  • Report:  #12650

Complaint Review: Alsbury Animal Hospital Laurie Matranga - Burleson Texas

Reported By:
- Burleso, Tx,

Alsbury Animal Hospital Laurie Matranga
811 N E Alsbury Lane Burleson, 76028 Texas, U.S.A.
817 447-3431
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I must start by saying that this s a wonderful Vet and Clinic. However I must add that one of the employees has resulted to Witchcraft to try to get pregnant. Why she can't use her husband is beyond me, but witchcraft.

I have used this vet for years, he is a good vet, but he needs to fire this girl. Yes, she is bringing this stuff to work with her. She has books sent to her at the office.

Her boss is very much a Christian and doesn't need the bad press that this can cause. He has a lovely wife and daughter.

We all need to see what we can do to get Laurie Matranga out of this position.

Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't dare take one of my animals up there when she is working.

Be careful though, she claims her in-laws are in the New Jersey Mafia....


Burleso Texas

20 Updates & Rebuttals


ft worth,
witchcraft is natural

#2General Comment

Mon, January 12, 2015

I guess you people have not studied history, witchcraft and shamanism among many other religions were around far before christianity, as a matter of fact jesus didn't like organized religion.

Witchcraft is all natural, witches heal and were the locals who midwifed the babies when there was no Dr and sometimes still when there was one. I have been a witch about 20 years and have been in many groups locally and have NEVER seen an animal harmed, as a matter of fact the wiccan rede prohibits haming anyone unless it is to protect yourself, and that definitely would not include animals we try and respect the earth and nature and the animals on it, many witches are vegan or vegetarian, nobody harms animals, Ya'll need to get off the cross we need the wood.


Bible Thumping Morons

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 09, 2005

I am so sick of bible thumping morons CUZ THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE talking about people who don't believe exactly what you believe. Who gives a rat's a$$ what this woman does in her spare time? She obviously is doing her job right or else she wouldn't be employed at this veterinary hospital. OOH i get it now she must be "casting spells" on the managers at the clinic to keep her on staff. AM I RIGHT LORI?? Get a life all of you preaching idiots, leave the poor woman alone and take your business elsewhere if you don't like her or take up your complaint with the office manager. Don't come and b*tch online...what are you proving except that the bible has taken over your pea sized brains?


N. Providence,
Rhode Island,
I agree with everything that DEBRA said

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, May 28, 2003

I think that everyone involved in this situation is being immature. First of all, if you don't like someone that works at a business, take yours elsewhere. Second, whether someone it a Witch or Christian, does not affect how they will treat animals. Witches do not harm animals or anything else. Chances are, if the woman that is complaining did her homework, she would learn that it is a privlige to have a withh working at an animal hospital. I hope that everyone involved in this situation is able to reconcile and focus on what really matters *your pets*.


Oh My!!

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, August 22, 2002

I am very sorry to butt in---You have no idea who is around you.Here is a little religious history-Paganism has been around far before christianity. Paganism is general terminology for Shamanism(native american origin),Druidism(scottish and irish origin),Wicca(circa. 1950 christianity / witchcraft blend american origin) and lastly but not leastly Witchcraft. Paganism represents love of nature and all living things---That includes all animals. Witches DO NOT DO sacrifices on animals or humans---In the old days, yes they did do animal sacrifice but christians did human and animal sacrifice to appease their jealous god.Many people have been killed and maimed in the name of christianity, many a stupid and petty war has been caused in the name of religion.Innocent people were burned at the Salem "witch trials" for nothing. Christians have always been afraid of what they didn't understand and people were killed for condraticting christianity.Is this humane?No,it isn't. Bible fun fact: There are 13 books that were taken out of the bible because they covered such touchy topics such as Jesus being a psychic and the book of Enoch that covered vampirism.These things scare people and you tend to lose followers if you don't omit these topics. I am in no way knocking your way of life or christianity,if it fills your heart with joy and if you are a good person to others and have tolerance for other people,don't gossip on your fellow man,then you are living a moraly strong and productive life. Just get out,learn about other people---Knowledge is power.On a final note,Aromatherapy promotes a sense of well-being and is a very spiritual thing by introducing comforting,familiar scents into your environment. If you think aromatherapy is evil,you should stop washing your hair,stop using deoderant,stop getting your hair styled(at home or at the salon) and stop going to the doctor because aromatherapy technology has been incorperated into all of these and much more.Even churches use aromatherapy. And yes,I practice Witchcraft but I still have read the bible and I know just as much.I just saw the topic and had to sound off---I am not gothic,I am pro-animal(I love animals,soft and adorable), I don't have sex(I'm cellabate), I don't take drugs and I don't drink(my mother can attest to all of this). I am a normal-looking flesh and blood human just like you. Just a different belief system--- Don't let something as trivial and petty as different belief systems stop you from getting great animal care--- Just suck in your pride and be happy and tolerant with one another!!


Oh My!!

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 22, 2002

I am very sorry to butt in---You have no idea who is around you.Here is a little religious history-Paganism has been around far before christianity. Paganism is general terminology for Shamanism(native american origin),Druidism(scottish and irish origin),Wicca(circa. 1950 christianity / witchcraft blend american origin) and lastly but not leastly Witchcraft. Paganism represents love of nature and all living things---That includes all animals. Witches DO NOT DO sacrifices on animals or humans---In the old days, yes they did do animal sacrifice but christians did human and animal sacrifice to appease their jealous god.Many people have been killed and maimed in the name of christianity, many a stupid and petty war has been caused in the name of religion.Innocent people were burned at the Salem "witch trials" for nothing. Christians have always been afraid of what they didn't understand and people were killed for condraticting christianity.Is this humane?No,it isn't. Bible fun fact: There are 13 books that were taken out of the bible because they covered such touchy topics such as Jesus being a psychic and the book of Enoch that covered vampirism.These things scare people and you tend to lose followers if you don't omit these topics. I am in no way knocking your way of life or christianity,if it fills your heart with joy and if you are a good person to others and have tolerance for other people,don't gossip on your fellow man,then you are living a moraly strong and productive life. Just get out,learn about other people---Knowledge is power.On a final note,Aromatherapy promotes a sense of well-being and is a very spiritual thing by introducing comforting,familiar scents into your environment. If you think aromatherapy is evil,you should stop washing your hair,stop using deoderant,stop getting your hair styled(at home or at the salon) and stop going to the doctor because aromatherapy technology has been incorperated into all of these and much more.Even churches use aromatherapy. And yes,I practice Witchcraft but I still have read the bible and I know just as much.I just saw the topic and had to sound off---I am not gothic,I am pro-animal(I love animals,soft and adorable), I don't have sex(I'm cellabate), I don't take drugs and I don't drink(my mother can attest to all of this). I am a normal-looking flesh and blood human just like you. Just a different belief system--- Don't let something as trivial and petty as different belief systems stop you from getting great animal care--- Just suck in your pride and be happy and tolerant with one another!!


Oh My!!

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, August 22, 2002

I am very sorry to butt in---You have no idea who is around you.Here is a little religious history-Paganism has been around far before christianity. Paganism is general terminology for Shamanism(native american origin),Druidism(scottish and irish origin),Wicca(circa. 1950 christianity / witchcraft blend american origin) and lastly but not leastly Witchcraft. Paganism represents love of nature and all living things---That includes all animals. Witches DO NOT DO sacrifices on animals or humans---In the old days, yes they did do animal sacrifice but christians did human and animal sacrifice to appease their jealous god.Many people have been killed and maimed in the name of christianity, many a stupid and petty war has been caused in the name of religion.Innocent people were burned at the Salem "witch trials" for nothing. Christians have always been afraid of what they didn't understand and people were killed for condraticting christianity.Is this humane?No,it isn't. Bible fun fact: There are 13 books that were taken out of the bible because they covered such touchy topics such as Jesus being a psychic and the book of Enoch that covered vampirism.These things scare people and you tend to lose followers if you don't omit these topics. I am in no way knocking your way of life or christianity,if it fills your heart with joy and if you are a good person to others and have tolerance for other people,don't gossip on your fellow man,then you are living a moraly strong and productive life. Just get out,learn about other people---Knowledge is power.On a final note,Aromatherapy promotes a sense of well-being and is a very spiritual thing by introducing comforting,familiar scents into your environment. If you think aromatherapy is evil,you should stop washing your hair,stop using deoderant,stop getting your hair styled(at home or at the salon) and stop going to the doctor because aromatherapy technology has been incorperated into all of these and much more.Even churches use aromatherapy. And yes,I practice Witchcraft but I still have read the bible and I know just as much.I just saw the topic and had to sound off---I am not gothic,I am pro-animal(I love animals,soft and adorable), I don't have sex(I'm cellabate), I don't take drugs and I don't drink(my mother can attest to all of this). I am a normal-looking flesh and blood human just like you. Just a different belief system--- Don't let something as trivial and petty as different belief systems stop you from getting great animal care--- Just suck in your pride and be happy and tolerant with one another!!


Lori, What are the results of your latest survey?

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2002

Yes, my name is Pat and I live in Burleson. Excuse me, but I was wondering if you have taken a survey lately as to how many "Pats" live in Burleson? Is there only one? I don't think so, as I am one and not the one you are referencing. So, you best get things straight. I don't know what the hell you are talking about..."Duchess". Seems to me you have me (Pat) confused with another Pat. By reading your comments, you ARE very, very rude. Seems to me the "Pat" you refer to is justified in her/his comments. You are RUDE. What the hell difference is it to you what she does with her animals? You said you are pregnant, wouldn't you do the same for you child? If not, you don't deserve to be a parent. Did you ever stop to think that "Duchess" may have been a "child" to her? Who the hell are you to judge her and her CARING for her animals? Who gives a crap about YOUR personal life? You are the most uncompassionate person I have ever seen and to act this way? You need to take a hard look at your life and leave hers alone. I doubt very, very seriously that she/he gives a darn about you, your baby, your husband, whatever. BTW the type of dog you are refering to is spelled WEIMARANER, and you work for a Vet? I have a college degree, and use the spell checker, maybe you should too, or go to school!!!!!!! The person "Pat" you refer to, is very justified, and I will take her/his word over yours ANY day. I will steer my friends away from where you work. So, you have won in keeping business away from your place of business!!! Congratulations.


This is my last response, If you have anything else to say to me, say it to my face, or call me.

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2002

Ok Pat, here I go. I have all the compassion in the world for animals, but when it comes to people that keep thier dog alive for 2 years by massaging it's bowels just to put it in the guenis book of world record for the longest living weimeriner(or however you spell it), I have no compassion for them. You need to know when it's time to let go. I am sure you were extremely attached to Dutchess, and I am greatly sorry for your loss, but I truely believe that she lived way past her time. I just did not agree with what you were doing. If I was short with you, I apologize. There, you have it, my apology, publically. Second, I would NEVER in a million years hurt an animal period on ANY circumstances, NO MATTER who the owner is. That is why I choose to work with animals. I LOVE animals! Most of the time I like people too. Third, when you mention about candles and aromatherapy being signs of witchcraft, if my memory serves me right, you used to make candles and try to sell them, right? Fourth, my name is Lori NOT Laurie, so you can drop that. Fifth, you have no right jumping on Dot. I guarantee that she is around me a lot longer than you are. So, how can you be so rude to her? She has never done anything to you. Like I mentioned in my title, this is my last post. This has nothing to do with the business, this is personal now. If you have anything else left to say, you can say it to my face, or you can call me. Don't expect me to be jumping for joy everytime you come in to the clinic. and don't expect me to be sweet as pie to you either. I will ask you what I can help you with, get it, and let you be on your merry way. Don't ask me anything about my personal life, I still will not share that with you. I will respect you as well, and not ask about your personal life. I hope we are at an understanding.


Ft Worth,
Hello again Lori-Apology here

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 22, 2002

I am apologizing about the "witch" comment, but not about the rudeness. I am not Pat, nor am I an ex-employee, and I do know which one you are that works in the front and who answers the phone, so don't try to pass the rudeness off to someone else please. Maybe the few times I heard you being rude when I was in there, you were having a bad day, I don't know, but why not just quit doing rebuttals, apologies have been done, so let's just go on with our lives and be adults and be done with it. Like I said before, people have said that they are sorry, so we all need to let this go, but if I see that you have put something on here again, I just might have to get back on here, and what proof do you have that it's an ex- employee talking to "Pat", is it tape recorded? or is it just heresay? Have you talked to that ex employee? No? I didn't think so. Please, again, I apologize about the 'witch" comment, but you have been rude. Are you saying that you are so ickey sweet everyday, all day? No one can be that nice all the time. You can tell by the comments you have on here that it's not true. Let's be done with it!?! I'm tired of reading your rebuttals. You will NEVER convince me, or anyone else I know otherwise, so give it up.


Lori is LYING

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2002

I personally have been mistreated by LORI, and she has absolutely NO compassion for animals that belong to me. She takes things personal, and not business. She is the rudest, uncaring, hateful person that I know. Any yes Lori, I have a life, and it is to make yours as miserable as I can UNTIL I get an apology from YOU with regard to my pets and the way you have treated me. What I have said in my reports, I would say to your face too! BTW, the so called ex-employee, doesn't want her job back. She too couldn't stand to be around you and the way you treated people. Hopefully you are happy in running all of the Vet's business off. Guess what, you're doing it!!!! Such a shame, he is such a good vet and a nice person. b***h, witch, what's the difference?

*EDitor's Comment to the REBUTTAL above


Thu, February 21, 2002

EDitor's Comment: Dear Dot from Burleson, Texas, WRONG! The Rip-off Report is for filing against any business and their employees that Rip-off or mistreat consumers. The scope of the Rip-off Report is not limited to the parameters you stated. Politicians, Judges, Doctors, Lawyers, Police, Governmental Agencies, Morticians, Clergy, Drug Dealers, to Dead beat Dads and Dead Beat Moms, their all fair game on the Rip-off Report.


If it's not one thing, it's another...

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 21, 2002

I must start by saying, if it is not one thing it's another. I am not a rude person. I am a very professional person when it comes to my work. The people who said I was rude to them never referred directlty to me. All they said was the person at the front. We did have a very bitter person that worked for the clinic for about 2 years. She was very disrespectful to everyone, including employees. There is also more than one person that works up front. If you feel someone is being rude, I reccommend you asking them for their name so you can properly identify them to the owner. Pat is just someone who likes to talk about other people and try to ruin their life. Her so called good source, that she talked about, is this bitter ex-employee that has stated she wanted her job back. So Pat feels if she can get me fired, they will re-hire the ex-employee. Well, I have news for you, the owner has stated that she will never work at the clinic again, so you can stop trying to get me fired. And Pat, while your at it, get a life and stop trying to ruin mine! I do not know where she gets off saying that I am not compationate, but that also is a lie. I am the most compationate person when it comes to animals. I have very good people skills, and that is I why I was hired. I have worked in a receptionist position for 4 and a half years and never once had a complaint. So you see everyone, here is the real truth and I think we all know who has the growing up to do.


Laurie/Lori ... Compassionate, MY ASS!!!

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2002

Laurie or Lori, has been to me the rudest mistreating, and uncompassionate employee there!!! If it weren't for the Vet himself and the other employees, I would take my business elsewhere! I refuse to give specifics for fear of retaliation for my pet!!! If the person who accused her of witchcraft apologized, then why can't you "give it a rest"? Personally, by looking at her and the way she has treated me, I believe it. But to each his/her own. It's not my choice. Plus we all know what aromatherapy and candles represent, don't we???? So, just let it alone. Again, the person apologized, and publically I might add, to be done with it. BTW, she is very curt on the phone too! And Dot, do you LISTEN each and everytime she is on the phone? Are you recording each message? Then how in the hell do you know who she is polite to and who she is rude to? Tell me, how do you know? I didn't think so, YOU DON'T!!!! You're not with her 24/7, are you? One other thing. Lauri/Lori is just as sweet as pie IF and only IF the Vet is there, but if he's not, she acts like ..... well should I say a Witch? Enough said.......... To Dot??? So, you are an employee there and working with Laurie/Lori, my sympathies. Just wait until she "turns" on you.... "compationate", what's this? Did you mean "compassionate"? Well, Laurie/Lori is NOT this, not to me and some "others". Maybe she will learn compassion when she has her baby. Laurie/Lori did report earlier she is pregnant, right? Last but not least, as the old saying goes, "What goes around, comes around." Do you know what that means? The way she has treated me and others will come back to "haunt" her.


I have worked with Lori for 8 months and she is none of the things reported.

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 20, 2002

I would like to start off by saying that I have worked with Lori for 8 months and I have known her longer than that. She is none of the things reported. She is one of the most compationate persons I know. I have not seen her be rude to clients, nor has she been rude to other employees. She is a very professional person, and I am very happy working with her. This rumor about her being into witchcraft is totally false. And how this other 'client' found out about it was Pat told her, and encouraged her to post this on the web site. Lori is a great person to work with, and she is very much a Christian.

This web site is suppose to be to report complaints about a specefic company, not an employee. If you have a problem with an employee, you need to speak with the owner. This is a wonderful clinic, and I am very lucky to work here. All the employees are fun to work with and I have no complaints when it comes to this company.


A possible APOLOGY?

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2002

My apology to Laurie, if my report is incorrect, however, I was just reporting what a very good source reported to me.

I will not apologize for the rude way in which I have seen you reply to the clients, including my self. You have no compasion for others and you should work in a non public arena. You have a lot of growing up to do.

However, my apology to the witchcraft referral. There should be only one judge, and it's not me, it is God. So, I am sorry.


Ft Worth,
Rude to customers

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2002

I have been in this clinic when someone was getting their pet looked at, and she was real rude to all of the people who were in there (there were 2 other customers in there),(including co-workers). I have heard other people say that she is a 'witch" also. I don't want to be around someone who is like that and thank God, I take my pet elsewhere, even though I have heard that the vet is great. And yes, I know that you can be any religion that you want to be, I just don't want to know, I don't care and I won't tell you what I am either, it's nobody's business, but once I know, I may look at you differently, that's the american way also. Sorry, I'm an old dog that can't and won't learn new tricks when it comes to religion. If you are a witch, stay away from me, because I don't want to have anything to do with you at all.


Fort Worth,
Yes, a Bible would be nice!!!

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2002

In reply to some of the other Rip-off Reports filed on this site. Telling the truth is not wrong. She may be able per the constitution to practice witchcraft, but a Bible would be much more productive, plus many people wouldn't like it if a person working for a wonderful Vet was interested in that type of things.

I too have been to Alsbury Animal Hospital and found that the Vet's there are very professional and great with animals. This person at the front desk is very, very, rude and I will not go back when I know SHE'S there. If she dislikes you, be careful, she will be even more nasty to you. She is going to run the Vet's business off.


Constitutional Freedoms and Libel

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, February 13, 2002

Ms. Matranga's beliefs are protected by the United States Constitution and she may file a complaint against you for libel.


Receptionist ..I am NOT into Witchcraft, nor have I ever been

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 13, 2002

My name is Lori Matranga. I would like to start off by saying that I am NOT into Witchcraft, nor have I ever been. I don't know who is getting Aromatherapy confused with witchcraft, but there is an extreme difference. I am pregnant with the help of Dr. Lefler, an infertility specialist, and a big part is from my wonderful husband. In addition, I am a very responsible employee that takes my work very seriously, therefore I try not to share my personal life with the clients. This is an unlawful accusation and I will find out who is responsible for this. What I believe is no one elses business. This is suppose to be a web site for the business, not the employees. The clinic is an awesome environment. Second, the thing about having family in the mafia is an inside joke with my friends because my husband is Italian, and they tease me.

So Pat, before you make judgements on people, try getting the facts straight. I think anyone that reads this now knows who has the real issues. Before you start judging people maybe you should see what the Bible says about judging others. Or you can just ask me because I am a Christian, and I stand by my beliefs.


North Carolina,
Is it really not any of your business??

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, February 12, 2002

First off, it's really not your business what beliefs some employee has, and whether she holds the same beliefs as her employer is equally irrelevant.

If she's having books sent to her business address is only a problem if her employer has rules against personal deliveries at work. As long as she's not pushing her beliefs on others what does it matter? Would you be as offended if she had a bible delivered to her at work? This is America, you don't have to be a christian to be a good person, and vice versa, being a christian does not automatically make you a good person.

As for not wanting to take your pet to the clinic because of her, that's very small minded of you, unless you have some reason to believe she's doing something to harm the animals, which I'm sure the vet and other employees would have noticed.

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