  • Report:  #47517

Complaint Review: Alyon Technologies - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- downers grove, Illinois,

Alyon Technologies
P O Box 921549 Norcross, 30010-32998 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a bill for $361.49 from this company that I learned is a porno site. I have not used this site and neither have my chilren that live with me. The time logged on the bill is 115pm when I am at work and my children are in school. I even double checked the date to be sure no one was home on that day. I called AOL and they advised me that there have been other complaints on this company. Evidently they dial up to anyones computer then send a bill. I was told it is probably installed into my hard drive and that I need to have the computer examined by a tech person to be sure it is removed from any files that it could be hidden. I am filing this report and have sent a letter to this company disputing the bill. I also intend to send a letter to the Attourney General of Georgia to see what can be done about these disreputable people.........


downers grove, Illinois

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