  • Report:  #67912

Complaint Review: AOL Netmarket - Aol.com Internet

Reported By:
- Glenview, Illinois,

AOL Netmarket
Internet Aol.com, Internet, U.S.A.
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I checked my bank statement the other day and found a charge from AOL Netmarket for $79.99. After practically accusing my teenager of buying something online I decided to check this site for possible rip-offs. I see that I am not the only one who has experienced this.

One of the other reports stating calling a telephone number, 877-209-XXXX. I tried it and a fast talking sales rep tried to imply that I probably just forgot joining and then asked what I liked about my membership the most. After being interupted several times I loudly said, "NO, I do not want this service and will be contacting my attorney." He then gave me a cancellation number and told me I should see the refund in the next 10-15 days.

It remains to be seen if I actually get the refund. I hope everyone that has been ripped off by AOL follows through with their claims of fraud. If I do not receive the refund I will report back. And I will be writing the newspapers and every other source that will listen. Don't let them get away with this!


Glenview, Illinois

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