  • Report:  #1080684

Complaint Review: AuthorizedStatement Michael Roberts Rexxfield Ripoff Report Common Decency Inc Mile2 Authorized Statement - Internet

Reported By:
Another Victin of Michael Roberts Rexxfield -

AuthorizedStatement Michael Roberts Rexxfield Ripoff Report Common Decency Inc Mile2 Authorized Statement
Internet, USA
(481) 916-5977
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BEWARE of AuthorizedStatement.org – Watch out: Fix is worse than the problem once you refuse to pay your monthly protection fee.

Let the buyer beware: the company we hired to fix our reputation was the one destroying it.  

FLASHBACK: Rexxfield exposed fear based marketing by cyber bullying children to sell their parents Reputation Management services! Pay attention to audio recording below.

This is a really dark topic and the victims (myself included) feel almost raped that the kind of people Authorized Statement prey upon were people like me, who were naive enough, and desperate enough, that we were pretty easy targets. Reputation Management and SEO guys are kind of like carnival guys.

Consider our story – we own a family business and deal with our customers directly. My husband and I discover one day consumer complaints about our business online and those complaints caused a drastic drop in business revenue. The customers, demanded that we honor our promises or issue them a full refund. The lost revenue caused by the truthful review made it impossible to issue the refunds.

 Next, we began being contacted by multiple Online Reputation Management Companies claiming the ability to remove the complaints even from private web server systems of websites and the ability to hide search results from Yahoo, Bing and even Google (more than likely a company created by Michael Roberts Rexxfield continue reading to learn more.)


We knew right from wrong – and that most people when they want to KNOW ABOUT A COMPANY use Google, Bing and Yahoo or any of a number of search engines to get RELIABLE information. That by signing up for Authorized Statement was taking other people’s right to free-speech but we did not know how else to approach the problem. Forced To Pay – Michael Roberts, Founder Authorized Statement.org


BAD to WORSE:  Forced To Pay – Michael Roberts, Founder Authorized Statement.org

Michael Ross Roberts Rexxfield said: “Why incur the financial cost by making things right with the customers, When you can LIE TO THE PUBLIC, remember we can censor your customer’s free-speech.


We signed up with Authorized Statement, and they began to write reviews pretending to be customers. He offered to also have us interviewed in a major publication if we provided his a testimonial and affidavit. We wondered how all there services for only $99. We had no idea for do any of his other victims that you have now walked in trap designed to gain our trust and open our checkbook.


We trusted Michael Roberts. When our children were targeted a few weeks later by Cyber Bullies we called Michael Ross Roberts who told us about one of his other Reputation Management companies and he could have the contented deleted for a few thousand dollars. We agreed to the monthly protection fee that guaranteed our children would not be cyber bullied.

Michael Roberts called me enough time, and he would talk as a good friend. He was being my friend. The courtship lasted for a few weeks, and we eventually began purchasing more services. Our children were targeted a few by Cyber Bullies we called Michael Ross Roberts sent us to one of his other Reputation Management companies. He told us for a few thousand dollars he would have the content deleted we had no idea it was his company who created the problem in the first place. We purchased what he called a ‘protective shield’ – we also began a monthly protection fee and under the guarantee our children would not be cyber bullied. (See Fox News link below explaining how Michael Ross Roberts was creating the content himself on weak overseas websites.)


Two-days after we purchased services for our children, new vicious attacks came against our business, and other family members. We own a family business and deal with our customers directly. We knew the earlier complaints were legitimate – these new reviews were false. He told me if I paid $25,000 he would put not only have all the complaints deleted, but that his other company would take our business to the top of Google within 48 hours. He then tells me about what a great wife I am, how he has never had any luck with his three wives, as he was relating all this to me, he starts to choke up a little, and that the $25,000 also would help him because his 3rd wife was about to leave him, and if I would help him he would keep me and my family under his wing. So to speak,

I was in a vulnerable state worrying about my kids and the cyber bullying, It was in this vulnerable state and trying to care for my family, that I wired $25,000 an fraudulent ‘escrow account the money which was to be held and only disbursed with my or my husband’s approval, services were never rendered, nor refunded.


It turns out we were not the only person who had been nailed by the Authorized Statement scam. One victims, Los Angeles California, lost a total of $30,000 to two of the front companies formed for Michael Ross Roberts Reputation Management enterprise. His first purchased, 2012, was a $5,000 protections fees for his children to stop Cyber Bullying. About six months later, in March, Rexxfield contacted him offering help with his reputation management issues, this time through a salesman who identified himself as Mr. Blue.  This is a common tactic: use the victim's desperation (desperation that is caused by being ripped off in the first place) to bilk him for even more money

My husband and I began to look into and discovered multiple criminals and fraudsters involved with the Michael Ross Roberts, I’d like to introduce everyone to the real Michael Ross Roberts. Michael is one of the founders of IDEFAME, Authorized Statement, Rexxfield and Personal Reputation Repair, et al.

And as you will see from the documents below, Michael Ross Roberts Rexxfield Authorized Statement was charged and was convicted of domestic assault and child abuse. I’m not saying that people cannot change necessarily, but when you look at the fact that he’s working with convicted felons, attempted to extort the leading consumer advocacy website (ripoffreport.com), was exposed by Fox News for creating a nationwide Cyber Bullying scheme to shakedown parents to buy his Reputation Management services (click to listen to plans to make children commit suicide to drive Reputation Management and SEO sales) …well…something just doesn’t seem right. Anyone reading this needs to go click on each of the links and read them for themselves.  Michael Ross Roberts Rexxfield / Authorized Statement has been destroying people’s lives and business reputations then charging them to fix the very damage he has done.

So many crimes, all by the over 3,000 businesses  Michael Ross Roberts Rexxfield operates under (e.g. Authorized Statement, Idefame, Rexxfield, PersonalReputationRepair, ) After speaking with Darren Meade, whose been investigating Michael Roberts for several years,  looks like he is going down for a murder for hire scheme Michael Ross Roberts orchestrated 10 years that killed his young lover.

According to Michael Roberts Rexxfield, everyone (his boyfriends, business partners, ex-wives, etc…) has f*cked the poor guy over, when all he is trying to do is be his wonderful self. I’m totally sure everything is always everyone else’s fault, and he’s not delusional at all.


Back not too long ago my wife and I were approached by Michael Roberts Rexxfield and his multiple companies (authorized statement) and had we sold hook line and sinker. He also made claims how he was going to force Google, Yahoo Bing change their ways everyone needs to read the links below to understand who this vicious wolf in sheep’s clothing really is he is a sweet talker con man who will end up threatening you and make things worse if you do not continue paying him. Yes, I have spoken to many people who were victims of Michael Ross Roberts Rexxfield Authorized Statement. I am also a member of Ripoff Report corporate advocacy program Ed Magedson has no idea what I and my family have gone through this and as he told us when we joined the Corporate Advocacy Program he told us the first thing we had to do “to make things right with all your customers from the past” which we did so proudly and we know we are a better business for it today as we made mistakes as we all do.  My husband and I had problems with not only Ripoff Report but other consumer sites as well and we wanted to get rid of the complaints and reviews...

You can’t hide from complaints as the owner of this site says – “we are all going to get complaints” We did not confer or speak with Ripoff Report but did send an email asking them to feature our experience with Michel Ross Roberts Rexxfield Authorized Statement. After having a phone conversation with a fellow named Darren Meade from what I understand he testified in court and spoke to the FBI in Arizona and California.

Link for ‘consumer advocacy’ – This link is the website which helped us understand how consumers should be treated.


Link for ‘attempted to extort’ – This link will show the actual communication when Michael Ross Roberts Rexxfield Authorized Statement attempted to extort Ed Magedson Ripoff Report and their attorneys.


Link for ‘child abuse’ – This link will take you to the FOUNDED child abuse report it details the continual abuse of children at the hand of Michael Ross Roberts.


Link for ‘ripoffreport.com’ this link details Michael Roberts convicted felon business partners.


Link for ‘click to listen to plans to make children commit suicide to drive Reputation Management and SEO sales’


Link for ‘Fox news for creating a nationwide Cyber Bullying campaign’


Link for ‘murder for hire scheme he orchestrated 10 years ago.’


Link for ‘…) has f*cked the poor guy over, when all he is trying to do is be his wonderful self.’ This link will take you to multiple victims of Michael Ross Roberts.


Link for ‘repulsed by the very mention’ this link has multiple documents which every reader should open and review for themselves.


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4 Updates & Rebuttals

All about the money

New York,
I worked for Michael Roberts / Rexxfield in Las Vegas

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 06, 2013

Michael Roberts?

Is this a guy who owns Rexxfield?

If so I worked for him in Las Vegas. This freak had another scheme which failed. People who work in the retail and service sectors don't get a ton of respect.  Which isn't really fair; although these are often entry level jobs, companies  don't give control of their cash and inventory to just anyone. These positions  require a fairly high level of responsibility and aren't staffed by complete  idiots.

In 2010  when he walked -- no, let's say sauntered -- into a video store and  claimed that he worked for the state's "Age Verification Unit" and would  need copies of pornography tapes to verify that the performers were of legal  age. He even had a badge with him.

This, surprisingly, didn't work.  A brief survey of  the local underworld later ... Roberts begins offering services (pro-bono) to local strippers.


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Reputation Rape Survivor

RipoffReportPlus.com aka Authorized Statement

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, September 05, 2013



I lost my money, I lost my friends, and I lost my reputation. I was discredited. It ruined my life.

We met Michael Roberts via phone and signed up for his services via RipoffReportPlus.com. He promised Ripoff Report removal, in 2011. Like all the other victims things became worse after we became clients and tried to leave the program because it simply did not work.

I awoke to 30 new complaints the day after we cancelled services. I was accused of rape, child molestation, tax evasion - and claims the knocking the do police shuttered my business because  I'm some sort of underworld figure. Those comments all went away when we agreed to continue to pay the monthly 'maintenance fee'week. As a Realtor my reputation is everything. One time I tried to cancel and the next day they said the police raided an open house and  put me on the ground with guns in my face.

He's been pulling the same scam for years - just different business entities. Once you sign up, you can nevr leave the program. He runs what's called a 'Reputational Analysis' which includes finding out who your closest friends are and they are targeted when you try to leave. My friends warned me something was creepy about him.


Greed + Criminal Mind + Extortion = Authorized Statement

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, September 05, 2013

We also owned a business which tried to hide the truth of customer complaints and reviews. After joining Authorized Statement things turned from bad-to-worse. When we asked to leave the program my child was became a victim of being cyber bullied and we saw 'new' purposely disseminate negative and disparaging information about us to force us to remain as a paying client.

Each time we try to leave - new assaults take place on all our loved ones Reputation's. We are stuck, don't fall into this trap.


Michael Roberts: I was a monster. I'm a better person, Authorized Statement is different than SEOP, Rexxfield, Andy Beal, Reputaion Management Partners, Ripoff Report Plus, etc.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, September 04, 2013

It seems only fitting that a rip off report be filed against Michael Roberts, founder of Authorized Statement.org, (and 3,000 other extortion store fronts in SEO/Reputation Management) considering that he and his company were recently exposed by FOX News as part of an EXCLUSIVE report that implicates him in a hacking scheme against rip off report and illegally manipulating search results: EXCLUSIVE: Online reputation manager (Rexxfield) hacked websites to 'inject' illegal code By Perry Chiramonte.


The Lord Commandeth of Thy - Michael Roberts is more like a homeless crackhead that shoots up in an abandon building. One day he is conspiring how to rob someone for money or drugs, and the next day he is on the phones at one of his fly by night Reputation Management companies claiming he can uncover stalkers through "digital forensics." and knows the secret to manipulating search engines like any drug addict he continues to lie, cheat, steal and extort from anyone. He has nearly 3,000 different SEO company names - WHY?

Michael Ross Roberts uses his evangelist position to dupe people into visting his webiste and once he knows you have money he becomes a  super-uber-freak, the ultimate "troll" and cyber-terrorist, who then vocationally paralyzes you by attacking your business. If you ever try to leave Authorized Statement (SEOP, ANDY BEAL, REXXFIELD, REPUTATION MANAGEMENT PARTNERS) then your children or family members are targeted.


This is all done as a part of the "Lords calling", where he cites some propoganda to propell his religious Jihad...against Google and Ripoff Report...oh boy!

Michael Roberts is a Class A scam artist, and his craft of "Internet Forensics, " yada yada, is pure garbage and about as useful of taking your chances with Three-Card Monte.



Stay away from AuthorizedStatement.org and Michael Roberts, who will scam anyone, and has never actually helped a single victims with reputation management, but instead secretly besmirch's them and then extort. My daughter and I were victims of Michael Roberts in 2010 under another of his companies called at the time Reputation Management Partners. We were raped just as the person who wrote the original report.


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