  • Report:  #67353

Complaint Review: AT & T Universal Credit Card - St. Louis Missouri

Reported By:
- Manchester, Missouri,

AT & T Universal Credit Card
www.citibank.com St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First off all, they hiked up my interest rate when I was 2 days late on a payment. Due date was the 6th, they received the payment on the 8th. I mail the payment the same time every month, not my fault if there was a delay with the post office.

After they refused to waive any late fees, ect. We decided we were through with this card. We paid off the balance of over $5,000. I called to get the balance the day I mailed the payment. I sent a check for that exact amount. I received a bill the following month for $80 in finance charges. They say these are on the balance for 20 days or so in that cycle. I said I just mailed you $5000 you can't waive $80 in finance charges. The answer was no.

I am going to call back and talk to a supervisor but by the way it sounds that will not do me any good. I am thinking about not paying and putting in a dispute with the credit bureau. But I have excellent credit and don't really want to take a chance of ruining it. This company has no customer service, I would love to get in on any class action suits.


Manchester, Missouri

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