  • Report:  #67512

Complaint Review: All Points Van Lines Inc. - Sun Valley California

Reported By:
- Moorpark, California,

All Points Van Lines Inc.
11643 Sheldon St,. Sun Valley, 91352 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We used this company to move us from Las Vegas to California. They sent a truck that was too small for our items and then wanted us to pay a huge amount of money for a second truck. They contracted to send 3 movers, but sent two so we had to help them move us out of our home, and it still took 10 hours to move us out.

When they unloaded our items into our new home, we began finding damage to a number of pieces of furniture. There was damage found to nearly every piece of our wood furniture as well as other household items.

We completed a very detailed claim form at their request, sent in photos of the damage as well as estimates for repair and or replacement.

After not receiving any response to the claim documents we sent in, we began calling them. We have made too many calls to count and have learned that the company has not done anything with our claim, it has never been reviewed by their claim department and it we sent it to them months ago.

We purchased additional insurance from the moving company so that if there was any damage, it would be paid for. They are refusing now to even speak to us over the phone and will not answer any questions about the claim.

It has been very frustrating, and hard to look at our beautiful furniture that is now damaged.

We dont know where to go from here to get this resolved.


Moorpark, California

2 Updates & Rebuttals


All Points, You have an F from the BBB

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, April 22, 2005

All Points, Spare us the BS. You have an "F" rating from the Better Business Bureau. Apparently the problem Valerie describes is your standard way of operating.

All Points

Sun Valley,
Response We apologize for any inconvenience

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 21, 2005

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to the customer. This report has just come to our attention and that's why the late response. If you have any way in the future of notifing us of a consumer complaint please e-mail it to [email protected] or fax toll free to 866-7719922. When a customer contacts our company, the customer gives us a list of items that they will be moving. We put these items into an inventory form which is very accurate. We then send the appropriate sized truck. When we arrived, the customer had A LOT more items than what they told us. This caught us by suprise. Thankfully, we were able to send another truck to accomodate the customer's extra items. Naturally, we must charge for the extra items that the customer shipped. We apologize that 2 mover arrived instead of 3. The third mover called in sick at the last minute. We didn't charge by the number of movers we sent. We do many, many jobs. Out of all these jobs, we hardly receive any claims. Out of the few claims we do receive, we ALWAYS handle claims as soon as they come into our claims department. Sincerely, ALL POINTS VAN LINES, INC.

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