  • Report:  #68071

Complaint Review: AT&T - Newark New Jersey

Reported By:
- West Hartford, Connecticut,

PO Box 1200 Newark, 07101-1200 New Jersey, U.S.A.
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AT&T began sending me bills in January of 2000. Each time my husband traveled, he would call me and use his calling card. I would get a bill from AT&T and promptly pay it. Seems simple enough.

In May of 2003, my husband went to Georgia, he called me a few times and I received and paid the AT&T bill of $44.40. In July he traveled to New Jersey and I received and paid anothe AT&T bill of $36.68.

During the entire months of July and August, I received no less than 3 messages a day (including weekends) from AT&T Voice (showed up on caller ID). When home, I answered the phone and spoke to the service reps who said I owed them $36.68. I provided the Confirmation Number, Check Number, Date Sent and DATE CASHED by AT&T, and asked them to stop calling me. I provided this information at least 15 times in 2 months.

On 9/16/03, I received another bill from AT&T. It states I have a credit balance of $81.08, do not send payment, this is a credit!!! It listed the two dates my husband traveled in May and July and the two amounts I sent them ($44.40 and $36.68).

I called the number on the AT&T bill and requested assistance, explained the harrassing phone calls from AT&T Voice, and I gave her all the same information as described above. The rep stated that I must have opened a second account, and it is on the second account that I owe money not this one. I replied, this is the same phone I have had for 9 years, no changes, and no new accounts!! I then stated where I sent the money (address shown on AT&T statement-Newark, NJ)and she said, that is not correct you were supposed to send it to Aurora, IL. When I asked how I could possibly know this, she replied, I know it now and I should send $36.68 to that address immediately so this does not go to collections!

She also explained that AT&T will send me a check in the amount of $81.08. I said why not transfer the $36.68 where it is owed and talk to me about the $44.40. No can do, they will send me a check and cancel that account that I opened. Again, I DID NOT OPEN THE ACCOUNT, but that is not good enough.

Like a dope, I send the $36.68 to Aurora, IL and now I received a bill from the GCS Collection Agency in Dallas, TX for $36.68. Trust me, they did not want to hear anything about what has happened and told me to just pay the bill so my credit is not completely ruined!! The nerve of these people.

I have now called the Credit Department of AT&T and spoke with another very nice service rep and explained the story for the 100th time. He said I have to wait for the check to clear that I sent to Aurora, IL. He said he was very sorry for all of my troubles, and understands I have paid the bill already, and can see that AT&T screwed up by opening this second account, and AT&T should not have sent me to collections, they should have transferred the payment to the correct place however, I still must wait.

I asked that he call the collection agency and call them off!! He cannot do this until the new check clears! I am exhausted! I explained I wanted it documented that I was going to file a report here, and never do business with them again. I also explained that word of mouth is one of the strongest marketing tools, and I plan to let everyone know what has happened!!!


West Hartford, Connecticut

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