  • Report:  #44886

Complaint Review: Alyon Technologies - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- Fairhope, Alabama,

Alyon Technologies
PO Box 923299 Norcross, 30010-8299 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have just received a 3 page billing in the mail advising me that I have a past due notice of a bill of $171.25. Advising me that payment in full must be received by the due date below, Failure to pay the amount due may result in you account being forwarded to a collection agency, at which time all means legal and proper may be utilized to recover the amount due. And a $30.00 fee will be charged for all returned checks.

Account Name Invoice Number Invoice Date Bill Period

Monica Hudson 1A303051908 02/03/03 01/30/03-2/2/03

Due Date


I have no such account number and have never utilized any such service by my telephone number. And I will not pay this fraud.

I am very upset about this. Now what? Must I contact the Credit Bureaus???? Please help and advise.


Fairhope, Alabama

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Alyon Technologies are organized criminals, computer hackers, violating COPPA law

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, February 11, 2003

February 11, 2003 Telecommunications law likely considers this a form of hacking, not to mention state and federal laws against fraud and theft by deception. The Mini-dialer is made in Lyon, France and sent in generic from to several locations. Such dialers are one of the most prolific parasites in existence, with e-groups' own dialers accounting for a sizable percentage if not a majority. They are well known for this; they manufacture generic dialers known under several names, such as the one specified. The parasite that installs some of them is known as ACX_Install. E-Group makes many such dialers and probably made Mini-dialer. Most spyware is, by definition, trojan horse-type software regardless, but dialers such as Mini-player and e-Groups are specifically to hijack your system and connection. There is an absolute element of fraud involved as well. (C/o sponge) Alyon Technologies has spoken to one news agency calling all complaints a lie. These people have no conscience. To Alyon Technologies the end justifies the means. 1. Send a Certified letter with return receipt to Alyon Technologies disputing the bill. 2. Complain to your Attorney General 3. Complain to the FTC http://www.ftc.gov 4. Complain to FCC http://www/fcc.gov 5. Complain to your local law enforcement because this is fraud and theft by deception. 6. Complain to http://www1.ifccfbi.gov/index.asp 7. Thank Ed Magedson at RipOffReport 8. Keep all your records. 9. Remove Mini-dialer, iedisco.exe, and eGroup file from your computer.

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