  • Report:  #345950

Complaint Review: All My Sons - Murray Utah

Reported By:
- American Fork, Utah,

All My Sons
4119 S. 420 West Murray, 84123 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Do not use "All my Sons", or as I now refer to them as "All My Sons are Thieves"

Where to start.

Initial request to move they said price $99 an hour for two people. No other charges are mentioned. This is our first ever move with a company.

We will be there from 8:45 to 9:30, Saturday morning.

I pay them 100 deposit with a credit card (which they promptly charge 2 days later). They are very good at one thing. Collections.

Situation: the move is for some tenants of mine. I am paying for them to move. They have a newborn and a three year old and are moving from a three bedroom townhome to an adjacent town. Approx 2000 square feet of area. Should be a fairly easy/fast job as they told me and I agreed. "We are really fast" they say. I would hope so as they do not have many things to move.

8:30 AM Phone call from moving company saying that the truck for this job has a leaking gas tank. Move will be delayed.

My thoughts, get another truck. Their's we are getting a mechanic to look at it and will call you back.

The entire morning, tenants and I are in limbo. Tenant does not want me to move his stuff.

Tenant is PO'd at me. FYI. He has a boxing bag, tatoos, and a motorcycle.

They call me once at 10:00 AM. Still problems. No ETA

11:00 I call them. around 12:30 they say.

The movers eventually show up with a truck at 1:15. My tenant and I are both pretty miffed. They send three people to get the job done even faster so they say.

1:15 PM Movers arrive. My tenant signs customer information. Perhaps some disclosure was made then but it certainly was not to me. I was at my home two towns away.

4:00 I go to the site and see the movers are almost done. Good I say to myself a little slow but not too bad. Upstairs is finished; all but a few things remain. Oh by the way they are struggling to get a couch up the stairs when I arrive.

The three movers taking turns, usually two at a time struggle with this couch for the next two and a half hours.

Meanwhile several holes have been placed in the walls and the couch has been damaged. Other than none of them speaking English I am amazed that they do not have tape measures or any sense of urgency or bright ideas.

I am thinking, "These are professionals"? These people owe me money for this joke of a move I should not pay them a dime. They are wasting our time.

FYI House and furniture dimensions have not changed since the couch was placed in the basement.

Calls are made to management for help and they say to put the couch back and do not move it. These are movers? While calls to management are occurring everyone just sits around rapping Spanish.

Management refers to holes in the walls as scratches. I do not think they would like these scratches in their homes. I will attach a link later to pictures of the "scratches".

6:45 movers finally leave to the new address. I go to get my camera.

They stop to pick up food along the way for a slight diversion.

7:15 movers arrive at the new address. They do not unload my tenants belongings because I have not paid them in full. This is called ransom money and they are using leverage with my tenants possessions. I tell a manager I am on my way and the still do nothing.

7:45 I arrive at the homesite. Bill is $1,272.45 dollars.

Estimated finish time. 9:15

Bill breaks out

8.5 hours of labor

8 hours of "work" (9:15-1:15) and .5 of travel. So they double charge me for travel time. Rate for three man crew says 119 an hour they charge me a total of 1,042.25 which is the equivalent of 122.5 an hour.

I did not request a third person, suppossedly they sent him to speed up the job because we had a late start. As their boss said they were doing me a favor because it would have been a 15 hour job without him. This is the same fella who said that they were really fast in the morning and guaranteed that the job would get done today. They started at 1:15. More double talk.

Charged 124.95 as a "Fuel Surchage" . I was not told I would have to pay a fuel surcharge.

Charged 126.25 for "Packing". This as it turns out was for the plastic materials on the furniture which I did not request and I was not told I would have to pay.

Total they charged as I just noticed another math error from their crackpot crew is $1,272.45.

I protested the scrupuolus charges, the waisted time, the damage to my wall etc.

They reduce the bill by $87.50 which they say is a reduction of the pay to the third person they added as a favor to me.

What about the 124.95 for fuel?

What about the 126.25 for packaging?

What about the double booking of travel time?

What about the two and half hours doing nothing but breaking walls and watching people make phone calls?

What about time spent to pick up dinner?

What about the time that myself and my tenants waisted all morning waiting for these guys? 3 hours and 45 minutes. My time costs nothing to these guys.

What about the half hour lost while they ransomed my goods at the new address?

I guess that is all worth $87.50.

What about the holes in the wall they refer to as scratches? Call a claims department in Dallas and they can help you.

I did and they said after I fill out a claim they will address the issue in 30 to 45 days. Great my one year old house is currently for sale with several holes in it and an old couch sitting in the basement. As for the coach my tenant graciously said I can buy it from him for $500. Was not this suppossed to be moved? So the expenses keep adding up.

I paid them so my tenant could get his stuff from these treacherous leaches.

I later found out that my wife called their office and they hung up on her. Additionally they just hung up on me two hours ago when I told them I was preparing this report.

FYI.On their website http://www.allmysons.com/saltlakecity/index.aspx

there is one review from a "customer" that speaks well of their SLC office. The customer has coincidentally the same first name and last initial of the owner of the franchise. And this is his only review to date. Are people so stupid to believe you Jeffery Steinberg?

(((link redacted)))

Even in their deception they are poor. These folks have no conscience.

Any further doubts about the professionalism of this company check out the report on this site of the fellow who used them in SLC and they hired two homeless people one of whom was an excon to move his things. His story about tops mine.

I will update later.

Sincerely miffed,

FYI I am calling the Utah Department of Consumer Affairs and the local immigration authorities. Business should be a fair trade of money for a service /product where both parties agree to the terms and conditions or exchange.


American Fork, Utah


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3 Updates & Rebuttals


More inaccuracies Mr. M

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 24, 2008

I am surprised at your response Mr. M. It seems odd considering our last conversation. I have always spoken with you any time you have called. You have never called this company and not been able to get me on the phone or received a call back. Our last conversation consisted of you telling me that you had calmed down after your original posting and wanted to negotiate. I explained to you that if you would go back and withdraw your false and negative statements we would discuss it further. You have withdrawn nothing. Of course if your claims had merit my concern would be to fix the problem, not banter with my customers on some silly website. However, when your claims are false and outright misrepresentations of the way your move unfolded, I am forced to defend myself. I explained to you that our contracts, which were in fact signed by you (and I can upload copies to this website to prove it if you don't mind your signature posted on the web) state specifically that we are not responsible for doors, walls and floors. I furthermore explained to you that I would be willing to discuss options of getting the scratches on the stairwell repaired, despite the fact that the contract between you and I say that I do not have to, if you would simply withdraw your misleading and completely false statements. Yes, I did see the scratches in question. If you allowed the sale of a house to fall through over 15 minutes worth of work and $5.00 worth of material......then your problems are beyond my ability to fix them. You state that I lied to American Express. That seems an odd statement considering they investigated the matter thoroughly and they found in my favor. Keep in mind; they are your credit card company, not mine. Their interest is in protecting you. I submitted all the paperwork regarding your move, including your contracts, to them and they reviewed it in its entirety. Had they found any inaccuracies or lack of truth on my part they would have ruled their investigation in your favor. Your move cost $1184.95. Nothing more and it was based completely on the contracts that were agreed to before the move began. We performed all services exactly as outlined in those contracts. As I said previously, I am sorry that your move did not meet your expectations. Perhaps a little more involvement on your end and taking the time to better understand the agreements you personally enter into might prevent such problems. in the future.


American Fork,
Lack of Responsibility Continues

#3Author of original report

Sat, August 23, 2008

The customer is always wrong with these guys. I just found out the claims company that was suppossed to fix the walls in the house has denied my claim after nearly two months. Of couse they did not have the courtsey to tell me this or even send me a form letter; but I had to call them to see why it was taking so long. "We could care less" I believe is the name of their claims group. Apparently my devious friend who runs this operation is unwilling to pay for the mallicious acts of his employees even after the damage peoples property. The owner has seen the pictures of the damage and apparently has denied my claims to fix the holes in the walls. Even in his rebuttal he admits to the damage his movers did to my property. He told me himself that he has seen the pictures. I love how he claims that I am so cheap in his rebutal yet he is unwilling to pay for the wrongful negligence of his employees. Of course now I have called to ask why he has not paid for the property to be fixed and he is not returning my phone call. I could go on and on. He lied to American Express when I appealed my charges to them. I never signed a contract with them which he so willfully quotes from in his rebuttal. My tenant signed the contract. His employees never explained the charges to me. I love how I am blamed for the incompetence of his employees. Just stay away from these guys that is all the more I can say. This move has cost me more than 2,000 and I had a buyer on the property take back his offer because of the property damage. Thanks again All my Sons.


Clarification to completely inaccurate statements

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 04, 2008

Mr. Matishen, You made so many false and misleading statements, I am going to have to respond to each accusation in order just to keep them straight. Yes, we were moving some tenants of yours and according to the tenants, the reason was that your rental property was being foreclosed on and the agreement between the two of you was that in return for his not suing you for breaking your end of the lease, you would pay for his move. When you called to book your job with us, my dispatcher suggested a three man crew from the very beginning based on the size of the home. You insisted that we use only two. As it turned out, what you call a "small move" ended up being an entire 26 foot moving van stacked from floor to ceiling, which equates to roughly 10,000 pounds of household goods. That is not a small move by anyones standards. Furthermore, 8 hours of labor to relocate 10,000 pounds is outstanding by anyones standards.....especially with a three man crew. Yes, we were late due to a mechanical issue with one of our brand new trucks. We did everything possible to get a crew there as quickly as possible and in return, I discounted the move $90.00. Three ours late for $90.00 in return......so we paid you $30.00 an hour for your time. I dont see how you do not find that reasonable. In regards to the sofa issue. Of your own volition you admit to leaving the home after our movers started. You left the move in the hands of your tenant. My movers have no idea who is paying the bill. They only know to do what the customers ask of them. When the sofa would not fit up the staircase, your tenant told them "Dont worry about it.......just push it". My movers believed that the home belonged to your tenant. They explained to him that it would gouge the wall if they tried and he said he didn't care. After trying for approximately 45 minutes.....NOT two hours as you suggest, they told your tenant that it would not fit up the stairs. He suggested that they take a hammer and knock the corners off the walls to get the sofa up. At that point my driver called to explain what was going on and that even though (who he thought was the customer) was suggesting to use a hammer on the walls, that he was not going to do it. I advised the driver that of course he wasn't going to do it and that he would have to leave the sofa. You were not double charged for drive time. Perhaps sir the next time you enter into a contract, you should actually read it. Our drive time is specifically covered in our contract as the time required to get the crew out from our warehouse to your first location and then back from the final destination to our warehouse. It is the time that occurs before and after the move. The drive time from the origin to the destination is covered on your labor clock. This was explained to you at the time of the booking. It was explained to you again the night before, during the conformation call done with you..... a call which we recorded, as we do all conformation calls. This is not our first time dealing with unreasonable and unrealistic customers. It was also explained in large print on your contract and and your addendum which is not only in bold print, but highlighted with a magic marker. I can attach a copy of Mr. Matishen's Bill of Lading and contract for anyone who would like to read it. Your tenant requested that we send a third man and I told you twice that we were going to send a third man before the crew arrived, you agreed to it. As it turned out you SHOULD be glad a third man was sent. In your efforts to pinch pennies, you demanded a 2 man crew. As I explained to you, had we sent only two, the job would have taken another 3-4 hours to complete....time that would have been billed at overtime. Which brings me to my next point.....your accusation that our math was incorrect. Again sir, I would suggest you read your contract again. Specifically the part that is in HUGE bold impact print that specifically states any time over eight hours is overtime. I will summarize your charges since you seem to not understand your contract. 1:15pm to 9:15pm + .5 hour drive time, total 8.5 hours 8 hours x $109 $872.00 1/2 hour overtime $81.75 Fuel $124.95 Materials $106.25 Total = $1184.95 THAT is what was charged on your card, not the $1,272.45 as your previously suggested. The figure you stated was what was due based on our hourly rate for three men which is $119.00 per hour. You seem to have totally forgotten that I reduced the hourly rate to compensate you after you complained about our being late. The amount of $1272.45 is what we were contractually entitled to and I could have demanded that full amount but in an effort to compromise, I reduced the amount because we were late. No good deed goes unpunished eh? What about the half hour you claimed we "ransomed your goods" at the offload point? That was the time we spent negotiating payment while you complained to me that you were broke and couldn't afford this move. This after six hours of my men working for you. you would have thought that you would have considered this before scheduling the move. Oh, by the way.....you were not charged for that half hour. I paid my men out of my pocket for that. They didn't finish offloading the truck until almost 10:00 pm because of your delay tactics. You were only charged until 9:15 pm. I am not going to punish my men after working a sixteen hour day because you couldnt afford to pay for what you purchased and agreed to before hand. In regards to materials, those were materials YOUR tenant wanted us to use. Again, my men were working under the assumption that HE was our client. Perhaps if you had been more involved in the process from the beginning, that would not have been an issue. I would suggest that next time you are paying for a service, you be involved and control how much you allow someone else to spend of your money. I welcome your calls to whatever regulating agency you wish to contact. Perhaps you need to consult an attorney who can explain to you the nature of contracts and their legally binding implications. We did enter into an agreement and we honored all aspects from our end. I explained to you to have your tenant call in regards to any damage that may have occurred to his sofa and I would deal with it per our contract. As of yet I have not heard from him. You threatened me over the phone with law suits and negative internet reports if I did not give you money back. I have those conversations recorded as well, which is completely legal and within my rights in the state of Utah. You are one of those customers that makes a business owner wish their was a Better Consumer Bureau so that we might have been warned of your tactics. You were simply furious over your financial problems that have nothing to do with us. In the future I would suggest you either rent a Uhaul and do the move yourself, or be involved in the process for which you are paying. Listen and understand what you are quoted over the phone and do not let other people spend your money.

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