  • Report:  #38484

Complaint Review: American Secretarial Services - Bradford Ohio

Reported By:
- De Rijp, NH,

American Secretarial Services
601 Moody Avenue, Department # 10-A Bradford, 45308-1336 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I, too, paid the application fee, only on the misguided notion that this company advertises a money back guarantee!

It didn't occur to me until after a month of no response, that this company fools many people on that premise. The company's site states: If for any reason your application is not accepted, your application fee will be refunded.

Smart move, scam artist! Because people believe that their money will be refunded, they give it a shot. What I and others failed to realize is that the company simply does not send a response! Technically, the application was not rejected. So guess what? No Refund!

It's so sad that in these troubling times -- with so many people around the globe already hating Americans -- that people will do this to innocent families who are struggling during this already difficult season to make ends meet.

The only reassurance I have (and other victims should also share this view) is that this scam artist will get what he deserves!


De Rijp, Other

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Please Contact Me If You Have Posted A Complaint!

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

Dear Friends And Associates, I am writing you in regards to the complaints posted here that pertain to American Secretarial Services. My name is Ronald Nischwitz, I am the corporate manager of this business. I sincerely wish all who have complained or have concerns or issues would read my entire message below and contact us directly. We will strive in every way to resolve these issues and concerns. In regards to the communication and training delays that some of you have unfortunately experienced, please allow me to explain. We were victimized by a hacker recently. Until very serious damage was committed to our systems we were unaware of this. The hacker had accessed all of our important account information regarding but not limited to e-mail accounts, Pay Pal, web host, and several others. At first the damage was very slow and almost insignificant,(e-mails being deleted). Then one day we noticed funds had been withdrawn from our Pay Pal account. By this time it was too late! They changed the passwords to our e-mail accounts and destroyed our web site. We are currently having this investigated to persecute the hacker who did this! We have since rebuilt our site, changed our Pay Pal account, created a different banking account and secured our systems against future attacks. I personally wish to humbly apologize for the inconvenience. I also wish each and everyone of you to contact me personally so that we may resolve these issues. And please try to understand the dificulties we have had to face with this attack on our good business. We have learned a lesson the hard way and wish to make all aware of the risks one can face without security software installed on your systems. American Secretarial Services is a secretarial staffing agency. We specialize in placing people in out sourced secretarial type positions they can perform from their own homes. We do have people doing recruiting but this is only during the initial paid training program. The paid training program is where new applicants recruit ten new applicants. However, this is not done solely for the recruiting, but rather to create work for the new applicants to do while in the training. What they do is advertise to obtain the applicants, communicate the business information to the applicants, then they compile and type, or review and correct applications as the actual assignment. We use the applications they type as a way to check their basic secretarial skills. After new applicants submit the ten applications, (complete the training), they are then placed in a position working for another business in a secretarial type position. As I stated before we are a staffing agency, the paid training is simply a way for us to build our staffing resources data bank for our clients businesses, while being able to pay the applicants for an actual asignment. The recruiting is a very minimal source of the applicants income as it is very temporary. During the training new applicants are not paid for just recruiting, (as you can see), they are actually paid for the advertising, representation of the business, and the final product which is the compiled and typed applications. The primary source of their income is from the position they will be placed in upon completion of the training. We offer a real service, (job placement)! Everyone who completes the paid training will be placed with a job through one of our clients! We also help applicants obtain the required ten applications if needed. We do this by sending them contact information for prospective applicants who contact us directly. I hope to have reassured you that we are in no way a scam or "pyramid scheme". However, if you have any further questions or concerns feel free to contact me. I will gladly work with you to resolve these issues. Also see other postings on this site I attached below.... Sincerely, Ronald Submitted: 1/19/2003 6:16:24 PM Modified: 1/19/2003 8:26:54 PM American Secretarial Services This is in response to Samir of India. I am very sorry if you havent received a response from American Secretarial Services. As you have reported, I live in Guam which experienced a supertyphoon Dec 8, 2002 rendering this small island without water and POWER. I have only now been able to check my responses because I have just received power (thank goodness!). As to your inquiries, if I havent been able to respond, please accept my humble apologies. I have been with American Secretarial Services since September 2002 and granted it takes a while to get started, I have been paid and as promised it is delivered every 1st and 15th of the month. I, too, did my research for months on end before giving them my $10.00 and I am sorry if you havent had very good results with them. Please dont "shoot the messenger." I do not do the hiring, cashing or paying from the company. I only provide the information and it is your choice to send in payment and application. As all my other recruits can attest for, I promptly respond to all emails and inquiries and provide as much information as I can then the decision is yours. Is this a scam? In my opinion, everything promised me was delivered. I am sorry if alot of people have been inconvenienced but please dont put us all in the same boat. I will do my best and find out the real score with this company before I continue recruiting. Once again, Samir of India, I am sorry if I was unable to answer your emails promptly - an act of nature (supertyphoon and no power) prevented me from doing so. Lilani - Yigo, Other U.S.A. Rebuttal Consumer Comment Submitted: 1/25/2003 7:43:04 PM Modified: 1/26/2003 12:31:00 AM My Firm Is A Client Of This Esteemed Orginization! Dear Sir/Madam, My name is John Hoover, I am the owner of a law firm. We are a client of American Secretarial Services. My firm has used several of the trainees of American Secretarial Services with great success. They have always offered us several candidates for our open positions when we needed someone. They have always been very professional and have supplied us with any information we needed about any candidate we were considering for employment with our firm. Several of my associates in the law field also use American Secretarial Services for their staffing needs and to my knowledge all have enjoyed the same success. I can not honestly relate to the issues above but just wanted to give my input about American Secretarial Services. I personally know some of the members of their staff and I can account for their excellent services through my use of them. I would sincerely wish that any one with an issue with American Secretarial Services would contact their manager Ronald. I am confident that he would do all in his power to resolve their issues. He has always been more than willing to help us and my associates when we or they have had a need. From my personal knowledge of working with American Secretarial Services and their trainees, I would recommend their services to anyone. To those of you who have submitted complaints or concerns about American Secretarial Services, I would again advise you to contact them directly as I am quite confident they would strive to resolve your concerns. Sincerely, John Hoover John - Troy, Ohio U.S.A. IT IS A MATTER OF OPINION Look...this is ridiculous. It is a matter of opinion. Some people get ripped off, some don't. A lot of it depends on how much time you are willing to work at it. I have been with them for 4 months. Granted it is a SLOW process by far the slowest I have been in, but I have also received my $10 plus some for the recruiting part. I am waiting to be placed. Also, a friend of mine that is in HAS been placed doing documents FOR A LAW FIRM IN NY which is definitely clerical last time I checked. So, it is a matter of opinion on how well you have been treated with the company. It is a matter of how hard you have tried, and how you see things. So, just because it isn't a scam to one doesn't mean it isn't to another and vice versa. Some people don't like it some do. If you don't like it request your $10 back and quit. Simple as that. Amber - Gulfport, Mississippi Rebuttal Consumer Comment Submitted: 11/14/2002 2:45:47 PM Modified: 12/15/2002 11:18:29 PM

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