  • Report:  #66828

Complaint Review: All In The Family Used Auto Sales - Harrisburg Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,

All In The Family Used Auto Sales
901 S 16th Street Harrisburg, 17104 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought a truck for someone from there lot and the person that was actually making the payments was incarserated and when I went to pick up the truck to pay the total remainder off they told me that it was more then it actually is. I ask to see there receipt book they will not let me see it. Also they are letting customer's test drive the vehicle when knowing I'm coming to get it.

I know there is a state law that they have to give me 15 days from reposession here its the second day and they are offering to sale it to customers for 3,000 when I only owe 500.00 that's not good business. And I told the dealer that he is not to let no one drive that vehicle because I'm going to get it and its still in my name and the insurance is still in my name.

Me and the dealer began to argue him yelling that I should not sale the gentlemen's truck and I told him that's my truck and its my responsiability now. It all boils down that they are trying to rip me and the gentlemen off they want to resale the truck for 3,000.

They have no customer skills also the dealer told me that if he wanted to he could tell me that I would have to pay 2500 to get it back just because I don't have my recipts. I want to report them to everyone I can this is a bad business.


Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Cottage Grove,
Question, is this the person who is legally responsible

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, September 11, 2003

after reading your report, I noticed it didn't specify who's name the vehicle is in. you stated someone else had been making the payments, is this the person who is legally responsible for the loan?? if so, unless you have power of attorney to act on this persons behalf, then you don't have any authority with the dealership. It might be helpfull if you could clarify your report, then maybe there would be some clearer avenues you could pursue in getting help to resolve this

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