  • Report:  #68660

Complaint Review: Autobody America - Raleigh North Carolina

Reported By:
- Garner, North Carolina,

Autobody America
Newbern Ave. Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was not surprised at all to see Autobody America on this list. After having them fix my jeep when it should of been totaled, cost my insurance company over 10 grand and keep my car for over three months only for it still to not be fixed correctly. We went all the way to the President of this company without results, only broken and misleading promises. My insurance company finally stepped in and as last we were told they no longer use Autobody America as one of their recommended dealers. We were also told that the individuals working on the car had either quit or got fired.

If you are considering taking your car there please reconsider, being in an accident is stressful enough without having to worry about the integrity of your vehicle being fixed.

I am not trying to bad mouth any company I just think others should be aware of the experience We had.


North Carolina

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