  • Report:  #644772

Complaint Review: Amanda Watson - Stevensville Maryland

Reported By:
InvaderZimm - Emmitsburg, Maryland, USA

Amanda Watson
809 Mason Road Stevensville, 21666 Maryland, United States of America
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Amanda is a sorry excuse for a mother.
My husband and I obtained custody of my husband and Amanda's son in August of 2009.  This was after she dropped him off to us on June 6, 2009 and disappeared; we didn't hear from her even once.  The sickest part was when her son's birthday was June 24th and she didn't even call to wish him a Happy Birthday.
So we took her to court to obtain custody;  she didn't bother to even fight to get him back.  My husband then filed for child support and was awarded the amount that he sought.  She is supposed to be paying arrearage since my husband wanted the amount to go back to when he was awarded custody.  That support order has been in place for over a year now and we have only received 6 payments for the appropriate ammount.  At times she has only paid $8.00; what kind of support is that?
We have had custody for over a year now and we have only heard from her 4 times since them.  This year on his Birthday, she didn't call again.  He has only seen her twice in over a year and we don't live very far apart.  It would be very easy to arrange visitation but she has chosen not to contact us.  She frequently parties in the county in which we reside but we still do not hear from her.
Just this morning, I saw on her facebook page that she has many brand new tattoos, piercings and even paid to have a trashy modeling shoot done. 
I do know that Domestic Relations (in charge of child support) is attempting to track her down because they are ready to issue a contempt of court order.  So her days of freedom and financial irresponsibility are soon to expire.
What makes this situation even more sickening is that when she had custody of him, my husband and I or my in-laws, would have him every weekend, holiday and summer vacation.  She would have him only when school was in session and would have to do the bare minimum so she could collect that free paycheck from my husband.  At that, my step son was taken to the doctor and dentist for a long list of easy avoidable illnesses that resulted from her neglect.  He is only 9 years old and has had 3 teeth extracted because they were far beyond repair and one root canal.  He has also been treated for numerous skin ailments that result in improper hygiene. 
She also has two other children by another man and left them as well.  She dropped all three of her children with their fathers and rolled out, without as much as a phone call from time to time.
It has now been since mid-April since we heard from her last.  Her son is so confused because of what she is doing and my husband and I don't even know how to talk to him about this.  We just try and remind him that it isn't his fault and in no way reflects on him as a person.
If you encounter this "woman" (and I use that term extremely light), please run the other way.  She only wants you until you have nothing more to give and will leave you empty handed, while she runs off with the next person that can spoil her.
She is a gold digger; a liar; a user; irresponsible and just plain dirty.
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2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, May 31, 2011

Her son is probably better off without her in his life. She looks like a real "classy" lady. Have you ever thought about adopting him as your own? My daughter's bio dad is a dead beat, so my husband adopted her. The pittance in child support isn't worth  fighting over. Just keep giving that little boy your love


Still a dead beat mother (and that title is used very lightly)

#3Author of original report

Mon, October 04, 2010

My husband has just contacted Domestic Relations in York County, Pennsylvania.  He found out that she is almost $1,300.00 in arrearage for child support.  She reported to them back in August that she was let go from her job and she is in the process of filing for Maryland Unemployment.  I scoff at that notion; she has yet to hold a job for even two consecutive months.
This just falls right in line with my last posting; she is a gold digger.  She wants a free paycheck without honestly earning it. 

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