudes, and he's gay because he fondle my genital for a prolng period of time when he stopped me for make-up excuse.

Watch out for this animal and his corrupted Taiwanese gangsters. If you saw him appear in your neighborhood, report to your community leader.


Monterey park, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Officer Goldsmith FPS

Federal Building Los Angeles,
Officer Is nice to me

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 10, 2004

I don't know what that guy's problem is. Everytime I get stopped by Officer #114, it is a nice experience. He not only will fondle my privates, he will suck my wiener really good. He is very decent to swallow every drop and he will wash my pecker afterwards. Asian boys give the BEST head and Chinn rates on the top of the list. Thank You Officer!

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