  • Report:  #65724

Complaint Review: American Sound Systems - Schaumburg Illinois

Reported By:
- Caledonia, Michigan,

American Sound Systems
1025 Lunt Avenue, Unit B Schaumburg, 60193 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I too was taken by the guys in the white American Sound Systems van. Grand Rapids MI this time. $600 for something that retails as $1999, I thought I got a deal.

Come to find out they are worth less than half of what I paid, and absolutely nothing on the actual market. At the time I figured it was OK since it came with a reciept saying I could cancel and return within 3 days, however, I realized too late that the reciept was dated a month earlier. DOH!

Anyone else have a similar bad experience? How do I get even?


Caledonia, Michigan

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Please be careful and call FTC 1-877-382-4357

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 26, 2003

The number posted 1-877-382-4357 is for the Federal Trade Commission toll free. They also have a massive website, if you don't mind the weeding through a lot of info: www.ftc.gov Phone calling this business is not necessarily as effective as mailing a letter certified-signature required. You would of coarse keep a copy for yourself and possibly send copies to the Federal Trade Commission, BBB and/or an Attorney (if necessary). Phone calls don't leave you with any evidence for case building. They can easily denigh everything. It was not unreasonable to submit this report, not in this time frame and for your situation. This is a fly-by-night company. You had to move fast to find resolution. There could be Statutes of Limitation. EXAMINE that 3 Year Warranty. Is there any statement made to the effect: "We reserve the right to change the conditions of this warranty for any reason, and it is the buyer's responsibility to remain updated." Do they state: "We reserve the right to unconditionally change this warranty for any reason, all inclusive". Look for the loopholes that allow them to revoke a 3 Year Warranty. If you can't locate this key information, they do not have a legal leg to stand on, and have just warranted a full 100% refund, because of a clear warranty violation. I cannot emphasize enough, all communication should occur in writing. If they refuse to respond, they dig themselves a deeper whole. Make sure they are aware you demand and are entitled to a specific responce, in writing only. A mass produced letter does not count. A phone call does not count. They now hereby have to respond in writing for legal reasons. If they should call anything they say is irrelavent, null and void, without proof. When you call the FTC, I might also recommend you seek the advice of your own local law enforcement. There may be State and Local violations connected to businesses who refuse to honor warranties. It's not a 911 call, but most police departments have special divisions to work with their communities; especially in regard to products potentially sold illegaly. I do not mean to imply you purchased stolen goods, just in terms of their refusal to honor their warranty and refund policies. I've helped people from Michigan before, and found a division within the State that handles warranty issues. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to get you that address. I'm sure you can find it in the Government section of your city phone book. To the ex-employee: In regard to the ex-employee, please be careful, because if they are that deceptive and unethical, it could mean trouble. If you applied for a job, this means you might have given them required personal information about yourself. We will assume you used an alias name, and will be out of harms way. Well, like always, hope this helps. Consumer Advocate Rip-off Report Volunteer


I've seen the insides of the operation! I quit after my first day, I would rather be without.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 24, 2003

I am sorry to all that has experienced these goof balls. I responded to a help wanted ad one day. I was told the job is like snap on tools except for the audio industry. I had no idea what to expect. I went and was hired immediately but was still unclear what to expect the next day. I went in to the schaumburg location on lunt st. and was welcomed to the company. I was directed back to the warehouse area where there were boxes galore of speakers. They asked me to help load up the 6 white vans with 6 sets of different models, so I did. I still was not sure what this first day would be like. When finished they said O.k. lets get in a circle and pitch each other. Being confused on what we were doing and why one of the 8 other guys was holding a basketball I stood there quietly. All the sudden he throws the ball to another employee and walks quickly up to him. He then SHOUTS HEY YOU WANT SOME SPEAKERS, YOU KNOW FOR THE HOME. The other employee trys to give him some objections as in a week attempt to role play. The one yelling then says YEAH I GOT EXTRAS. WE JUST GOT DONE INSTALLING SPEAKERS DOWN THE STREET AND REALIZED THEY SENT EXTRAS. THEY ARE TOP OF THE LINE SPEAKERS COME ON I'LL SHOW YOU. They then continued to pass the ball around until everyone got a chance to scream their pitch. This whole presentation is based on lies and creating a unreal scenario that they are installers. I went out to ride along with one of the guys and watch. This was what they called training. It took watching this guy lie to one person for me to realize something is very wrong and immoral with this company. I asked about legit. ways of selling these and was told it doesnt work this is the only way to sell them. Make what is already a long story short these speakers look real nice and do work. however the company is some small manufaturer in china that unloads them dirt cheap. They have no value at all. If you paid 50 dollars for a set you paid what the so called sales guys that sold them to you paid. Everything else is their profit to keep. I quit after my first day and said if I have to lie and decieve to do my job I would rather be without. That Is The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth.


My report has only been reinforced.

#4Author of original report

Tue, September 09, 2003

This is in regards to my purchase of 2 TR-2800 speakers for $590 from a white van in Grand Rapids MI. American Sound Systems seems unwilling to deal with me on any level. I've been very civil in trying to get this worked out, but they just hang up on me because of this report lol. I really just wanted to get some agreement worked out with them, I even offered to reverse this report if their customer service followed through. It's true the original reciept had 2 date errors, one made by the sales person (dating 7/15/03) and then one made by myself dating 8/15/03, not 8/13/03 when the purchuse was actually made. I'd like to believe they may have actually been willing to accept return of the product since there was a clerical error made on their end as well. Unfortunately any excuse would do, and this report is simply the easiest for them to point at. The company even verified over the phone the date of purchase and sales price from the sales person who completed my transaction. They also told me over the phone that because of this report they will not uphold the 3 year warrenty on the product and I haven't been able to contact them since. The fact that they are unwilling to deal with me to clear their name only reinforces the fact that this is a true scam. I only hope that this report will save people from be subjected to the same situation I find myself in. I don't think I was wrong to file this report so soon after purchase. I have done nothing wrong, and had I actually just called them and threatened to file instead of filing and then offering to reverse it, it would have been labeled as blackmail. It boils down to a number of illegal buisness practices including: IMPROPER SELLING PRACTICES (selling out of a van and lying about their job, claiming they are installers and have an overstock of speakers they need to sell) MISLEADING ADVERTISING and MISREPRESENTATION, claiming extremely inflated retail prices on speakers that have USA on the box are actually made in China (the made in China info is a little tiny sticker hidden on one of the speaker boxes) UNSATISFACTORY SERVICE in that they are uninterested in customer satisfaction and do not care about the company name. UNHONORED GUARANTEES OR WARRENTY because they told me flat out over the phone that they would no longer uphold my 3 year warrenty if something did go wrong with the speakers, then hung up on me. They continue to hang up on me when I call. I have also filed a complaint with the better buisness bureau so see if they can help me get into contact with the company and resolve the situation that I am very unhappy with. Thats all I have for now. If another update is warrented, I'll post it.


Revenge might not be necessary, here are some options

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 17, 2003

The reciept specifies no refund after 3 days, but what does it say about exchanges? Maybe you can recontact them and ask to see what other products are available, and then find something different. At the least, you wouldn't have to eat the sound system. You don't necessarily have to pick a fight with them, and burn your bridges. Just approach them in a civil manner. Really we're just choosing our poison here. I know it might be difficult to consider, but at this point you still might have a chance to get something better. This all depends on the quality and preservation of the product. I don't know how much time has gone by. Another possibility is to contact the Manufacters. Ask them for the customer service number. It's just a possibility. Last, advertise in the Classifieds and sell it, at a cheaper price. They would know the stereo is used. Not sure what you mean about the product no being worth anything on the actual market. If you have a functional product, and it's not broken apart and useless or has impossible poor quality audio, someone else may not care. Sometimes Mechanics will get something cheap and shoddy, because the rough and dirty environment, in their garages. They might not risk a more valuable product. I wish I knew more about the product, because if the stereo is not functioning period, then selling it is not an option. Well, this is all I have to offer. Someone else might come along with a better idea. Hope this helps.

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