  • Report:  #366141

Complaint Review: Apex Credit Services - St. Albans West Virginia

Reported By:
- Baltimore, Maryland,

Apex Credit Services
2919 Shadyside Road St. Albans, 25177 West Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
These people are scams! Stay away!

I purchased a "Ten Year Old Tradeline for $899.99" from these people. I spoke to Judi Unger, the Director of Client Services, on the phone and she said it would be reported within 30 days. She was actually very nice but I guess you have to be nice to trick people if you're going to steal their money!

Anyway, I faxed them the contract and they charged my card that day. After 30 days the tradeline still hadn't shown up so I called them to see what was going on. The same lady, Judi Unger, answered and gave me every excuse in the book as to why it possibly wasn't showing. None of the excuses made any sense. Finally she said she would call me back in a couple of hours. Of course she didn't!! I had to call her the next day. This time she told me that they were having issues with the credit card company that they had added me to so she said wait 30 more days and they would add me to two cards for the same cost.

So finally, after 60 days I still didn't have any of the tradelines showing. I called them everyday for a week and a half and no one answers the phone. Finally, after my 6th message, I get a call back from some guy claiming to be the "Managing Partner". He starts off by telling me he's a lawyer and that this company is something he just does on the side and that their having all kinds of problems with the company right now. I guess I was supposed to feel sorry for him or something. He tells me that he doesn't know what's going on with my tradelines but that if I want my money back that I will have to sue their bonding company. WHAT AN IDIOT!! I told him that my contract was with Apex not some bondsman. After some back and forth, I hung up and called my bank and had them reverse the charges. They were hesitant because it had been so long but they were able to do it after all.

If one of these shady people tell you that you'll have to "sue their insurance company", just say "ok", hang up the phone and call your credit card company or bank. They deal with scum like this all the time! When I get the name of the person that was claiming to be the Managing Partner I'll post it so you'll know if he changes companies or something.


Baltimore, Maryland


75 Updates & Rebuttals


Apex is a scam and nothing more


Sun, August 16, 2009

Honestly people , why go back and forth? Is their a point to all this useless talk? Apex credit seems to be a very smart con artist that uses alot of fancy words and syntax.  Can anyone who's done business Apex come forward and show us one shred of proof that tradelienes were posted on his credit report? All I ask is for just one person, is that asking for too much? I doubt it!  This scam is over and done with. The feds are all following up on this scam and putting people behind bars. My advice is to stay the hell away from anyone who solicits tradelines except the ones that are authorized or joint users, which really dont do anything at all.  You can not buy aged trade lines!! Think about it, if it was so easy to go and buy these fabricated tradelines wouldnt our entire credit system be in chaos by now? As for Apex I hope you get whats coming to you.


Ridiculous Comments


Sat, August 15, 2009

This has become quite ridiculous, First of all I have no relationship to any of the parties that have posted here I am merely a spectator to a ridiculous situation and thought i might offer a basic solution to all of this. I am not saying anything that has not already been said by both parties i just think if you all would take a moment to address each thing independently it would finally cease this non sense.

1.Dcpromoter ...If you were a trues client of this companies and you followed the contract to the letter why would you not just say yes i did everything that i was required to do and they still did not service me properly, you stated that you got your money back which is terrific and we all appreciate you notifying us of your opinions and your experiences but when asked for you to contact the company to resolve these items did you do this?

2.Fred....were you really an employee of this company? you were so sure in your initial post but you have not made mention of this again? please be truthful in your comments about this fact.

3.for a small business to be asked by individuals to explain all of thier relationships with other people in open forum is just bad business, it is hard enough for any small business to succeed in todays market, much less to be expected to have the proper documentation to back any and all of the people they have ever come in contact with, this is just a very unrealistic expectation.

4.the current employees were defending the company openly and answered all questions allbeit maybe not to the satisfaction of the people asking the questions, but i ask of thosae people can you provide us with a list of all the people you know, thier contact info and your personal information? this is not a fair expectation.. do you ask the owner of each mcdonalds where he buys his meat? do we hold them personally responsible if you find a bone in your burger or do you go to the manager complain and get it resolved?

5. perception is a powerful thing, it can help us or hurt us all, please be prudent when venting as you may effect someones life when this may not be your intent we must all take responsibility for our ranting, how would you feel if the children of these people had to sleep on the street because you unjustly accused thier parent of being dis honest. please think and be responsible to only cite facts not your un justified opinion.

6.If it were my company i would have replied to each post as well, this is why our forefathers fought for us to have the freedom of speech so we may openly discuss things and come to a final resolution, so instead of attacking lets fix the problem and move on.

thank you for reading this.






Salt Lake City,
Beware the singing songbird!

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, October 29, 2008

If you rely on a songbird with a sour song, you may discover that your union suit flap is open, and you caught the avian flu. And remember, songbirds flee south when the weather turns.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 28, 2008

My oh my, who's fly is open now Holmes/Oracle/Admin0248?


South Charleston,
West Virginia,
Hello Oracle . . .

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 25, 2008

Oracle: We've had occasion to find out your actual identity through a certain someone who left a certain board. Because Mr. Barnette cannot post here since the institution of the civil action, I thought I'd let you know. I also thought I'd let you know that "defamation" can be proven by implication and inference. Just something to consider in case you didn't know. Complaints can also be amended to add parties as well in case you didn't realize that either. Moreover, your little blog certainly was libel per se by reproduction. Oh, and just to inform everyone, Oracle's dislike for us stems from consumer message boards simply because we are a CSO posting, not because he was a client. Furthermore, he is also a moderator at a competing site posting under the screename of Admin0248. Now that some transparency has been shed, I hope anyone reading this can see the bias. With that said, this is still petty and childish. However, we will defend ourselves against those stirring the pot so to speak. This can end now from your end or we can proceed accordingly. Chris


Salt Lake City,
It's your spotlight!

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

No door, or is that fly, that I could have opened would have been more revealing the the doors that you, yourselves, have opened. The questions that they raise are yours to answer, and no one else's.


Salt Lake City,
It's your spotlight!

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

No door, or is that fly, that I could have opened would have been more revealing the the doors that you, yourselves, have opened. The questions that they raise are yours to answer, and no one else's.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
Nothing Like a Little Solace

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 20, 2008

There are several types of puppetry; sock puppetry is one. The common feature is they representational figures manipulated by a puppeteer. It would be foolish for anyone to take for granted that Employee, that is not responding to the pulling of strings. I'll let Mr. Barnette know, that according to you, he is pulling my strings. That should be good for a nice laugh today. Is he pulling Chris' strings too? He will be happy to know he is not capable of having an original thought in his head according to you. It is apparent you aren't a client past or present. Why are you alone so interested? Using your own logic, someone must be pulling your strings as well?. Who's puppet are you? An offer of proof does not does not prove much of anything. Unless and until it is actually proffered and verified, it remains merely a contention, a hollow one at that. If you are not a holder of first-hand knowledge of the proof and its origins, then it is merely hearsay. Surely, you are familiar with that concept? Well, I wouldn't dare dream of providing you hearsay where would you like the holder to send it? He can read here, he just can't post. Now, either Employee proffers the proof and asserts his first-hand knowledge or Employee offers the hearsay evidence and confirms some the puppetry aspects discussed above. You failed to mention the 3rd option that you really don't want to consider see above where would you like Mr. Barnette to send it? I assume though, unless he hand delivers it to you with a photo ID, and a DNA sample, it simply won't be enough for you. So why do you keep asking for it? As for IP addressing, I am sure that our Managing Sock Puppet has access to multiple ISPs (and their variety of IPs), and likely including the one that Employee is employing. (He claims, after all, to be an employee.) I am also confident that he has figured out how to use a proxy service to mask his IP. No you claim he is an employee. He stated his ACS In House Counsel. Yeah, I guess he could use multiple ISPs in multiple states, or proxies, or whatever - just to hide from you. My bad for even suggesting it. Tell me Holmes, what would satisfy you? I assume nothing short of a false admission that I am Mr Barnette? After all, you won't admit you are simply wrong. No discomfort? A continuing conversation like this does not support your statement. Lets see, If I don't answer you, I must be uncomfortable. If I continue to answer you, I must be uncomfortable. Believe me, you are nothing more to me than a ball of yarn. I will quit when you are no longer amusing. This quote from one of your CreditNet postings says outlines a primary concern: You can go on there [RoR] and state good things about us but, it tends to drive it up in the Google index." You think it's a primary concern. That doesn't mean we do. If we did, using your logic, I wouldn't be posting. No excuse me, I meant to say, Mr. Barnette would have cut off my strings by now, right? (BTW that's not MY post). To what degree are the public relations issues here, self-inflicted? You continue to state we have public relations issues. Your opinion of what is or isn't a public relations problem for us has no value. Trust me, public relations nightmare is not the word used to describe you LOL or the one lone complaint here on ROR for that matter. I am reminded of the maxim that all professionals hold. Do no harm." It is the wise counsel that knows when to pursue matters no further, to avoid opening doors that are better left closed. Holmes, seriously, what doors do you think you have opened? You give yourself too much credit. Tucking tail and running may well have been the wiser choice! Thanks for your opinion. You should take your own advice.


Salt Lake City,
You're alone in this boat.

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, October 19, 2008

There are several types of puppetry; sock puppetry is one. The common feature is they representational figures manipulated by a puppeteer. It would be foolish for anyone to take for granted that Employee, that is not responding to the pulling of strings. An offer of proof does not does not prove much of anything. Unless and until it is actually proffered and verified, it remains merely a contention, a hollow one at that. If you are not a holder of first-hand knowledge of the proof and its origins, then it is merely hearsay. Surely, you are familiar with that concept? Now, either Employee proffers the proof and asserts his first-hand knowledge or Employee offers the hearsay evidence and confirms some the puppetry aspects discussed above. The closing off an avenue of response has no bearing on the acceptability of he proof. As for IP addressing, I am sure that our Managing Sock Puppet has access to multiple ISPs (and their variety of IPs), and likely including the one that Employee is employing. (He claims, after all, to be an employee.) I am also confident that he has figured out how to use a proxy service to mask his IP. IP tracking is highly overrated, however, and can lead to very little in substantive evidence. No discomfort? A continuing conversation like this does not support your statement. Nor do your statements elsewhere. This quote from one of your CreditNet postings says outlines a primary concern: You can go on there [RoR] and state good things about us but, it tends to drive it up in the Google index. The adverse public relations value of negative publicity is foremost on your radar screen. Which brings me to my last point. To what degree are the public relations issues here, self-inflicted? I am reminded of the maxim that all professionals hold. Do no harm. It is the wise counsel that knows when to pursue matters no further, to avoid opening doors that are better left closed. Is this a lesson that that has yet to learned? Tucking tail and running may well have been the wiser choice! It was not the one YOU made.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
Plenty of Room for Two

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 16, 2008

? I don't see your statement rising to the level of independent verification or proof No, I don't either, but then on 10/10 Chris offered you screen shots. While that likely wouldn't satisfy you either, you have posted here enough, I'm sure you realize that is about all we can offer. I can't prove that I am not Mr. Barnette, but I can only hope that anyone with an ounce of comprehension skills can see from previous posts that Owner and Employee are two different people. I'll leave it at that. It is your total internet presence that makes these questions legitimate Why? Because we choose to repudiate nonsense? Because we offer our time for free for those that prefer to DIY? Because we find search engine rankings important? You can't accept the idea of volunteerism from a CSO, can you? Questions are not accusations. If you find them discomforting, it is your projection based on what you know of what you do. I don't find them discomforting, whatever you want to call them. If you want to couch accusations as questions so that you can deny you ever said it, and to insert a bias view, by all means "question" away! This spotlight that you have sought may shine for a longer time than you may like. Obviously the spotlight doesn't bother us, or we would have tucked-tail and run by now. Isn't the internet great?


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 15, 2008

I was not referring to my statement. On 10/10/08, Chris offered you copies of screenshots of Mr. Barnettes' attempts to post. Of course, I don't expect that or anything for that matter to be enough to satisfy you - but we did offer more than mere statements. In light of recent events, I highly doubt ROR will confirm our statments here that they are blocking his rebuttals, nor do I expect them to confirm that given the IP information they have, it would be impossible that Mr. Barnette is Employee, nor would it be possible that he ever did post as Employee. and that I am not Mr. Barnette. I guess you are the only one that doesn't find your contention that I am Mr. Barnette silly given that it is readily apparent in this thread that he was posting as Owner (and I believe it says Individual once) and then those posts stopped on a date certain, whereas I/Employee continue to post. If I/Employee were Mr. Barnette, I would still be defending myself in first-person. ;) No , objective questions are not accusations, but you know what you are doing. Couching them in questions, given your statements leading into each question is simply a way to inject bias. I'm not discomforted by them at all - simply calling them as I see them. As long as both sides of the spotlight remain in the public record, I'm not really worried about it. :)


Legal standings

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

I know a few people that have been quite happy with the results they got from using them.They have given very excellant advice on credit repair for free.Now all the heresay i've read i don't see any lawsuits nor have i seen any judgements.It's my opinon that alot of this is people who probaly couldn't be help or are simply dishonest i don't know.But apex has helped many people legally.


Salt Lake City,
It's Your Spotlight, You Fought So Hard For It.

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

Why should I take it away from you? Proved that someone cannot post? I don't see your statement rising to the level of independent verification or proof. Your Corporate counsel can give you some tips as to what may really constitute proof. And alternative answer could be that he is still posting as "Employee". Fly now zipped? The spotlight seems unwilling to confirm your contention. Business relationships: You've made your statements. Those watching your interactions will decide if they are credible. It is your total internet presence that makes these questions legitimate. You may answer them or not as you wish. Accusations: If Fred/Stan/Hank/Susan have made statements that you take issue with, then you have every right to seek redress. From your statements, you are in the process. Questions are not accusations. If you find them discomforting, it is your projection based on what you know of what you do. As you know, little ever disappears from the internet. It is part of the public record. This spotlight that you have sought may shine for a longer time than you may like.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
Why are You Unwilling to Share the Spotlight?

#15UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 14, 2008

I haven't taken anything back. You said we were "still" begging for assistance - your words not mine. If I was trying to cover up why would I point out that request was actually asked twice? I merely pointed out what you omitted. Requests for help were retracted WEEKS ago. We are not "still" asking for help on behalf of ACS as you would like to lead some to believe. Pattern of saying something and taking it back? Are you referring to your comments that keep spinning and spinning? Most of the posts appear to be from Barnette. We have stated repeatedly, and offered to provide proof that Mr. Barnette cannot post to ROR. You seem to have abandoned that accusation. Spun that we admitted Dcpromoter did not receive services - clarified by us that our comments never changed from Day One, it was possible, but would not be unequivocally admitted. No retraction there. Holmes seems to have abandoned that accusation. Indicated we were not BBB complaint free as if it was some great discovery. I pointed out where I had stated from the beginning we weren't complaint free. Holmes seems to have abandoned that accusation. Imaginary business relationships with message boards. We stated clearly we have none, although how do you prove a negative? Holmes seems to have abandoned that accusation. Why yes, I do see a pattern here...my fly is properly zipped, and you keep dodging the question - what is your agenda? Why are you afraid to disclose it? Besides Fred/Stan/Hank/Susan who are simply making unabashed defaming comments for some unknown reason, I'm not blaming anyone for anything. If we failed Dcpromoter than he/she is certainly free to complain. As a consumer myself, I prefer resolution, but to each their own. The spin you are trying to create by painting us as some malevolent scam business, with multiple personality disorders. preying on the misfortunate, in super-secret business relationships with consumer message boards, while we should probably just laugh it off as the rantings of some random person on the internet, we don't - we take them seriously.


Salt Lake City,
They were your words, not mine.

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

They are still your words and contradict your statement here. There seems to be a pattern, saying something, trying to take it back in a vain attempt to stem the public relations nightmare created by the statement, and then attacking people for your indiscretion. This has everything to do with you, just as your rush to the spotlight all over the 'net has been all about you. You forget, however, that when you dash so madly for the spotlight, you run the risk of it catching you with your fly open. It has, metaphorically with a clarity that is astonishing. Your attempts to stuff everything back in and shift the spotlight away have only made it much more obvious as to how open your fly really was and how much was actually hanging out. No way you can blame anyone else for that.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
To Holmes

#17UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 14, 2008

Are you kidding? You said "I notice that MSP's still begging for assistance over on CN. " Then you come up with a post from 5 weeks ago, shortly after the vicious and fake attacks started? Why didn't you bring up both the posts that he asked for personal help in? There were a total of two ya know. Oh wait, the other post (which was actually a couple of days before the one you linked), would have shot one of your other theories out of the water - "Most of the posts in support of ApexCreditServices seem to be written by the same hand" http://consumers.creditnet.com/Discussions/credit-talk/t-apex-credit-services-llc-68678.html Back to the old post you dug up - you also failed to post this exchange... Is there anything we can do to help you out? Actually, upon reflection, probably not. You can go on there and state good things about us but, it tends to drive it up in the Google index. You can if you wish though. Mr. Barnette retracting his request, certainly doesn't lend credence to your accusations does it? Now then Holmes, what is your agenda? Or are you nothing more than the Sock Puppet you accuse us of being? You certainly talk a big game until your motives are questioned.


Salt Lake City,
A Quote from Apexcrsrv Says Something Else.

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

"I would appreciate any help anyone here could provide. This is getting rather sickening and our Complaint is being drafted for Rip-Off-Report. Hopefully, we can get it filed this week but, I would still hope some rationale people from here that we've helped would take our side." "In short, we need your support as does creditnet itself from these unwarranted attacks." Apexcrsrv; CreditNet, 09.08.2008, 22:42. (See: http://consumers.creditnet.com/Discussions/credit-talk/t-more-slander-now-against-creditnet-68701.html)


South Charleston,
West Virginia,
And how would you know . . .

#19UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

We've had over 1,000 clients. How dare you presume that we would ask for a favorble comment. Moreover, how would you know assuming we did. In short, that is rather presumptious. As for creditnet, we not askng anything over there. We're just advising people that what this board allows is egregious and that they are now allowing attacks on creditnet. What's your agenda?


South Charleston,
West Virginia,
And how would you know . . .

#20UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

We've had over 1,000 clients. How dare you presume that we would ask for a favorble comment. Moreover, how would you know assuming we did. In short, that is rather presumptious. As for creditnet, we not askng anything over there. We're just advising people that what this board allows is egregious and that they are now allowing attacks on creditnet. What's your agenda?


South Charleston,
West Virginia,
And how would you know . . .

#21UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

We've had over 1,000 clients. How dare you presume that we would ask for a favorble comment. Moreover, how would you know assuming we did. In short, that is rather presumptious. As for creditnet, we not askng anything over there. We're just advising people that what this board allows is egregious and that they are now allowing attacks on creditnet. What's your agenda?


South Charleston,
West Virginia,
And how would you know . . .

#22UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

We've had over 1,000 clients. How dare you presume that we would ask for a favorble comment. Moreover, how would you know assuming we did. In short, that is rather presumptious. As for creditnet, we not askng anything over there. We're just advising people that what this board allows is egregious and that they are now allowing attacks on creditnet. What's your agenda?


Salt Lake City,
Not a Sock Puppet?

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, October 12, 2008

He is if the client's input (if he is a truly a client) has been shamelessly solicited by the Managing Sock Puppet. I notice that MSP's still begging for assistance over on CN. His credibility isn't being enhanced by the blatant solicitation.


South Charleston,
West Virginia,
His posts are blocked . . .

#24UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 10, 2008

Mr. Barnette has posts are not being allowed here since the civil action. Is it that hard to understand? Would you like a screenshot of those we've saved? An aside, a former client isn't sock puppet.


Salt Lake City,
Finger Puppets No. 7 and 3

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

Finger Puppets No. 7 and 3 have responded with ringing endorsements. Endorsements such as these ring hollow when Managing Sock Puppet avoids answering the obvious questions. What are the business relationships?

Satisfied Customer

North Carolina,
Apex Delivered for me....was professional and first class all the way.

#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

I certainly do not know what the issues are involving Apex Credit Services. What I do know is this. I have personally used the services of Apex. Their work in my opinion is second to none. If you know anything about the field of credit repair and restoration, then if you are like me, you may have come across some unscrupulous characters that will promise you the world until that is - they get your money. Afterwards the service is shoddy or you never hear from them again. Apex Credit Services provided me with exceptional service. Apex was prompt, responsive and professional. Apex delivered what they stated they were going to and what I paid my hard earn money for. The engagement contract that I signed with Apex was crystal clear about what services they were to provide but most important their work was exceptional. Why am I saying this? It is simple results. In a matter of 60 days or so thanks to the people at Apex my myfico credit score climbed to well over 770. Again, I have seen and read a lot on the Internet about what people are going to doto help you repair your credit or increase trade lines. I have even spent a considerable amount of money to get this done. Until Apex came along - no company could deliver. Apex was the first and only service that actual delivered. Apex did exactly what they said they were going to do they put their commitment in writing beforehand. They even backed it up with a surety bond. Today, I have no problem whatsoever accessing thousands of dollars in credit thanks to Apex. After reading this board it is really sad that someone would attempt to ruin someone like this. If the aggrieved feels they have a legitimate concern and cannot work it out. Then by all means take the appropriate action in a court of law. But this going back and forth is ridiculous, time consuming, and really serves no meaningful purpose. What it really does is waters down any concern you may have, questions the legitimacy of the concern as well as the character of the person complaining. If you have a legitimate issue, stop complaining, stop threateningand take the appropriate action in a court of law. Otherwise, I can see where this train is headed one big libel suit that will bog you down for years to come. For what purpose? Surely their are bigger fish to fry.

Satisfied Customer

North Carolina,
Apex Delivered for me....was professional and first class all the way.

#27Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

I certainly do not know what the issues are involving Apex Credit Services. What I do know is this. I have personally used the services of Apex. Their work in my opinion is second to none. If you know anything about the field of credit repair and restoration, then if you are like me, you may have come across some unscrupulous characters that will promise you the world until that is - they get your money. Afterwards the service is shoddy or you never hear from them again. Apex Credit Services provided me with exceptional service. Apex was prompt, responsive and professional. Apex delivered what they stated they were going to and what I paid my hard earn money for. The engagement contract that I signed with Apex was crystal clear about what services they were to provide but most important their work was exceptional. Why am I saying this? It is simple results. In a matter of 60 days or so thanks to the people at Apex my myfico credit score climbed to well over 770. Again, I have seen and read a lot on the Internet about what people are going to doto help you repair your credit or increase trade lines. I have even spent a considerable amount of money to get this done. Until Apex came along - no company could deliver. Apex was the first and only service that actual delivered. Apex did exactly what they said they were going to do they put their commitment in writing beforehand. They even backed it up with a surety bond. Today, I have no problem whatsoever accessing thousands of dollars in credit thanks to Apex. After reading this board it is really sad that someone would attempt to ruin someone like this. If the aggrieved feels they have a legitimate concern and cannot work it out. Then by all means take the appropriate action in a court of law. But this going back and forth is ridiculous, time consuming, and really serves no meaningful purpose. What it really does is waters down any concern you may have, questions the legitimacy of the concern as well as the character of the person complaining. If you have a legitimate issue, stop complaining, stop threateningand take the appropriate action in a court of law. Otherwise, I can see where this train is headed one big libel suit that will bog you down for years to come. For what purpose? Surely their are bigger fish to fry.

Satisfied Customer

North Carolina,
Apex Delivered for me....was professional and first class all the way.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

I certainly do not know what the issues are involving Apex Credit Services. What I do know is this. I have personally used the services of Apex. Their work in my opinion is second to none. If you know anything about the field of credit repair and restoration, then if you are like me, you may have come across some unscrupulous characters that will promise you the world until that is - they get your money. Afterwards the service is shoddy or you never hear from them again. Apex Credit Services provided me with exceptional service. Apex was prompt, responsive and professional. Apex delivered what they stated they were going to and what I paid my hard earn money for. The engagement contract that I signed with Apex was crystal clear about what services they were to provide but most important their work was exceptional. Why am I saying this? It is simple results. In a matter of 60 days or so thanks to the people at Apex my myfico credit score climbed to well over 770. Again, I have seen and read a lot on the Internet about what people are going to doto help you repair your credit or increase trade lines. I have even spent a considerable amount of money to get this done. Until Apex came along - no company could deliver. Apex was the first and only service that actual delivered. Apex did exactly what they said they were going to do they put their commitment in writing beforehand. They even backed it up with a surety bond. Today, I have no problem whatsoever accessing thousands of dollars in credit thanks to Apex. After reading this board it is really sad that someone would attempt to ruin someone like this. If the aggrieved feels they have a legitimate concern and cannot work it out. Then by all means take the appropriate action in a court of law. But this going back and forth is ridiculous, time consuming, and really serves no meaningful purpose. What it really does is waters down any concern you may have, questions the legitimacy of the concern as well as the character of the person complaining. If you have a legitimate issue, stop complaining, stop threateningand take the appropriate action in a court of law. Otherwise, I can see where this train is headed one big libel suit that will bog you down for years to come. For what purpose? Surely their are bigger fish to fry.

Satisfied Customer

North Carolina,
Apex Delivered for me....was professional and first class all the way.

#29Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

I certainly do not know what the issues are involving Apex Credit Services. What I do know is this. I have personally used the services of Apex. Their work in my opinion is second to none. If you know anything about the field of credit repair and restoration, then if you are like me, you may have come across some unscrupulous characters that will promise you the world until that is - they get your money. Afterwards the service is shoddy or you never hear from them again. Apex Credit Services provided me with exceptional service. Apex was prompt, responsive and professional. Apex delivered what they stated they were going to and what I paid my hard earn money for. The engagement contract that I signed with Apex was crystal clear about what services they were to provide but most important their work was exceptional. Why am I saying this? It is simple results. In a matter of 60 days or so thanks to the people at Apex my myfico credit score climbed to well over 770. Again, I have seen and read a lot on the Internet about what people are going to doto help you repair your credit or increase trade lines. I have even spent a considerable amount of money to get this done. Until Apex came along - no company could deliver. Apex was the first and only service that actual delivered. Apex did exactly what they said they were going to do they put their commitment in writing beforehand. They even backed it up with a surety bond. Today, I have no problem whatsoever accessing thousands of dollars in credit thanks to Apex. After reading this board it is really sad that someone would attempt to ruin someone like this. If the aggrieved feels they have a legitimate concern and cannot work it out. Then by all means take the appropriate action in a court of law. But this going back and forth is ridiculous, time consuming, and really serves no meaningful purpose. What it really does is waters down any concern you may have, questions the legitimacy of the concern as well as the character of the person complaining. If you have a legitimate issue, stop complaining, stop threateningand take the appropriate action in a court of law. Otherwise, I can see where this train is headed one big libel suit that will bog you down for years to come. For what purpose? Surely their are bigger fish to fry.


South Charleston,
West Virginia,
In regard to the BBB complaints . . .

#30UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 09, 2008

1) Two in thirty six months is excellent for any CSO (ask Lexington Law), 2) Both were resolved in our favor as is stated on our report. That means that the matter was deemed to have been rectified on our behalf and the customer was unreasonable; and, 3) One of the two complaints ended with ACS, LLC suing the complainant for defamation. If you would like the Docket Number, I shall provide it for you. As for the other, the gentlemen provided us a CPN number under the false misrepresentation that it was his SSN. We caught on to this and offered to add it to his SSN. He did not respond and still owes us a second installment. As such, the BBB ruled in our favor b/c the person was attempting to scam us and he is breach of contract himself. In summation, I think this addresses all of your concerns. If you'd like, call Terry Corzine at the BBB for Canton and Greater WV. Moreover, contact the WV AG's office or secretary of state and see if we have any complaints. In this business, you only hear about the bad things which in our case are untrue in any event. We cannot help it if people want to defame us or are simply koo-koo other than litigate which we are doing. Just do a search for this rip off report and check them out for what they really are. That aside, there are also many good things to read about us on various message boards and sites. Until this garbage started, we had a sterling reputation. Chris


Salt Lake City,
More Sock Puppetry

#31Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

Thank you again Mr. Sock Puppet. Your role in this soap opera may continue as long as legitimate questions go unanswered. What's with all this proselytizing? What are the business relationships between you and all your erstwhile supporters?


Los Angeles,

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 08, 2008

Jason wade Barnette and his deadbeat wife are still running their SCAMS on Http://www.creditnet.com


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#33UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 08, 2008

First Off, I will say it one more time - I am not the Managing Member. Again, in my 9/8/08 post I identified for one of your cronies who was who. Mr. Barnette's own rebuttals have not been posted by ROR for many, days now. It was your admission that it is possible that ApexCreditServices did not deliver as was contracts. (See Managing Sock Puppet's posts, above). I draw your attention to your own statement and ask the obvious question. Your answer? Now who's spinning? Yes, it was my admission earlier that it was POSSIBLE, but that wasn't your question. You asked, "admitting the basic fact that DCPromoter DID NOT receive the contracted-for service. ... Is this correct?" I will not unequivocally admit that DcPromotor did not receive the service, I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS. ACS, LLC is not exactly complaint-free. Two complaints recorded with this bureau in the past 36 months. That's exactly what I said, "We have two I believe." Does ACS, LLC do business in Ohio? Either study geography a bit, or go here http://us.bbb.org/WWWRoot/SitePage.aspx?site=113&id=a527d7a7-75f0-454d-a861-386e69c9b98d and click on West Virginia (Mid-atlantic) you will see Ohio is the regional center for WV. More questions than answers. This soap opera continues. Sorry to tell you, we won't be part of the cast in your imaginary soap opera again - you and the majority of your questions are irrelevant to this particular report. You will likely be ignored. Go blog your twisted logic and tinfoil hat theories somewhere. If you don't personally know how to blog, I'm POSITIVE you know someone that will be happy to help you.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#34UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 08, 2008

First Off, I will say it one more time - I am not the Managing Member. Again, in my 9/8/08 post I identified for one of your cronies who was who. Mr. Barnette's own rebuttals have not been posted by ROR for many, days now. It was your admission that it is possible that ApexCreditServices did not deliver as was contracts. (See Managing Sock Puppet's posts, above). I draw your attention to your own statement and ask the obvious question. Your answer? Now who's spinning? Yes, it was my admission earlier that it was POSSIBLE, but that wasn't your question. You asked, "admitting the basic fact that DCPromoter DID NOT receive the contracted-for service. ... Is this correct?" I will not unequivocally admit that DcPromotor did not receive the service, I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS. ACS, LLC is not exactly complaint-free. Two complaints recorded with this bureau in the past 36 months. That's exactly what I said, "We have two I believe." Does ACS, LLC do business in Ohio? Either study geography a bit, or go here http://us.bbb.org/WWWRoot/SitePage.aspx?site=113&id=a527d7a7-75f0-454d-a861-386e69c9b98d and click on West Virginia (Mid-atlantic) you will see Ohio is the regional center for WV. More questions than answers. This soap opera continues. Sorry to tell you, we won't be part of the cast in your imaginary soap opera again - you and the majority of your questions are irrelevant to this particular report. You will likely be ignored. Go blog your twisted logic and tinfoil hat theories somewhere. If you don't personally know how to blog, I'm POSITIVE you know someone that will be happy to help you.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#35UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 08, 2008

First Off, I will say it one more time - I am not the Managing Member. Again, in my 9/8/08 post I identified for one of your cronies who was who. Mr. Barnette's own rebuttals have not been posted by ROR for many, days now. It was your admission that it is possible that ApexCreditServices did not deliver as was contracts. (See Managing Sock Puppet's posts, above). I draw your attention to your own statement and ask the obvious question. Your answer? Now who's spinning? Yes, it was my admission earlier that it was POSSIBLE, but that wasn't your question. You asked, "admitting the basic fact that DCPromoter DID NOT receive the contracted-for service. ... Is this correct?" I will not unequivocally admit that DcPromotor did not receive the service, I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS. ACS, LLC is not exactly complaint-free. Two complaints recorded with this bureau in the past 36 months. That's exactly what I said, "We have two I believe." Does ACS, LLC do business in Ohio? Either study geography a bit, or go here http://us.bbb.org/WWWRoot/SitePage.aspx?site=113&id=a527d7a7-75f0-454d-a861-386e69c9b98d and click on West Virginia (Mid-atlantic) you will see Ohio is the regional center for WV. More questions than answers. This soap opera continues. Sorry to tell you, we won't be part of the cast in your imaginary soap opera again - you and the majority of your questions are irrelevant to this particular report. You will likely be ignored. Go blog your twisted logic and tinfoil hat theories somewhere. If you don't personally know how to blog, I'm POSITIVE you know someone that will be happy to help you.


Salt Lake City,
ApexCreditServices BBB Record?

#36Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

See the Canton, OH BBB webisite. (http://canton.bbb.org/WWWRoot/Report.aspx?site=76&bbb=0282&firm=3002739) ACS, LLC is not exactly complaint-free. Two complaints recorded with this bureau in the past 36 months. While the BBB notes these as closed, in one the customer remained dissatisfied, and the in the other, the customer would not confirm that the matter was resolved. Satisfactory? Maybe. But then again, maybe not. Does ACS, LLC do business in Ohio? Are they licensed in that state? More questions than answers. This soap opera continues.


Salt Lake City,
Thank You, Managing Sock Puppet, But You Need To Read Your Own Postings.

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

The title, here, says it all. It was your admission that it is possible that ApexCreditServices did not deliver as was contracts. (See Managing Sock Puppet's posts, above). I draw your attention to your own statement and ask the obvious question. Your answer? Now, is this Judy Unger really Jodi Unger, aka JLynn, late of AoC fame, and more recently a fervent advocate of yours on Infintecredit and CreditNet? The coincidence of the name similarity is just too gratuitous to be ignored. An empolyee? Lending her name to your enterprise? A business alias? (As I recall, Ms Unger was involved in the Keener v Pensacola Enterprises legal action over alleged CROA matters, and made the public claim that AoC's demise was due to a RAID failure shortly after that suit settled. [Public records] Didn't she attempt to intervene in the Keener v Jett suit, and was roundly sanctioned for her efforts? [Public record, too]) Is there something we should know, here? Moving on, hard not to notice that Hedwig, an administrator on Infintecredit, is a frequent leader of your cheering squad over there on CreditNet. What are the natures of these relationships? Just pals? Paid hands? Business partners? What business? What businesses? What sort of business(es)? Deep Throat once said: "Follow the money." Look where that trail lead. Care to comment of the business and financial arrangements that connect you all? The unceasing proselytizing is as transparent as your sock puppetry. Time for some forthright disclosures.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#38UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 07, 2008

You only need to read the postings and syntax to tell that Mr. Barnette is not the only one posting here. I also answered the question on 9/8 to Nomad and addressed who was who from ACS. Here's some more spin for you - check out our BBB record. In three years of business it speaks for itself. There are CSOs out there with 200+ complaints. We have two I believe. We worked to resolve them. Businesses can't win for losing on ROR. If we try to speak the truth, its "spin". If we ignore the complaints then we must be guilty. ACS will not admit that Dcspromotor didn't receive the service contracted for. How can we? We do not know who this person is. Why are they unwilling to provide proof of their claim, and attempt to recoup $900? What we have continually said, is if they didn't receive the service we would work to resolve the problem. We have invited them multiple times to contact us to resolve the matter - yet it hasn't happened. This person has stated they would be happy to provide their name and address. I asked for it - didn't get it. Accuse me of spin all you want - but I have been here since I first found out about this report, trying to resolve the problem, while Dcpromoter complains, disappears for a month only to complain again, and now seems to have disappeared again.


Salt Lake City,
Managing Sock Puppet

#39Consumer Comment

Fri, October 03, 2008

Does anyone but me think Jason Wade Barnette also has taken the title of Managing Sock Puppet in addition to his titles of Managing Director and Corporate Counsel for ApexCreditSevices, LLC? Most of the posts in support of ApexCreditServices seem to be written by the same hand, and spout of a level of spin that is just too, too obvious. It also appears that ApexCreditServices is admitting the basic fact that DCPromoter DID NOT receive the contracted-for service. (See: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/ripoff0366141.htm) Is this correct? Those following this soap opera might like to know.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#40UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 02, 2008

Well yes, I certainly would like you to give us a call or even email us if you prefer. We will work to resolve this amicably. I have not denied that you may have not gotten what you paid for - it happens. In fact, that possibility is addressed in both our Offer Letters and our contracts. But how did you expect us to resolve this issue, when we don't know who you are? Alternatively, You can provide your name and address for service, so that we may fill in one of the Doe spots in Barnette v Xcentric Ventures LLC. The action was recently filed in the Circuit Court of Kanawha County, WV under Case Number 08-C1859. I'm really quite surprised that "one of the premier law firms in Washington D.C." hasn't suggested you contact us, or contacted us on your behalf. Contracts are not really a gray area of the law. I do agree with you on one thing, I have more productive things to do with my time as well. You can either be a part of the problem and continue anonymously complaining, or you can be part of the solution, and simply let us know who you are so we can work to resolve your complaint. The ball is in your court.


Silver Spring, MD,
Apex Credit Services Scam!! Promises to add tradelines then never does!! St. Albans West Virginia

#41Author of original report

Sun, September 28, 2008

First of all, you can give as many long-winded, falsely intelligent answers as you like. You and I know what happened, or more accurately didn't happen. You almost certainly know who I am by your own admission and, in a later post you even let slip the most likely reason that I was not added to your "authorized user" lines. I will not waste my time "going line by line" to dispute your faulty logic. That would be a waste of my time. What I will simply say is that I got my money back. Your "service" IS a scam in that you claim to be able to add persons as authorized users yet I have not seen nor heard from any of your "happy PAYING customers" (if any even exist). Being an attorney does nothing to scare a person like me. I work for one of the premier law firms in Washington, DC. If you'd like to sue me for anything I've said, or will say in future posts, please feel free to let me know and I will call you and give you my address so you know where to send the process. To all those reading: Don't be fooled by this guy or his cronies. Use common sense. He's been posting on boards asking for people to come stick up for him. Has anyone come forward to say "Yes I was a client and he did what he said"? OF COURSE NOT. BECAUSE HE DOESN'T or else people would be running to stand up for the person that helped them. STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!! To the people that run this company: If you need my address just let me know. I'll be waiting. Until then, I have more productive things to do with my time than read your lies!


Spring Hill,
West Virginia,
To answer awfully's question

#42UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 09, 2008

In short, yes. There are two ways from my understanding. 1) Some U.S. District Courts (federal courts) allow admittance to anyone with a Bar License from a state or D.C; or, 2) You can have a local attorney sign off on the pleadings and the visiting attorney does as well via "pro hac vice." Law firms and lawyers represent corporations all over the United States. To think they're all licensed in the state wherein the corporation resides is misplaced. Think about Experian for example. The only thing of significance is the filing of pleadings. That is where one must check the local rules of the court for the specific venue. Oh, and yes, we know this kind of stuff because we're hacks and con-artists. Daniel

Apex Credit Services, Llc

South Charleston,
West Virginia,
Learn how to use Google

#43REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, September 09, 2008

Anyone who searches google can see where I am licensed. Simply visit the Board of Professional Responsibility for TN if you cannot. Pretty easy thus, the above statements are just more libelous statements. Just so you know Fred, in-house counsel can be licensed anywhere. I simply stated that I am an attorney. That is my title with this company inasmuch as my role consists of cleaning up garbage like this. "In house counsel" is anything but advertising and doing it here would not be an ideal place. The last time I checked, the Model Rules of Professional Conduct mandate that attorney's bring it to light that they are indeed attorneys. Thereby, I am only complying with the rules. In any event, I encourage you to file all the Bar Complaints you wish. You have no merit to any potential claims and we never had an attorney-client relationship or one otherwise. You're defaming me and my wife and you're going to make a Bar Complaint? You hide behind a screename, make threats, and then, boom, your going to reveal yourself via an unfounded bar complaint/ I hope you do so I can find out your name and address so I can serve you with a Summons. You do realize that such complaints cannot be from an unidentified person and you must attest to the truth of what you're stating. J. Barnette, Esq. Counsel - ACS. LLC


Crazy In,
Correct me if I'm wrong...

#44Consumer Comment

Mon, September 08, 2008

According to my research, the owner is a licenced lawyer in TN. From my understanding, you CAN practice in other states other than the one your licensed in.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
And Another Thing Hank

#45UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 08, 2008

In your first post on 9/4/08 you said: "I hate to say this but I did work for apex credit servces.I found out that they are only in business to rip people off so I decided to find a new job that treat everyone right.Judi Unger is a lier and con artist and will rip you off by the drop of the hat." Three days later on 9/7/08 you said: "I am thinking that Jodi Unger is a fake name." Can't keep your story straight for 3 days can you?


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
And Another Thing Hank

#46UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 08, 2008

In your first post on 9/4/08 you said: "I hate to say this but I did work for apex credit servces.I found out that they are only in business to rip people off so I decided to find a new job that treat everyone right.Judi Unger is a lier and con artist and will rip you off by the drop of the hat." Three days later on 9/7/08 you said: "I am thinking that Jodi Unger is a fake name." Can't keep your story straight for 3 days can you?


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
And Another Thing Hank

#47UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 08, 2008

In your first post on 9/4/08 you said: "I hate to say this but I did work for apex credit servces.I found out that they are only in business to rip people off so I decided to find a new job that treat everyone right.Judi Unger is a lier and con artist and will rip you off by the drop of the hat." Three days later on 9/7/08 you said: "I am thinking that Jodi Unger is a fake name." Can't keep your story straight for 3 days can you?


Spring Hill,
West Virginia,
Mr. Barnette is a licensed attorney . . .

#48UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

1) If anyone has checked the TN site they will see that it is true. Hank, you sleuth, you have to check the right site. Anyone call check the TN Board of Professional Responsibility as see this. Again, you would have to reveal your name in order to make a complaint so you may reconsider that. With that said, I am not at liberty to give out his Bar Number just so you can twist that against him. 2) Apex Credit Services, LLC has 3 employees plus me on a part time basis. Again, we acknowledge we are a small company and not some large dispute mill. We pride ourselves on this fact because we offer superior customer service. Our reputation is to good to believe any of Hanks garbage. 3) I cannot answer about Art of Credit but, to my knowledge it was taken down as a result of a raid failure. There isn't any proof otherwise and it is not applicable here anyway. To the poster that made statements as to our methodology of adding AU accounts, yes, we are aware that Congress could amend the ECOA or enact new legislation to prevent us from doing this. However, it is legal as of now and the FTC has acknowledged as such. Thus, calling this "fake" is libelous under the current state of the law. Daniel


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,
To Nomad, Hank, and Robert

#49UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 08, 2008

Nomad - Your questions weren't ignored - there is a post delay on ROR, and neither of your posts showed up until sometime overnight last night. The way this works - you may not see this answer until tomorrow... 1) How many employees does Apex currently have? I see rebuttals from various 'employees' but I also see comments that lead people to believe that this is a small business. Are these employee rebuttals part of your requests for people to give positive rebuttals on that other site or are these actual employees? There are two and a part time person, and we are now as large as we have ever been. We actually have no true ex-employees. There were some problems with logging in, and I believe Mr. Barnette may have had to post as different people in order to be heard - but its pretty obvious from his writing style which one he is :). Employee is one person, and there are two "Ex-employees" posting. Hank was not ever a real employee of ACS he is lieing, so that leaves just one real one - Daniel (who is actually still working part-time). 2) The named mentioned in the first report Judy Unger rang a bell with me, would this be Jodi Unger from the Old Art of Credit? Wasn't that site sued and taken down? I remember Jlynn stating several times it was a raid failure but maybe someone can point James Keener to this thread to finally answer what really happened to Art Of Credit. Do what you would like. I'm not losing sleep if you don't believe the raid failure. If you want to hear he took it down - let him tell you that. But use logic and reasoning. There was (and is) a confidentiality agreement. If he says it was taken down due to the court case, and if it were the truth he would be violating that agreement. LOL, so he's perfectly free to tell you he brought it down. Part of me wishes he would - maybe if you hear what you really want to hear, this thing would be put to bed for all time. Its been almost 4 years now - I believe all those that were actually involved have moved on. There's only a couple of people left on the internet that still seem to stew over the whole "What REALLY happened?" thing. 3) Is Jason the owner of Apex a attorney? I see you sign the rip off reports Esq. and 'In-House Counsel' but after reading all of this I searched several bar associations and did not find your name listed in WV, TN, VA, PA. What is your bar number? Yes he is, but I am not personally posting his bar number here - that's not my decision to make. Besides, its much more entertaining to watch Hank splashing around like a fish out of water trying to figure it out. LOL. You obviously know where to find me, PM or email me. Otherwise, keep searching the internet, its there. ;) To My Friend Hank: On creditnet, Jason Wade Barnette put the below in his posting.But he sign as a lawyer. No part of the post above or anything posted by us herein is to be considered legal advice. Apex Credit Services, LLC is not a law firm. If you seek legal advice, contact a licensed attorney within your jurisdiction. Apex is not a law firm. There is a difference between a law firm, and a company's in-house counsel. But then again, I think everyone here has no expectation of you comprehending that. Jason Wade Barnette info has been forward to the NC bar. LOL - That's funny - playing darts with a US map this morning Hank? Robert - I enjoyed reading the various proposals on the floor in Congress. While I believe some of them might still run afoul of the ECOA, (specifically the date-stamped ones) that remains to be seen. Others mentioned are possibilities. I did want to addess this statement: Another proposal is that anyone added to a credit line be authorized to USE said credit line. That should work nicely to 'dry up' the source of folks who are willing to add such folks to their credit for a fee. Who in their right mind is going to agree to add a complete stranger to their credit if they can actually USE that credit? I know I wouldn't. Actually, all our clients are authorized to use the lines. We simply, as many parents and family members do as well, choose not to hand them the card printed with their name as is made clear in our contracts. We maintain those cards as part our paper trail that we have begun performance of our contracts. I personally added a family member as an AU on one of my cards- this particular bank gave me the choice to issue a card or not LOL. Do you really think anyone is fooling the banks as to all the uses of AU's? They simply don't care. In fact, one of the bank's that we are working with in the fraud investigation stated verbatim "We know what you are doing, and we don't care"... The truth is, issues with piggybacking came to the forefront with the collapse of the mortgage industry. After all, doesn't everyone play the blame game? Its much easier for the mortgage industry to point the finger at those evil purchased AU's then to admit they were free and loose with their lending practices in the chase for the all mighty dollar. It wasn't AU cards that allowed someone with a 580 score to get a No Doc 100% loan just a little over a year ago. It was underwriting guidelines that allowed it. Lenders have always been free to actually look at a report and make a decision based on hard information - its no one's fault but their own that they chose to rely solely on a 3-digit top secret number. And while the mortgage industry is crying to Congress, they should know that a large volume of inquiries into our AU program are made by mortgage professionals, still trying to get their clients' scores up to the new thresholds so they can close a deal. Let's face it- increasing mid score requirements to scores that truly reflect no recent credit issues, and a human being using their brain to evaluate a report makes perfect fiscal sense for the mortgage industry (and should have been that way all along), this has itself reduced the size of the AU loophole - after all AU lines whether bought or by right (ECOA) can only do so much. Too bad Congress has chosen to focus on closing this loophole rather than the plethora of problems with all 3 CRAs and those that provide information to them. After all, addressing either situation would probably slow our business down significantly - making many people happy, yes? Statistics I have seen indicate approximately 70% of all reports have errors in reporting, many of which unnecessarily reduce the all important credit score. How many reports have purchased AU lines increasing their scores? 1%? 2%? I really don't know the number. You tell me what Congress should actually be addressing. ****NOTE IF THIS POST IS DUPLICATED PLEASE KNOW THAT I KEEP GETTING A "BAD RESPONSE FROM SERVER" MESSAGE. I AM NOT SURE IF THIS POST IS ACTUALLY BEING ACCEPTED. ...maybe its a raid failure... LOL


Los Angeles,
UPDATE ON Jason Wade Barnette

#50UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

Jason Wade Barnette will be reported to the WV bar the first thing tomorrow for placing ads as a lawyer.Jason Wade Barnette is not licensed in the state of WV.to practice law.Tell your wife to pay her credit card bill on time.Do anyone know anything about this address? 151 RIMVIEW Dr, Beckley, WV 25801


Totally inaccurate information

#51Consumer Comment

Mon, September 08, 2008

First after reading through the initial post I find that story very flawed. I may have a positively biased position towards Apex as I have had numerous interactions in the past (excellent guidance at no charge or inkling I would be charged). I have to say that when I spoke to Apex regarding a seasoned tradeline it was made abundantly clear that it may take 45-60 days to show on my report. As with any item either being placed or removed from a credit report it simply takes time. That aside I have to say that Apex credit has never steered me wrong and I think that they are a good company in a shady industry. When I corresponded with Apex via another website he did not try to sell me anything but to the contrary advised me to make some other changes and then perhaps in the future utilize his paid services. Not exactly someone following in the footsteps of Kenneth Lay or his kind. It seems as if alot of unfounded accusations are being thrown around and outside of your household that could be considered defamation,libel or slander and result in a very actionable position. That being said I hope the people making such allegations realize that if these statements are false then they may be held financially liable. It is my opinion albeit biased that it is very easy in today's world to slander someones name on the internet but it remains to be seen if the same behavior is repeated within the confines of the courtroom. I mean in your own words it seems as if you take joy that Apex frequently checks this site and is distressed by your allegations. That is a perfectly normal reaction of someone who is innocent. I leave you with this: Everybody is tough on the internet behind a keyboard but trying to explain this in court will be the true litmus test of your words. He seems to present lucid and organized rebuttals while you merely rant and rave about things that are entirely nonsensical.


Los Angeles,

#52UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

Jason Wade Barnette is not a license lawyer.(Step forward with your license number)I had for got all about Art of Credit.The next one to go is http://www.apexcreditservices.I am thinking that Jodi Unger is a fake name. On creditnet, Jason Wade Barnette put the below in his posting.But he sign as a lawyer. No part of the post above or anything posted by us herein is to be considered legal advice. Apex Credit Services, LLC is not a law firm. If you seek legal advice, contact a licensed attorney within your jurisdiction. Jason Wade Barnette info has been forward to the NC bar.


Please answer the following questions

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, September 08, 2008

Since the questions above were ignored, I thought I would ask them again 1) How many employees does Apex currently have? I see rebuttals from various 'employees' but I also see comments that lead people to believe that this is a small business. Are these employee rebuttals part of your requests for people to give positive rebuttals on that other site or are these actual employees? 2) The named mentioned in the first report Judy Unger rang a bell with me, would this be Jodi Unger from the Old Art of Credit? Wasn't that site sued and taken down? I remember Jlynn stating several times it was a raid failure but maybe someone can point James Keener to this thread to finally answer what really happened to Art Of Credit. 3) Is Jason the owner of Apex a attorney? I see you sign the rip off reports Esq. and 'In-House Counsel' but after reading all of this I searched several bar associations and did not find your name listed in WV, TN, VA, PA. What is your bar number?


New York,
More comments.

#54Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

""First, it is the exact same procedure in the way the addition occurs. Granted, some people have a moral objection to it and we can appreciate their posture. Still, and has been proven here, it is legal. As predicted by us, FICO 08' has been rendered moot and we cannot envision any way to prevent our methodology in light of the ECOA."" The ECOA wouldn't be the law that would be ammended. The majority of proposals on the floor to make this illegal are proposed ammendments to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. You better attempt to "envision" some more because the lawmakers are envisioning several methods to undermine the "credit line for pay" schemes. One proposed change would be for the CRAs to report 2 dates, the effective date of the original credit line and the date the "credit line purchaser" was added to the mature credit line-this would allow lenders to see how recent the person was added to the mature credit line. Another proposal is to ammend the Fair Credit Reporting Act so that it is illegal to PAY SOMEONE to add someone to a credit line. That won't stop mom and dad, but it sure would damper your business model. Still another proposal (to ammend the FCRA) would be the addition of a requirement that the holder of the mature credit line sign a statement under penalty of perjury that they actually KNOW the person being added to the credit line and that they have not/will not receive compensation for adding the person to the credit line. Another proposal is that anyone added to a credit line be authorized to USE said credit line. That should work nicely to "dry up" the source of folks who are willing to add such folks to their credit for a fee. Who in their right mind is going to agree to add a complete stranger to their credit if they can actually USE that credit? I know I wouldn't. Congress can change any law as you well know. In short, you cannot make it legal for mom and dad and then illegal to pay for the same end. Actually, Congress CAN and is considering several methods for doing so.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#55UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 07, 2008

Hank, now we are getting closer to who you really are... Are you Mr. Mapp himself? Running scared because the authorities are closing in on you for selling the SSN's of both the living and deceased? Are you trying to pin it on ACS because you scammed so many people for so much money? Maybe you are feeling the heat from friends, and yes even your own family members. Maybe you are Mr. Robbins? You know, you contacted us when Mr. Mapp started crying like a baby and sent you to try and clean up his mess. You didn't get very far either, did you? We have no sympathy and will show no mercy for crooks and thieves. You confirmed via email you were using a free internet SSN Validator to assign numbers. If it was valid, you assigned it. Good job! My SSN number and millions of other people's will come up as valid. How many people have had their ID stolen by you and your bunch? Maybe you are the one that called our office impersonating a Federal Judge. That was absolutely hilarious - like we fell for it or were intimidated by it in some way. Or you could be the one that called and physically threatened me. When the call was returned by Mr. Barnette at the number on Caller ID, some old man fronted for the caller and said we had the wrong number. LOL Coward. Hiding behind Grandpa these days too? Takes a lot of courage to threaten a woman over the phone. Someone's GF must be so proud of their man. You could be one of the owners of several websites selling CPN numbers to the unsuspecting . Quoting a "law" that was never codified. Maybe you're just mad because we have systematically been having those sites taken down. Maybe you are the owner of MJM and we affected your income stream? We've already spoken to the "new" owner of MJM's site. He claimed no idea of what was going on - and removed the site from the internet. Reader's stay away from Craig's List. That's where they have resorted to advertising. Needless to say Hank, we have all your names and most addresses. Who you are exactly will come out in Discovery. Why don't you be a man and tell us who you are and save all your friends the trouble of having to answer in court, or worse, have a default money judgment against them because you have no huevos. Hank, we now have sworn affidavits from a former Cook County Deputy sheriff your crew scammed, as well as from others. They all attest to the same story -I'll give you credit, the lies you and yours told to the unsuspecting stayed the same according to the affiants. We have never bought fake social security numbers. Apex was SCAMMED by the bunch I have named here. I wish I could provide you with the name of the single mother that was absolutely financially destroyed when she bought into their bill of goods. She tracked us down for help when Mr. Mapp wouldn't return her calls. Your CI (what is that a Credit Investigator? Did you mean PI?) is lying, or more likely, another figment of your imagination. Have your CI/PI call us. We'll provide him with everything we have mentioned that proves what kind of people you are. We are fully cooperating with Citi and Bank of America's fraud investigators, supplied them with names, addresses, and other key pieces of identification and information. We have filed reports with Kanawha County Prosecutors office, the IL Attorney General, and the Iowa Attorney General. ACS is doing everything in our power to close up this Little Shop of Horrors, and see that everyone even remotely involved is criminally prosecuted. For those of you actually reading this soap opera, let me explain what is actually going on here - fake SSN's were sold by a group, to people, under various descriptions, CPN -credit profile number; ACN - alternative credit number, etc. These sellers of the numbers then bought tradelines for these people from us, presenting them as real SSN's. Apex had no duty under any statute to verify these numbers. We are permitted to take people at their word. Our banks, who have legitimate SSN tracking software in their early fraud detection departments, were the first to notify us of the fact we were scammed. The sellers of the CPN's have concocted this "fake tradeline" story and sicced those they duped on Apex, because they have taken the money and are running scared. Apex Credit Services believes CPNs are illegal. We do not issue them, nor do we knowingly assist those with these numbers. Inquiries into obtaining a CPN number or to purchase tradelines to place on a CPN numbered report, made to our business are met with an explanation that we believe they are illegal. Mr. Barnette nor his wife have ever purchased these numbers for personal use (why would they even need too?) or for business gain. Hank is trying to get the heat off the real culprits in Chicago and Iowa by pointing the finger at us. Hank, I see now you have morphed from ex-employee, to advocate, and now, to wannabe Gumshoe. Who will you be next? Will you finally come out and be the scammer you really are? Its hard for liars to keep their stories straight, isn't it? Our story has never changed. Do you think, we really think someone that can't even type out a complete sentence can really do anything to a Paydex? The website blacklist you are funny - once again you simply have no clue. I'm yawning now


Changed my mind

#56Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

I was directed to this site from another board I regularly post on, Apexcrsvr posted a thread stating that his company was being attacked and he would appreciate positive rebuttals. After reading this thread, I no longer can leave a positive comment because it leaves me with alot of questions that Apex and his many employees have created with their comments and rebuttals. I am hoping to have these questions answered. 1) How many employees does Apex currently have? I see rebuttals from various "employees" but I also see comments that lead people to believe that this is a small business. Are these employee rebuttals part of your requests for people to give positive rebuttals on that other site or are these actual employees? 2) The named mentioned in the first report Judy Unger rang a bell with me, would this be Jodi Unger from the Old Art of Credit? Wasn't that site sued and taken down? I remember Jlynn stating several times it was a raid failure but maybe someone can point James Keener to this thread to finally answer what really happened to Art Of Credit. 3) Is Jason the owner of Apex a attorney? I see you sign the rip off reports Esq. and "In-House Counsel" but after reading all of this I searched several bar associations and did not find your name listed in WV, TN, VA, PA. What is your bar number?


Changed my mind

#57Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

I was directed to this site from another board I regularly post on, Apexcrsvr posted a thread stating that his company was being attacked and he would appreciate positive rebuttals. After reading this thread, I no longer can leave a positive comment because it leaves me with alot of questions that Apex and his many employees have created with their comments and rebuttals. I am hoping to have these questions answered. 1) How many employees does Apex currently have? I see rebuttals from various "employees" but I also see comments that lead people to believe that this is a small business. Are these employee rebuttals part of your requests for people to give positive rebuttals on that other site or are these actual employees? 2) The named mentioned in the first report Judy Unger rang a bell with me, would this be Jodi Unger from the Old Art of Credit? Wasn't that site sued and taken down? I remember Jlynn stating several times it was a raid failure but maybe someone can point James Keener to this thread to finally answer what really happened to Art Of Credit. 3) Is Jason the owner of Apex a attorney? I see you sign the rip off reports Esq. and "In-House Counsel" but after reading all of this I searched several bar associations and did not find your name listed in WV, TN, VA, PA. What is your bar number?


Changed my mind

#58Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

I was directed to this site from another board I regularly post on, Apexcrsvr posted a thread stating that his company was being attacked and he would appreciate positive rebuttals. After reading this thread, I no longer can leave a positive comment because it leaves me with alot of questions that Apex and his many employees have created with their comments and rebuttals. I am hoping to have these questions answered. 1) How many employees does Apex currently have? I see rebuttals from various "employees" but I also see comments that lead people to believe that this is a small business. Are these employee rebuttals part of your requests for people to give positive rebuttals on that other site or are these actual employees? 2) The named mentioned in the first report Judy Unger rang a bell with me, would this be Jodi Unger from the Old Art of Credit? Wasn't that site sued and taken down? I remember Jlynn stating several times it was a raid failure but maybe someone can point James Keener to this thread to finally answer what really happened to Art Of Credit. 3) Is Jason the owner of Apex a attorney? I see you sign the rip off reports Esq. and "In-House Counsel" but after reading all of this I searched several bar associations and did not find your name listed in WV, TN, VA, PA. What is your bar number?


Changed my mind

#59Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

I was directed to this site from another board I regularly post on, Apexcrsvr posted a thread stating that his company was being attacked and he would appreciate positive rebuttals. After reading this thread, I no longer can leave a positive comment because it leaves me with alot of questions that Apex and his many employees have created with their comments and rebuttals. I am hoping to have these questions answered. 1) How many employees does Apex currently have? I see rebuttals from various "employees" but I also see comments that lead people to believe that this is a small business. Are these employee rebuttals part of your requests for people to give positive rebuttals on that other site or are these actual employees? 2) The named mentioned in the first report Judy Unger rang a bell with me, would this be Jodi Unger from the Old Art of Credit? Wasn't that site sued and taken down? I remember Jlynn stating several times it was a raid failure but maybe someone can point James Keener to this thread to finally answer what really happened to Art Of Credit. 3) Is Jason the owner of Apex a attorney? I see you sign the rip off reports Esq. and "In-House Counsel" but after reading all of this I searched several bar associations and did not find your name listed in WV, TN, VA, PA. What is your bar number?


Los Angeles,

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 07, 2008

Jason Wade Barnette you might have a 80 paydex now but next week you score will drop.We are working on putting your website on the blacklist.


Positive feedback for Apex

#61Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

As someone who Jason Barnette has been offering advice to over the last couple of months, I find it hard to believe he would rip off anyone. Mr. Barnette has been professional, respectful and has not charged me one dime for the time spent with me on the phone and email. The truth comes out in the end, but I hate to see an honest persons reputation tarnished before the light is shown.

Apex Credit Services, Llc

South Charleston,
West Virginia,
More Libelous Statements By Fred

#62REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 06, 2008

Fred: I will attest under the penalties of purgery that we never brought a single thing from Jason Mapp. He and Michael Moody purchased lines from us. The only problem was that they were making fake socials and presenting them to us as valid social security numbers. As a result, we suffered an extreme damage to our business insofar as some of our accounts were closed. In the words of Bank of America, "these numbers belong to dead people." Again, we were the ones caught up in this not the other way around. We merely posted that on creditnet.com and infinitecredit.com to warn others because as far as our investigation with the IL Attorney General's office, someone is still running the same craigslist ad. We were able to get creditprofilenumber.com completely taken down. In addition, we are working with Citifinancial in IN in order to catch these people. You see, we actually post on message boards and all experts to help people. and guess what, we do it for free. That's where you picked it up or either you are on of Mapp's people. Finally, I would never consider purchasing a fraudulent number. I don't need to insofar as I have a 720+ FICO mid-score, good paydex (which you should know) and a good Intelliscore with Experian Small Business reports. Plus, it's illegal. Why don't you provide some proof of something or just go away. Or and if your such a sleuth, get my wife's name right at least. Geez. J. Barnette, Esq. Counsel - ACS, LLC


Spring Hill,
West Virginia,
Response to the above and to Hank's lies . . .

#63UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 06, 2008

First, it is the exact same procedure in the way the addition occurs. Granted, some people have a moral objection to it and we can appreciate their posture. Still, and has been proven here, it is legal. As predicted by us, FICO 08' has been rendered moot and we cannot envision any way to prevent our methodology in light of the ECOA. In short, you cannot make it legal for mom and dad and then illegal to pay for the same end. As for Hank's comments . . . those are more lies. We simply posted on a few consumer board to watch out for these guys. None of our members "bought" or created these. Why would we? What did happen is that they were bought by Jason Mapp from Micheal Moody and he passed them over to us to which we attempted to add lines. Of course, he told us they were actually social security numbers. We do not have an affirmative duty to vet out the validity of SSN numbers and frankly I don't get why they would do this. In any event, Bank of America flatly told us they belonged other people both living and dead. We have a stack of affidavits from such of their clients as John Brooks, a former Cook County Sheriff's Deputy, Gemico Childress and Michael Durham. Therein, they state and have had notorized the Mapp said he worked for us, that he was a law student in WV and he trumped up our charges by up to four times. Anyway, we've already sent this to the District Attorney for Cook County and the IL and IA Attorney Generals Office. We are also working with Citfinancial on these issues. Daniel Winnell


New York,

#64Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 06, 2008

""7) As for our 'fake' tradelines, again our clients are simply added as authorized users. This is the same procedure as if your mom or dad added you to one of their cards. Bank of America, Discover, American Express, Citibank, GE Money Bank do the reporting and they are real, aged accounts. Why can't you understand this? Moreover, it is completely legal per the FTC: 'What I've gathered from attorneys here is that it appears to be legal' . . . , said FTC spokesman Frank Dorman. Please visit http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2007-06-03-3595595170_x.htm for more."" Actually, it is NOT the same procedure as if your mom or dad added you to one of their cards. The difference is that you don't PAY mom or dad to add you to the card. Also, mom or dad usually add you to their card so that you may USE the card rather than as an attempt to up your credit score. So far, this appears legal and no government agency is prepared to declare it illegal as there does not appear to be a specific law or regulation that PROHIBITS adding someone/some entity to a credit line for a fee, for the purpose of skewing the payee's credit score. This may very well change in the future. Lenders are lobbying heavily to have Congress outlaw this practice. Several lawmakers are interested in changing this, not only because of the lobbying efforts of lenders, but also because this practice devalues the credit scores of consumers/businesses who legitimately have well established credit lines. ""UPDATE I found out today from my CI that Jason Wade Barnette/Nichole Barnette bought someone else social security number from a Jason Mapp and applied for credit which is FRAUD.We have sent out a UDR to all credit card companies to be on the look out for Jason Wade Barnette/Nichole Barnette."" What nonsense is this Hank? You sent out NOTICES? What about filing criminal complaints with law enforcement agencies; FBI, FTC, local police, etc.


Los Angeles,

#65UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 06, 2008

I found out today from my CI that Jason Wade Barnette/Nichole Barnette bought someone else social security number from a Jason Mapp and applied for credit which is FRAUD.We have sent out a UDR to all credit card companies to be on the look out for Jason Wade Barnette/Nichole Barnette. Will keep you posted.

Apex Credit Services, Llc

South Charleston,
West Virginia,
More threats and lies . . .

#66REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 05, 2008

Fred: You cannot serve an out of state corporation by publication. Moreover, you have no standing since you are not and never were a client. We do not violate the CROA so, you've got nothing there either. I'll tell you what though, why don't you make some more lies up and sue us through your state's long arm statute. Then, we can file our counterclaims. See, Fred, not being an attorney you wouldn't know these things. But, I'm here to help you. Finally, we are the ones running scared? Are names are here. You've even mentioned my wife which has nothing to do with the LLC. Still, we respond to all your garbage no matter how frivilious it is. Finally, I notice you failed to address my correction of your lies in my previous post. Why? Is it because it proves you to be a liar? For your own sake, quit making yourself look bad. J. Barnette, Esq., Counsel - ACS, LLC


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#67UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 05, 2008

Hank, Running scared? I don't think so. The only running we have done was to go tie one hand behind our backs and blindfold ourselves to make it a fair argument for you. It appears you are the only coward here, you won't even state who you really are. Here is your task for the day. After school, while having your milk and cookies, you need to read up on the California Code of Civil Procedure (the part of "the California Law" you are sadly misinterpreting). It must be embarrassing to keep talking about things you have no clue about. Let us know if you need the definition of any of the following: "reasonable diligence" "affidavit" "court ordered" "most likely to give actual notice to that party" Oh, it hasn't gone unnoticed that you were originally an ex-employee, and now you have morphed in to something else entirely.


Los Angeles,

#68UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 05, 2008

I see you are running scared. You are checking the rip off board every hour. Here is the way it will work clown.I will sue you and your wife in the state of California. The California law say I can post it in the local newspaper for 4 weeks you do not answer I get a default judgment and that will go on all 4 credit bureaus. Once we do that I will pull your credit reports every week.


Los Angeles,

#69UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 05, 2008

I see you are running scared. You are checking the rip off board every hour. Here is the way it will work clown.I will sue you and your wife in the state of California. The California law say I can post it in the local newspaper for 4 weeks you do not answer I get a default judgment and that will go on all 4 credit bureaus. Once we do that I will pull your credit reports every week.


Los Angeles,

#70UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 05, 2008

I see you are running scared. You are checking the rip off board every hour. Here is the way it will work clown.I will sue you and your wife in the state of California. The California law say I can post it in the local newspaper for 4 weeks you do not answer I get a default judgment and that will go on all 4 credit bureaus. Once we do that I will pull your credit reports every week.


Spring Hill,
West Virginia,
Fred you an outright liar!

#71UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 05, 2008

I worked for ACS, LLC up until about two weeks ago. In fact, I still do on a part time basis. I worked for them since their inception and all of what your saying is simply lies. In all the time the corporation has been in business, they've never had more than four employees. Guess what, you were never there. In your first garbage post you never cast this aspirsion. Plus, by your own admission you live in L.A. I will quote you: Fred Los Angeles, California U.S.A. This begs the question of how you could work for a corporation in WV. Again, why don't you show us some 1099's? ACS, LLC is a fair and honest company. Are they perfect, no, but they do adhere to their Agreements so long as the client is honest with them and comports to their instructions. As for the rest of your claims, I think Mr. Barnette set you straight on those. Incidentely, placing his wife's name into your libelous statement was very classy. She has nothing to do with the business. What is wrong with you?

Apex Credit Services, Llc

South Charleston,
West Virginia,
Response to Hank's defamatory comment . . .

#72REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, September 04, 2008

Dear Hank: 1) You never worked for us nor would you ever because your grammatical skills are pathetic. Produce some documentation you worked for us! Again, you are nothing more than a liar. 2) Please sue us. I would love to see your finely drafted complaint. Moreover, produce some documentation that we've damaged you. You do know you need damages in order to withstand a Motion to Dismiss for failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted. 3) Anyone can purchase a Duns report. Big deal. Did you see that we have an 80 Paydex too. Without the eUpdate password it is worthless so I don't see your point. Go ahead and post the report insofar as liars and con artist usually don't have 80 paydex scores. 4) Apex Credit Services was a d/b/a at the time it was formed. Their was no licensing listed because DnB does not check CSO registration statements with the West Virginia Secretary of State. It is a registration/license that their data miners do not look for. However, please visit the West Virginia Secretary of State's site at http://www.wvsos.com/wvcorporations/SearchResults.asp. Therein, you will see that we are registered as a LLC and licensed as a CSO. Oh, and call Hartford Fire and Causalty to check our bonding information. 5) Bringing my wife into this garbage is just unbelievable. Very professional inasmuch as she has nothing to do with the LLC. This merely shows that you are some thug with a vendetta. 6) I am a licensed attorney and in house counsel for ACS, LLC. You have no grounds whatsoever to file a bar complaint against me inasmuch as everything we do is pursuant to the CSOA/CROA. Moreover, Bar Complaints are for legal related matters wherein a client or former client is damaged by a lawyer. We have no such relationship. However, go ahead because that requires you to provide a name and address. This will provide me with the information I need to file a civil action against you for Defamation. I have already filed a complaint with the WV State Police in regard to your implied threats. That said, do you really think that anyone would take you seriously after your lies herein. 7) As for our "fake" tradelines, again our clients are simply added as authorized users. This is the same procedure as if your mom or dad added you to one of their cards. Bank of America, Discover, American Express, Citibank, GE Money Bank do the reporting and they are real, aged accounts. Why can't you understand this? Moreover, it is completely legal per the FTC: "What I've gathered from attorneys here is that it appears to be legal" . . . , said FTC spokesman Frank Dorman. Please visit http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2007-06-03-3595595170_x.htm for more. Furthermore, this methodology will continue to work for consumers. AU, as we aptly predicted will be scored in FICO 08'. They must be pursuant to the ECOA. "After consulting with the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Trade Commission earlier this year, Fair Isaac has decided to include consideration of authorized user trade lines present on the credit report" in a revamped version of the credit score formula called FICO 08, Thomas J. Quinn, Fair Isaac's vice president of scoring solutions, said in prepared testimony." See http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/piggybacking-fico-credit-score-authorized-user-1265.php. 8) So in light of the above, who is the fraud now? Produce some evidence that gives anything you say credibility. We have devised a plan Fred, albeit that may take time but, we will find out who you are. When we do, I will have you served through the Secretary of State with a civil complaint grounded in defamamtion per se and make a criminal complaint with the Kanawha County Prosecuting Attorney's Office and the county agency of the same where you reside. I bet it makes you feel like a big man to sit on your computer and spout out lies. Why not come forward and tell us who you are and actually be a man? 9) To the OP, you are also a liar. Produce a contract wherein we agreed to place a line on your report in 30 days. All of our contracts are for 90 days. Moreover, we have not received any chargebacks and I have never encouraged someone to sue our bonding company. You would need to sue us insofar as you have no standing against the bonding company. J. Barnette, Esq. In-House Counsel - ACS, LLC


Los Angeles,

#73UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 04, 2008

We have done more research on Jason Wade Barnette/Nichole Barnette and it look like Jason Wade Barnette is a FRAUD himself.According to Duns and Bradstreet apex credit services are not license.We have sent in a request to Duns and Bradstreet and Experian business credit to look in to Apex credit services llc. Here is Apex Credit Services D-U-N-S Number 623596173 Jason Wade Barnette remove the bogus trade lines you are selling on your website and we will go away. Remember we have your personal information.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#74UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 04, 2008

Hank, did your mommy forget to lock the door to the computer room again? If you had really worked for ACS, or even knew "Judi Unger", you would know that Dcpromoter has misspelled the name, and would have corrected it for the sake of assisting the public LOL. All the employees and all the lawyers??? LOL - how many people do you think have worked there--ever? As was said in the previous post, we are a small company, and "Hank" was never one of them. We are suing...? Voices in your head talking again? They have meds for that. Now, back under the rock from which you came.


Saint Albans,
West Virginia,

#75UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 03, 2008

Let me go line by line... 1. she said it would be reported within 30 days That simply doesn't happen, what you were told was they generally report in about 30 days, but may take up to 60. While our contracts have changed to allow for a 90 day time frame, I will assume that you signed an older contract that gave us 60 days. I would suggest you read Item No. 33 in your contract. You stated you signed it. Surely you read what you were signing? 2. I guess you have to be nice to trick people if you're going to steal their money! This is a defamatory comment that really isn't worth addressing. 3. answered and gave me every excuse in the book as to why it possibly wasn't showing. Without hard copies of your credit report, we can only give possible reasons why your tradeline has not reported. When hard copies are presented, we sometimes do find problems that will cause non reporting (ie. Being a Jr and not telling us, or signing your name as Mandy when it is listed on your credit reports as Amanda), and for which we can give definitive answers, and make corrections. Did you submit a current copy of your report at that time? Alternatively, did you provide us with a TC login? 4. This time she told me that they were having issues with the credit card company that they had added me to so she said wait 30 more days and they would add me to two cards for the same cost. This statement does have a ring of truth to it. We were beginning to have issues with slow reporting on one of our 10 year old accounts (one of the reasons are contracts were changed to 90 day terms.) We could very well have offered to switch her to a different line. If both ended up reporting one would be on the house. This would have been done as a courtesy. We were still within our contract terms. Secondly, we would not have told you to wait another 30 days to add you to the courtesy card, but would have done so immediately. The truth is, you really had no valid complaint at that point in time merely concerns, and we were attempting to foster goodwill. 5. I called them everyday for a week and a half and no one answers the phone. If you would stick to facts you would be more believable, but you are simply lying. We are a small company and we simply can't always answer the phone the moment it rings. As a matter of company policy, if we are on the phone with a client, we will not put them on hold to answer another line. That is why we do have voice mail. The phones are answered from 9 am to 6 pm EST M-F. 6. I told him that my contract was with Apex not some bondsman We have a voluntary bond in place, for the benefit our clients. This is a low cost method for which they may seek redress if they believe our company has damaged them. I am sorry you do not understand what it is to put it in simplistic terms, it is like car insurance for our company. You merely need to contact them to start the wheels in motion for a claim. No need to sue. The information needed to contact our bonding company is clearly displayed on Page 11 of all of our contracts. It is a nationally recognized insurance company with a household name - not Acme Bonding across from the local jail as you intimate. To date, we have never had a claim against our bond, simply because when all parties to a transaction communicate, a resolution is reached for issues or perceived issues. 7. I hung up and called my bank and had them reverse the charges. They were hesitant because it had been so long but they were able to do it after all. As of today's date, we have received no notice of a recent chargeback from anyone. Your comment that they were "hesitant" again makes you unbelievable. Either a bank will, or they won't issue a chargeback, and they have specific protocol to follow - hesitant is not part of it. If you have indeed requested a chargeback, we will, first attempt to go through proper channels to argue our side and have the chargeback reversed, and if that fails, we will have no choice but to sue you to recoup the fees you charged back, plus legal expenses, since you have not provided any proof in the form of recent credit reports, that your statements are true. I hope, for your sake, you are lying about issuing a chargeback. I know no one has submitted reports recently requesting a refund. 8. When I get the name of the person that was claiming to be the Managing Partner I'll post it so you'll know if he changes companies or something. His name is J. W. Barnette . This is not a side business. He will not be changing companies. Why would we care about some random complaint from an anonymous poster if this were true, or for that matter, if we were in the business of stealing money. Some questions for Dcpromoterhave you advised ACS that neither line is reporting? Have you submitted credit reports to support your claim they aren't reporting? If you really are from Maryland, and you are who we think you are, you have not communicated there is a continuing issue. We do not have direct access to any person's credit reports. Our business relies on communication from our clients that there are problems/issues/concerns. When we do not hear from clients, we can only assume everything is ok. People just don't generally call us back to tell us they got what they paid for. They simply move on. That is the nature of our business.


Los Angeles,

#76UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 03, 2008

I hate to say this but I did work for apex credit servces.I found out that they are only in business to rip people off so I decided to find a new job that treat everyone right.Judi Unger is a lier and con artist and will rip you off by the drop of the hat. We are suing apex credit services and naming all employees and we are reporting all the SCUM BAG so call lawyers that work for Apex credit services to the bar.

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